Wfl~iSDAY DC~~T~ . i9
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[ lN ThU S A N F MAN G [M [NTI IN" "Peope do not seem to read Rob-i than prose. Greatness als for a ID
iinnnc I nson Jeffers, or even to know of long enough work to give scope for flfl
UTb4NIIKOR [L flIJ coast," began Prof. Kenneth T. dramatic poems seem to me to be P
-~Rowe, of the rhetoric department, just about Perfet structurally. I
Aponmet ur eMd Books Will Soon be Arrange in a recent interview, "and that+ Jeffers has a unifying idea with- 'ew
vn4lp r'ctd ytmtclyo surprises me, because he seems to out which sustained intensity of ex-
at Tryouts.rr Shelves, me to possess the most powerful pression is probably impssible. His
u - andc original poetic genius among !Idea is destructive, and perhaps:
contemporary poets in English. And t hat,"Professor Rowe suggested, "is RG
ALLHUS US B PIDANNOUNCE NEW FILE I thinkc 'Cawdor' is the greatest sin-, hy RIrGEeol
3 ; -- ; ge English poem of recent years wh mn pole~ do not care forl
Song And Dance Should be Used Students to Earn Activity Pints uless the lace should be given to hint. Ills thence is that man as a UIve
f'Two Lives'byWlimElrLen!spceishplsldeaeu-
for Chorus and Dramatic ~by Working oe~b ila loyLo-Seisi oeesydgaeu- ve
g Oe Hor 'arrr. ihappy, and doomed to unaleviable
Selection for Cast. . Each Week. "in spite of his rejection of hu-I pain. The only good, according to!
Tentative plans for a new means niy his etryormllanrshappyr- Jelers, is to cease to exist, and Feas
Tryouts for the Junior Girls' Play enty ha a vry.nrmaland happytains. ste ets
will begin at 3:30 Thursday in the!in of operating the League building life with his wife and twin sons," uaitraim stegreate ich
Lyi eneson har inth library have been announced by said Professor Rowe. "Una Jeffers1 cruelty."; 7:30 an
'Albertina A. Maslen, '31, chairman! is known all down the west coast Professor Rowe believes that this from r
WomnsLegu buldng Teyof the Library Committee of the. as a beautiful and remarkable wo-I absolute pessimism is more produc-l be
will continue until 6 o'clock and League building. man, and she has had an important' u er Mar
will be held at the same time on .*.. Beginning next semester, the I- influence on her husbands sens- ty ritclyadifntl ob Dr. Ma
Friday afternoon and from :30 tin-rbar wl betd-tiessonau a eatywich preferred to either shallow opti-Buh
til 12 o'clock on Saturday morning rr ilb operaed in the same ! contributes one of the best el- mismn or the points of view of con- e'L
Appointments for thei tryouts manra h ad ot nUinnttohswr. temporary naturalists and so pis-iTh
must be made in advance. Thoser versity Hall. Women will receive In explaining his enthusiasm for f Lia tes. "One can't help feeling re-'"~rll b
who have not already dlone so make >:::;:; -" ":"-.r one activity point for staying in lef1 ers, Professor Rowe remarked gret, however," continued Professor.Wme
appointments by calling Ruth van {telbrary one hour each weekr His fertility and sweep of imagin-! Rowe, "that a man with powers of it
Tuylat 974.Duesof ne dlla thrughot te seestr. Mss a io his power for sustained ire- poetic expression comparable to ~aC
mutb adbfr ponmns ~len plans to have some student al-Iino mgrhscmado Milton's should not have achieved issa B
mayo bemd.Toewmnwhf.wy ntelbrr oass hs ythmsnimaeyhieve, at his mbesto a a great constructive philosophy. rMioiB
mad apontmnt bt fild o wo restuyig.ishelito poetic mood unequal- iInability to face a poetic power i
return for their appointment" Slips Asncated Prss, Photo Miss Maslen also announces that !led in English poetry outside of which they don't agree with, inabil- Winoen,
mutcall Miss Van Tuyi at oc oMs odo isn a new cataloguing file for the 'some of the lyric passages of Shel- ity to dissasociate an aesthetic from Ite
arrange for obtaining them. These Wife of the late war president has shown much inteest in the! books has been planned especallv Icey's Prometheus Unbound.' lHe Ia philosophical experiece," Proes-! be see
slips with the receipts for dues paid 1 Japanese theatre in her town of Japa. She is shown here with Sadanji ffor the library by Mr. Irwine Kihas created an individual verse lsor Rowe went on to say, "is the (Girls' C
mut e rsete a hetie f(left) and Uzaemn two of Japan's foemiost acors at- the Kabuki Pond and it is now being made in ,frm more flexible for narrative jIeso ha ay do not readtie
Trye t tryouts. theatre in Tokyo !Chicago. All of the books have al-j Jeff ers. Many people, too, are re- hpr
Tyusmust present a song, a *. .._~....... __ - ready been classified and catalog-!I plled by the subject matter of so dire to
dance, and in addition if they are tied according to the Dewey deci-'NEW HOME GIVEN much of Jeffers' poetry-not merely Ab bot.
trying out for a cast part, a short. Chairman Talks On EnCY11511EX erimenit mal system by Library Science sex passion but perverted sex pas- chrg
dramatic selection. An accoman-L students under the direction ofj TO SUFFR~AG.ITS 'Sin It must be remembered thatprga
ist will be present if the tryout does Temnlferan17ce Sch1eme Conducted at Smith Miss Margaret Mann. TI-i booksj itsuedymocal.H an-at r
not care to bring her own with her. 1i ; are soon to be arranged systemati- Nearly any woman would turn aI tarianisai is a passion, love-as Jef- I rday
Those competing for male parts --- .'ally on the shelves. feminist for a house such as the fers sees it, a perverted passion,! station
may tryout in costume, and dress- Looks to Intelligent Citi ens to lirvide Discssion Grout) Insti- No books are to be taken from one America's leading suffragist or- symbolized by incest. Lesbianism
Ing rooms will be provided at the Find Solution of totied fly English the library room under any circum- ! ganization has jst moved into at represents rebellion against the SFiA
League building. I Probems. I'rof"essr. tnewasvr.Ithnarf-I Washington, D. C. ! onliniaiie of life"
Cast an chruss 'illnotbe ~ hre cal wll e isue fo voun- The National Woman's Party is in answer to this objection Pro-
fnly dcdduo ni atr 'nacuty such as ours, llcd PIiofcsr ESfiher C. Dunnr, of thte teers to work in the library. establishing itself in one of Wash- lessor Rowe calls attention to the
Chritma. Scondtryutswil be wit abe ciizes wth ctiv 1 nglsh dparment o Smih cl- " ngto's inet ol Coonil mte- acttha Jefers wok hs nee pecialia
Chritma. Scon trout wil be.wili llecitzen wih aciV(Lngishdeprtmnt f Smth ol-. ~ingon' fiest ld oloialman fat tat Jffes' orkhasnevr meti
held for those whom the commit- itnzstb osil1t id cem i odutnIa nersigsions, furnished with pieces of the) attracted morbid curiosity as has lgs fr
tee wish to consider. These people{ minds,itmsbepsiltofn leescndtngaitrsig! GRADUATE HEADSbt old Colonial furniture to beI Cabell's Jurgen.' In the mood of Hue
will be notified next week, some workable plan that will bring experiment there, according to a NA I N LCR U oudi meia0Jefrlheei n nesty eu ics.
Women who are not eligible for the true temperance desired by uts;recent article in The English Jour- ____ The house cost $100,000 and will, ror of passion which cleanses" said At it
campus activities now, even though all," said Pauline Morton Sabin, the nal.RuhMrWek,.A.13hs be called the Alva Belmont House Professor Rowe. "This is not en-wilh
theywils e ;eligble miyno rrycharma oftheWomn'sOrief-Atsheoequetroswoenfhote-eustbee elctenprsidetmootiinhonr ooMr.t0in P.Belont
points as hours and no failures for Ifrin anatceo rhbto literatu~re than is possible in a large English, the professional asocia- truhti ooatrteeana
tcaosh hs the tenebebestu of thReLion of English teachers in Ameni- party since the adoption of. the j symbol. Jeffers was groping hs way La M
the preceding semester are eligi- ivithe N v m e su fte R-9I'2
ble- those who applied, for a fireside ca!olees orachoolshg few weeks it will resound with stir- power of 'The Roan Stallion,' The-
In point of class those who are "A control endorsed and sup- discussschoolsr and elementary' chools ring feminist doctrines, when the, Tower Beyond Tragedy,' and 'Ta-
now juniors may try out. Those jPorted by the public, a control ad-j Miss Weeks is the second woman to party holds its annual convention f mar,' to the achievement of 'Caw-,A
women who will be juniors at the I usted to meet the real sentiment of R esides the work required in the {hold the office of president in the (anid discusses the equal rights for don.' 'Cawdor' is supreme in its Al
timeof hef laytre lsoperittereh pelleonptermrittedttes, casheroproddiionanauhoreare20aearoofthesounil'sexitene.somepirotheSouh Amricntr-odamatcapwerandsheAntesit
participated in any previous Junior' she continued, passages are read aloud to facil- ' sity of Michigan was president yearl woman to maintain her nationality 'frs California coast country" con-!
Girl's play. The Women's Organization forI tate understanding of meaning and before last. !where she chooses. luded Professor Rowe. i Oei
__________ National Prohibition Reform wvas cadence. Miss Weeks is a member of Phi Meanwhile, woman's party mnem--- - ------
PRINCETON CELEBRATES j(organized on May 28 to refute the Although no credit is given, the Beta Kappa and Gamma Phi Beta, ers are- hanging pictures, moing il1lItllllllll(illlllllllllllll
contention that all women favored discussion group gained constantlyan
-WILSON'S ANNIVERSARY! the prohibition law, and to prove in popularity and is now one of thean graduated at Vassar beforeI furniture here and there to see C
Th'0hto members of Congress that there motdsrbe fal c mps rg n coming to Michigan. She is hed lover e dr oom wale pap and opeaim n :
muttdsIfsros iddIizations. The most recent develop-Iy( M1 mosofdtheraEnglishlldepartmentanin
Th ' 5thanniversary of Woodrow .are m larmd a h rsn x ti equestsefromsstudentsPtofaseo eHigh gischool, pretKansas nCity, efireplaces oe elcsbdomlike wlanype other women=1
Wilson's graduation from Prince- :women alrmd,,thpestexIbntisareustfrmstdettMoani__wllkowrierBEAUTYetle nSIhm.-EA T S-
ton University and the 160th an- isting conditions,j be allowed to take turns at giving Voadi elkonwiegtigstldi oe
iverSary of the American Whig ! In regard to the commn-ent this20mnt reports on work assigned aosrcoyo Ic.< o ~vr-rerFei'sa pc Permaient ....
"literary and debating halls, will be; bin said, "Many men who know the following discussion themselves. v 1 cNil Wi six months' se
commemorated by a joint celebra- ithat the prohibition law has not D ew e m et-'1I-Barb l Sh p U arls2%ofo l okd
fion at Princeton. on December 11. .been, and cannot be enforced, andl = 1JJ lo2% f nal okdn
ntoaprmnnewhthtiisSpecal Scalp Treatment for Dandrff' _ and Tuesday except pet
Speakers of ntoa rmnne h know ta ti breeding con- Christmas _11 1110 S. [7' .
including Dr. Harr y Garfield, son of tempt for our Constitution, mak- Peensandi Unl~caty H-air
the former, President of the United !inlg hypocrites not only of people ,ill lIillf~ll~g~~,,~llg,,,j!!lllI
States, and Ro'bert Bridges, editor ;in private life, but among our pubg- J M-FST R r"AC ASGS-OTW TE H MO
of Sribners Magqzine, and many lie officials, and costing our govern-
personal friends of Wilson will be, ment millions of dollars are unmi ouso (4iiri duto~Sriet aisadC~d,
present. willing to commit themselves pttb-2I. S. Sr~c ervie toLadis aDDChidre
-D.Garbild will speak on Wilson! licly to" criticism of ti-i law. They 213 S.OUState Street C IPPAtkL (
r5s he knewt him on the Princeton, are fearful of antagonizing some, ANA~~P IIfG\
faculty. Mr, Bridges will talk on jelement of public opinion. Yet we _ sssor__ a (ro__ 04 0 __ o____
facu-t- Mr-rde-wl--ko-eeeto-pbi pnon e e.______ - - -- ---- -723 North fniversi
taYTle1 .... .nn. i ±.n- rm~ rn i A vnr) uv oi~f A !")1'7ofrtW r f i' A. I __________________--_____-____'
Opportunities for Women
Michigan' Is'Subject
of Miss Lloyd.
rsity Girls' Glee Cub ande
Soloist to Present:
wring' the radio program
will be broadcast between
d 8:30 o'clock Saturday night
MIorris hall through WJR
talks given by Regent Esth-
h Cram, Miss Alice C. Lloyd,
,rgaret lliott, and Margaret
'30, president of the Wom-
subject of Miss Lloyd's talk
"The New Opportunities for
Sat Michigan," while Dr. El-
ll discuss briefly "The 'Value
Aliege Education for women."
ush's subject concerns the
ns existing between the
and the University.
°spersed with the talks will
ctions by the University
ilee Club and a solost. Fur-
announcements bnerning
ograin have not been nmade
>the Blless of Prof. Waldo
Professor Abbot has been in
of the arrangements for the
ms which have been broad-
om the University every Sat--
night through the Detroit
Johnson, the speaker on. the
lprogram, of the Athena
g last night, presented read-.
om "The Servant in the
and other miscellaneous
;s meeting next week, Athena
Id a debate between its mem-
Those who will participate
sle Saunders, '31; Ruth Pen-.
;Alice Mann, '30; Olympia
,ra, '31; Florence Hitchcock,
idl Dorothy,1-Halliday, '32.
L11 Next Week-
European Gifts priced at cost
or below to clear.
ni Evenings. 928 Church St.
11i ii111111 l iii 11111 11111111111 tli a
6.50 :
.. . . . 75c -
eevery Mvondoay
Phone 7561
ty Ave.
wV1uL n asjan U1, argduaLe aniiuw a "' gIUU-'vH '-' '."UII'-
Wifll review the days when the for- ing their names to 'be publishedI
men President was "Tommy Wilson" as favoring a change i the pro-I
i Witherspoon hall. hibition law.I
"One Way T o A fair Ones Heart
A Christmas Box of Stockings
207 Souh Main .St.
217 North Main St.
Suggnestions for, the.
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Right now the
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A complete stocking wardrobe' of the season's
smartest colors. Group three, six or twelve pair
in an attractive gift box for her.
Gifts is a box of Betsy
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WTe pack, wrap, and mil
Gordon V-Line, sheer chiffon .
Gordon French .Heel, chiffon
Sieiiderette Heels, sheer chiffon
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Semi*Servce, full fashioned
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