T"P M I C'" I C.AN - D AT LY
n a t. v ws,.+r+. ..a . w. w... uan+a r .ww r .. 4 -riPL
SATURlDAY, DrCEMBE2R 14, 19 _ r.r)AV I a Xa .
-mom .. ;
Twentty-eight Teams Participate
in Opening Week of
Martha Cook Attains
by Largest Scoring
Twentby-eight intramural. basket-
ball teams went on the floor last
week for the opening tilts of the
annual intramural tournamen t. Aaseocad Pea 'kt
Though the squads had had, only Marion Ford,
one week of practice, accurate Of Fort Smith, Ark., was chosen
shooting and alert playing char- by the students of the University
acterized every game. The largest of Arkansas as the most\ represen-
score of the week was lined up by tative co-cd and given the title of
Martha Cook when she adiminis- ( "Miss Arkansas."
tered crushing defeat to Alpha Ep-'
silon Phi by a score of 40-4. )FLOWER S TO0RE S
Alpha Phi Is Defeated.
¢Kappa Delta defeated Alpha phiI ISSUE STATISTICS
18-7 Monday afternoon. D. Felske &
and L. Snyder, comprising the Kap- More flowers are bought around
pa Delta forward line, scored be- Mother's Day than any other time
tween them the winning points. A. i h er codn osaitc
0. Pi was taken down~ by Sigma i h er codn osaitc
Kappa 18-8; A. Nowak and M. Stahl recently compiled by Ann Arbor
were responsible for the winning florists. Flowers are also much in
team's 18 markers. dmn in Ann Arbor during f or-
Other games scheduled for Mon- dma un esnad ttetm
day were defaulted, Alumni IHuse mlrsigsao n ttetm
forfeiting to Zeta Tau Alpha, and of the Junior Girl's Play.
Alpha Delta Pi forfeiting to Pi Christmas season means a rush
Phi. for the florists and at this time
Kappa Alpha Theta came out on poin settas are the most popular.
top in the only game played on For Easter, people as a general rule
Tuesday; the Theta squad defeat-+ order either Easter, Lilies or tu-
rdl Phi Sigma Sigma 16-12.,H Flem- lips.
ing with an accurate eye on the' There is a great difference in the.
hoop scored eleven of the winningI type of flowers ordered during the
points. Delta Gamma forfeited' to, four seasons of the year. For
Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Zeta to' spring, naroissis and tulips are the
Couzens Hlall, and Alpha Epsilon 'mAn~st populair. In the fall the gen-
Iota to Gamma PI Beta. eral call. is for flowers of the brown
Kappa Kappa Gamma I4 his and orange shades. Chrysanthe-
Kappa Kappa Gamma won a 21-' mumis and Talismans, a rose of a
8 victory over Tri Delts Wednesday bronzy color, are much in demand.
afternoon, K. Brook, M. Eannon, and Summer sees the sale of garden
Tebay shooting the 21 Kappa bas- fldowers. Very few hot house flow-
kets. C. Shannon, E. Whitney, and ers are ordered. Roses arc the mnost
E. Wood totaled 40 points for Mar- popular flowers of the winter time,
thia Cook when A. E. Phi bowed to although a great many corsages of
her 40-4. Heileni Newberry took a violets are sold at this time.
decisive win over Chi Omega, 22-12, rWonmen buy more flowers, accord-
through t-he basket, shooting of L. Ing to thec statistics, but men are
Schmidt and B. Fromm. 'better customers and easier to
Oam Is Postponed please. They invariably state how
Dormitories carried off the laur- much they wish to spend and leavc
cils for the week, when B~etsy Ba- It, up to the flforst to select the
bour crashed through the Alpha flowers.I
Gamma Delta defense 16-6. Work- The rose is by far the most pop-
man, Rayburn, and Supe scored the i ular f lower. It is called for in all
winnig pontsseasons. Quite a few orders comhe
Of the two contests sch-eduled for in for orchids and rare flowers.
Thursday, Adelia Cheever default-porclsfrJtsuhfweshi
ed to a squad of independents, and wFourndcallsreforjuteuchyfowersthi-
the Theta Phi Alpha -Alpha Xi Del- wekensrerlort.b nefr
togamewaspostponed. College students put in practical-
Mrs. Herbert F'ahy, a prominent ly 110 orders; for plants or potted
aviatrix of the West Coast, will ac-!foes
company her husband on his ex- Women of the University of Texas
pected fight around the world. voted tennis as their best-liked
They plan to leave about "June 1, sport.
and complete the trip in 12 days.
Mrs. Fahy is being given instruc-
tion in the handling of heavy AT CST OR BELOW
planes so that she will be able to I
relieve her husband during the 'To Clear all Euro'ean Gifts.
flight, thus making better tinme. i MRS. H. B. MERRICK S.
Mrs. Fahy will be the first wo- I pe venings 928ChrhSt
S ON WJR TONIGHT noraeetofieflPr-soofWmntpatcae.nth
by the groups of songs °xiil b sling FOR C E K EEP IN C U Fticoiraeotfifulprion of woeWl nen oa far ndte'epeso zfnc yof tri ciatinth
1 b th UnverityGir's leeclu' of a belief in coznipletr equality 11lie stated further the urgent
at, 7:30 o'clock tonight on the Un- SC I L1 ~E between men and women formed need for feiniist organuzatio~s to
versity Night program wthich will !J fl U.9III IJ the foundation of a mnessage intervene in the drafting of the ,
brought by Ambassador" Orestcs !great codes destined to unite hi-
be bradcat ovr raio satio # EFerrara of Cuba, delegate to the inmanity- across frontiers and to con-j
IWJR, Detroit. Miss Retina Me- ; Number of Honor Points Must Assembly of the League of Na- centratc all the force of their fine'
iKnight, Ann Arbor, wiii accompany be Equal to Credit Hours tions, when he- recently addressed intelligence in achieving practical
the GleU Chub. Following is the; for Eiiiiy members of the National Woman'sI and real results toward such an
progamEligibilityMss.Nra party at an International dinner, end.
prCram anoundrcedoyr is:NraThe banquet was a part of the pro- In conclusion, Ambassador, Fer-
(CrandesHtut, ardirectora nO ® FAILURES PERM1YITTED gram of the National Women's Par-; rara who in his work with theI
Years Ago at Michigan; ty convention held recently in; League of Nations, sponsored val-
- --Juzniorz Girl's Play Special Students Rcquazrcd to Washington. Inez Haynes Irwin. l ently, equal rights for women, said,
Glee Club - Have Permission to TFake 'novelist, presided at the dinner and 1 "Those of us who yesterday ob-
Gon-.Hm (o ol introduced many prominent speak- served with understanding the agi-
Goihn' .o.e.(New .WorDvrk Part in Activities. I ern. tations indispensable to a pioneer.
-Soloist--Audrea liaver _ Ambassador Ferrara expressed era, today applaud the triumphs of
The Mailler's Wooing (Editor's note-this is the second his confidence in the ability of this second stage of the feminist
-F'aning Spicker of a series of articles written to ex- women when he si:"eacmvmni h oreo hc
ITa Duin "Culture" ... Welch plain questions of eligibility and gratified to see what purely fem- woman will reveal all he~r worth, allI
Michizgan Memories....Brownthponsyem.ie institutions have gained en- hrwso.
Come on Dad ........... Diamond As the purpose of restricting stu- try to gatherings of men of sc Mr. James Brown Scott, of thel
Glee Club ence, as when recently for exam- Carnegie Endowment for Interns-
Evening.......... Hannah Smith !dnsfo udraig xr-u-ple, the University o1' Havana in- tional Peace, called attention to a
Italien Street .Song ...... Herbert ricular activities is that- of main- vited the Inter-American Cbmmi-s- declaration made by the Institute'
Marjorie McClung--Soloist , tamiing a high scholastic average, p-J de Drolt International which holds
When Night Falls ........ Welch; rules arc based on scholarship. C R TO SG V that nations should recognize and
From Ei ht to ihttheUniversity for eligibility i jomc rihtohhoe suact t
--uir il. yYellw ah d Blue each student must have for the I GAY HOLIDAY AIR ination because of nationality, -race
Glee Club past semester a number of honor ___ or religion. He also called atten-
lI points equal to the number of hours Yesterday afternoon the entire tion to a resolution adopted at Ha-
IFACUL'TY MEMBER 1 with no absolute failures. Unless League building was decorated for vana last, month, by the governing,
XW RITES OPERETTA special permission from the Corn- the Christmas holidays. There are ibado h mrcnIsiueo
forCrsta re, two in the' International Law, to the effect,
I-- puntttee on Student Affairs is obtain- fu hita re that in the law and practice of,
ballroom, one in the window of the nations regarding personality, there
"The Slumber Songs of the Ma-, ed, this excludes all those who have lobby of the L~ydia Mendelssohnshudb no icrmatnbe
donna," by May A. Strong, a moem- received marks of D or E in the theatre and one i the concourse,cas of sex.
leer of the, University faculty, was cas eetr(rsme eso)i-wihi ewe h w one
sung by the Women's chorus of the seetr(o umrMesa)ny hc i ewcn h w lugsIoilier promnijient femlinlists
Higlan Pak Msicle nde th Imediately preceding the date of the Oil seconzd floor. All the trees are addressed both the International
drcinoMr.WV.Bralcy last activity, and from participating in ladd ih rnmet, l Dti nner and the convention.
direction of Mrs. W and Vhane lights of all colors and tinsel. OnI _________
night in Highland Park. capsenepis n-toeo the top of each tree is an upright The women I1of Bagdad have re-
onMiss Strong was the guest solo- Ipoain rwrigsle raet
ist. Besides the solo parts of "Theto orwrig}ile raet.nwdter ih gistterta
Slme oi fteMdnn' Exception may be made in, the holly wreathls, mewetletoirafdghcan-insttheir tr
Regular Riles to be Observc'I
by Women Remnaining
1 During Vacation.
Problems occasioned by the ap-
proaching Christmas vacation
were the main subjects for discus-'
siat the meeting of the Board
of Representatives Thursday. Twvo
announcements in 'regard to house
rules during the vacation were
made by Elizabeth DeVol, '30, pres-
Ident of the Board.
All women who are leaving town
for the holidays are under the
regular house rules until 5 o'clock.
'Friday, Dec. 20, which means than:.
3 if anyone plans to leave before Fri-
day she will have to register her
plans ina the office of the Advisers
Aywoman remaining in an ap-
proved house over the vacation is
subject 'to' all the regular house
rules with- the exception that the'
10:30 closing hour during the weep
will be changed to 11 o'clock;
week-end closing hours will remain
unchanged. This rule also applies
to women who are returning before
the vacation is over.
Stress was placed on ti-i advice
1given by Dr. Margaret Bell recent-
linregard to the use of the -Health
Service by those threatened with
serious colds, as a paeans of pre-
vention of their spreading.
Modern Mode #
Miss So~ong sang the following
grpups: "Floods of Spring" by
Vachmaninoff; "The Snow," by S.
tie; "TEnchantmeitt" by Bainbridge
Grist; "Cradle Sonlg". by Adolph
Wea ig, "A. Visit from thei Moon"
by Thos. Dumiill, and " Love Went,
A-I3.iding" by Frank Blridge.
The regular meeting of the
Ann Arbor branch of the Amner-
ican' Association of University
Wom-en will be held in the Lydila
Mcilelssolni theatre at, 3 o'clock
today. Prof. Robert Hall of
thm Oroggr~iaphy department will
spea 4k on Modern Japan. His
tally will be is ustia- cl by slides
imade -during his recent research
study of the island.-
case or any studment whmo Ias rep dies have been used all through the 'uin lefenstste oveitm nthae r-
ceived no grade of E~ in the pro- building, and the spruce trees inin salse the iuistsoreti-icaver
ceding semester and whose hours of front of the building have bceii vsai of Woen d afrte en
D are offset by an cequal number decorated with electrin lights, vaifom on-on ind oth eringe.
of hours of B grade or one -half the Tronighmt a farewell dance will be adfo oe nohrcutis
numibor of hours of A grade, andgie in the decorated ballroom ~
these stutdents mazy li e elaimd ell-forg'c n t before the leave for
giI)1C withbout, spec ialfeti p i . erholiaysi irstImas
fro prtelatngit wy prhbicdthehidays.e ubuilding will be open Preients
activity except by special phermxis- in all departments exceptth oh- - vE
I'sin f heConntte n Stdel~ Lin room during the entire boil- JA E FO TE
"ij oaystheheofoitteenOis totbd ntj r
Affairs. Students In combined -i.Hhofutasisteb ea-If of Art
-curses with institutions outside the ranged and opened under niew
jurisdicti on of fhe University of I mzanage,,ment whcn -tihe: semester ANN .ARBOR, MIICHIGAN
'Miehigitn willtae granted eligibility resClumesC. I___________________________I
for appcaan es iii public perfor- ~i nt
n 4nces only when pursuing at least .n
e ight hours of work per semester
in tihe University and wlhci sags~- -OwEewCins Ce
fyin the requiremnents for clig ibl c
it-v in hot-h the Uiniversity and t-he - =
allied institution. K. JHUNG
- drect from theI
ter's Voice! SayingOre ta afI
;I1TY MUSIC HOUSE .. brim~s with hint his famous Persotnal Reccipe for
r Everything lMusica -c CLOP SsY and CI-lOW MEIiN'
r drveloped after forty years experience
ctor QulryJust Try One of is Dishes. Ton ite!
Capel,,.Winni a g. .opokas a healthful change from the daily ""
r& apel MwtivTWJ order of meat and potatoes
HINSHAW, Mgr. 329LVE South Mahn Street
Phone 7315WEDLIE
T11 il11111111111INIli1111illI,-11111111111111111111'
Hark To His Mast,
The Ndew- Mo c
in and it
is de finitely
is very
to suit.
Play while
you pay..
Majestic, Vic
Paldwin, Kohle
Victor, Columb
Our x tmw froais acierve Jsnder.
nes bcauac thme soft stitoe fabrics
of which they are uwade, lend them.
selves to higher waist lines, paring
godets, jabots and bows.
We are showing an excelletit selec-
tion in the new mnode.
221 South Main Street'
601 Eiast William Street
ma-n totfly aroundl the world.
In the basement, the central cling fix-
ture (of aF R. L. M . reflector dime type) *4rq i e o - at b l e ea
purpose lghting. By the se of 60
watt bulb i, the laundry rfM, can~ be
rmade brig tcc and more p asant, and
the fruit r Ror and heating~ equipment
relieved of objectionable sladow. Thit
for genera basement iliumn nation, the
I OO-watt lb provides plc light.
Givme Her one of These
ca. wes ----a..
y to
Silky, soft. jtelope gr'ained leal
reptiles in colors to harmonize with. her Rica
-Fine in detail are the ornaments and fittings.
Be sure of a Merry Christmas next year
by joining one or more of the
following classes.
Class t. Members paying lc the first week,
2c the second week, and inscreasing lc each week
for fifty weeks will receive...... ..12,7S
Class zA. Members paying 50c the fiirst week.
49e the second week. andi decreasing xc each
week for fifty- weeks will receive .........2.7
Cass 2. Members paying ze the first week
4e the second week. anid increasing 2c each week
for 'fifty weeks will receive.........$25.50
Class ^A. Members paying $x.oo the first
week, 98c the second week, and dlecreasing 2c
each week for fifty weeks will receive. ..$5
Class S. Members paying Sc the first week;
ioc the second week, and increasing Sc each
week for fifty weeks will receive........ $63.75
Class 5A. Members paying $2.S0 the first
week, $2.45 the second week and and decreasing
5c each week for fifty weeks will receive $63.75
Class zo. Members paying boc the first week,
Zoc the second week, and increasing ioc each
week, for fifty weeks will receive .......$275
Class xoA. Members paying $5.00 the first
week, $4.5o the second week, and decreasing xoc
each week for fifty weeks will receive $127.50
Class zol?. Members paying r o cents a «:eek
for fifty' weeks will receive ......... .....$5.00
Class 25. Members paying 2S cents a week
for fifty weeks will receive ............$.5
Class 5-0, Members paring 5o cents a week
for fifty weeks will receive..............$25.00
Class ioo. Members paying $1.00 a week for
fifty weeks will receive...... .........350.00
(:taus zoo, Members paying $2.00 a week for
'fifty weeks will receive.. ..........$100o.00
Class 3m0 Members paying $3.00 a week for
fifty weeks will receive.............$s~o.oo
Class 500. Members paying $5.00 a we~ek for
fifty weeks will receive.l.. ............o.oo
Class tooo. Members paying $ro.oo a week
for fifty weeks will receive............$500.00
Class 2000. Members paying $2o.oo a week
for fifty weeks will receive............ $1000.00
Class 'N C. Mlembers may deposit any amount
in this class.
H-appiness and Fulfilled
Anticipation Made Sure
By Joining Our
it-hers An'
First Floor
.r "_ 0.
- U I TreDr - ce rnt- interest+ ,ade al , men,, , are