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December 11, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-11

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iI~1TAAIliv iirr

n r Fourteen Animals Take Residence in New University Museum;
AMSIH TF DOQI [K Turtle Pool, Ready for Occupancy, WVi be Filled Early Next Year


#IL tlllLRU I ! W IL IIUI-LLIV1 Michigan has an animal house atl new home are the pride and joy( the ste
gA~~RVP ~last.Afe two months of pto- o h uem oee
M Vie;,1"Problems in Sex and Religion'I ments.t disappointments, pand ode- ,oTh eitr tlei collection which wili mnals at'
I Will be Considered lays on the part of subsidiary build- soon be added to the layout is one seum o
Tomrrw.ing-material concerns, the new of the best in the state, including
RevewmQeorroowS.pen Museum addition is housing t , species of almost every type foundI poses o
ofAms-u-tos-oanmlinaitns in Michigan. It is likely that sev-;the casu
DISCUSIONTO FOLOW ovingthe nals took place eral other kinds of trurtle will be anials
Belligerent Nations.+s'rj late last week and the newcomersI added to this collection before it An o
--wi. _<'°I a '"Problems in Sex and Religion"j are getting more and more atten-; is installed in 'the new pool.foap
CIX~ NEE OF lOYCTT'will be the subject discussed at the ion daily. The turtle and snake Michigan's Museum buildingi
>'?x.....eethofa ereso AllCapus0l which was also built in thle !onef the fwsrcue of its but it w
4 iit Secrek.tevntao asries of Nayll-CampusFrus t 'coc ear of the museum, as a subsid- kind in the conr o possess a! ing thnei
STr'eretOppsedt o licNa y nd T1IFerumtoon o'linktomorrow at- iary to the animal house, will be ;living abode fo animals incon- orite pa
Q~ar eta [aposd t Poicys iernoriinRoom D, Alumni Memor- filled with reptiles as soon as spring jnection with the .st udy of all foi Wouldenb
Of Exporit Restxtictions. ...., ial Hall. !weather permits filling the basin of life. The hew~ animal house is a QdI
.~... ... .... ....~*.Prof. Warren E. Forsythe of the with water. Fourteen animals aregito eUnvCiVadxxse-W n
~The mot diffiult prolem forhygiene department will lead in' placed in the house at the present signed pimarily fo the benefto vit
us," said son. Morton D. Hull yes- ; ..' ", *? %?' S. > , the discussion of this subject. time, while the addition of severaltecide ttphsia~is de
te~d~ aftr~ioo in n ad ress n *~ whic has beenpronounced by the 'others is likely as soon as the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, . , " : Q , , r ,representative groups of students, weather becomes more clement. An,
"Neil talit~y under the Kellog- who selected the questions for the opossum and a few muscrats will NOWX
'radPc,"asta o h:re-I~9i entire series of forums, as one of probably be the next newcomers. SHOWINGU ~ r~
dour of the seas and the right of I yw y a:-' the most important problems con- Of the animals now housed, the
neural totrae:"e afronting the undergraduate today. !'skunks are most numerous. Five of MONTE
Mr.eulrsoed hwcretlo Following a short introductory [these common creatures have been B U
r.l sow ea in h ho , currnt ,r I presentation of his subject, Prof, secured for the edifice, while rac- ~1
roem ofetrlt n shp-" j y....A Forsythe will call for response in I coons number but four Bears are DAVYEY LE
hans o ast be lligerententions bae ve the form of questions from the au-i next with two and there remains
sc teen a qedStnoe ate vrgan. * . dientce. Among' the questions he willi one coyote, one porcupine, and one
idnc 3 the United States: rgn-*!,ticooae into his discussion are red fox to fill out the immediate'
ize. I 193,theUntedStaesthe following, What is the Sex! quota. There are seven separate
arshippd a niconsiable ancof Problem? Which is to blame-re- dens in the animal house, with a,
Atrens , an imniethon nFance.f ligios dogma -social tradition-o double compartment for the more VfK D
the League ;of Nations advocates, Colorful Spanish dancing costumes have been deigned for the-----------------------------------------ics-----hei
thle complete boycott of any coup-k girl's choruses of the Michigan Union opera, "Merrie-Go-Rolund," which ________________________________________ The story~ of a woman who double-cross
try breaking that covenant, the plays at the Michigan theatre on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve- ; ing herself.
IJnlted States is about the only na- fnings and at a matinee Saturday. I Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying COMING FRIDAY: "B.
tion which is the missing link in - ---- - -- ------- -- - -- -
system of boycott. XRy V oaoy'iT N V RST O SE__________
Many resolutions, explained Mr. X-aJ Lboatry(IAdeinhi WillDDecide U ER MUSIC - -- - - --..
Hull, have been instigated in Con- (,Q C ane ' For EverythingMuia
o gress concerning this shipment ofI" Construction Wor oe hneoih
armzs to belligerent nations. "The®j The Adelpi iRouse of Represen- Rdo:
late Senator Burton of Ohio was ProoressesRapidly ttvswl ditsrgla ekyR ~adesi ioro-e
the author of these resolutions. He I at 7:30e wil o'locktonightlir weekly ;
I-meeting a :0ocoktngti ne
mnaintained that it was contrary to 1, Work is rapidly progressin g on the' Adelpihi room on the fourth TERMS Pianos:- " a
the policy of the united States to the new X-i'ay laboratory which is fo P fAne~ ~ Baldwin, Koher & Campbell
shpam rmntost elg-bein constructed on the fourth 11hl.TeewlIe Play while Orchestral Instruments I n the ead Man?
rent nations,'~ Mr. Hull continued., floor of West Engineering building, no open meeting this week, but any i you pay. VcoCl~Wa rnwck''" ah o' the Head Man cntlaig
"This resolution was shaped by the The tile work has been completed whoiishoodeivertryouaspBcrunswickrd
DIouse cmmittee on Foreign Af- adwrmn ilsatwagn h iht eie rotsece eod ahd hmaHa a nasitlaig
fairs andawas presentedito thatareadathisgweek will be heard, girl and music, all-talking comedy-revue. A
boy omrsceayo a he h aoaoyi iihd ll members of the house are smash hit of the NEW SHOW WORLD.
bod. orersecetryofwa Whn helaortor i fnihe ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr.
Davis and former secretary of navy it will be used to test metals for fasked to attend the closed session 1
VWilbur opposed the move on the flaws, and to determine the atomic tonight. A final vote on thne re- 601 East William Street Phone 7515 TH E T W O
grounds that in case of a great structure of mretals. The equip v ised constitution will be taken. ________________________________________
war it Would be of decided advan- Imnent will be used by graduate stu ___ ________ ________BLACK fCRO W S
Cage to the private industries of dents, and those carrying on re- - - -________
the country to be able to ship arms search work ______MR
to the belligerents. F'uthermore, if The cost o the construction and (A Dett Theatres (IM
the situation were reversed, theI equipmnet will be approximately /\4 f\a
tsame would hold for the United 1 $10,000.
States if she were in war. ~- LAFAYETTE
I3 LISSELS TRAIN ChK resets Pugging t~19A o s e haOrd for your "Journey's End"
BILLS NINE, INJURJXS FORTY ij m%' o ' ltfo Nights:' 13c to $2.50
g___ fosnodwon Sat. Mat 50c to $2.00 " h
S ssciDe. 10ine pe-old you4 backs Heavy eatiEng Thurs. Mat.. 50c to $1.50 "Why Bring i
BRUSSELS, Dc. 10Nine per- JAMES FOSTER hn esy u et fot he d dTelephone Cadillac 3705 That Up?
soswere killed and 40 injuredI House of Art hindes__oubese___rt._
when a Workman's train left the *h a o s ' a ie to ~ ___________
ristoday at the entrance to Na- j ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA~N she uahing t 's bg hepCA SjHAT Rwith
mur station.slw t t nkn . ' l bgh lCATHTE
Sat granu-times. In the Musical Circus HARRY GREEN
ANIMAL CRACKERS" j And All Star Cast
I Nights $1.00 to $4.00
y"Thursday and Saturday ! SOON-WILL ROGrERS IN "THEY 1
ATenty-fourth Annual Production _____________ ______________

yet. The general public, is,
invited to watlch thle ani-
'all times, according to Mu-
fficials. One of the pur-
the structure is to acquaint
Lal observer with. Michigan's
aossum. was also scheduled
earance in the new house
was decided that, consider -
fact that the 'possum's fav-
Jstime in w~iinter is sleep, has
e at the animral house
be of no temporaryw value.
spring comes aroun,,, how-
Le creature will probably Ibe
;o the roster.
j~r,-Mr 2:00-3:30
H ~7:00--100
td the whole world, inwud-d
A Gala Event
W'Jonth's Most Luxuious



at the


A complete meal With milk or cream


C :,

Box Office

10.0,0 a. M. to 10:00 P. M.
Prices : 75 cents to $.00



a "heater

Fri. through


Matinee Saturday

Scranton, Pocaliontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
Tbsbusi~eas. has been growing ever
since. it was established. The secret--
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believc it pays to do
buuiness in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get togCther.

' ;

,ter Are to be FOUND
right in the pages-- of
This Paper
D~o Your Shopping
B-efore You Go Home,
The few days You have. at
home are precious. You don' . t
want them to pass away in con-
gested stores and in battling
hectic mobs.

AOVE is Screen Grid Vibra=Control
Faa,2 5 . a walnut console model
using two 245 power tubes in push-pull
..super-dynaimic speaker single ilixirni-
hated dial calibrated in meters and kilo.
SA set you'll be proud to own -with everya
mxodern improvement known to the radio
art-other A. C. Fada miodels frm
Fraternities,: Why Not Give the House a~
New Radio for Christmas?


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