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Slmxf DLQ.1:rAvrrt 110 1323
w. L I
IIICI 0UL I Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 P. rm. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
troye tfrai Staff: Trewill be a m.eting of the entire eft - } j Ijj V i rr1SLlOFTIKESgOWUNDER WAYp
TC3_tl .2123f7 Ard .1 CIUL'of the CGargoyle at. 'F:00 p. Tm. today. ~u i~ VLL FO IS NO OD ILDNE
%,VJ- . F ..y
p. in.
V a itsit Wid: Rehearsal at 7:105 n. m, hwvriR h ill
VOL. Xis.
No. W!
Inter-Library Loans-Cessation Durig Christ mas Season: Owing to
the rush of business and to the congestion affecting both the mails'
and the handling of express, the larger libraries of the country have
agreed for some years past to stop inter-library loans between Decemo-
ber 105 and January 6. Any persons wishing to have books borrowed
from other libraries for use here during the Christmas holidays a'e.
requested to arrange for this immiediately with the Associate Librarian
of the University, as requests to borrow books will not be honored by
most libraries (including the library of this University) after Decembo r
16, and until January 6.
Thit notice is issued in order to avol d dfflcurltics' which have afl115 n
in the last two year..
WillijamW. Lti-.iop, Librarian
{organ Recital Omitted: On account of the death of Palmer Chris-
tian's father, the weekly organ rci t:;l will be omitted this week Wedne:";-
day, December 11.
CJ; arle s A. iili
IDean's Advisory Comimittee, Collage of Literature, Science, and thre
Arts: A meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee is called for Thurs-E
lay, December 12, at 4 p. mn., in this office.
s r lU1 . 1 . n;i v r s ii y o f i c ii i n f f ic i ai I P tu ld ic 'i t i an : T h e E d i to r ia l O f fic e {
announces the issue of the Malle In on Dfa,,-boir Scholarships for Orien-
tal Women, which is Nbo. 30 of Vol. IX> of the University Otlicial
Pubilefation. !ra MNi. 8ritli
Mid-semcAr reports for all stftdents in the Collage o 1£n rikeering
whose grades in any courses have been reported below C, are nowV oi
Mie and open to inspection by those coner, ned, in the office of the
Associate Dean, room 255, West Erplineerirw bilding . Kindly see Miss
'Earl for ,the reports.
GL . .Patterson
Seniors: There will be a ,mcting fSatturda y morning at 10 o'clock
in the Natural Science auditorium for :cniors interested in getting posi-
tions besides teaching. In addition to making clear the information
necessary for the Bureau to have. Dean Efl rger and Dr. Bradshaw,
Chairman of the Committee on Vocational Counsel and PlacementI
will: .speak.
TI. Lutber Purrdoin
Women's League Clouse Organizers: The November :signing~-out
slips have been checked. Please cheek your houses from the report
,s Teets. These are biled in the Womrei:l's League Undergra duiate office,
Please check only the technicalities below the line.
Elizabeth De'Vol, Chairman of the B rdl of Representatives.
Sigma Xi: All members of tip; Society who have become affiliaed'
with the University this year ifor the first time are requested to notify
Byron Soule, Sec'y., 408 Chemistry building.
Mr. Re's classes in Rhetoric : Rhetoric 1 will meet as usuail todt y:
outlines will be returned. Mr. Helm will conduct the session.
Rhetoric 31. will not meet today. Readl the first -one hundred pages?
of Galsworthy's "Forsythe Saga" for Friday; :bring Conrad's "Youth" to ,
Rhetoric 189 will not meet. tonight. See Sunday Daily Bulletin for{
conference schedule.
C 0 iN0 IViNTs,
0. 1). Eaton: Michigan alimnus of campus pI~ominenee iri his dtay.
and at present editor of -Plain Tally", will speak onl 'What You Get
for a Magazine," in Natural Science auditorium, Thursdlay, December,
12, at 4:15 p. m. Auspices of the Round Table club. Public invitedl.
Educational Mrtion Pictilre: At4 p. in.. Thursday.,IDecember 12,
four rolls of motion picture film, "~Oxygen, the Wonder Worker," will
be shown in room 1042 East Engineering building, by a represent-.i.ive of
the Air Reduction Sales company. The manufacture c,_ oxygen, as
well as examples of its use in yielding and cutting metals, will be
shown. A demonstration showing the properties of liquid oxygen will
be mesde. All those who are interested are invited to ;attend.
1 ST 9H I C 0N TE ST!'Tickets for the first "goodwill"L
Iii F~ TOB ~O~I[SIbanquet which is being sponsored successful. Such gatherings should
_____by the Union have been placed onI assist in breaking ,clown the isola-
Say ~BiefStoy' ontst illsale through the various churches tion which differences in belief tFend.
Says'Bref tor' Cotes il'and student relIgious centers and to create, the existence of which.
Allow ,Students to fgreak State street bookstores. The ban-: make for provincialism."
Into g'rin .' quet, to be held in the ballroom of An alumnus from Detroit will be
the union at 6:15 o'clock next S;ecured to make the. principal ad-
PRIZE~S GIVEN MONTHLY ITuesdlay night, is believed to be the dress. Others on the program are
1Young writers who are interest-' first affair of its kind ever held at M{ayor Edward W. Staebler, th+
ecl to break into print should be a mi jor American university, ac-I Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, rebresent-
attactclby th a nnouinceme-ntof cording to Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30,j ing the Ministerial association of
the Student's Prize Story Award by
fthe editors of the "Brief Stories"
imagazine," Prof. Peter Munro Jack.
rof the rhetoric department, sa i
English~ 171.: There will be a written test IFridaly. December 13, on. *y etclay.
all bile work assigned1 since the prececlino; te :t. "There are many student writers
S. R. Asliby on the campus who are capable of
presenting prize-winning manu-
Eiiglish 300: Englirsh seminary will meet on Thursday at 8:00 p. in.,j scripts," Prof. Jack stated.
j inroo 40 Lirar. Pofesortlutbin wil tlk n te sbj~T, he editorial board of "briefj
Ah biogom p403 Lbra."Poesr fthn wl ako h uj'ct, or haset aside each monthi
i~iblie~rap____Aod_':a prize of $150 for the student sub-
E the :second ifrehian lecture ine Hygiene f'or nriv will be given i rnitting the best story. If other
Waterman gymnasium, Thursday rand Friday, December 12 and 13, at, stories are suibmitted that do not
3, 4, and 5 p. m. 'This requirement includes all freshmen ine the regurlar fi the contest reqtuiremlents theI
physical training classes, athletic squads and others that have beenl starff wiill pay for them at the reg-I
excued fom hesegrous. lar rates.
l'president of the Union.
Conceived for the purpose of pro-
mnoting ain attitude of understand-
ing among; the various sects repre-
rented on the campus, Catholics,
Jews, and Protestants, all students
on the campus, men and women
and townspeople are invited to at-
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
yen, Nvh6 will be ono of the princi-
pal speakers, has expressed his
hefarty approval of the affair, say-
ing., "I am mu~ch interested. in the
project and trust that it will be
Ann Arbor, Rabbi Adolph H. Fink of
the Hillel foundation, and the Rev.
Allen J. Babcock, of the Catholic
{ Students' chapel.
In addition to the, groups repre-
sented by the above men, the Stu-
dent Christian association and the
Student council are suipporting the
paroj ec.
Tickets for the dinner, which will
be informal, are priced at $1.25 q~nd
Imay be obtained at the Union, Sla-
!ter's and Wahr's bookstores, Lane
shall, at all church' offices, and
through student rxepresentatives.
G. A. May. Stories to be eligible must be
. ~stories of adventure, n~ot exceeding
Freshman. Women: Any student who did no0t tak~e the posture test is to ;'isiiui ISUalj, (11.9u,)lol uisp.IOM 00 3
report for make tup at 4 p. in., Friday, December 13, at Bfarbour g ymna.3- 'he written by men or women whto
tttn.; have had no more than three stor-
_________ies Ipublished in a magazine or a '
Women's League House Presidents: r1liere will be a meeting of the newspaper of national prominence.
Board of Representatives Thursday afternoon in the board room in Students should address their man-
-thes Leaue buildin;. The picture wil not be taken until after Christ- uscripts to 381 Fourth Avenue, New
mas vacation. York City.
The Newc-eonrs' ection of the
Factilty WVomen's Club xvill hold Itsj~'
iregular monthly meetig at the;Afy
Women's Athletic building from '"
2:30 to 5:00 p. in., Thursday.1I
A Sleigh
Ride and
Iiitramutral builing will be open
all. during Christmas vacation ex-
cept Christmas day and New Years
day, from 9:00 a. m. ,to 5:30 p. m.E
Swimming pool will be open from~
10:00 to 12:00 and 1:30 to. 5:30.
Senior Pictures: Seniors who have
not yet been photographed for the
Michirganensian should obtain re-!
Scipts at thie business off-ice of the
Ensian. There still remains places
for 20 more pictures.
S-m Atkins, Busincsd manager
National Guardsmen
Protect TaylorvilleI
- ..
y .
TOarrangements w it h Mullisp's
Stables whereby it is possible to begin
or end your sleigh ride at, Joe
So comec and have dinner and take
your sleigh ride, or take the ride and
return to Joe Parker's for a bite to
eat and a chance to warm up to
Sidney Woolner's Varsity Serenaders.
Phone 9166 to 7418 for rfservations.
C. W. Kelsey Management
TA LOPRVILLE, Ill.,' Dec. 10 _ -
Dawn found strike-troubled Taylor-
ville under protection of the mili-
tary. National Guardsmen were
quartered on one side of the court
house in the middle of the square
c.kets at
the Union Desk, 2 to 5 p. mn., and University
Hall---$5.00--Get yours Today.
anti mine worker~s were con~gregatLes
Senior'; and Graduate Students ini Chemical Engineering and on the other.
Chemistry: Dr. Peterkin and Dr. Hill of the Atlantic Refining Company A Kincaid, several miles away,
in Philadelphia will be in my office today, to interview students desiring} cavalry and infantry were encarnp-
to enter the field of petroleum refining. They are especially desirous ed to prevent conflict at Peabody
of securing men to commence work in February. Please make ap point- mine No. 7 between rival union
merits with Miss McKim in room 2023 East Engineering build;-. miners.
Alfred 11. Wite Forty automobiles loaded with
members of the National Miners
American Chemical Society: Dr. V. L. McCab y~vil speak upon 'Union swept out of town toward
"Crystal Growth in Aqueous_ Solutions" before the local section at 4:15 Kincaid two hours before the time.
p. m. in room'~ 303 Chemistry building. The annual business meeting I set for the mine to open.
and election of officers will also be held at this time. The lecture will3 Women and children of minersI
be open to all who are interested, employed at No. 7 were told to
gather at Mine No. 58, which is in
All prospective members of the lEnginecering Rebate Society are re- "Taylorville. This was taken as a
quested to meet in room 319 at the Michigan Union, at 7:15 p. mn. for, precautionary measure in case
organization, trou7ble should d*-elop.
ii ~. _ .~. IJ ..n
__ _ _ a
It Circm!o Ulaliai.no: Dr. Orma r.
Butler will speak on "Italian Exp,:.r-
iences" Wednesday, December 11, in
room 408, R. L, building, at 4:15 p.
mn. Members are invited to bring3
their friends.
Portia Litera~ry Society mecets at
7:130 p. in,, in the Portia club-~room.j
Adelp li House of Representatives
will holit~s weekly meeting at 7:30
o'clock in the Adelphi room, fourth
floor of Angell hall. There will be
no open meeting this week, but all I
members are asked to attend.
A. S. C. F. Meeting at 7:.15 p. M.,,
in the Union.
Alpha Kappa Delta meets at' 7:30
P. mn., at Prof. A. E. Wood's resi-
Kappa Chapter of Phi, Epsilon
K~appa meets in the Michigan Un-n
ion, in room .304, at 7:30 p. m.
In as much as we are innovating
We are discontinuing our regular
Wednesday and F'riday Night Dances.
We shall however have Dancing from
9-600 to 12:00 every Saturday Night.
$1.00O per couple
Music by Norman Whiting and His
3 o to y our yearbouk
It would not be Christmas without the children
certainly we have not for gotten them-
Books For Children
Our two large stores comprise the best of
1 I
TI. a ow 4 a W' C-~ EAA