THE MCIA AI PR MAY, r)M PE 13, 1929 . .n.++a.++.. , .w. .r.a:ia wr +vy .s.uru SPROMINENT MICH'IGAN MEN TAKE AVIATION DAL.F.I.I. O [I ~ SX INSTRUCTIONATNTO ALGVRM TARP T H ILY 0H IC AL BAmong the 100 or more college! Bill McDonald, qarter-miler on for flight training. Those men sue- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members men taking the aviation instruc-]syerscapohiswm ngcsul; opetg te egt of he nivrsiy. opyrecive bytheAssstat t th Prsi- Ition course at the government navl team; Howard Boys, member of the months' work are commissioned en- dent until 3:30 p. gyn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) _ air :station at Pensacola, Fla., are staff of the "Michigan Technic"; 'signs in the Naval Reserve or lieu- Vol). Xt.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 No. 64 1 sx former mlchigan students or Ben -9. Sothwvorth, one of the Var- tenants (junior grade) in the Ma- ~ These men, all of whom sity wrestlers last season, and Bill, rine corps. Southworth is the only NOTICES icsrvvedl-anowne- cmn theimi- flail1, '29;, former Yale Vasity: one o the Michigan group listedl tie, srvied on-moth elii-diver, who, completed his college as a Marine student, the other five A Meeting of the Senate Council has been called by the President; nary trining course at the Great course in the University. men working for their wings in the for Monday, January 20, 1930, at 4:00 p. mn., in room D, Alumni Memor-! Lakes Training station before being Bohavlrsresuet n Naval Reserve. i~lhl.selected for tanigregulnaol. Bt avalre rstudents cieteatdnsfrm6noleedr n Fa. hallbns.Scetr e x tovrinisnwatePevncola.rn tdet eeveteiStdnsfom6 olge r n F. E flbbin, Scretryghe i sruWolvrnn ow te reciviagarse training at the southern sta- rolled at Pensacola, with Michi- fligh isrutioy n. aa hen,LidAon. The course corresponds to gan's representation larger thanf Faculty, School of Education: The December meeting will be held -aptain of the 1926 cross-country'. hat given to Annapolis . raduates the avers ge. Monday, December 16, at 4:10 o'clo' k, in the Physics Lecture room, firten and Varsity two-miler; L. ---------- - - - -- floor, University High School htilcldmg. *,P,7.u.. Bu kin m V~io i W C. 0. Davos in former Michigan Union operas; ;EU - 1j f Seniors: Thercu will be a mc'cfng Saturday morning at 10 o'clock BRO W~1 ELECTED in the Natural Science auditoriura for Sf~V intere~siwd in getting pos-A tions besides teachiin g".hin addition wt:)mating clear the information IJEIALHA necessary for the Butreau to havc, Dean Etflhlxer andl Dr. Bnadshlaw,! _ Chairman of the~ Coniri: tne 0on Vo-ationril Counsel and Placement, - will spfeak1. D. G. G. Brown of the chemical T. Lthler P 1tion eng ineering l' epartment, was elect- -- ed chairman of the local section of Freshman Aatnr l dancitig c asses will mccl.,e at Mirbouv GCymnatsiuri the American Chemical society at in street clothes, the regular meeting of the society Thursday. Dr. L. C. Anderson, of elected secretary and treasurer, Deans Paul It. McNut~t, Indiana University School of Law, will speak and Dr. H. H. Willard was named tinder the auspices of the Ann Arbor Army and Navy Club, 8:15 p.,in., in; councellor. Nautural Science building. Dr. H. J. Carney, Dr. R. K. McAl- __--.._pine, of the chemistry department, es and Dr. W. L. McCabe of the Itheto ric 1; IRletorie 32: Profec sor Abbot will meet hisces in chemical engineering departmcli~t Freshiman Rhletoric and R~hetoric 32, in the rogular classrooms. were elected to the executive coam- ___ __ mit tee. .. ~~ t feha ecuei ygiene for men will be given 1 i Waterman mnsiu,,hiatqur3,nti4,udsandsayPriep. ffeedallfrshmn nrequidremenhsialtranincludes's, theti sisayP and others that: have bepen ex us e d tfro)'~tast{ai. !: teei .by German Department: C. A. 1May. Announcemuent was made y's.- husiness .c Adui kt}rati r 16: lbotii eeanhiiuatiori wilt be given tod)(ay terday by Prof. J. W. Eaton, of the at 4:00 p. mn., in room 101, Economics buillding.! German department, that this year's Bronson-Thoma~s Prize i At. E. 2: Professor Frank A. Mvickle will not meet this class today.; German will -cosist of an essay on ---------- --the life and works of Theodore, Freshman Women : Any student who did not take the posture test! Storm. The value of this prize is is to report for make up at 4 p. in., at Barbour gymnasium.; about $50.00, and -is offered by Thomas Bronson of Barclay, Cali- C. D. LaRue';s Discussion tGrouip meets this evenin g at 8:00 in N. 8'fornirt 1 130 . _ -- - - _ ,__ . - _ - - . -- - - __ cInkleFash joed Qfod The ANKLE-FASHIONED feature -- exclusive to nn~~-B~us: ox- fords - is the result of special hand-tailoring methods of c~~n- struction. You can SEE cnd FEEL ?the difference. - -- 11 FAST SERV ICE AMERICA'S All'. STFUl. FINEST MOTOR EQUIPMENT--MCiMRN CONSTRUCTION---HOT WATlfER 1 I EAT- NEW TRAVEL COMFORT. CAMPUS TRAVEL BUREAU Chiilbl, House (1 2 Co 7 p. -m.) 1-iion Side Desk (12:10 to 2:30, X1.30 to 6:40) Photnc 9142 (12-7) atnd 2-2266 (after 7 r,. in.) 1 ff -- . tamp (i~cdlector: The Ann Ar- Children's Saturday Morning RhyitinClaSse will 1-Ieet at thi" bor Stamnp club will hold iUs Won?.en's Athletic building.; lar meeting in roomn 408 of the to.- _ m~~iace L~tlanuags buildling; on at- i Phi Kappa Phi initiation dinner at the Michigan Union at 0:30 p. m. Varsity Rand: Special rehearsal this afternoon from 5 to G at Mor- irio' hall. C~iv IN G EV ENTLS International Forum: Mr. John Khalef of, Palestine will lead an open discussion on "Problems in Palestine," at a Forum to be held at Lane hail, Sunday, December 15, 4:00 p. m. This discussion will deal with the rights of nationality. All are cordially invited. Thie regular meeting of the Anti Arbor Branch of the Amnerican As-I sociation of University Women will be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre at 3:00 p. mn., Saturday, December 14. Professor Robert Hall of! the Geography. Department wil~l talky on "Modern Japan," illustrating! with slides made during his research studies on the island. Beta Kappa, Rho: meeting at 8:15 p. in., Saturday, Decenmber- 14, in Club Room 2, Women's League building. Craftsmen Club will meet at the Masonic Temple, Saturday evening, at 7:30. Catholic Students : There will be a dance at the Women's League building on Saturday afternoon,, ,December 14, from 2:30 to 5:00 o'clock. urday evening, December 14 at 8t:00 Collectors and visitors are invited. There will bie an auction. ..,. New York Listed Stock2 Priv.-te WireConnections with all Markets St-ciritics bought or sold on iomrumlisonlst Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress &Co. Incorporated Investment Secuirities Virst Floor Ann Arbor Trust bldg. -EI ..___.__ ____.v . ___ , 1 __-- -__- __. "re!i ' lwrw. rw . ROLLE SKATING 'TONIGHT at 7:30 to 10:00 Dancing on Saturday Night, - MRARILL, LYNCH &C. Members s ~New York Stock ]Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange - + .4 Cleveland Stock Exchange Detrpit Stock Exchange New Y(,rk Curb Market f!l201 FirstNat'1 Bank Phone 20 i I I I f E t r I I Evr Ma 1o the Evr n nCarnpus,"WilBuy His Clothing Here If they'll take the trouble to check up on our values, and compare qualities. Because when it comes to price you'll find there's no comparison! We've every Fall and Winter fabric that you'll find anywhere at the lowest price pos- sible for such high .quality, corme in! Compare! ALL AT ONE PRICE! Your unrestricted choice of any Suit--Overcoat-Topcoat or Tuxedo- tn. any MILTONS store $22.50. 119 SOUTH MAIN ST. Pete Harris, Manager Perfectly Tailored- Popular Materials- Latest Patterns- liven the "best dressed" brat man will find these shirts very much to his taste! From the perfect fitting collar .. in his favorite style .. to the last iely finished but- tonhole ... that won't ever gape wide 'open... every feature 'scores top high-! And the patterns are knock- outs! In Broadcloths, Madras auxl Rayons! ---if you want your Gift to S4 fa rl Hit with Hi Choose one of Kline',s Famous.. IMPERIAL GIFT core rte= 40 I ., _- _ ,. I " ; * r r? "_# 7 M - . f 1 . _ . ,J I I o 4 I ' Er~/s' ' rCr r. w"/ '.r,//. ;/. ,."f+o. ' r . ', ' Michi11gan F'a'orite College Songs, $4.75. Michigan Seal Book Ends,$2.50, $3.50, $5.50, $8.00, $8.50. #Michigan ]Blankets, $11.50, $12-00, $12.50, $13.00, $13.50. Michigan Pillow Covers, $3.00, $4.00.,$5.00, $6.00, $10.00, $12.I Michigan Memory Books, $1.75, $3.00, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6. Michigan Speals on Wooden Shields, $2.50, $5.50, $8, $8.50, $9. Michigan Banners, Pennants, Jewelry. Stationery, Souvenirs. Michigan Official Calendar Wrapped Ready to Mail, 75c. VV ASHUNIVERSIT'Y BOOKSTORE 316 State Street Main Street opp. Court House CA ' ' :SU'CPER BA NECK WEAR Mogodores. Satibt,, TIwills, moires aqd Imxported Silks in.a colotdfi, complete se- lctio~n! Only .. ..- ii SCARFS The smartest Col- legiate patterns andD cooslrps nd Jall Colreps ndlk Jacl quiards? At...... I r ' A'2'3aJeiAi.. Y3R.3tZ OFg x 3Pp TY"x wt r.+ i 'i d: d. S .-- "" 306-10 South Mairn Street READ THE bAILY CLASSIFIIDS! 0 InLallfibif u V - m - - - ---- -