I ETABLIHE 1890 Lr tiijr 4. ailrj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VO.XL, NO. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 EGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE 'BENTS mANY t "> tM ,i c. i J. y , '.,'k' ' , 't : 1: t "1 i + ) .. . . .. "t REPORTED EADt~r " IN CHINESE WAR. VARSITY DEBATERlS WILL OPEN SEASON IN MEETS TONIGHT AFFIRMATIVE SQUAD WILL ENGAGE PURDUE SPEAKERS HERE TONIGHT I 1I IT fi, } a -T1 Y- TT l l'a'w / f 'f!T1TT T : T -^r T1r- -r Tw".I"Y f !"!9T: 1T4 MERRIE-GORO UND ;OMPANY TO OPEN GOCAL RUN TONIGHTI I NNESOTA WILL MEETI NEG~ATIVE CRNil0 SC E VARSITY TEAM AT MINNEAPOLIS' BY EBELS AND LOYALIST MOBS Subject f of Debate Is Frncnl o ; cVirtues [lain "wenty-fourth Union Opera Present Pic-turesotte ipfe to StoreSystem. of Tropical Garrison. SIMON IS FIRST SPEAKERI WILL PLAY THREE DAYS Purduc to Support Negative Ii Seats Placed on Sale at Theatre; 31 HOST Here Minnesota to Contest Sell-out isExpected for With Michigan Negative. i All Performances. Ii Michigan will send two teams into As a climax to more than four a conference debates tonight when I monts of intensive drilling and'a the fi9.niaive rect Pudue n :constant rehearsing on the part of Iiladtruadtv ast more than 100 members of thre cast S1LA negative team debates against Miii- I and choruses, "Merrie-Go-Round," MebrifteVriyngtv dbtn emwihwl etCina nesota at Mnneapolis. The topic Pictured. above is the Varsity affirmative debating team which meets the twenty-fourth annual produc- awthMinesoft e atitnegatighet, r ictueabov.c Frolmeleftrosto for the discussion is "Resolved: that IPurdue in Hill auditorium tonight. Reading from left to right are: towfteino prawl aet rihnaesowatnnapstha nivy,a1,ta ovie.rom1,lesstg thre Principle of the chan storess-I Orman~d J Drake, .'30 Ed.; Howard Simuon, '32 L.; Garrett B. Wright, itsFl were1 =30.; and Albert Donohue, 31. itspemier performance tonight at J. Dunn, 31, and Feneonn Boe the, '31. temn is detrimental to the best in- ;i h Mchgnhete.__-_-__-- ose tcrests of the United States public." II~ IIIII C IIS~OOEPO The seat sale this year has been flI j[l ft DANCE TICKEITS. tack 1 Howard Simon, '32L, will be theG L .. L L aesligaply iiusayb adattetme UlILU fa Tickets are now available in Tho fisbpekrothcira' oe Sophomore Prom to be held the tickets were remroved to the box l Ui mie ubrfrtewne ssr team. He hias had considerable ex- Rf l Friday nightith 1e Union Ball office of the theatrre hd RfVfll M fu~l formal dance of the Lawyers' ports perienxce in college debating, and Tb IlTOO f Room. They are on sale in Un11r R 1 I~ll 111 ibwihist ehl o- we n wa eme f atyersvast1i tU Uversity hal aid at the Union been sold than in previous years at TlubwhicVisto bUhedIU ii WVI PH row night at the club, it is an- AletDnhe 3,woi nteAdusk. ithe same time. Indications are fom H rfsor WilL-i ouned.. Law students arc s- wr team. The second speaker will be _asll-outfortefourperfom- ________invitetoatend._ice__ Abr ooxe'3,woiontejMore Than Half $1,500 Quota _Hygaisen-ouPforfhesforrprfor- invteduoratend.igce tean) for the first time this year.4 Realized in Yesterday's on Sex ~ acstob ieni n Abr and Religion'U rD 0RIF Na Ormanxd J. Drake, '3OEd., will close "ChaiyDrive. IH11 I~~J J[~ Sasfralo teso~ o-Ti feno.H 'J ~" " theacate [oL theaffirmativI IUeever, will be on sale at the box of- II] IIU-VI II China Tn MNhsbenatv ncmpsfr-F N S OT RPLSflce at the theatre from 10 o'clock --- 1TNCOC S forig scs, and is Presiden t.of the Oa- TO IU I TL H901TUIOI evl moringfor tc rest of RIOTIPROBLMCONVICTS1 R toripal ass'ociation. Last year he Continuing their c2'ivc for funds ( 1 wek as performances will be given "rbesilSxadRigo"IMnd ; uuhtmro ihSaturday "rbesi e n eiintemp was the winner of the local con- with which to supply the crippled;~whtmrrwngt is the subject to be discussed by"wleBivdDadFlongpet tsinteNorthern Oratorical. -ideofteUvrsy lp- Council W\arns All F reshmnen !night, and at a Saturday matine. Prof. Warren E. Forsythe , of te Tev eivdDa ol wi pene League, and repres ented the Uni- ta a happy Christmas Galens,1 to Wear Pots'; Drastic Hlaines Is Author. deateathesv Outbreak at Auburn State I thous versity in thne rurl competition ;honorary medical fraternity, will MauesTkhyTebogoiMrreG-fluu" ene , ofasrimen o, allCu rsni e ok ie hier* last May. lie was al: o a miem-' sell tags again today in an effor t' Oiitl fasre fAlCipswt 1I1to reatti bc theirRanquota oofb r$1,a00.eaAt debaing-t~a- wajsto ralitetheby uDoaafl$1,5 0.netI' toorbe held hat a 4 o'clock tht sLinne -b eg astive ar's deaingth 'os1of'' eda drive $900,1 COMIMITT I WILL MEET ithe cjournalistic department. The H AD.5 tMISKIL iuI Nseiea inaJ95 heco> fyseasIitting 1s on the mythical island1 afternoon ii Room D, Alumni Me- I EA _"PRISKILm Fenielon Boeschre, '3I, will open more than half the quota, had- - I of Costa Grio and the immeditae 'muial hall. - rebel the debate for the Michigan rnega- Ibe deposited In the bank. and anI Official warning to freshmen to i tra 'v,>°"° s[fPres) 5,000 tive team at Minneapolis. He Is :etasumn of $250 had been receiv-I wear their. "pots" was Issued last bacgo unssatmrcn.ry Poesr Foste hogiABRN . ec l--fe st tit entering his second year of inter- I ed from the fraternities and soro- ,.g LyteStdmtcui~i ~p ui frt t eaching classes in hygiene and hours of rioing, a besieging force S colegiate compettion, having been ;rties on the campus. ngtakyle atudethe ousame . tieps-Mscfrtepodcifortulchalh swl sbig h fgad n oic oih rs- S a eetkna h aetm o e-iwitnb oelLv 0,rie member of the team that debated Paul R. Hildebrand, '30 M, pros- dsiln Trusedale Meyers, '30, Richard Wat- director of the University Health ed control. of Auburn Prison from miles against Northwestern last year in1 ident of Galens anu chairman of the proper iciln of first year (kins convicts, leaving a death toll on Pukov 11 uitorium. Jesse J. Dunn, '3,! the drive, stated in an interview students who psitily brea '3 Q0,amnd Williami Reynolds;,Sevc, is said to have gained anr officially estimated at twelve. ernu Hil thasnd memer opthrteattatnteymebereofkale'31pr.-The lyrics for the musical Hnu- insight on this question, which was rrThe mutinous convicts had seized streari aise aecnotheeroc e t amsth a g eatbeoalhenaesiythis one of the LUniversit's tradi-beshv bencmodbyM.Iocddto eoeofhe ottewaeEgrS.Jnisss n citd s Nmhercmpan s abe n comp.ose pyMadiorteded ro bl oems ofre o tingardn, dgaSJninsthe wr.NtaLey'3,wlbethe! of individuals and the fraternities to n ee ,asa ildwt woirdsk erortha Levya31tillta, bx ooite hc aldte prompted the council to take the IJr., 31. the average college student today! principal keeper, George A. Drn- met and is also a veteran in college! organization to realize a very su- Ifcthif.eud ntim Thre principal pats of the story I by the representative group of stu-i ford; before the law, after six hours the in speakig r.IctIivEA'. ,eeIfftl drivesfor the fiotst day.are taken by Byron Dalrymnple, 32. dlets who selected the the sub- of battliing, ad gained the upper Rei 1exwte i ileru Wimr. "wa fitwmoney obtained we diately take to wearing their "pots" <