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December 15, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-15

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VOL. XL. NO. 66.




NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 14. hailed the revolt of the Haiti
Fourteen men and women were ar- workers and their children. A
rested and two policemen were in- "Hoover declares war on worker
ljured today in two demonstrations these communists marched town
- 0 owstaged by communists who carried 'theCity Hall singing "Internatio
banners applauding the Haitian
Bhen ordrstto dsperseI





Of 27-214 ON EASTERN


Facultv. Town and Crown Invited

^j =

revolt unheeded, mounted police charged: to Attend Representative
$160 000,000 Slash on Income After a parade had been broken the parade. The enraged crowd
in front of the City Hall by a then made a dash for the City Hall, Dinner on Tuesday.
chsrgesofeountedspolcemuneand sweeping through a line of police-
AysasentsMarit.charge of mounted policemen and men standing guard on the steps. REGENT MURFIN TO TALK>
reserves, the communists retreated Police stationed inside the building
INSURGENTS LOSE FIGHT nion Square o start their de stemmed the rush, and after the Students and Residents of Ann
onstrations anew, but bolted and first ten of their number entering; AbrUieriyed
fled into the safety of their own the City Hall had been placed un- Arbor, University Heads
Democrats, Republicans Make buildings, the Worker's Center, der arrest, the others turned and Asked to Take Active Part.
Definite Combination for when the police followed them. fled.-
Natio's PrPolice had advanced information Men and women of the campus,
.onsProsperity.-ofthe proposed parade and as-1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-Presi- faculty, and town have been in-
ay Francis M. Stephenson, A.P. signed a detail to prevent disorder dent Hoover had 36 communists re- vited to attend the Goodwill ban-
Stiff Writernn Department of Justice agents after leased from jail today after their quent which is to be held at 6:15
A S tff WriCter . h4earding a rept t e edeal arrest during a. demonstration in
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 14- building was to be bombed, also front of the White House, taking o'clock Tuesday eveningiinthehball-
A lsh0 10,0,00i nex rushd tthscntogad hethe position that they should be room of the Union, it was an-
year's dues of individual and cor- building, which is near the City "sent to their parents" instead of nounced by Kenneth M. Lloyd, '39,:
poration income tax payers was iHall. granting them "the favor of cheap president. Regent James O. Murfin,<
a.~ured today with the adoption by ~ Carrying placards bearing the' martyrdom." .>
asue oa ihteaoto yinscription "Workers" children matrdm of Detroit, will be the principal
the Senate of the House tax reso- IiHis action introduced something
luion by a 63 to 14 vote. ~~~ new in handling of such spasmodic! speaker, and representatives of all
Republican and Democratic lead-d emonstrations which occur in! other Ann Arbor religious organi-
Republcan an.lDemoratic ead-I'front of the White House or the ztos r~ e rsn t ak
posal and repeated attempts to J has been members of such in The banque which will be en-
amend or substitute the tax cut I ISS1 9 I recent years, especially after ques- tirely informal, is being held with
were overwhelmed throe hout a tions in connection with foreign tf curlose of creating a feeling
long day of debate. trgh T policties have been given unusual of cser relationship between the
Western Republican independ- attention. various sects represented on the fil.lrdge
en_____aledahttention.as campus and between the student " ri
gift to the rich, but Democratic Chorus Is Composed of Voices body, faculty, and townspeople. This Michigan forward, whose brilli-
gif m to phe rihb Demcrtic FrPTCIraiLitrat'eis believed to be the first affair of: ant ply featured last night's battle
spokesmen supported the conten- ; Fo hrlLtrtr ihPenyvnaoMh hldl
tion of the administration leaders rom Chral LieraturIIL,1 its kind to be held in any major with Pennsylvaa on the Philadel-
that It had buoyed up a delicate Class, Choral Union LAmerican university phian's home floor. The final score
economic situation and was vital Other speakers for the banquet was 27 to 24, with Orwig counting
in the revival of good conditions INVITE GENERAL PUBLIC l t U T N A 1111111have been announced: President our goals Irom the field
throughout the country. Alexander G. Ruthven, Mayor Ed-
Bi Goes to White House. George Friedrich Handel's '"Mes- ward W. Staebler, the Rev. Allison,
Eleven Western Republican in- siah" will be given by students of Proposal Designed to Prevent Ray Heaps, Rabbi Adolph H. Fink,
dependent and three Democrats ithe School of Must at 4:15 o'clocki Stepping on Seal in Father Allen J. Babcock, and T
were the only ones voting against I Hawley Tapping, general secretary n1
the resolution on a roll call reach- in Hill Auditorium. The first divi-. Library Foyer. of the Alumni association, who will WIN 11I 111Iethlso
ed late in the day. sion and the "Hallelujah Chorus"DE act as toastmaster. sionsIofiopinionU f r mva.
The resolution still must be will be presented. .SEAL GUARD PROPOSED Expressions of opinion from va-

Quakers Lead at Half Time, 13 to 7, in Hard
Fought Battle; Kanitz and Orwig
Start Belated Scoring Spree.
Special to The Daily
il .\ I".l.'l I I .\. Pa.. Dec. t4-Alichigan' basketball team cut
loose with a whirlwind attack in the last eight minutes of play tonight
and defeated the I ni versit Y of Pennsylvania quintet by a score of 27
to 24.
Penn's ')uakers led at the halfway mark. 1,3 to 7. awl with hut eight
minutes left to play, the \\olvermes were still trailing, 24 to r9. Itanitz
then shot two field goals im rapid succession and also scoredf our
points from the free throw line on a pair of donhle fouls. (")rwig ended
the scoring with a free throw.
kanitz and Orwt 1 were the brilliant co's ii the \\'esterner's ma-
chine. totaling 20 of the team's 27 points. Chapman jumping center
and playing guard on defense. was a bulwark of strength in the hard-
fought battle. Weiss, Sophomore forward, although playing; but a
few minutes. added a (ield goal to the team's total. while 'I'ruskowski
counted fire more points with a basket and three free tosses. Daniels
played the entire game at riunmig guard.


Slow Game Marked by 10 Point
Splurge as Battle Nears
End on Home Floor.
By Joe Russell.
Counting from the floor three
times and from the foul line once
in the closing minutes of play Carl

IPennsvl vauria's star on both of-
tense and defense was lrodbeck,
who counted four times from the
From the opening toss-up, the
Pennsylvania team had a comfort-
able margin throughout the first
half. Brodbeck, Quaker forward,
repeatedly broke loose through the
Michigan defense for easy coun-
ters, while Tanseer, guard on the
Eastern quintet, scored a pair of
field and added Lwo more from
the free throw line.
As the secona aalf opened, Mich -
igan put on a short scoring spurge
which was soon outdistanced by
Pennsylvania and the six point lead
with but eight minutes left to play
seemed too much for the Wolves
to overcome. Kanitz and Orwig
came to the rescue with their nine
point rally which caught the
Quakers off-balance and resulted
in a,close Michigan victory.

signed by President Hoover and it The chorus for the occasion is re-
goes to the White House on Mon- I
day. Mr. Hoover already has ad-dm
vocated it and his signature is ex- Choral Literature class and from,
pected forthwith. The legislation the University Choral Union.
ti the first of the regular session Soloists, chosen from the ranks
whieh began two weeks ago to f
complete the Congressional circit. of advanced students of the voice
The long day of debate centered department of the School of Music'
principally on business conditions will include the following: Mar-1
and brought frequent reference to jorie McClung, '31, soprano; Ruth:
unemployment. Senator Couzens, '31, soprano; Carolyn
Republican, Michigan, who spon- McCormick,3C
sored an amendment to include Slipicka, spec., soprano; Florence
also a reduction in the capital Boycheff, '30, contralto; Gertrude
gains and lost cuts from 12> to 11 Hicks, grad., contralto; Frank Ryan,1
per cent, said he had been reliably
informed that unemployment hai; grad., tenor; and John White,
advanced from 700,000 to more ' grad., bass.
than three million in recent days. The general public, with the ex-
He supported the taX cut as a ception of small children, is imvit-
means of diminishing unemploy- ed to attend. The doors will be
anent. closed during the solos and no op-
Revidion not Permanent. ' portunity will be offered for ad-
Senator War r, Democrat, New m ission during the numbers.
York, who sponiisored a recent in-
vestigation into unemployment, to- TROJANS BEA T
day took the same position and de-
plored that partisanship should CARNEGIE TECH
take any part' in consideration of
the resolution. 50,000 Fans .Witness Smoky
The Couzens amendment was re- City Gridders Trounced
jected 53 to 22, but Chairman C
Smoot of the finance committee by 4513 Score.
announced that he would favor the
proposal as the first point in the :(y Asociated Press
next general tax revision. COLISEUM, Los Angeles, Dec. 14.
The tax cut applies only on this --A Carnegie Tech scoring attack
year's income on which taxes are blossomed and flourished in the
to be paid next year. Democrats first half, wilted and was swepted
inquired whether a permanent re- J away before the determined Tro-
vision of the revenue rate was not Ians of Southern California in the
contemplated. Snioot indicated ylnal two periods of their clash here
that as soon as business was on a today, sending the Tartans to a 45
normal basis and the income of the to 13 defeat before 50,000 fans.
government could be definitely es- It was the tremendous; reserve
tablished that such a course would strength of the Trojans which
be considered. brought about the crash of a great.

Reinstatement of the tradition of

rious men well-known on the cam-
pus and in the city have all been!

Mann's Swimmers Take Four
Oll AfS E1Vf +vtr

never stepping on the University favorable. President Ruthven and uva or. eveno ventIITorrell, lanky Wolverine center,
seal on the floor of the lobby of Mayor Staebler have both heartily in Detroit Meet. enabled Coach Courtright's junior-
the Library has been approved by' approved the plan, and the Rev. _..
the Student council. Plans to have Heaps says of it, "The Goodwill Varsity cage team to win its first
the tradition observed by the stu- banquet should have the approval YACHT CLUB WINS POLO'game of the season from Kalama-
dents are being formul-ated by the and support of all forward-looking zoo College last night on the Yost
council. The action was taken af- r citizens. Every community should DETRO ITD 14 ico Field House floor by a 14-11 score.
ter it was pointed out that in the rid its mind of the dogma of re- TROIT, Dec. 14. - Michigan
past few years irreverence has been ligious prejudice and the Sin of triumphed over the Detroit Yacht Adding one basket in the first
shown the University by the stu- bigotry. Any step which will bring Club in a dual swimming meet here half to his second scoring rampage,
dents stepping on the seal. together members of the various tonight, 42 to 32, winning four out Torrell accounted for nine of his
Before taking steps for the ob- religious faiths in friendly unity of seven events. Following the team's points and easily copped
servation of the tradition the coun- and tend to promote mutual un- swimming meet, the Yacht Club, j high scoring honors for the even-
cil will attempt to have the date on derstanding should be encouraged." defeated the Michigan water polo
the seal changed. The date at pres- "It is particularly fitting," says team by 7 to 3. ing. His closest rival was Murdock
ent is 1337 which until last year was Rabbi Fink, "that a Goodwill meet- Don McClellan, former inter- of the invaders who dropped
considered the year of the found- ing be held before Christmas. collegiate champion defeated Bob through four field goals but failed
ing of the University. Recently, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men"' Goldsmith of Michigan in the 200- to make good on one of his four
however, the year 1317 has been de- is a sentiment that should at all vard breast stroke by coming from tried from the free throw mark.
clared the authentic date of the times be engraved on the tablets behind to win by inches at the fin- This inablity to count from the
founding. of human hearts and should moti- ish. The yacht club's other two vic-- foul line cost the Kalamazoo aggre-
Moving of the seal, which is in vate men's actions-now especially. tories were scored by former Michi - gation a chance to take the game
the form of a bronze medallion I am very happy that the banquet. gan swimmers. Tom Watson cap- since they sank only one out of
about three feet in diameter, from is the result of student initiative. turing the 220-yard free style while nine tries. Michigan did little bet-
the outer lobby to the inner one, Let the universities take the lead Dick Spindle won the back stroke. ter in this department, dropping
will likewise be taken up with the in creating a more livable world." Michigan won both relays, taking two out of six.
University officials, the council de- The various religious groups on medley when Bob Walker overtook The entire game was marked by
cided. In the latter position the the campus, including the Student Watson on the last lap to win by slow passing, poor ball handling,
seal would interfere less with stu- Christian association, Hillel foun- several yards. The yacht club swim- and inaccurate shooting with both
dents entering and leaving the dation, the Catholic Students cen- =mers led through the first 200 yards teams losing the ball on mad passes
Library. ter, as well as the Ann Arbor Min- of the race, but Walker's finish time and again. If shots of the
Erection of a guard around the isterial association, are supporting won for Michigan. "dog" variety coud have been made
seal for a few weeks to impress the the banquet. It has also been en- Summaries: the score could have been higher,
tradition on the undergraduate dorsed by the Student council and 200-yard relay: Won by Michigan although the guarding was unusu-
body has been proposed as a means the Women's league. (Hughes, Hubley, Reis, and Walk- ally close and the referee was kept
of affecting its observation. Representatives of all of these er). Time 1:41 4-5. busy calling the players for un-
organizations will be present and 200-yard breast stroke: Won by necessary roughness.
MEDICAL SOCIETY may speak. McClellan (D); Goldsmith (M), Van At the end of the first half the
Tickets for the banquet, priced' (D). Time 2:43 3-5. score stood 5-3, neither team hav-
HOLDS INITIATION at $1.25, are now on sale at the 50-yard free style: Won by Wal- ing shown much in the way of an
main desk in the Union and the aitis (M), Reis (M), Haudkenbornn offensive although both squads
The following seniors in the Women's League, Slater's and (Di. Time 25 seconds. were guarding closely. Michigan
medical school were initiated into Wahr's bookstores, Lane hall, -at all 150-yard backstroke: Won by slowed up its offense considerably
church offices. and through stu- Spindle (D), Valentine (M), Hub-'by showing a tendency to dribble
Alpha Omega Alpha, national honi-dent representatives. bell (D). Time 1:48 4-5. before passing and allowing the

Player G
Truskowski f.............. 1
Kanitz f .. ..3
W eiss f . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapman c.............0
Orw ir g . . ... :.. . .. .. .... 4
Laniels g .................0
Total ...................9
Player G
Lobley f .................. 0
U1rich f ...............0..1
M cN iff f ,. . .. . .. . ..... .. ...0

5 .3
0 1
0 0
1 1
0 0
9 6
0 1
0 1
0 1

Brodbeck f ............... 4
Sanger c ..................2
M agner g ............. .. .1
Tanseer g .................2




Totals .................10 4 11
Superintendent at Elmira Given
Post of Warden Jennings
Following Riots.
(lBy Associated F1 i )
AUBURN, N. Y.. Dec. 14.-Auburn
State Prison, which three days ago
was ,the, scene of a second- bloody
conflict in five months between
convict mutineers and the forces of
law, tonight had a new official in
contiol, replacing iWarden Edgar
S. Jennings.,
Dr. Frank L. Christian, superi-
tendent of the Elmira State Refor-
matory, today was appointed act-
in; warden by Governor Roose-
velt. Since the riot on Wednesday,
in which Jennings was held for
several hours as a hostage by the

offensive after the valiant aggre- orary schlastic fraternity, last
ORCHESIS WILL ration from the smoky city had week: Frederick Lendrum, William,
i 1 Ystartled everybody, including the D. -Coventry, Edwin Boerth, Henry
Omen of Troy, with a touchdown
SPONSOR ULTRA rush shortly after the opening kick- Sill, Elwood Mason, Ralph Patter-
.off, son, Horace Boyden, Harry Leavitt,'
DANCE RL Russell Saunders, driving, pass- and Miss Grace Gorham.
ing, quarterback and Francis Ta- A banquet was held at the Mich-
naan, sturdy left end, did most of A . .
World Famous Russians Secured the work which turned the tide to igan Union in their honor, which
for Distinctive Program a Southern California victory in was presided over by Dr. Udo J.'
of Modern Trend. the third period after the count Wile. Dean Hugh Cabot and Dr. A.
*_was deadlocked at half time, 13-13. M. Barret spoke to the initiates I
Two of the world's greatest din-IC
ers, Yvonne Georgi and Haral CAMPUS TRAVEL BUREAU OFFERS
Krautzberk, have been secured for VARIOUS HOME-GOING FACILITIES,
a dance recital January 9 an 101
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Special airplanes, chartered mo- Similar daily service is offered on!
The presentation is under the aus- tor parlor cars, extra service , to the Chicago division and the inter-
pices of the Orchesis society. local inter-state points, and all mediate stops, Battle Creek, Kala-
The recital will be of impression- manner of home-going facilities mazoo, and South Bend.
istic dances of the modern German were announced yesterday by the The other four lines, Greyhound,
school, and a new repertoire of newly-organized Compus Travel 1 Eeastern Michigan, Short Way, and
ideas has been acquired by the Bureau with two branches at the Southern Michigan are adding nu-
couple during their recent Euro- Union and Chubb House to handle merous special runs to their sched-
I ,,,.+.,...) +.n 4nin"+ir1" nf 'vA i',4',rmn.o- 1W 4fr-hi P'idri rim, it,

Glee Clubs and Band
Plan Annual Concert
-With the hope of bringing the
whole student body together before
the University closes for vacation
and extending to them their best
Christmas wishes, the men's glee
club, the women's glee club, and
i-he varsity band will unite in giving
their third annual joint concert
at 8:00 p. mn. Wednesday, Dec. 18,
in Hill Auditorium. The stage will
be appropriately decorated for
this traditional event.
Student applcant sfr Universi-
ty loans should call tomorrow at
the office of the dean of students
for appointiments with the Uni-

220-yard freestyle: Won by Wat- .alltamazoo ceense to get set for
sonl (Din, Ladd('M) , MacCaffree. 'them.
Time 2.32 2-5. In the second period however,
100-yard freestyle: Won by Wal- the teams showed that they;
aitis (M), Hubley M), Lawrence had profited by the talk which the
(D). Time 53 seconds, coaches had given them during
High board fancy diving: Won by the rest period and started to un-
Benjamin (D); Rieke (MI), Oxley leash faster drives. Most of these
(D). came to nothing under the oppo-

300-yard double relay-Medley:
Won by Michigan, Valentine, Gold-
smith, Walker. Time 3:16 2-5.
'B' Game Box Scores

nents basket either by fumbles or,
ir r iia o cliniso Ar i~fihnli

* I1WcuraitiA UUL5g. No ,sustained; convicts, and which cost the
scoring was done until Torrell and f t h e ,iniiai kene. rnan



Michigan FG FT P T
Holerf ............ 0 000
Pendell r'f .............. 1 0 0 2
Lindsay if ............. 0 0 1 0
Fall f................0 0 0 0
Torrell ............... 4 1 2 9
Justice rg (c)..........0 0 1 0
Coombe lg.............1 1 3 3

Murdock staged their duel in the
last half of the period with the
Wolverine holding a decided edge
over his opponent.
and the forwards for the -most part
were following their shots persist-
ently, but the tip-in trys would not
seenm to sink for them. At times
there emerged out of the haze of
mediocrity flashes of form which
indicate that the Junior Varsity is
capable of playing real basketball.
Early in the first half Coombe go-
ing at full speed took a nice pass

t11 1,11C (Jt1111ilPLt1 ArUjJGl + LIU

convicts, George A. Sullivan, ser-
geant of the prison guard had been
acting warden under appointment
by Dr. Raymond B. Kieb, state
commissioner of correction.
At the same time Governor
Roosevelt ordered Col. George F.
Chandler, founder and first super-
intendent of the New York State
police to conduct an investigation
and the personal representative of
the governor, into the conduct of
convicts, guards, and others dur-
ina the mutiny.



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