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December 13, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-13

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T RR T A1 "National Defense and Limita-
tion of Armaments from the View-
point of the American Legion" will!
be the topic of an address to be'
given tonight at 8:15 o'clock in the
Natural Science auditorium by Col.
Regent Jawes Murfin, of Detroit, Paul V. McNutt, dean of the law
% b Pricipa S eker school of Indiana University, and.
Will be Principal Speaker until recently commander of the
at Goodwill Dinner. 'American Legion.
Colonel McNutt comes to Ann
AFFAIR TO BE INFORMAL Arbor as a guest of the local Army
_____and Navy club, and preceeding his?
address, he will be entertained at'
President Ruthven, Rev. Heaps, a dinner at the Union given by that
Mayor Staebler, Among organization.
Thdse Attending. The address should be of partic-


Advances to Rostrum Following
Three Hours of Harsh '
Senators Nye and Cutting Fail
in Attempt to Bar Grundy j'
From Senate.

Comnedly Club, honorary campus I rI[ L I1II1LLIS Arrangements for the circulationBEATEN BY PURDUE
dramatic organization, yesterday N of petitions to bring the question
afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell 'n;fof the merit system for the Union
elected to membership. AT that organization are now being
The new members, announced made by the Student Council com-
re as iollos B arbar Stratton. Captain-Elect Farroh, Orin Pape, mittee, it was stated yesterday by Negative Side Wins in Opening
are s fllos: arbaa Sraton;Kenneth M. Lloyd, '32 L, president
31, Max Demorest, '32, Frank Com- Are Barred in Compliance of the Union. who is chairman of; Contests of Conference
ns, '31, Whitney Dixon, '31, Bur- With Big Ten Ruling. the committee. Debate Schedule.
nette Bradley, '32, Hubert Skid- The petitions, which will be cir-D -aeShd
more, '33, Ruth Moore, '33, Palmerj culateshrl afrCrits_
Bollinger. '31, helen DeWit,'33 , CAGE TEAM LOSES FOUR ed sl te Cis DISCUSS CHAIN STORES
'~~~~~ ~~vacation, are necessary to have the DSUSC-ANSOE
William Butler, '31, ,Helen Carrm proposition submitted. If 200 sig-
Pr3 dina Lryryu ts 3 ere held on Give Athletic House Most Rigid natures are secured the directors Simnons, Donohue, Drake Repre-
Tuesday afternoon and out of a Cleaning Since Conference will have the question considered sent Michigan in Competition
upafroonman ouoa CengSc ree at a meeting of Union members,a
.... ofapproximt ,2 e Severed Relations. quorum for which is 600. Every f Held at Ann Arbor.
- -LWL VV UU1~- a1~ctDac Ir ecoa.trout ys-mal sudnt n heUnierit i

uarnees to suent onmer "r ' se akfrscn tyt yeuaesuete1i ilUiest
can government, and of general in- terday afternoon. The new mem- me nd w e erity to
terest to everyone. Colonel McNutt ' By Francis M. Stevenson, A. P. bers were picked from this latter a member and wIl be entitled to
troit, will be the principal speaker represents in the American Legion, Staff Writer. group. IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. 12.-The vote. ti
at the oodwill banquet, sponsored an organization of more than 800,- WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 13.- Another tryout meeting will be University of Iowa's athletic house . The merit system as tentatively t
by the Union, which will be held 000 men, a voice that carries tre- Joseph R. Grundy, of Pennsylvania, held by the organization in the today was given its most thorough hpoposedr povides I rrthe selection
mendous weight in the determina- advanced happily to the Senate ros- spring, and at that time new mem- te Co president and recording-sec-
tion of national policy. trum tonight after three hours of bers will again be taken into the by an electoral board corn s
the Union, according to an an- harsh discussion over his right to dramatic society. . ference voted last spring to sever posed of four faculty members and a
nounement made today by Ken- a seat and took the oath of office. Comedy Club's next play is sched- relations with the Hawkeyes. three students. The members of the d
netj M. Lloyd, '30, president.i '"' OL PHO For the first time since William uled for the latter part of Janu- Fourteen athletes who had bor- board will be elected by the direc- i
ther speakers ,r the afarU S. Vare, the Republican power of d ary.The play has not been pick- rowed funds ranging from $15 to rs from their number. There are
whc sitne fetabt l f I Phldlhia made that same ad- ed, but it will probably be of a memer1o th ar, eight of.
which is intended to effect a bet- vance and was turned back two humorous nature. A play commit- $80 from a "trust fund" which was whom are students; the presidentt
er unreligious sects on the cam- S[UIT1years ago, Pennsylvania tonight has i tee, consisting of Florence Tennant, one of the points upon which the recording-secretary, and six vice- s
[Nigi ehT senHa ,tb . '30, Robet Wetzel, grad., Kenneth Conference based its ouster action presidents, elected in the all-cam- jb
pus, will be President Alexander __ _two Grundy and Fisher Assailed. White, '30, and Lorinda McAndrews, were crossed off the lists of elig-pus vote the spring. This system p
G. Ruthven, Mayor Edward W. Ballroom Decorations Complete The Pennsylvania manufaturer '30, are considering several possi- nli would replace the present method
Heapsle, Rabb Adolp Flisnk Fae . n o tesArne an vtea *high tariff advocate bilities, and the name and exact ble players in five sports. Ony one of electing the two high officers. n
Aeaps, .Rabbi Adolph Fink, Father and Noelties Arranged had smiled frequently during the date will be announced in the near of them had concluded competition}3
Allen J. Babcock, eT. Hawley Tape for Annual Dance. hours in which he heard himself future. prior to today. i
Alumni association, will act as and Governor Fisher of Pennsyl- Co-Captain Removed. M
toastmaster, it was announced. 150 COUPLES EXPECTED vania, who appointed him, assailedT The wholesale action reoved
Townspeople Invited. in outspoken language. four regulars and two reserves i l
The banquet, which is to bec Final arrangements for orcres- A long time was spent in deter- ,from the list of men eligible for1 W Ilil
strictly informal, is open to all stu- tra, decorations and novelties of ining what to do with the resolu- e'Coach Rollie Williams' basketball TIUU GIUD
dents and townspeople; both men the Sophomore Prom. which will ion o ethnDatkoproposing R decare I Item Three of these men also were I
and women. This is believed to be begin at 9 o'clock tonight in the !that Grund is not entitled "to re- 'xpected to play on the 1930 foot- Only Two of Eight Weapons e
the first affair of its kind ever held U ballroom, havebeen com-'ta" his seat because of his par-!Manball team. Among them was Mike Lost
on the campusoy a major Ameri- UnionMa acrdg Fed Buhncm tain in st e 0000h epu- nslaughter Charged Against Farroh, Michigan City, Indiana, sin Recent Mutiy
cnuniverst. hpleted, accordingto Fred Buchan, Icipatio in the $2000, epum-y Owners in Connection With football halfback and' basketball Found by Guards. Ia
President Ruthven has expressed ' 32E, general chairman of the af- cnp y. . guard, who only last night WsM
!fai. Cose'to150coulesareex-1 Fnaily without even a roll call' Fire After Investigation. 'l eryapoa ftepaelected c-captain with MarT~
hs hearty approval of the plan, fair Close to 150 couples are ex- vote th Senate approved the mo- -A I sg .st o-,center.fth__aiRIOTERSARESEPARATEDT
saying, "I. and much interested in pected to attend the dance, which tion of Senator Johnson, Repub- Magnusson, center of the footbah
the project and trust that it will brings the pre-Holiday campus so- lican, California, referring the res- NEGLIGENCE IS ALLEGED team, for next year. Magnussonto
be successful. Such gatherings twas not affected. AU nUrN N. Y.,.
should 'assist in breaking down the cial season to a close.d olution to the election committeeiA(DARNNY.)Dec.12D-Within,
i~laio W ih iferncs in be Ihga H ncck a d is ba dand ordering the immediate ad- i cty X.;s iateJ i'd~ Oran Pape of Dubuque, Iowa, the ~ R ,N . e.1 . W ti
isolation which differences tn be-f Hogan Hancock and his band ai nisterino the oath. NEW YORK, Dec. 12.-Two exec- spectacular halfback who scored the walls of Auburn State Prisono
ich" tke fnd o r provincalismnG" Shortridge Protests. . utives of the Pathe studios were the touchdown that beat Minneso- which twice within the past five
dwh d . makf ro ism."id will supply the music, and several Chairman Shortridge of the elec- arrested to day on charges of man- ta, both in 1928 and 192 was on months' have looked down on t
lMayor Edward .W. Staebler said, htt the list. u iyrotad blood-
"The"Union and the Ministerial as- novelty numbers. Decorations for tions committee protested that the slaughter in connection with the Basketball Men Dropped. shcenes omu ny, otan ls -
socjation are to be commended for the party, which were designed and Senate was asking his committee (deaths of 10 persons in the fire asethallbAet of nestig# shed, state and county officials to-
po oin'te'o d wl reiiu e ectd b Fo era co p nto do "an idle and futile thing. He I Pape was the object of in'vest iga- Iih
Sponsoring'the 'good will religious executed by Flowerday conmpany,to t teddntknw he which destroyed the Manhattan tnofhrgsfpresi nilght pressed an intensive search qi
baqe.' As this is the first affair of consist of 'evergreens and shrub- said tonight he did not know when {hc etoe h ahta tion of charges of professionalismtprseannesieerc
this kind ever sponsored by a ma- bery with silver trimmings. "There ( he could call the committee to- studio Tuesday. much of the last football season, for, ten guns which disappeared ti
i kuniversity all t more credit wil be no stags at the dance," stat- gether. .-They are John C. Flinn, 40, of and clearing of him was said to yesterday during the outbreak in d
is due those responsible for having ed Buchan, "but it is hoped that Democratic and Republican inde- Yonkers, a vice president, and have been a factor in the Big Ten's which eight convicts and the prin-
the foresight, initiative, and cour- there will be somewhat more infor- pendent leaders joined in declar- Henry F. Lalley, 40, manager. They refusal to readmit Iowa into ath- cipal keeper were killed L
age to attempt to bring together mality than a usual program ing throughout the debate that the were arrested after police seized I letic relationship.
- ty." Senate must accept the credentials 160 containers, estimated to hold I Irvig nelson, of Omaha, drop- Two guns were discovered during'
men from so many differentreli-Partebetween adto I kicker extraordinary, of the foot- the day in the south wing where
gous sects for such a meeting." Tickets for the affair may still of the Governor of a sovereig n 50,000 and 100,000 feet of ball team and basketball forward; the myinteers made their last des- f
Banquet Well Supported. be secured at the tables in Univer- -state. film.tbalhateemw also named. Doyal .Plunkett, h
Supporting the banquet are the sity hall, or at the main desk of ! Senator Nye admitted that G The manslaughter charge is bas- of Frankfort, Ind., star basketball perate stand, determined to "go out
various student religious groups on the Union, or from members of the bad slight hope of stopping Gruni ed on negligence growing out of forward; and Seward Leeka, of In- or die." Five of. then died .there.
the campus, including the Student Student council and the campus but both he and Senator Cutting, alleged violation of a city ordi- fdependence, Missouri, basketballI Their mouths sealed by the fear I
rtudents center, iilel foundation, s$5.00. that the Senate must reject Grun- nance prohibiting the storage of center, and reserve halfback, were of reprisals by friends of the mu- t
nudints' addier dtion, the AnnArbor dy if it was going to be consistent more than five reels of film in cer- others named.
and in addition, the Ann Arbor ith its vote to bar Vare for the tain types of buildings. The Man- tineers, one thousand five hundred
.FITZGIBBONS NEW penditure of $735,000 in 1926. hattan studio was classified as com- GALENS COMPLETE fifty-three were crowded in 1072 s
dent council and the Women's CAing under this ordinance. cells,'many of which, according tos
League have also endorsed the HARRIER CAPTAIN M . Choa Four chorus girls and six men CHRISTMAS DRIVE the State Department of Correc-
project.Music Students,C ora members of the company of 100, tion, are in the same condition they
Representatives of these various' David W. Fitzgibbon, '32 E, of Uteswere burned to death when fire Ending their two-day drive for were 100 years ago, and not equip-
groups will speak.. The Rev. Mr. Little Falls, N. Y., was elected cap- ___I broke out in the studio during the funds with which to provide the ed with modern locking devices.
Heaps will speak for the lyinister- tamn of Michigan's 1930 cross-coun-Students of the School of Music filming of a talking picture. children of the University Hospital which permit an entire block to be
l association. l stry team at a meeting of the letter ill present the first division of with a happy Christmas, Galens, locked by a single motion.
Tickets for the banquet, priced at men held last night. Mortimer the "Hallelujah Chorus" from the KHALEF TO TALK honorary medical fraternity, real- Three convicts lay in the prisont
$1.25, are now on sale at the main' Hawkins,'310 A, was named mana- "Messiah" at 4:15 o'clock Sunday ied a sum of $1,400, which is only hospital in a . serious ccndition.
desk in the Union and the Women's ger of next year's harrier squad. afternoon in Hill auditorium. AT S C A FORUM $100 less than their hoped for quo- while eight bodies had been dis- jt
League, Slater's and Wahr's book- Although this was only his first The chorus for the occasion isA ta. This money was given by idivid-|tributed among local undertakers,
stores, Lane hall, at all church of- year of competition, Fitzgibbons drawn from the members of the . uals and the fraternities and soror- completing the roster of 5,264 con-t
flees, and through student repre- showed much promise as a runner. Choral Literature class, and the Continuing the series of Interna- ities on the campus. victs who answered roll call beforer
sentatives. He finished eighteenth in the Con- University Choral Union. Accomp- r tional Forums, sponsored by the "Although we failed to reach our the outbreak.
ference meet at Columbus, help- animent for the choruses and solo- International Committee of the quota, we feel sure that had it not In his residence, Warden Edgar ,
PROPOSE LIMITS ing Michigan to take third in the ists will be played by the symphony Student Christian association, John been for the bad weather all day S. Jennings, remained in the care
team standing. He is also a dis- orchestra of the School of Music. Khalef of Palestine will lead in the. Thursday we would have had no of the Prison physician, while
ON FALL RUSHING Itane runner on Coach Steve Far- In many of the larger cities of discussion of the subject "Prob- difficulty in doing so," Paul R. Hil- George A. Sullivan, sergeant of the c
rell's varsity track team. Ftzgib- this country and most of the music lems in Palestine" at the meeting debrand, 30M, chairman of theGgASandiangan, ofsthe
bons will be the second junior to centers of England and the Conti- Sunday afternoon in tg t Aditche out- ardand acting warden, was int
Anticipated limitations on fra- captain a cross-country team in nent this portion of the " Messia" ium of Lane hall. come of the tag sale. "Galens will command of the prison foes.
Ternity rushing during Freshman recent years. Randolph Monroe by George Friedrich Handel which In addition to touching on exist- be able to give the children a mer- In the quarters of principal keep-
Week were discussed at yesterday's 'who graduated last June was cap- tells the story of the nativity is ing conditions in Palestine, Khalef ry Christmas, furnish the manual er George A. Durnford, a widow and
meeting of the Senate committee tain of the 1927 team as a junior. presented at Christmas time. will bring into his discussion the training room of the Hospital with two children grieved for the death
on student affairs, held in the of- Fitzgibbons succeeds Clarence Ben- The general public is invited to attitude held by Arabians as re- necessary supplies, and buy some of a husband and father, slain at1
flice of J. A. Bursley, dean of stu- son as leader of the harriers. attend. gards Palestine, thus continuing playground equipment with what the outbreak of the revolt when he
dents. -___money remains. In being able to resisted attempts of the killers to
Although net definite action wasI the discussion started my Mu i do that, we feel that the drive ac-' handcuf him and hold hime as hos-
aresultof the dscussonG. D. EATON PREDICTS EXTINCTION Samuel, noted author and lecturer,
the attitude displayed toward the OF ALL INTELLECTUAL PUBLICATIONS'atbeaddressat last Monday on --nthPale o hds oea-
queslon was such that steps tow- _subject" ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE WITNESSES -
ardl regulation of Freshman Week ~ tine?"E T U I S I UDE C IN S E
r gwill probably be taken By Dou'eyou- the newest ideas come from com- Khalef, an Arabian whose home OPENING OF ANNUAL UNION OPERA i
either by the Interfraternity coun- G. D. Eaton, erstwhile campus paratively unknown writers. Hence is in Palestine, is enrolled in the ---
cil or by, the committee on student iinrdl inor e ly audle zhe variety which is the sine qua University as a pre-law student. Revealing a galaxy of brilliant-the garrison.
tended the meetin. yyesterday afternoon in Natural Sci- non of a magazine must be sought Considerable interest is being ly attired "chorines," and a lavishly Norman Brown, '30, plays the
ence auditorium that within ten among obscure journalists." shown for the Forum since Khalef dressed military force on the myth- part of La Sombra, the leader ofW
t Information compiled recently on years all magazines of such cali- Little of Eaton's former force or will give the Arabian point of view ical island of Costa Frio, the cur- the Spanish forces, and George
thesasis ofs interviews between in bre as Harpers Scribners, Amen- tirades were apparent yesterday as regards the recent outrages tain was raised last night at thie iTremble, Jr., '30, as Senor Sanchez.
s y p re eald thatrshigh can Mercury, and Plain Talk (his but he contented himself with a .credited to the Arabs in Palestme.g
school principals revealed that sev own 'publication) would not be in few indictments of the Federal His subject is expected to bring Round," the twenty-fourth annual D. B. Hempstead, Jr.. '31, is a
eral freshmen had found their I existence. "Mass production of Trade commission and its activi- up a discussion of the rights of na- production of the Union Opera. beachcomber, Charles Moyer, 32.
byr hneav progam. ofraterityd news through newspapers, mass ties in Texas, and the Christian tionalities together with problems An enthusiastic audience greeted is the hard boiled top-sergeant of
bphygr Iyroduction of culture, and such de- Scientists. Following his talk, Ea- of small countries. Following a the speciality numbers ad the the army, and he has particular
I vices as the radio and movies all i ton extended himself sufficiently short introductory presentation of dance routines, and the "awkward difficulty with George Johnson, 30

Pointing out that the affirma-
ve team had failed to establish
heir case, the negative debating
eam representing Purdue univer-
ty defeated the Michigan a irm-
tive team in the first conference
ebate of the semester last night
n Hill auditorium. The question
or the discussion was ."Resolved:
hat the principle of the chain
tore system is detrimental to the
est intefgests of the United States
Howard Simon,,'32 L, Albert Do-
ohue, '31 and Ormand J. Drake,
0 Ed., represented the University
a the contest, being opposed by
4. F. Droege, George Lamb and
harles Traynor, who spoke for
hie Lafayette institution. Prof.
icholas J, Weiss, of Albion col-
ege acted as single expert judge.
ean Clare E. Griffin ,of the School
f Busniess Administration presid-
simnons Opens Debate.
Simon opened the debate for th
firmative, outlining the case that
'ichigan would attempt to prove.
'he welfare of the United States,
ie declared, was largely dependent
an the independent retail merch-
.nt. The first speaker for the Pur-
ue team, Droege, declared that
*nly the inefficient independent
nerchant was being driven out by
he chain stores, which was a
none efficient method of distribu-
ion. Donohue, in the second nega-
ive speech, declared that the chain
tore is tending to destroy compe-
ition, and was thus an evil in-
Lamb Points Out Saving.
The second debater~ for PurdLe,
Iamb, pointed out that the lower
rices in the chain store system
vere saving millions annually
or the United States public.
brake closed the argument for
Wichigan, pointing out that the
rinciple of the chain store system,
f extended to other fields, would
end to destroy independent think-
ng in the professions. Traylor de-
ivered the fnal constructive
peech,'(maintaining that the largo
:cale methods of the 'chain store
were raising the standard of re-
ail merchandizing.
The first rebuttal speech was de-
ivered by Droege, of Purdue, who
was followed by Donohoe, Traylor,
and Simon, in that order. Most of
he Purdue arguments centered
around alleged inconsistencies in
he Michigan team's debate, which
he affirmative tried to show that
he chain stores tend to create a
monopoly by driving the indepen-
dent out of the retail field, the only
field now left to the man with a
small amount of capital. Lamb and
Drake closed the arguments for
their teams, and summed up the
cases. The decision was then given
to Purdue
Dean Humphreys Plans
for Christmas Wedding
At the informal monthly tea of
the English department held this
week, Assistant Dean Wilber R.
H'umphreys announced- plans 'for
ais marriage which will take place
during the Christmas holidays.
The celebration will take place at
he home of the bride, Mrs. Lyda
R. Kern, at Pontaic.
Mrs. Kern is secretary of the
rhetoric department at the Uni-
versity, and resigns her position as
such today in order that she may
eturn home to make final prepa-
rations for the affair.
V1 1-

Y.i W 11 w a s v a . v w . , ., " - - ----- -ar
have contributed to the decline of i to say that "paternalistic universi- I the subject the meeting will be squad," a speciality dance chorus, who is cast as Private ks.
William Morgan Pleads ! the intellectual, liberal magazines." ties are cowed by the newspapers i thrown open for discussion with gave several encores at the insis- The musical score, written by
trEaton pointed out that the most I into protecting the morals of their 1.Sher Quraishi presiding. tence of the Opera enthusiasts. Lowell Love. '30L, Richard Wat
Not Guity to Charges liberal magazines were losing mon- charges. If people can't trust their --- Byron Dalrymple '32, is the he kins, '30 William Renolds, '31, and

fr '
.. -_

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