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December 14, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-14

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I " 0fk. 0

Hi rsch's Work on Early United States M i Reynolds Takes Pant4
* I1 toyWl ear in Magazinie Article s'Rhfhlf IfllofflCorneinOeaiI; ~tfh i

P ub a oni n the Bulletin is c v'tut v oi o al m m esli .f 11 IT DII l~
ofbeUiest. oyrcic y the Asi tstant toithe*Pr J sa n~l~nt~icisiiai u~Jy South F(>.rotia. i HlAlIU111 U I M UI
dent until 3:30 p. ina. (11:30) a in, Saturday) to Appear Soon; lan uhstory wi11 auppar Iin the D-'
VOL. X1.SATTJ)AYV , iUEsC lMlRER 14, 1929 No. 65 Thiree Volume Book. cemubr isue ofthte "Illinois State Negative Team of Levy, Bosche
- 1iktrical -Review." Professor and Dunn Is Defeated
* 7j7~ - Folowing ; prolonged reearchli WH irschhas chosen to analyze "His-
Instructors and Assistants ini the Various Departments: The Presiz ----jc oielVle i M(-ctryIt- ~t i~aos
dent wil appreciate the co--ol. ratioii of itructorsi and assistaniei.iJt~\I~~[ts i.n 'cr.Qt \Uie' ic rtll lo im icWsttoey ICSS HAN TO S
the various departments in tiling ,out lenid returning pron'ipbly to 1hP> I hle nciep'riitJ i J. oy, is zioflQWort ionis of his reserch findings;
office the questionnaires wbPiil are being Sent to thorn by Campus uil "aling tr: ,,,:iat'onof 1l in el onzteniporaiieoiis literature of Michi ai?.s negative debating+
mail. Thc object of the inquiry is to investigate the usec of the titl( inin uli.u'I ,-e fr eici oegnadfote Aeia ea a eetdfyterpe
.and the varying duties whlci ha',tv'h: to them in the different parts iczt. noati°c o crtu frinadfote mrcn u1ta.wsdfae yterpe
of the University. periodicals aad into miaterial for a! thors.E sentatives of the University of Mn-
Frank E. Robbins thdree -; rlume wo k covering hisl The main bads (,f Professor: esota in a conference debate at
original r'ca . uhes. The first of, Hirsch's resarchi work will be given!1
Commtte on tudnt. ffars:At anweug o th Comitte ~these a liclh's rappears in the No- in a three-volume work on "Social IMnepls hrdyeeig h
Cote nStudent Affairs:hed Act ar12 e ice xvaspreseted soiitang vembei' vsue of "ran sactions of, Backgrounds of Session Legisla-( topic for the discussion was, "Re-
ctuertA faibrs hl of th er1,ovten~ spe freshin s elis n thats-! z v, the inno Society of South tion in the American Colonies." In i solved: that the principle of the
tertactngeuers isthe ruction fom ffisoff Ihe orlpanipatlon fto lCaroiina," under the title, "Work preparing the first of the volumes, chain store system is detrimental.
"get~~~~~~~~~~ a" ;tnste, a cu iw 'la~ cc'-re rwn ~of l+Fiali:s Le j au." Thiearticie,, ,wich will soon go to press, Pr'o- 'to the best interests of the 'United
the yard of a resident of Godedls Avouc -ond rcnivccl It to the (rater- basd ontJOO ori nd nletera-n[eso Hrsc hs, reeartes Ipublic."
nity house. frmt_ al. seb ndtte na-amned everiy law know to be ex- 4Te Mcia emsa opsd
titlnel cnrrspndcriie of Soth'tant in manscript or writ!enI h ihgnta.wsc
it as ire le. dals vlli e ,air wat: ormconemig te tirten n-of Fenelon Boeshe, '31, Jesse J.
The Committee stron l odcvmis "such ;j';n'ivwicit has < tats a ii111catlteah-i fogi: Coi') t tDunni,31, and Nathan Levy, '31,
rea.son to believe is not at all uncommilon among XPrate rnities, and has, sttsfain(1tCilCC, ooic~and was accompanied on the trip
placed Sigma Alpha Epsilon onl indefi ite prob atioui, and directed it to 1-Bt.KpaRo etiga :5p . nClbro.2 oe' y Floyd K. Riley, of the speech
make a prompt fmiiu.i al settlemewnt W'ith the ownrs of the tree. League buildin j department, coach of the debating
1. A,lKenyon, Secretary, team. Leon Boyd, Weldon Smith,
Commnittee on Student Affairs Craftsiven Club meets at the Masonic Temple, Saturday at 7:30 p. in. and Burnell Koolish spoke for Mn-
_________ nesota. Prof. H. L. Ewbank, of thei
The orrlatd Curs inEduafln, D.05. wll e gventhesecnd' Catholic Studcets: There will be a dance at, the Women's League WiUiversity of Wisconsin speech de-
seetherorethedcoings in yeuatin13-1, wl b iven thesc in I building from. 2;30'to 5:00 o'clook Ipartment acted as single expert,
semeterof te cmin schoi~yea. i90-i3l. hisis CO~' ein Judge for the debate.
Eduea tlon which attempts to h tegral : the elements that are im)ortanft, ('OM1I INi VENTSMihgns eatv tem w"
in the tr'aining of the beginning teacer. The course p'a'e'<; special'iMcia'ieaieta a
emhssoz ietd techingii n om o-ope-rating; schircl ia which riiternuatizn al Forum: Mr. John Klialef of Palestine will lead all l madec up of two men excperienced inI
emhshoil aet t, g pen disussion onl 'Problems In Palestine," at a Forum to be held at varsityco etiobhBese
pympthetc Lnevntllavntingerrepresented'c. Juioe
planning to take this course in February, 1931, will ineed to limt their jwLane tl, rghso indatDecemer 15, 4:0 rp.amlyTis iscusi wldeaUnmi eviy avintheresntehedthe
election of Education courses in the meantime. Four hours may be wt h ihso ainlt.Alaccrilyivtd iladtru atsmse.Lv
selected from A-1, B-20, and C-i. 11iladtru atsmse.Lv
Members of the present junior class who are expecting to take this Sigma~t Delta Psi: Extra test periods Monday and Tuesday mor- was also the winner of the Cam-
course should ar'range a special conference with Dr. Schorling in room,- ings, Dec. 16 and 17, from 9:00 to 11:00 at Yost Field house. 1 pus Extemporaneous Contest last
3,0,Uiest ihSlol audymrig December 14, froy n1:- ";ear, and is at present a memberI
9:0, 1:00rwt igh e scly ol. Satura oin, Athena The; party given by the four forensic societis has bcen, of the Oratorical Board and Speak-i
C., 0. Davis, Secretary i ostponed from Saturday, Dec. 14, until after. Christmas vacation. Tln' er of the Aephi House of Repre-
Schiool of Education practice debate scheduled for Tuesday night has been postponed because cnitatives. Dunn opened his first
of other impo'rtant business. semester of itrcollegiate debating1
oniz Thursday evening
Speeceh:. Any student who liar taken Spclecch 31, may elect, con- Aspca -,rs
currently with Speech 32, any onae of the folIiowaNg courses: Speech 41, 23 Avcil busines s metinag of Jthe Forstr Club will be held in raom With the two debates lield on
209N. ,. Bldg, on Monday, December 16, at 7:30 p. in. Thursday night, the conference
Speech 43, and Speech 53. Freshman and Sophomore members are especially urgcd to attend- season for the semester closed. Ai
----- ~new topic and new teams will be,
Speeh M~ajors: Studeints who wish to major in speechi should - Scabbard and Bladec: Supper will be.served in the Union at 6 p. i.,- chosen for the second semester.
elect Psychology 33 and 34 ws prerequisites to Speech 107. Sunday, December 15. The old conference ruling limiting
'a debater to one semester of var-
Studelnts' Riecital: Florence Doycheff, pupil of Theodore Harrison, 1lindustan Club: There will be a Social meeting on Sunday, Decem- city competition a year has been
willgiv th folowng rogam ondy eenig, eceber16,at :15ber 15, at 7:30 p. i., at Lane hall. The F11lpinp and Japanese students repealed, and members of this se-
p.in., at the School of Music auaditoriu. Mrs. Grace I-auffnan Snyder of Michigan are most cordially invited to attend as guests of the =in- i nester's team are eligible for nxt1
il conaydustan C1111. i emester's coptition.' Tryouts for
*wllaeil"I aat oinpanY.1' ii',I: Chi i vuol la inigerella; Sibe.lla:J the new team will be held early
Sotto .ii Cicl; I3repiglal: Ncbblc ; Sehuicianri: Frauen-LIebe rind Lben' Th'le loilda.' Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club in February. -
* ~'~' '~'"' 'ie vui9 IWill meet Monaay evening, Decem-1
Tschajikowsky : Was . o a-i d o rs i i uon t11.lai?:I-r'me
TeLastHour; Deis: Comae down i to Kew; Grifl'es: By a Lonely- For(est i ber 16.,t 7:45, at the Michigan
Pthay Homer: Sing to me kfilng. League building-.E RL ,LY C o
'awa;Cbarles A.,;sink jat4Eeas
.._ -r New Yok Stock Iixchaig'
History 115: 1 shallI b0 uniabc to in'leE, liec clas todaY. 1I shall ROLLER ant go Stock Exchanage
lecture" on Tuesday and ThurtsdaY ne:t, w ek." SKATING8 Cleveland Stock Exchange
- I. his Afternioon :it Detroit Stock Ex"change
..7-1e regular ineeting of the Ann Arbor Branch of the 'Nitric airA-i y 1 New York Curb Market--
tngoitionj'of iUniversit l-v Wmen will ih(1,held Iin i ,ieLydla Mencdlcssohn j Ins are ~ o~tatv ai

Prof. Cha natd of Sorbonne to
Give Advanced French
! Literature Courses.
IProf H-enri Chamard of the *96r-
bonne. the literary school of the
h ,r University or Paris, will be in resi-
dence at the University next sent-
{ ester as a professor of French., it
' is announced at headquarters of
X.:~ the Romance language department.
Professor Chamard will giv'e'
~ courses in the French poetry of the
sixteenth century and in Fren h
>4, literature of the seventeeth cen-
tu ry.
? TYThe author of an exhaustive
..'v wort: on Du Bella~y, of at critical edi-
time of Du Bellay's "Defence," of at
"Hi-story,- of the Origin of Frenchi
Poetry of the Renaaissance" of 'a
- critical edition of "Ars Poetica o~f
Peleti Peletier," as well as of nu-
t merous research articles, Prof.
1 Chamard is said to enjoy an estab~-
1 lished reputation as one of'- the
William Reynolds, '31l. leading scholars of French Miera-
End man in the women's chorus' tone of the sixteenth century.
of "Merrie-Go-Round," 1929 Mich- He is considered by Jean Ehir-
igian Union opera,. now. playing at h lard, of the Romance languagei
the Michigan theatre. Reynolds depa rtmhent, who studied under
has trained most of the choruses himt to be one of the greatest teach-
of the production. ers in the French school.



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