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October 04, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-04

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Radiocasts to Continue,'
through Holidays,
Humphries, Henderson,
Yost to Give Talks
Tomorrow Night
Radio Night programs waill be
broadcast weekly throughout the
1929-30 school year at the Univer-
sity, it was announced late yester
day by Prof. Waldo Abbott, of the
Rhetoric department, who is in
charge of the programs and is an-
nouncer for the broadcast. This is
the third year that the series of
programs will be held.
Beginning October 6, the pro-
grams will be broadcast, through

Late yesterday afternoon as the
rain was falling fast, a hatless,'
slickerless senior literary student i
gazed out disconsolately from the'
side door of Angell hall. As he hes-
itated he heard a voice behindI
"You're going to get wet. That
is, unless you wish to share my um-
brella." And a quite personable
young lady came up the steps, Ten Guards Hostages
opened the aforementioned um- ofArmedPrisoners
brella and convoyed the senior torr
a State street drug store, dry as the in Cell Block
proverbial chip.
And today there is at leastone! GIVE WARDEN ULTIMATUM
man on the campus who is ready -
to argue with anyone who says
Michigan women are all "ritzy" or Machine Guns, and Gas
"high hat."-1 Rushed to Scene by
"This co-education isn't such a
bad idea, after all" he said. State Police



Announcement that 27 students
in the engineering and architecture
colleged achieved all-A scholarship
records last semester was made yes- ATFI0OF G RMAN
terday at the registrar's office.L C
Students in the engineering col-
lege who received all-A scholarship
reports were: Wilfred A. Bychinsky,
James B. Foley, George' E. Holbrook,
Karl Kammermeyer, Lee R. Baker,
alleof Ann Arbor; Bassila A. D'alleva, Stresemann Hailed as!
Clevo D. Jones, Clarence Larson, Second Bismarck
Dale Watkins and Robert G. Harris, Mesaes
Detroit; Gustavus Anderson, Grand inMessages
Rapids; Fernando Aragon, Costa
Rica; Robert O. Barr, Lima, 0 DAWES SENDS MESSAGE
John W. Brown, Newberry; Allison
Evans, Erie, Pa.; John C. Geyer,
Neosho, Mo., Oliver B. Goldsmith' Last Rites to be Held in
Kalamazoo; John Hessel Grand Reichstag, Scene of
Rapids; Robert M. Hubbard, Mobile,
Ala.; John C. Kohl, Bowling Green, Many Triumphs
O., Louis Levine, Toledo; John E.
Ohlson, Anson, Canal Zone; War- (By Associated Press)
ren Rockfeller, Highland Park;' BERLIN, Germany, Oct. 4.-Ber-
Wilburn C. Schroeder, Jackson; lin today received from govern-
Floyd V. Schultz, Petersburg; John ments in all parts of the world con-
Staudt, Aurora, Ill.; Edward Yen- dolences on the death of Gustav
dell, Highland Park. Stresemann, foreign minister of the,
Three were named in the college Reichs. The messages hailed him
of archecture. They were Albert as the greatest German diplomat 7
W. Olson, Escanaba, and Malcom since Bismack and their very num-I
Stirton and Lyle Zisler, Detroit. ber testified to the wide-spread ef-
fect of his work for rehabilitation
[HESH EN S ON~n of the Fatherland, and the cause
FMof word peace.
Here in Germany, as the news'
spread of the statesman's decease.
!from a heart attack in the early
morning, there was almost a com-
plete halt in both the political and
economic field. "What will happen i
to the Young plan?" and "To whom'
will Germany turn now?" were the
First Year Men Meet questions on every tongue.

Foreign Value as Basis"
fn Acccnv ntaR t

CANON CITY, Colo., Oct. 3.
Nine to eleven lives had been
taken at 8 o'clock tonight in a
desperate attempt by convicts
at the State Penitentiary here
to gain their freedom by
mutiny. Five guards were
known to be dead and one ob-
server said there were four to
six bodies of convicts in the
prison yard.


the courtesy of Station WJR, De- ( ye Asciaed P es)
troit, between 7 and 8 o'clock each to be Abandoned CANON CITY, Colo., Oct. 3.-The
Saturday evening until the end of forbidding walls of the Colorado
April, Professor Abbott stated. A By D. Harold Oliver, A. P. State penitentiary were trans-
policy similar to that of the past Staff Writer formed into battlements tonight
two years will be maintained. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 3- following a day of rioting in which
First Program Tomorrow. The Senate proceeded today in an three guards were killed and sev-
The first program, tomorrow unexpected calm after the storm eral wounded.
night, will consist of talks by Field- that crashed the administration An army of guards and special
ing H. Yost, director of interschol- flexible tariff plan on the rocks, officers on duty around the prison
astic athletics, Wilbur Humphreys, and adopted without record vote had made some headway in quell-,
assistant dean of the College of two Republican amendments to the I ing the outbreak, but 150 convicts
Literature, Science and the Arts tariff bill looking to future aban- quartered in cellhouse No. 3 still
and selections by the University donment of foreign value as a ba- were determined to make resis-
band. sis for assessing ad valorem rates. ? tance. They held 10 guards as host-
But sponsored by Senator Reed ages.
Coach Yost will speak to thejof Pennsylvania, a Republican The extent to which the 150 still
young men of the state on the member of the finance committee, mutinous prisoners were masters of
theme that the ideals shown i one of the amendments would the situation within the prison
4oy Scout work make far the best authorize the tariff commission to walls was indicated late today when
men on the University football convert all percentage duties in the a note tossed over the walls issued
concerning the place education has bill into rates calculated on do- an ultimatum to Warden Crawford
nthernianhpcemeduthetate.nh mestic value and report the rate that the prison guards held inside
In the advancement of the state. 1to Congress for action by Janu- would not be shot unless the war-
Director Henderson will tell howI ary 31, 1932. The second action den had three automobiles outside
the University aids the people of restored a house provision to auth- the prison walls at sundown. The
the state through the extension di- orize the President to order an in- note added that if the automobiles
vision. vestigation by some government were furnished the guards would
Falcone To Direct Band. agency of the feasibility of adopt- be taken along as hostages to pre-
The band, under the direction of ing some form of domestic value vent the convicts being fired upon.
Nicholas Falcone, will be held in and report to Congress on the for- At a safe distance from the prison
Morris hall. Because of the large mula found most practicable. the guards would be released, the
membership of the band, visitors This provision was eliminated by note said.
will not be permitted. the finance committee in the be- Armed Guards Enter Prison.
The radio programs will be held lief that the tariff commission con- Before the ultimatum was issued
through Christmas vacation, the version amendment was sufficient armed guards had succeeded in en-
examination period, and the spring but Chairman Smoot agreed to its tering the prison and localizing the
recess, Prof. Abbott announced. restoration after Senator Norris. mutiny to cellhouse No. 3. At 4 p.
There will be no program Decem- Republican, Nebraska, suggested it m., 200 mutineers laid down their
ber 28, however, as it will interfere would be better to have two agen- makeshift arms and declared they,
with the broadcasting of the inter- cies studying the question at the would fight no longer.
sectional football game at Los An- same time. Warden Crawford refused to heed
geles. While Senato s King, Utah, Har -the ultimatum thrown from the
gales._____ rison, Mississippi, and George, ofJprsnadifmeGororW
Georgia,. Democrats, assailed the . n nomd oenrW
GeoriaDemcras, ssaledtheH. Adams at Denver of his decision.
Club Meets To Hold Reed amendment as a disguised The governor approved the War-
move to obtain higher protection ,
Election Of Officers for industry, Senator Norris, one den s action. Warden Crawford also
.,F+ L . ;"~n~ni A A 4.C informed the governor that the

Associated Press Photo
Sir Esme Howard
Sir Esme Howard, British am-
bassador to the United States, will
be the host of Ramsay MacDonald,
British premier, on the occasion of
the latter's visit to the United
States as an "ambassador of
( ByAssociated Press)
GARIA, Oct. 3.-Ramsay MacDon-
ald tonight was on the eve of his
great adventure as the first Brit-
ish Prime Minister in history to
land, in his official capacity, on
American soil. He is about to en-
ter a friendly country for a broth-
erly clasp of the hand of the Pres-
ident of the United States in a
gesture symbolic of the fellowship
between two great English speaking
Holland Man to Teach
Course in Study' of
Soil Conditions
Announcement was officially
made yesterday afternoon at head-
quarters of the geology department
that M. W. Senstius, Ph.D., a native
of Holland, and a former Michigan
student, has been appointed as as-
sistant professor in the department.
Professor Senstius has been placed

Ambitious Plans Laid
for Building and
Semi-soarer Type Ship
Being Designed by
Following a summer of highly
I successful competition and exhibi-
tion flights in Ohio and Pennsyl-
vania, the Glider section of the
Aeronautical society is planning
for the current college year an am-
bitious program of building and fly-
ing, both primary and secondary
types of ships, according to Robert
B. Evans, '30, chairman of the sec-
tion. Aamembership of 100 is the
j the goal of a drive which will start
Monday night with the first gen-
eral meeting of the section to be
held at 7:30 o'clock in Room 348
West Engineering building. The
i meeting will be open to all inter-
ested in gliding.
Work Nears Completion.
Work yesterday was nearing corn
pletion on the rebuilding of the
section's training ship which was
jcracked up during competition at
the Cleveland air show last August.
It will probably be flying Sunday.
A second primary training ship
manufactured by Gliders, Inc., of
Orion, has been donated by the Ex-
change club of Detroit and will be
delivered soon to Ann Arbor. The
section is also planning to build a
third primary ship as soon as the
new membership can be organized
into working groups, Evans said
last night.
Milton Stoughton, '28E, techni-
cal section of the section, is de-
signing a secondary ship with en-
closed fuselage aid greater wing-
spread which will be used by the
more expert pilots in their efforts
to qualify for the National Glider
i association's second class glider
pilot's license which requires a
I flight of one minute duration with
a right and left turn. -Five of the
section's pilots have already earned
the third class license which re-
quires a flight of 30 seconds dura-
Other equipment purchased or
made by the section during the
, d mlot t o f



of the Republican inepenents mutiners had burned all the
Election of officers will be the who joined the Democrats in their blankets within the prison in addi-
principal business before the Mich- successful effort to write their own tionktththetpres.nThngov
igan section of American Electro- i flexible tariff plan into the bill, I tion to the other stores. te gov-
chemical society when it meets in was found in accord with the Re- ernor promised asupplby of Nationa
Ann Arbor Saturday. publican regulars. G boankty or te se o
A block of tickets for the Michi- The Nebraskan agreed there were hcesurrenderedC risonerthe usthe
an State football game has been many defects in the present sys
reserved by those who willaaatend I tem of assessing percentage duties guA National G u a r d airplane
the meeting. After the game a ban- and said he preferred to have the
quet will be held at the Women's second investigation conducted by
LegueT is will be folloeny an agency other than the tariff patched from Lowrey Field, Denver.
short business meeting, after which commission if the two agencies ol Rushed to Scene.
Prof. H. H. Bartlett will speak. , agreed on the method to be fol- Automobiles filled with police
Prof.H.HBartlett lsadektwo.tp lowed, he said, this would addi were sent from PeubboColo ado
Prof. Bartlett has made two trips weight to the proposal to be rec- Springs and Denver. The Denvert
to Sumatra recently to investigate ommended to Congress. police brought along two machine
the growing of rubber trees. While ;guns. The three guards killed in
there he lived for a time with a., (the rioting were J. G. Irwin, Walter
group of jungle natives, the Bataks, All sophomores and secend Rinker and R. T. Brown. Among
and he will give an account of his semester freshmen who wish to the wounded guards was Roberty
experiences and the native cus-1 try out for the editorial staff Goodwin, of Denver.
toms. d of the Michiganensian are re- IThde of Deemutiny was re-
quested to report at the office in ported to be Danny Daniels and his
r Elected T the Press Building at once. lieutenant was a convict named
varri Elected To_ _ _ _ _ _ _iPurdue.
Head Senior Classl.-.-
John-E!.Skeleton of Prehistoric Elephant,I
John E. Warriner,'30Ed., was elect-
ed to the presidency of the Senior Par"s Missing, Grace Museum
la in the school of Education P to


Campus Celebrities
At Gathering
Many freshmen were attracted to
the annual Union-Frosh smokert
held last night at the Union. Freea
cider and doughnuts were furnish-f
ed the guests, and cigarettes werel
The meeting was opened by the'
University Band, which furnished
music from 7 o'clock until aboutl
7:20. Then Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30,l
president of the Union, introduced
Stanton Todd, '30, 'Varsity cheerI
leader, who led the freshmen in a
yell for the band.I
Lloyd then proceeded to intro-
duce George E. Simons, '30, news
editor of The Daily, who spoke on
student activities, declaring that
they were the second most import-
ant phase of college life. Schol-
arship comes first, Simons declar-
ed, and social contacts have thirdt
Ernest C. Reif, '30, president of
the Student Council, made a plea
to the freshmen not to engage in
riots or wild celebrations after theE
football games. ,
Harry Kipke, 'Varsity football!
coach, assured the first year men
that they would remember their'
freshman year as the most pleas-
ant they had spent in college.
Lloyd then introduced the cap-
tains of most of the 'Varsity ath-;
letic teams. Joe Truskowski and
Harvey Straub were the only two
captains not present. Straub has
not yet returned from a trip to
Japan with the baseball team.
The meeting then broke up into
small groups, with the freshmen
taking advantage of the oppor-
tunity offered of becoming person-
ally acquainted with the most im-
portant men of campus life.
The Union-Frosh smoker is an
annual event. ++
Michigan Professors
Will Attend Meeting
Prof. A. H. White, of the chem-
ical engineering department and
Prof. Elmore S. Pettyjohn, of the
gas engineering department, will
take an active part in the meetings
of the American GashAssociation
which will be held at Atlantic City,
October 14, 15, 16.
Professor White will give a paper
on "Application of Chemical En-
gineering to Gas Engineering Prob-
lems," and Professor Pettyjohn will'
have as his topic, "Applications of
Bituminous Coal."
Professor White, after attendingf
the meeting in Atlantic City, will
go to New York to attend the
monthly council of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. He
is national president of the organi-

economist andt statesman pac ac scmmer mncuc es a compete set or
t-ein the department of peddology, a l tools for their workshop in the
comnplished. tol o hi wrso h
___ _-study of soils from the point of view I basement of the Natural Science
of the geographer, foresty student, building, aatrailer for transporting
S chmeling Will Bring
and geologist. the ships, and a car to be used in
Arctic Data To Hobbs Professor Senstius received his hauling and towing.
_A.. degree from the University of;
Evans S. Schmeling, assistant Utrecht in Holland, his Master of Walllace Franklin, Spec., and
aerologist of the University Green- Arts degree from Michigan in 1919,' Bazil G. Reed, '30 E, members of the
land expedition, is expected to ar- and was awarded the doctorate in Glider section, both barnstormed
rive in New York on Sunday of this June, 1928, at Ann Rrbor. During tihrough Pennsylvania during the
week with valuable data concerning the intervening year he has been summer with a secondary ship
the observations made during the at Rutgers University, at New I built by Franklin and his brother,
past year, it was made known yes- Brunswick, N. J., where he assumed Prof. Rosewell E. Franklin, flying
terday by Prof. William H. Hobbs, a role similar to the position he now behind autoshand airplanes and
head of the Geology department holds at Michigan. Besides being the shock cord off hills.
and director of the expedition. 'an accomplished scholar with the'rakln won therit he Cleve-
Schmeling made the trip ' from Ilknowledge of several languages at Iand air showfor the most impres-
Greenland via the Scandanavian his command, Dr. Senstius has!
American liner Oscar II, after a studied in many European and I landed his ship in front of the
stay of 13 months in the Arctic. American universities. His courses grandstand after ferrying it 200
The compiled material which at Michigan should prove of inter- miles from Detroit behind a power
1 Schmeling is bringing back to Pro- est to students of geology, geog- plane.
fessor Hobbs is some of the most graphy and forestry, says Professor Evans, in a Gliders, Inc., PT2, won
valuable ever received from the William H. Hobbs, head of the de- a second place in the Cleveland
University's northern station. Pro- partment. competition after the glider see-
fessor Hobbs intends to begin work !_tion's train ship was washed out in
on another phase of the geology of a spin while being towed behind an
the north. Busses Procured For automobile.
Schmeling, also a Michigan man, ning f 'MiraCe t the present time Franklin is
was formerly an athlete at Ann___ at Uniontown, Pa., competing With
Arbormwhile a student in the Uni- his ship against the Goodyear "Con-
versity. Special busses, which will leave j dor," a soarer flown by Dr. Klein-
Ethe Union at 6:30 o'clock Monday perer, German gliding ace. Klem-
To Codnight, will provide accommodations perer is shooting for world marks
Regfor students who wish to see "TheI over some of the best soaring ter-
Two Meetings Friday rain he has yet discovered in the
Mirical," Reindhardt's mammoth United States.
pantomimic drama, which then
Camopus. Believes Early Meeting'opnafurweeggmntt'
CWill Be Held To Discussen opens a four week engagement at Brother And Sister
WillBe Hld T Disuss Olympia in Detroit. For the first r~lls n 1 I
Choice For President 'performance, 500 tickets at a special Conquer Mixed Field
Mprice of $1.00 have been reserved
Members of the Michigan board for the students of the university. Jarvis S. Hicks, '32, paired with
of regents will meet informally at Originating in London in 1911, his famous sister, Miss Helen Hicks.
3:30 Friday afternoon, four hours this production has broken all rec- winner of the women's golf cham-
before the beginning of the formal ords in cities all over the world. pionship of Canada last week,
session at 7:30. The campus guess Princess Matchabelli, who created played sensational golf yesterday
is that the early meeting is for dis- the role of Madonna in the original over the Oakland Hills course in
cussion of the presidential prob- performance, will again have the Birmingham to win the national
lem which has been before the re- lead in Detroit, supported by a cast;best-ball mixed championship. They
gents since last February. of about 700. conquered a field of the best wom-
Sentiment on the campus is ! en players in the country assembled
about evenly divided -on whether Faculty members who have in Birmingham for the women's
action will take place at this meet- Fty embs wo he national championship.
.w "... P- 41- ,, 4.1tt - - 4- not as yet subscribed to The I __ - , ~ ,

Government Pauses.
The cabinet met this afternoon
and President Paul Von Hinden-
burg prepared to come to Berlin for
a formal council with the heads of
the government. The associates of
Herr Stresemann decided that
every possible honor should be paid
by the state and a great public
funeral next Sunday. But details,
such as whether as the Reichsweir
would furnish a military guard of
honor, were left to the decision of
President Von Hindenburg as com-
mander in chief. It was decided,
however,.to.have the ceremonies in
the Reichstag, scene of many a po-
litical struggle and triumph by
Messages Pour In.
The messages of condolence be-
gan to arrive early in the day both
at government headquarters and at
the home where Frau Stresemann
and her two sons mourned the pass-
ing of a husband and a father.
Those sent to the government
paid tribute to the international
importance of the task which the
Ponnnmict. nrlc4-o +,v,, had d e


yesterday afternoon. The classwasr
unanimous in its choice of Edna
Mae Jennings as vice-president.
Marie Swanson polled a small ma-
jority in the election of secretary to
defeat Frances Bilby, her nearest
rival. Arthur E. Lean was chosen
as treasurer. Others nominated for
offices were: President, J. W. Or-
wig, J. F. Moore; secretary, Frances'
tilby, Agnes MacDonald; and treas-
urer, Ralph Mueller.

Parts of the skeleton of a pre-
historic elephant-the second ever
to have been reported as found int
Michigan-are expected to arrive
in Ann Arbor within a few days, it1
is announced by officials of theI
University museum.
A field worker from the Museum'
has spent more than a month in
unearthing the skeleton, which
was found Aug. 19 Cassopolis, and.
the bones are reported to be now
ready for shipment.;

found in a badly crushed condi-
tion. Four teeth, the complete
dental set of this creature, were un-
earthed. They weighed approxi-
mately 10 1-2 pounds each. Tusks
have not been found, but officials
have expressed the hope that con-
tinued digging will discover these.
Representatives of the University
Museum who went to the scene of
the fossil find Aug. 19 report that
souvenir hunters had carried off
much of the skeleton. A careful
search of the territory revealed


f~A~ :_

i f r ii_ _ __l w if t_____

The skeleton is about 12 feet; most of the missing parts. All four

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