.C' 9 .4JL.: lYlL1.C .CL 1 a , e ?H r IVI -CH T 17 DATl1Y __ _____-_5 ALPHA X1 0 1CAPTURE AN, Kappa Delta Second at Third in Close Coi in Union Pool. ,FELSKI HAS HIGH Blotsford and McMurray y Second and third Individual Score Alpha Xi Delta won t1 intramural Swimming ni *last night in the' Michg pool, with a score of 24 Delta was second, scoring Pi Beta Phhird with 12 and Alpha Omicron Pi fo, 11 1-2 points. All the cons close, but none of the tir E lIASENSEMBLES WORN AT CONCERT WOMEN ORGA NIZE'ATTRACTIVE EASE' AND A SMILE [FJIIJUL WILL I A SHOW INFLUENCE OF NEW STYLES ;'MECLUBT0 DATYi SSNTALTOG ii r III RAHJ'II[t"i ______TODA y-ESSENTIALTOGOODPHOTOGRAPH ~~~~s Uh AteBele Aftrithe concert, Madame Mui ordr o cltetheyforma Esa itrsawy ae S Mn opersn h atthtBF i U~CHE Thoe w o aten ed he onc rt io ore a sunnng rap of hit of the Arc ery clu byelect- xw onder justwh y eit ishat so ma s any e oogrp e rsntthelks t them. KR i II by Mdm l dtezoncTeer in oe.astOneg thsealos t inorofficers and choosing a name 13ytepoorpe ak ote.b aaeCaaMzols us of our proofs turn out to be dis- They are in a rush to get the busi- Dtc IdaWlbe etud liL Idyngtcudnthvfaldtercieptible oftoe althatrclIm-aorthe organization, there will beapitet.Dua wt hsns vrwih n elta e trIoeandillOrchetre tikigwonnghetingl ofhvefald oI pothens.I wswclubs ect ait 4 o'clockthutinmdtat.Dayre note the costume bw th y ;the well-dressedcwoman wasacrng tonight, atf the W m ns ilhere iitd oe of A n Abo'cs watnuher tm.bf t~ nd P. he aosspao epflso consisting of a single large pe-r ,lHu.An woa itesedn leading photographers and askedI would realize that he is drawing PoieMsc archery is invited to join, wheth-,'him to explain just why this is so.1 them out trying to get a series of Fia aragmn hvebo ntest ,matching her ensemble. erorFotsheatenddrteanrsgOemoetetcieffaltsofthoet wOn f hecie futso tos'inelienOne of the most outstanding i meeting of the organization. who come to be photographed, .s' intelligent, interesting expressions comnpeted for the Dutch party t .r ry ~gowns in the audience was a deep After the business meeting to- his first observation, is that they doI which will photograph well, theyI be given from 4 until G o'clock to SCORE blue georgette, made with the new! night there will be an informal ont know how to prepare them- ;would adopt what he terms "at- day in the League ballroom, accord {archery meet between the indivi- selves mentally. It is necessry, tractive ease. 'intoJeThyr'3,cama long skirt and high waist. The dual members of the organization. 'that, the sitter have, first of all a Insisting that one be photograph-!intoaeThyr'3,cimn q' Capture length of the skirt was emphasized ; Those who wish to participate are :onfidence in the photographer ied a certain way, in order to em- 'This Will be the last stop-off of th (for by two circular panels, whichi asked to bring their own equip-I whom he or she has chosen, asI phasize a point which is attr ac-! "Leaguetania" before Chrstina hugdwnams t h nke.!ment if possible. well as 'a confidence in his or her Itive, often brings out unattractive! vacation. ~s. I_____own_________a__ppearance. The thoughtsI points which are not observed by1 Bob Carson's League Trio,; Cor This same idea was carried out in' NOTICES.; that one is thinking determine theI the sitter, but which the photog-! hec annual s the collar. It was put on like aI Tryouts for the Junior Girls' expression of the face, and, there- ! rapher himself takes into consid- posed of Malcolm Langford, 30 Li neet held Ibertha, and was narrow in front,'payaeben elIrm .0 fore,adeesv atiuonl rinwhn eispigteSyeytagtpc.adRlan but:exened o te lbos o t fioPlaycaretbigafheronmad3.30 chspakdfsliveyattituetone!subrato Then eutis poingthbae ISydne Stra ightSe.,andeara 'each side. A wide band around te, from 9:30 to 12 o'clock tomor- the judgement of the photographer,! is often placed on the photograph- Bob ,Carson's orchestra will pa . KappaI hips terminated in a large, soft bow row' morning in the Lydia Men- I will lead to results which are pleas-1 er when the actual fault lies with for dancing, and there will be sev 13 points, I on the left side. Blue Iid shoes and; delssohn theatre. Appointments; ing neither to the subject nor to theI the one whose picture it is. eral tables of bridge. Refreshment 1-2 points a silver hat completed the ensem- may be made by calling' RuthI studio. "Because we see so many tooth- in keeping with the Dutch idea wi] rtwihI ble. Vn y aI94 "Few people realize that one mustI paste ads lately which are or- be served. iut ihBlack, it seems, is again destined VanTula_945 prepare psychologically to have hisf traits of people smiling, a great- to be milady's choice for the ma-, picture taken," the photographer many customers are afraid to smile Mr hn9 e eto h e mes mae j joity ofher cotumes.Black repe !AThe regulbarchmeetinAomte- stated. "Many of them come inI at all," the photographer said. ident students of theUnvriyo des maehoieofaherotestlakicrepe AnnArborbanchof theiAeri here thinking negative thoughts. '"They do not realize that those South Dakota have a cuiveryo Lulhg drcss , showing a short bolero. Thi e ia soito fUiest The first thing that they tell me smiles are not real ones" cerence lahihWomen will be held at 3 o'clock is that they hate to have their 1 ----- ----- --- - --_ ------ - - __----___ Iline was repeated by the draped, tomorrow in the Lydia Mendels- pcue aeadta hyhv 7 sooriy fllnss n te sirt Th's ode issohn theatre Prof. Robert Hiall ,as second'i shown in the accompanying i- o h never had a good one yet. "And ~~~ii DpatuecNtete ent of the Georgraphy departmentj that is just the reason why theyi fioela;u.Nte thteleeves, h sir will speak on Modern Japan. have never had a good picture Y or£a k a iring frIadtetgtsevs made. The thought that they are 6 closh 7 1-2 1 -thinking-hate-will be express'~d . "*'. i- ,S ry S were outstanding. Felski received individ points, scoring 13 for her Kappa Delta; Botsford w, with 10 ?1-2 'for Alpha1 and McMuarray, also swimr Alpha Xi Delta was thirdc points. The clay was vexr '« '--. '. the time for the teams -differing.U only in tenths of a second. Alpha Xi Delta was first, time 1:12; A. 0. Pi second, time 1:12.2; and Pi Phil third, time 1:13.7. -Felski was first in the 'racing back o stroke, time-18 seconds. 'tan lace formed the long skirt Botsford was second and Hatch, which had a short train in back., swimming for A. 0. Pi, was third. 'The natural waist-line was shirred Felski also won the diving event ' in, and ornamented by a single and the breast stroke, while Lee, large red 'flower. The fashionable .swimming for Pi Phi won the side diagonal lines were emphasized inI stroke, and Tobin, also a Pi Phi the upper portion of the gown, and won the elementary back stroke.j the neckline was quite low. iJI I1 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111ililllilillilll111111 illlil~ll liii li llii i i iii I i The Collins Shope{ GliftCo'llection Scarfs, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Bags, Lingerie, Costume Jewelry, a Accessories. 1 ii One-ounce locons in Coloured Golu- chat Boxes. Popular Coly Odeurs. $3.75 to $5.50 DOUBLE THE THRI[LL OE HOME-COMING r LES PAR~FUM s C 1. FC O L[ it or not- n thing w il y so delight the maoter as your thoughtful gift of a Coty Per fume--exquisite hut not costly.. PLACE VENDJOME, PARIS S4.''Jill IN, ! - Only Perfectin Wat Do And thmt's why we * y "'Give PHer Gocthamn Silk Stockings' P-Jut A Leather Jacket On Your Gift List $16.150 Everyone wants them for active sports ' . for skating! They keep you warm as toast. .. . yet you'll never feel "'bundled pup" in themi for their should- ers are well cut . . .and their leather is soft and pliant!, Wool plaid lined. Spor s Shop-Third Floor _. tot elaffion ", v".obw eb shee w, h 4i picot edge and the populxr french bef .. the Alccr-service trench heel *\rid $270"-sheer enuough for eniough for veer-- with N~ kdcrativv goldert frieze the i sc vvce"401 -,& ta4 W wometo ns -wc~rir! every 4'Ay stoekins of richr4 sill At Sf~ th~ NorntoV'ah, l. 4IIeVn h F - !II