FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929, 0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, PAGE SEVEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN . .. "r rrnrr.r flR lern &eSudPUR DUE TO MEET FIVE 1 Wh -s Wll ppoe CALL 5604 or at 100 Granger for - VUIK 1AMillI ntrain for Penn BIG NINE GRID TEAMS PittfiBasketball Teamclean washing and ironhg. Also - ~O F/ S I [ G I~11 i~th~~nbad rnki ap enwlofrlain~wt MciA ~PTSUGDc 2-Pt-RADIO SERVICE 'It'ith f~frh Ad rakinCa ;LAFAYETTE, End~c . L- TSUG, Dec. 12-A its Competent. service men on al Pon Will acco mpany the squad. ;Wisconsin, Indiana and Chicago burgh's stronig basketball quintet, ;makes of radios.F The tamnheld its last practice in !jand the addition of Illinois to the! boasting one of the best records of STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE the ryfO6ders FirstaScrimmigetschedulebforthe first meeting be- sceuefrany Eastern school, will opposeCIDial 21408 521 East Liberty, Session of Year ,to Prepare te otTedltnghteeb-wentewolvnsice19 Northwestern's agers Sa-turdayT 246c !FO0 R R E N T-Roomns, including LOST' for Western Ontario. gfbPrlmiaymrllsheu e s the recently drafted West- _ihaatn.ynsimi he-- completely furnished housekeep- iwat after they arrive in Philadelphia. ern Conference schedule one of the second game of the season for theI THE GYPSY INN, 712 Hill St.- ing apartment for two girls. and 'i'he coaches have spen-t the ekbs aacd udehsbatdWildcats. Coach Dutch Lonborg's j Js f o tt tyu evc il84 r971.42Es ash- dia YEARLINGS ARE S TRON G i csetigth rrtcpassing inesbaas ndianaue asbosind boys got off to a good start Mon- for mels;.at tspecial parties by p- Dialigtor 41442 P1t2456 -- rind bal handling evidenced in the traditional rivals of the Boilermak- dlay night by upsettng Cornell col- pointWent; short orders. Five ____________;_____LS Coc ory ilpthi a *t egi yan afai, and a marked im- ,ers, who will be defending u their eg30t1. Dollar Meal Ticket for $4.50. pinl pucksters through the first scrim- I Pfroveinenrt has been rnoted In the 1 1929 title, will be met in home The Eastern invaders will bring( - --------_- - - -.- ; BEAUTIFUL Woodland Club House, me maeo h ea tteCliempat! in the Ross-Ade stadium ,another formidable five to Evans-[SV IC AT YOUR SERVICE available to "ent to Fraternities P at 7?o'clock tonight. The team Peinsylvania defeated St. Joseph2 here, while Michigan, Illinois and ton. Two years ago the Panthers W. H. Clark, life time experience inj and Sororities on reasonabler h shows a formh that is very promis- I inth Pe season's opener last week in Chicago will be met in out-of-town swept through the middlewest f making shoes, riding boots, spats. terms, only 20 miles from Annj LOSTI ing so early in the season, and Ad- ja thrilling ngamie that ended with contests. winnirig-games from all opponents Six experienced workers to wait Arbor. Call or write Mr. Peters, da, itions made to fill the "gaps cans- theRed and Blue cqagers on the bet-!i Illinois, runner-up to Purdue fori including a nip-and-tuck engage-' on you. Largest place in the city.; Randolph 4447, 408 Detroit Sav-:Bo ed by the loss of -last year's regu-! ter ''end of a 19-38 score. How- the 1929 championship and thej menit with Northwestern. Last year; Factory 534 Forest Ave. Brancih ing Bank Building, Derit wa lars have been satisfactory. Lowrey! ever, Pernn showedlenty of poeronly newcomer on the ad ilpovd n Boilermaker teWlct a h eto h 13S nvriy ew o Mcia.x- believes that the ine-up which -alid "With Bidbeck anxolya ad ilpoieoeo h e-a'umnwnig3 o2.rpis ----- - -- faces the Western Ontario settt1 star pifrmers shold give tures of the season for the Old? Capt.- Charles Hyatt, conceded - ----- - ------- FOREST AVE., near hill St.-Large LOSTl Mon cay night will be at the top of , Micigan "a bard 'r. Gold and Black. 'by many experts to be the great- PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776 front furnished room with pri- 230 idts prov Tefkesen amp eti cnthe-_____________e; rlayer in intercoflegiate ranks; Victor Almendinger. The Stein- vte bath. Automatic heat. Au- 20 idt pry.eTheefreshmetiin are expc-_____________ today, will- lead the attack ofth way concert artist tuner. Office tomatic hot water.'th Shown by Friday tssef for in their ranks are vstr.- a eiec,10 otnAe appointment. Dial 4235. 456h .pucksters of ability. ~ 234C1- -- _-- Scrimmage should bring out some A l- - - - ---SALfrnse rntaatet of the rough places in the Varsity ."N LAS31 A WONDERFUL way of putting! Private bath; light; clean, andj oefethe asc po c'mb caiber" omr ef g uarnteeed . (ndressleprce Cllduon ofth sorngco~brttin whchOVR~s113.oesgurated)4AdrssBx3 day 8837; evenings 9196. 456 is as yet. only tentative. The selec- 11NOICE 234561X3 - Lion for Varsity at present is: NOTICE - I TYPING efficiently prepared. Uni- FOR SALE Tompins, goaln; Mart, R#. l deGnfense; - geteant ho 'varsity Typing Service, 718 Mon- _ _ ____ WILIhe- _ _.__ _ BryntL. efnse Lagln, en-WIL te gntlma towho Iroe. Phone 21474. C~ FOR SALEFec Spi an te;JspR ig yad Aloaned the black Schaeffer penceil clored etchings at reasonable! WAN wn, with Curtis, Seppila, Cam bell, plaertr t10 oninC. YIGTee peciaty. Fair }pie.°Call R. Van-iTuy, 9774 mxe and Schlander as alternates. From ELvening /ttIre'_ in th - Library Sunday night.I rates. M. V. Hiartsuff. Dial 9387. p23ces the following list the freshman I -34 IC34, team w ill be selected : R eed , C ross- ) o rI -- -__ __ __-_-- - ---___ __ _--__ - -_ ___ ___ _ _ _. _ man, Roach, Teet en, Huldner, Williams, Ashton, Darrow, Grichar , l ,Steinberg, and Kedney. 'G tem n' SimrWiliAdler Coleia Comptete Here Tonight' (Continued From Parse 6) .iet rin~g 'D.usiness h e e a pion, are scheduled to m~eet each fro other in the Intramural pool to- At this time of the night. teetome rbbyyear when so many so- - -Is our opprtntytoofeeyu &Seia th etdvr ilb ebr fcial occ asions are for- Lot of Suits, fom rvles$0t the~~~ ~ ~ -Wleieiastnndfeh al it behooves one to inventory his formal attire to - men squads. Five Michigan divers,, ascertain what shoul~d b f',pia~'c and elPA , ...$5.N e td. C Ie man" Tp -White gold Gruen wrist Lh, from cmpus to South U. Washtenaw. Finder. please 3018. Reward. 34 -Alpha Omicron Pi sorority on Dec. 10th between Wo- 's League and 1052 Baldwin. Le 4318. 2 --Plain, gold band ring. Fri- or Saturday. Finder notify 114, Michigan Daily. Re- 1. 234 -Square black purse prob- on Geddes. Mrs. angles, Highland ,road. Phone 3094. 4 q - - - _ D - S t u d e n t s t o e n j o y a r e a l .,Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 2460 . .. _ _ rt lots 'es at Grenshaw. -Railke, Walitis, and Pot-I tle, of the Varsity and Fenske, a freshman. will compete in the 1 fancy diving. While no Micigan co-eds are to swim" in this meet the presence ofj Jean Berridge, Jean Cadweell, and Sou Beatty will insure stiff compe- tition in the Women's events. The~ M.A.A.U championship is to be de- cided in the 50 yard handicap for women. TIhe 100 yard backstroke will also draw a number of Wolverine swim- I mers. Valentine and Warner, both members of the Varsity, and Gold- berg and Fchmieler of the fresh- I man squad will swim in this event. Two other outstanding backstrok- ers' in the person of Adams and Smith of the Toledo Y.M.C.A.i swim~ming team are also entered in- this -meet. Adams is the present n-a - tional Y.M.C.A. chamion in the 1001 yard backstroke.' -Four~ Varsity men, Thompson, brown, Wunsch, and Goldsmith are entered in the 100 yard: br east stroke as is Lemak, a freshman, who is the holder of the nationall interscholastic championship in in this event.F 'details. as to correctness in evening accessories. Whether a new Full Dress is necessary or a Tuxedo, a Chesterfield, Opera Hat or Derby, one will find these articles Two Pants qwr to S$7X07 to be most correst, satisfying and lasting- when purchased from Van Boven 0 ajtx er i IMLII' TOM CORBETT 116 East Liberty Street state street 1over Calkins II TRACK MANAGER TRYOUTS -All those interested in trying out for track manager report at Yost Field h'ouse this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon. Milton G. Kendrick, Manager State Street Nickels Arcade "eThe Store for Men who Care" offering a c le ara nce of fall aft winter merchandise. -Z .. :._ U _hT_ _. wpm [I 11 gift Here are some gif~ sug- gestions that you can be sure will be right because they come from a store where only 'the best in men's wear is handled--everything is pre- selected with fine discrimina- tion. 1 -1 and Overcoa--t Special Now is your chance to buy a superior two-pant suit or overcoat at amazing prices. However the low price does not bespeak poor quality or. old style. for these suits and overcoats are the best and latest college models. Come in and see them. HERE ARE THE LOW PRICE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR I Sox Silk, Wu Ties Silk Lim Scarfs Gloves Belts. .50c up and Wool jol, Silk reductions as low as 3 3," ill be in effect on clothing and overcoats one special group of ock ea-im formrly $.50 now $125, Inc luded in thisyeeto n aretmany articles useful 's hrist as gifts4 in view-v of the drastic reductions we uerge that you visit the mans shop at your 'earliest. por uiy $1 and $1.50 cd, F~d-Tailored $195 up r-_ $ .1s4 50 up Q0,up - $1.50 Suspenders. $35 V4 $45 Suits, 2-Pant or O'Coat SS S32 $36 r /Waxed Handker- chiefS . 5010to $ Hat5----5.00 4 d .1 #Z 11 4 k .. .. II III