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December 14, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-14

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It A

4' Ill


VOL. XL. NO. 65:





I - ____________________....._

Snedden Prophesies Change; wcen 20 and 22 years of age will
Pres. Ruthven Defends seek more liberal schools. He said
Modern Education. stenography and other vocational
subjects are to be doomed in the

r s

Blames Materialistic Viewpoint ' future high school set up. -
of Faculty for Faults LANSING, Dec. 13.- Abandon- en we get rid of present su-
in Curricula. meat of the classics and other 0i nto 1
inCurcua.iadvise oovr1 per cent of our
heavy subject matter in the future students to take algebra and we
BUNTING IS PRESIDENT mss educational schemes of things shall actually prevent at least 50:
was predicted here today by, Dr. } per cent from taking it, as we
David Snedden, professor of edu- sh ud eent ot eat, yspeo
Thirty-eight Senior Students cation at Columbia university. eould prevent most hcalthy peo-
Inducted into National Dr. Snedden, speaking before pl from taking quinine, Dr
Honorary Society. "o Michigan high schoolastic currl- Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, presi-
S~~~~~~.~ acum with algebra. Latin, ancient t of t' 1Uiver,ity of Michigan,.
"Worth of a Lrticular rofithalgebraai, a n tf t'd rntc1 d du.tn ,



study in the University should
never be measured by the number
of students attracted to it," said
Prof. A. E. R. Boak, of the history
department, addressing the initia-
tion banquet of Phi Kappa Phi
held last night at the Union, when
38 senior students in the various
schools and colleges of the Univer-
sity were' initiated into member-
ship in the senior honorary schol-
astic society.,
"It must be rnemmbered that
knowledge should be taught at a
University for its own sake," Pro)
fessor Boak contined: "One of the
chief faults of American universi-
ties of today is that their admin'-
istrative officers are influenced to
much by materialistic considera-
tlons ,in the planning of curricula."
Scores Focs of Learning.
Although the love of learning is
more widespread now than ever be-
fore in the history of the civilized
world, nevertheless that love does
not. park the true spirit of the
present age, Professor Boak aver-
red .He said that the two chief foes
of learning are materialism and
mediocrity. The latter he charac- i
terized as "a very insidious foe to
the loveof learning, one which de-
rides the members of honorary so-
cieties as being mere acadmic
grinds-an accusation which' they
can 4i pruve by mere reference to
statisile howing the future suc-
ce: of persons who are honor stu-..
dents In college"
"Tiere Is only one true love of
learning," Professor Boak contin-
ued. "The two branches of it, the
mastery of accumulated knowledge
and consequent contributions to
the store of knowledge, are but two
manifestations of a single spirit.
Thirty-eight Are Initiated.
/ The following senior members of
the schools and colleges of the Uni-
versity were initiated into member-
ship in Phi Kappa Phi at ceremon-.I
les held In connection with the
Literary school: William H. Alt-
hans, Majorle it. Bottler, Maurice
S. Brown, Hastings A. Brubaker,
Katherine Chase, Marie E. Cimini,
Edward 0. Curran, Robert M.
Dickey, Edith V. Egeland, Ferdi
nand A..J. Fendler, Hugh A. Fulton,
Otto G. Graf, Doris H. Kuhn, Max
Newman, Mary K. Orr, Harold Plis-
ko, J; B. Allan Seager, Harry
Swartz. Royal W. Walters, and Leo
College of Engineerhig: Fernando
A. Aragon, Allen D. Forbes, Karl
Kammermeyer, Poul Kuhn, John
W. LeMaistre, and Edward F. Yen-I
School of Medicine: Richard 1.
Freyberg, Charles L. Hudson, Fred-
erick C. Lendrum, Vaugh H. Mor
rissey, and Sherwood R. Russell.
School of Dental Surgery: Ken-
neth P. Clark, Scott T. Holmes, and
Herman Tennenbaumi.
School of Education: Bertus L.
Boone, Ruby B. Hamnond, Edna
B. Montgomerie, and Rose N. Sew-
Prof. R. W. Bunting, of the School
of Dentistry, former vice-president
of ?hi Kappa Phi, was elected pres-
lediit of the organization to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation
of Prof. C. S. Yoakum, of the School
of Business AdministratiofL j
Seats for A Kiss for Cnderella
Obtainable at Box Office.
Tickets for "A Kiss for Cinder-
ella," J. M. Barrie, which is to
be given Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday night in the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre may be obtained
at the box office after noon today,

Valentine B. Windt, director of the
production, announced yesterday.

history, romance languages and
similar courses limited to 10 per
cent of the students, the abandon-
mnwt of all attempts to develop
new types of vocational education
in high schools, separate schools
or departments for the "near
morons" and the inclusion of more
subjects on current events, modern
history ' and newspaper interpreta-
As "Utmost assurrances" Dr.'
Snedden said that all children will
soon be attending school up to 16G
years of age and that persons be-
'ni nru nr intnat

methods against the attacks of its
critics. As the main speaker on the
banquet program Thursday night
Dr. Ruthven denied that a univer-
sity or college president should:
dictate the institution's program.'
"It should be developed'by the fac-
ulty and given the full- support of
regents and the president," he said.
Regent Cram to Speak Tonight;
Girls' Glce Club Will

Invetigaor Dscovrickety building of the University
Investigator Hopes to Discover Chicagouniltdeviden cls n
IN o , ,Preventative Throat Spray evidence, and not until last night
Vaccine Soon. Eadid anydne on the outside learn
Team Shows Strength as Captain y Morris Watson r has ol the laboratory label
Ault Sets New State Mark A. . Staff Writer'. "42-X" was isolated.
in 500 Yard Race. i-CHICAGO, Ill.,. Dec. 13. -- A .Despite the care, the sleepless
_ stocky, quick moving young man inights, and the hours and hours
LARGE CROWD WATCHES with a determined set to a - o perimenting and calculating
what prominent chin sat modestly I to avoid any error in the trial and
------ among test tubes today and said: conviction of "42-X" as the deadly
Walaitis Is High Scorer of Meet, "We hope." germ, there is yet the appeal thatk
Winning Dash and Dive; "We hope," he replied, . to a will come through the recalcula-
group of newspaper men, "in fact. tion of other scientists.
Chase Also Wins. I we have some indication in our ex. Falk hls an impressive body ofI
periment that it may be possible evidence and we are very hopeful
By Cadwell Swanson. to prevent influenza by means of a about the certainty of his conclu-
Wolverine swimmers claimed the vaccine sprayed into the throat." sions," said his chief, Dr. E. O. Jor-
lion's share of the Michigan A. A. And the newspaper men scurried dan, chairman of the department
U. championships in the twenty se- off to broadcast the "hope" to the of hygiene and bacteriology. "Of:
cond renewal of that event in the world, a hope that got its seed just course, like all other discoveries of
Intramural Building pool last one year ago when Dr. Isadore S .his kind, it must run the gauntlet
night. Before a crowd of 500 Gar- Falk, and fourteen assistants suc- of investigation and confirmation."
net Ault, Michigan's captain and ceeded in isolating the, germ that So illusive has the influenza germ
national intercollegiate quarter causes influenza. been, explained Dr. Falk, that no
mile champion, turned in the only For one year, Dr. Falk and his one could be sure of influenza un-
record breaking performance of the assistants working in the most til it was contracted in epidemic
evening, the 500 yard free style ---- form, and even now the 30-year-old
number. ;nscientist declares there is nothing
The Wolverine leader, pressed llIdistinctive or specific about the
over the first three quarters of the RUN U 1 ll'I s lLI germ, nothing to distinguish it
distance by Kennedy, Michigan's from a thousand other pleomorphic
yearling star, and Ladd, a team-Ustreptococci.
miate, stroked his way to, an iun-
pressive victory, sprinting over the
last four laps to outdistance Ken-!
nedy by twelve yards and winI North Dakotan Senator States M'N IiTT i [I I F

UN. A ' H UNIhandily in 6 minutes two aid 3-5
Offer Selections. seconds. Grundy Donated Mdney1
_ FankWalii, two year veteran ,N TO
PROF. i Walaitis Wins Twicc. VOEin Vare Scandal.
Explains Relationship Between on Maize and Blue tank teams, an- DELAYED TARIFF
Sex and Religion at Regent Esther M. Cram, the only Hexed the individual honors of the Says Responsibility of Defense
reget oftheUniversity, ' evening capturing top honors in th~e :(yAscac 'rs
Campus Forum.E woman regent of the (nvrby, Aaatssoci1 1rsie1t WAH aed ress) Should be Shouldered
Campus Forum. woman~ diving and 50 yard sprint events. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 13.-S~udb Solee
wilbete etue seke n h ubley, also of Michigan, gained Early disposition of the contenst ' by Al Citizens.
SCORES ADULT ATTITUDE allon Michigan Night radio second place honors In the sprint facing Senator Joseph Grundy yoA C--s.
program to be broadcast tonight at number with Schineiler, a fresh- Pensyslvaia, was planned todae PRAISES KELLOGG PACTr
Stating that the peculiar hands- 7:30 o'clock, according to Prof. Wal- man, in the third position. Th1e as Chairman Shortridge, of ° the
off, know nothing, do nothing, and do Abbot of -the rhetoric depart-e ws : . elections committee, called a meet- "T question of national defense
say nothing policy of adults toward ment, director of the Morris hall ; er a , in winning the diving ing ing for Monday to consider the Nye is of interest to every citizen, and
the younger generation and their studio. Regent Cram has selected h; te f resolution to dismiss the newest
sex problems has resulted in the as her topic, "The Women's Re- o, the best performances of his ca- :S enator from membership. Mean- a duty of every citizen," declared
complication of the sex problem! gent." abattle bet ween the Wl-Iwhile Senator Grundy, genial and Col. Paul V. McNutt, dean of Ind-
as well as a consequent wide gap in Prof. Margaret Elliot of the eco- verine veteran and Wilkie, carrying affable to friend and critic, went inUiversity law school and a
interests, confidences and desirable uinics departinenit will discuss athe.. oiurif JinLand -Park High is way about the Senate floor get- 'past commander of the American
relations between - parents and "'The Value of a College Educ'atiomm i tn. giIe pressed his more x tog acquainted from the inside Legion in an address at the Natural
children. Prof. Warren E. Forsythe for Women" aI.s the second speak- :'"c rival all the wa r bhn with the activities on which he has
of the hygiene department address- en on the one hour campus pro- vosed out of the first honors by the looked for so many days from the Science auditorium last night.
ed a capacity crowd at the seventh gram. narrowest of margins. Raike of outside in his campaign for a high "Every'citizen owes three duties
of a series of All-Campus Forums Ihe other speakers arc Alie C Michigan captured third place protective tariff bill. to his government; the same high
yesterday at Alumni Memorial hall. Lloyd, adviser'to women, and Mar- i Michigan swnimners chalked up a Another of the many strange co- i standard of honesty in his rela- I
Speaking on the subject "Prob- garet Bush, , presi clean sweep in the century breast incidences which have featured Mr. t
lems in Sex and Religion," Profes- ,Women's League. Miss Lloyd will, stroke nuber with Chase, Gold- Grundy's sudden entry into public ns with it as in his daily deal-
sor Forsythe pointed out the close tell ow the 3,909 wom stdn smith, and Lemak finishing in life occurred today when his first ings; the exercising of the right of
relationship existing between sex, are housed int the 23 sororities, 43 i-
p league houses, and the five present I that order in 1:14. Chase, a fresh- vote as Senator happened to be to suffrage; and political and military
and religion with the varying i- dormitories. She will also discuss man, finished a stroke in advance displace the tariff bill for which loyalty."
fluences of each on the other. the rules that govern the conduct of the Varsity veteran, Goldsmith, he has labored so hard. "In the event of natin-
In defining the sex problem as of University women and other who in turn barely touched out The first roll call confrontmig g a O n all
one ofnatry mshartonies between phases of t LedimistrtAin. iLmnak, national intersehmolastic him was on a motion to take up the ge'cy the burden should fall on all
Miss Bush will talk about the i titleholder and( star yearling per- F tax reduction resolution and to dis- alike and no man should make a
of civilized soclety, as a problem Feague building and the part it former. place t1e tariff temporarily. lie profit of disaster. Take the profit
of curtailing, controlling and di- plays in the lives of the girls at A MeLaine Wins >fackstroke. voted with 59 other Republicans out of war," declared Col. McNutt,
recting a natural human drive and college. The 100- yard backstroke event, and Qenmocrats to speed the tariff "and you have removed one of the
as one of intellectual guides of a The Girls' Glee club, under the , the only men's win not to go the ;resolution.
fundamental instinct, the execr- direction of Nora- Crane hunt, of !way of the Mann coached conmbi- F In calling a meeting of the clec- moving causes of war."
cise of which is accompanied by the School of Music, will furnish nation, fell to the consistent strok- tions committee, Chairman Short- "Tihe American Legion, and all
certain satisfactions, such as at- the musical parts of the program. ing of McLaine competing for the crdge said he expected an early re- men in general who have ever serv-5
tend all instinctive reactions, Pro- Both college songs and choral se- Saint Clair Athletic Club. Handicap port would be made to the Senate. ed in tvar, want peace, and favor
fessor Forsythe brought out the , lections will be presented by the 90 advantagesa policy of national defense be-
avntages cenabled the Detroiter',Iaplcofntnldensb-t
fact that it was inherent of human members of the club, to win over the Wolverine trio of Muscle Shoals Bill cause this is one of the safest ways
nature to be interested in the re- -- Warner, Schmneiler, and Meigs in Next on Senate List of a evgthis," said Col. Mc-
productive act. "In other words it; Un ersity to Make 1:11.1. Ed Warner finished second Nutt.
is a problem dealing with the per- S v with Schmeiler in the third po- ek' o AocIat tPe )Col.McNutt lauded the Kellogg
fectly natural, proper, and under- ISelf-Study Surveysition, inches ahead of Megs. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 13.--F Peace Pact, but pointed out that
standable biological instinct of --- -.In the first of the women's Muscle Shoals legislation, before the only way to make such treat-
man," he said. As part of thie "self-study" pro- events Jane Cadwell, wearing the Congress almost constantly since es was to make them effective. "All
To the question "Has the prob- gram which President Alexander colors of the Detroit Yacht Club, the War, was promised today first tears have started from broken
lem been complicated by previous G. Ruthven has recently, approved showed the way to her teammate, place on the calendar after the treaties," he declared, "and until
attitudes of religion" Professor For- in the tradition of the late Presi- such treaties have enough punch
sythe gave the following answer: I rdsdibontiwnnngrio50taifLbil soassd.Buortonoe he, they cannot pro-
gs dent Marion LeRoy Burton, the yard breast stroke in :36. There was no assurance of when to enforce them
"it has been the attitude of the ' University administration will soon honors in th 25 yard dash for the tarnff bill would be disposed of tet us or any other tionti."
church in regarding sex manifes- conduct a survey of the nature of iros under 2 went to Li fWalker. but Senator Watson of Indiaoa, the f I Col. McNutt's Opiniold, the best
tations as indications of sinfulness the duties of staff members now gi unders Deto YSenatorLirWalykerebuaSnatrvatonoofitdiaoaht
tatlons as ~~~~~Edith Antdersond, Detroit Yacht Republican leader, toldSeaowywecngvslityoth
rather than as a 'natural pheno- known as instructors, assistants, I Clui, registered the closest win ot Biack, Democrat, Alabama, on te treaty is to follow a program of a-
mfenon, comparable to the desire and the like. r oi the evening in touching out Jean Senate floor that he would be wit- "Service men want adequate na-'
Alo theprdicalhattitere-g In teu mtyrtof te uring Berridge, a teammate, in the 50- ling to have the Muscle Shoals i tional defense because they know
Also the paradoxical attitude. e- greater -uniformity among the va- rdfree style number in the fast question follow the tariff. the cost of the policy this nation
Sgarding the conception of a child rious unrelated deartents, tof :30.4. Shirley Ogden in- Senator Norris, Republican, Ne has followed in the past. One-half
as an unworthy, unholy adinhide- University will Ibitrein torte- 1ished im third position. braska, whose resolution for par- ! of our battle casualties have been
ceit act of original sin while the varying responsibilitis, require- All events, with the exception of tial government ownership of the due to our fauilure to prepare in
as a grathesing, the occasion of specific duties of research assist- the men's 50-yard free style, the gigantic Alabama wartime nitrate time of peace." declared Col. Mc-
much joy and felicitation, has ex-4 ants, technical assistants, gradu- 500-yard number. and tie diving plant is now on the Senate calen- Nutt, "and it has been a crime to
isted. yI ate assistants, laboratory assist, were handicapped with past times j dar, also announced that he would 'send some of the men to the front
In conclusion Professor Forsythe ants and various others.used as the criterion of ratings. move to take up that resolution as as ill prepared as we have done."
Ino cocuinPr (! oryh nsadvrou tes soon as the tariff is out of the "We want permanent peace, but
! name two possible means of a so- The annual reports of President k ona h aifi u ftm W atpraetpae u
lution to the problem namely: an i Burton have been referred to as Large Crowd Attends way. Bh mst be a peace with honor, with
attack on the question upon the constituting, a periodical and con-' Anal Soph Prom surances after he announced that method than war is found to end
meho baaniwaofisntound eocen
basis of intelligence, socially and tinuous self-survey, and other he would not object to immediate international dis'utes, we must'
biologically co idered; and the I studies are from time to time be-s One hundred and seventy coup- ! consideration of the tax reduction provide for an adequate national
bringing-into the open of it with ing made by the administrative lles danced to the music of Han- ! resolution. defense."
F the continuation of its active study officers with the aid of the Bureau I cock's orchestra at the annual de--n- ____
I which has been so recently started. of University Research. Sophomore Prom held last night BANNED HA WKE YE A THLETES DENY
in the Union ballroom. The gala A
APPARATUS FOR SENDING PICTURES as a fitting event to close the pre- pdsr Declare a amongthem.
__-_"-"-------''________t7.0 hlidayso seasn. _ Tdpe and Musgrove

Farm on Bank o Huron River
Is Purchased for New
Building Project.
Shirley Smith Makes Purchase;
Prof. Curtiss Approves
of Location.
First steps toward the comple-
tion of its plans for a new astro-
nomical observatory were taken by
the University yesterday through
the purchase of-a 200 acre farm.
The site, which was bought from
Dr. W. W. Newcombe, lies along the
left bank of the Huron river be-
tween Dexter and Pinckney.
The purchase, which wasmade
by Shirley W. Smith, secretary and
business manager of the University,
has the approval of Prof. Ralph H.
Curtiss, director of the Astronomi-
cal observatories, and is believed
to be a splendid location for the
purposes. It also had the approval
of the late Prof. William J. Hussey,
whom Professor Curtiss succeeded
in the astronomy department. "It
includes a commanding elevation,
close to, but not directly on a main
highway, and is entirely removed
from smoke, vibration, city lights,
and other conditions which have in
recent years continued in increas-
ing degree to make modern astro-
nomical study impossible in the
present observatory at the corner
of Ann and Observatory streets in
Ann Arbor," said Mr. Smith.
Will Fill Vital Place.
In placing the requirements of
the University before the last ses-
sion of the legalt u, time Regeuts
cited the needs of the obsrvatory
first, "because they are so vital, be-
cause they have been neglected so
long, and because the observatory
since its founding in 1854, just 75
years ago, has deserved so well of
the University and the tate."
Architects' plans have already
been drawn for an observatory de-
signed to house a 75 inch reflecting
telescope and which will provide
accommodations for all the re-
quirements of modern astronomical
Present Site Bad.
There have been many objections
to the present site and equipment
of the observatory. As the report
states, "it is wholly impos;ibl to
carry, in the present observatory,
scientifie work meeting noden
standards aid upholding the past
reputation of' Michigan's as trono
mers because of two factors, lack
of facilities and location. The pres-
ent telescope has been a good one
in its day, but is now greatly out-
distanced by the modern instru-
ments at Harvard, Mt. Wilson, Ohio
Wesleyan, and Victoria, B. C. The
75 inch reflector which is planned,
however, would be the second in
size in the country. The other ob-
stacle is the most serious and one
that can be overcome in only one
way, by mroving the observatory to
a new location outside the city of
Ann Arbor. The present building is
now surrounded by the University
hospital and other structures of the
University and the city; smoke by
day and the city lights by night fa-

tally hamper accurate observation,
and the jar caused by nearby pass-
ing trains and street traffic puts
delicate scientific work out of the
Preferential Distribution Will
Continue Until Wednesday.
Preferential sale of tickets for
the 1931 J-Hop to members of tme
junior class will be resumed from
2 to 5:30 o'clock today at tme side
desk of the Union and will continuc
until vacation, it was announced
by Francis Beebe, '31E, general
chairman. General sale of tie
tickets will begin next Wednesday.
As a result of extensive negotia-
tions with dance orchestras
throughout the country, Beebe said

Giant Airship Will Also Receive
Charts in Polar Flight
Next Spring.
I 1T-:1 A r.

flight in pictures as well as words.
The apparatus is also intended
to receive weather charts, thus ob-,
viating the necessity of the navi-
gation officers, laboriously draw-}


They Paid Back Money
Lent From Fund.
(By Associated Press)
IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. 13 - An

showed that Pape owed $25, while
Musgrove owed $45.
Meanwhile, the two coaches whol
suffered worst from the wholesale
dismissal of athletes, Burt Ingwer-

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