Mai WOLvk, A I I itt . 7 L 1--% 1 A li "A I L,. : -. 1. 1J tL D ; . L _L"11 :L : ;1:. UUIEllTET . 3 G QUAKEaM TONIGHT OW)A OUTLAWS FIFTEEIN PN CAESAfPURD.UE TO OPEN 4 fTONf~MAJOR LEAGUES MICHION 'B TEAM'TO'ACEDE T PENCGR IHG A~AINST BEA R SLVFG3IN TRADIN [TTOAC ETOON Ilope-. of Iowa's rieinstatementin.T HlOLDERS OF hILL Puri(t , Iii another strog '+ cvciuI!M[ lta!: K MEE S Cn I ~~Y~1 0 ~I' bi 1theorence ieeived 'i boot wih he ik =team that pomses to develop highI__ancmn hat officil fthe football Gam Wil e TirdofSeresscre enagan a tey avefo' Cac Mann to Take Fifteen son in ba sebal. -it view of the ct e Junior Varsity Will Take Floor; University of Iowa had comnplied bolster Each Team Having Wot !the last nine years, will be invaded MntoDtri Tngh or ti , CiUO lkitel majoriiit echr Wt wt tepinile etdwnb teth r On onet b o Wie' lshWsintnFirst Real Test. arc ow, or at an ta ly elate, Will re em faculty committee in charge of th-? University crew tonight. The Boil- It u sessio n nmrous otherGreTa.i letic relations between conference owe BO H I NTA ILemkr ne PgyLmets1I ft.; may be ec x c! lef ore next ! schoos. o complete the house- ,express coaching prove to be a completely'A ____SAS_~ iET 'Axttlte ra.i.!PO ET WN PNR Meeting its first formidable op-reconstructed five. They should Michigan's vriy wminBn el 5akyhseiemelCfOncsar odcae1 tltsi-terv position' of the year tonight Mici- so togofne u n e n ae ast wmig an elsince coming' to the Yankees Coach Courtright will send an eligible for varsity competition be- I cisiona gan's Varsity quintet Is slated to feneowil a veon ofbne, btrth andfrote bylthei firs lel estcof i; 'ccssBubio;liargrauvtos.Iinexperienced Wolverine "" earn as flaspocrdb invade Philadelphia to match bas- fnc wllhae o e etathletesrntd y her fromel as o nl sleushL fundgav-,e- ad,!maine-fo aslpofudini- eine kets with Pennsylvania, now en- has been so far this season when the season when they meet the li il Is Poi l ave O3leun eurcd combination against the invading Iae o hi b'ei.vle terng ts ues fo a hi~ Eat-they meet the champions of the strong Detroit Yacht Club tankmen f '' t- Pa ' ~ wJohn Kalamazoo College caers in the Thtow isine nhrd-wa C chminhpMissouri Valleyjinteltr' pool at thrah L~~~i w oradie season's opener at 730 tonight on sire to return to the fold is evi-, therefo under the guiding hand of Coach y lba :0tngt oc at Eddie McNichol. When the Northwestern Wildcats I Mann will take 15 men on the The most ee dvlpe tfi te Yost Field House floor. dened by the outlawing of four penaliz In two previous encounters dur-tmeet the Pitt cagers tonight at Ev-! squad for this meet which is likely Philad lohia i .,be ithetrns Early season practice sessions,reuasndtoeevsofheiegl ing the past two seasons each team i anston there will be a renewal of a to give some realiable indication as (Continued on Page 7 i have failed to show any latent pow- I basketball team at the opening of ministn Quakers j battle. Pitt amtiro has one of er in the ranks of the Jayvee cagers tesao.Sc arfc 8lhw hahwasnegaeotenuaerobttrbatl.aitmaanasontohtehehetoontwhhWlvriesherndMihianspr fllwes reteheaon SchasariiceirHw squeezing oub a 39-36 decision on s are headed for another champion-adMciansotfllwr r sure to hamper the Hawkeyes' they di their own floor in 1927, only to take the strongest teams in the east and' ship again this year. Huskies Get PhAY le unable to 'look forward with any chances of a successful cage sea- again p a 34-21 trouncing in Yost Field they will be out to revenge them-1 The Deroiters draw a large per - "!degree of confidence to the annex- House last year. However with a +evsfx h 3 to 24 b eating they entage of their power from swim -' S Fooball Coalch iooftoigh'sgae t tex promising squad of six veterans received at the hands of the .Wild-1 mers who received their training j pense of the Celery City qitt~ from. the team which invaded Ann cats last year. (under the direction of the Michi-; Fr iseffrt-i The Kalamazoo cagers opened f= Arbor last December and eight The same lineup that proved so gan mentor and to a limited extent ji ~ frsi piloting the" their schedule with a $0-20 defeat sophomore ,sharpshooters from a effective against Cornell will likely the meet will take on anl aspect ofi Boiler'maker's to the Big- Ten title ladministered at the hands- of the I yearling squad which went through' be the staltrs for Northwestern a Michigan alumni-Varsity affair.' Jinlniiy liehom hertadco aa at Puir-i perennially strong Gyrand Rapids N its season undcifeated, Coach Mc- again this game, though there are3 Three of the main hopes of the+ due Cniverity 1 as received a very;Junior Cleeta ensa Nichol cherishes hopes of making several contenders for the places Yacht Club are contaied in the flatterinlg ofer to assume the night. In turning bck the Kazoo) it two out of three for Penn. The of both Bergherm and Reil thew last persons of Hubbell, Spindle, andi duties of football mentr at the five the Furniture City boys wrei Quakrs aread hav chaked p yer's orwads.Watson, all former Wolverine stars.! University of Washington in Seat-i foced to go at full speed and its Quersicarey hefchtakedofupMiyearsfoawd. ofientof The two Varsity back strokers, -le. While Phelai' did not disclose -was only commanding first halfi their diffcult twenty-six game being able to turn back the second (Continued on Page 7) ; the terms of the contract other m nargin which enabled the Junior schedule and are counletng on the North Dakota invasion this evet- ---_ - - thani it was for a eiod of f our College team to finish on the long Wolverines to be the second vi- ing has nevertheless ptut in. a week ' YUO s runiots have it tha~t t .(,.-:-end of the count. imt., of the hardest kind of practice1A NE I MmTS runerantun will be in the neir~li- t Starting honors have already = Against such stars as Captain Coach Littich wq s displeased withl TROJANS TODAY' borhood of $I15,000 a year.; been conceded to Becht and Mur- Lobley, Magner, Peterson, Sander, the last week's performance and - lhu;x ~ilt' nxuielc sfrad.BbShua Becker, and Tanscer Penn grid has been working hard to get the Southern California, probablyirnct that he would accept, the of-'center, and M. Schau and Knight star, Coach eenker will be also team Iin shape for the coming big the strongest team on the coast will fei dlid not come as a completet at the guard posts. The Schau able to put an aill-veteran teamu on gamies meet Carnegie Tech of Pittsburgh' surprise, , his decision was somne- 1 brothers, veteran perperformers on the floor. Captain Chapman, Lovell, _______________, today in one of the leading inter- ;what oif a jolt to his friends who - the Kalamazoo cage squad, have ~Frocsoswe orgomn Truskowskl - Orwig, and Kani tz all~ sectional struggles of the season.- hacd folowed his career for eight featured the attack of the Celery won their"'M" 's last season and all 'Ihis WedsSports ! While the Trojans are rated 2 to 1 eati 5;O:a4,Coach of the oilermakers. City five this year and with Don w your presence. were ins trumentl1 in bringin the-!favorites over- the Tech team they --heiai,h atle +know the fact thatj Knight, faorter all-city star from£ AgnetecehitWes e c si 1Iartb11 are opposed by one of the bst shedi Int itend to leave iis duties, Detroit 'Northwestern, fonrl a Adler Roceste Ag-inwtdlitelen theh.4nJy-l -I Dcl, 1----enslvama vs teamns that has carried the battle 1at Puidue until about the first of strong combine. Hlackney and 50 eated - ihga tP ldepi.jt tecatI seveal years, Conach ebuary. in. o~dr Ithat lie might - roiandir re others sure to see ac- ~-C U U E I elite colleetials bht~ynover- hiaelha1t=hecas i y lart 3I ~oe -1h i '4p Dc 4-taamo .~Jo1ines sput his crew through oe;1. ave - his _office il tood shape fort ti Coitrg lnst sn -- tn 31f o~.,hehhp r_ lof the stiffest weeks of Coacc tice 1licht planseto sen aggregation displayed a tgt dC- iLL"" t i Abr that they have had all season and I Althouwh it Vvs only as year ago Hole and Lindsay to forwards, Tor- fr ~ Tense which 'the Maizo ancI' Blue De.lAbinv.Mhga he is prepared to meet Tech with that Phtelan ige a three-year rltoceteannnstceanArTbeorf. Rn could not solve effictively until the atAn rbr actam that is at the top of its; contract with the Purdue Univer-1 Coombes to the defenlsive posts. Ar- E_ A complete assortment of fie necessary in secnd alf' henthe Swimming. Isi eefryu ho wen e . edfor. its officials Major Nelson A. Kel- nldi, a lanky pivot candidate; Ty-' shrefryorco for 20 of their points. De" 4DeritYch Stef en's men arrived in Paso= logg, director of athletics, declared ile, Pendell, and Bell have shown= In tis ameit vas tlq wrk f v. Mchian t DtrotJena Friday and during the light that there was no intention on the suffciet ability to see some play (Continued on Page 7)De.oceworkout they looked like a team- part of Purdue University to hold 'should the Wolverine forces gains De.16-Western Ontario vs.gan at Ann Arbor that would showi the coast a brandc the football coach to this contract. a workable margin.q 4/1cu Mieogabl ens. : a---- -- ofoblthtibontotk'sviaofheuvestyficlsme of their confidence away con-lxpresed the sentiment: that they' Kam-ms ~City----lIurry Riconda, in- ANRO¢/C8 Orwig ......_RI., Ld ley (C)J Detroit-Albion College has book- Cerning tihe heraded New Yys cie sorry to lose the servies of fielder of the Kansas City Blues I antitz......°........7 stllic ed a night football game with thfe tilt. This game is one that is being- Phelan, but reaie Lthat the offer who wa s drfted by the Cindy inati .Ain Arbor's Foremost 0l Truskowski ..C....... ?trson University of Detroit for trio 1930 taken seriously by both teamIs ad \as one that theC Boilermaker ien- 1Reds, is aain being sought. ate 322=324 South Main Lovell .....R . ......bseer seaon The rane will be payed it will be a~ fight from start to fil- for could hardly ;afford to turn 'by George Muteiebach, Kansas City - Chapman (C) LG.. ....Magner in Detroit. l -ih. Id(own. pilot. - IIIIiI I IIIIlII11i111Ill 111111i!III IIIIIHIIII FERENCE RULES he loss of gran Pape and arroh, stars of this season'., 1 eleven, ,will do little to the backfield strength ofi diron team next fall. wver the university officials >ed the hope that the Confer- aculty committee will see ay clear to reverse this de- in that. the athletes them- were not to blame. It 'was lout that the individuals in- borrowed from a fund which ;onsidered legitimate and re that they should not be ed for participAtion in an Lrity of a past athletic ad- ation. :eye officials stated that c not kniow when they would petitionl for reinstatement. is as im p ortan t asu e o DOS $375 cklenitals for iorzna wear w lothiers Street - - J fI ti CI 4 p .v. .r i... +... ;r ,.. ;; ..., r L u .n 4J. _"h' . ''.r. -;t ...yoYJL rv.,,ti.N. i +wn J: M h+ T t' , a. , .,& a ., n ,. t.:o ry _ , .,x ,. :.r..y refio y tit n..a bHn ,ync~xnauy -a a4 .,rt. '4 . -' -: _.x- < ... ,. ,. ,., waam I io A FINE SELECTION OF DARK BLUES AND GREYS IN THE LATEST STYLES. $50 14--Im-$ Pre, t I~I 1 - J ~Jf~ LUJI r° ; : P a s '< } i %f Chrsfa s "1 THE LATEST -STYLES IN BROWN* BLUaIES AND GREYS. ALL TWO TROCUSERS N4 r I 1 S t $4 $3 $ 'I I' $36 69- ® ® ®