ESTABLISHED 1890 M. U1; MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS V V'..L, X.Lj. ±NUJ U. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT: EIGHT PAGES PPTC"1~ 1'TVW la NIE RSON S'MADAME MUZIO SHATTERS ILLUSION l NINEPIRSNS'LSIR EG ARDING T EMPE RMEN T AuL ART IST S )9TS LIES By W. C. G IV~iJ NE- kyW.C.G From Pais.' Did you like UI [IIC~ ~ ORKSktcieslie'nr~ u IISinging--Singing-Singng- it? Oh, I'm so glad. At TO II Fn1OMadam M uzio spent the half hour M adame continued to sign pro- nsigtpro STUDaft her concert last night in Hill grams and answer all sorts of ques-a IU L Auitonumlast niht in i ns' about long-forgotten IVVYr O ID L N Auditori autographing programs never-noted acquaintances. or for an appreciative audience. "They did not know when it was Twenty Overcome by Intense Hundreds of Choral Union con- finished," said the Madame by the Air Ministry Warns Shipping to Heat and Smoke in Disastrous cert programs were on Madame time The Daily reporter reached prepare for New Outburst Theatre Blaze. Muzio's dressing table and with her dressing table. "They tried to; pen in hand, she wrote her name I leave before I was through." She of Wild Weather. Aon practically every one of them, referred to the great number of MANY INJURED IN RUSH and handed each personally to in- encores that the audience made PROPERTY DAMAGE HIGH ---dividuals who crowded her dressing her give before they would let her Dead Found Close to Entrance room. leave the stage. More Than 69 Ships Have Been Through Which Survivors "Do you remember me? I spoke "Did you like the audience? to you after your concert in Chi- Were they easy to sing to?" ' Sunk, Wrecked, or Badly Fled to Street. cago last year." "They were marvelous-wonder- Damaged by Storm. "Yes, yes," replied the Madame, ful-just perfect." Madame con- y Associated Press) and she was every inch the actress tinued her singing and kept the (n A ciarte' Press) in the manner in which she re- gracious air that pervaded her en- LONDON, Eng., Dec. 11.- come by smoke and terrific heat ceived visitors and thankedad- coressas well as the impositions Shipping, wrecked andscatter- just before they could reach safe- IC mirors for their many compliments.I that she was put to in her dressing eed by week long gales, was ty, nine persons perished in a fire # "What was that number? It was room. warned by the Air ministry to- which' today destroyed the old But she was not temperamental night to prepare for a new out- Manhattan Movie Studio in Har- the reporter expected all musi- burst of wild weather. The More than 20 others of the 100Ocbit hard to please when beseiged probably would strike Ireland persons who were in the building! IUU1IiU i ltby such a crowd of Anthusiastic tonight. and move rapidly over at the time, were injured, some of?! admirers. Madame Muzi did not; the Briish Isles. Experts have them seriously. i complain about the draft-or about scarcely had time to compute The dead were found by firemen Nthe crowd-or about the apparent dthe loss of human life and just inside of the main studio en- silly questions. property by the storms which' trance not more than 30 feet from' Finally the crowd dwindled to a have lashed the coast of Grat the doorway through which most President Ruthven, Regents Beal, few hardy souls that had hung Britain , and the continent of the survivors dashed to the Sawyer, Form Executive back in the hope of getting a per-i when this fresh threat devel- street. Three of the dead were snlwr ihtesne.Se old young women, chorus girls from Comnmittee. acconadated these-graciouslyh ed Broadway musical shows who were Revised figures show at least doamblin at the studio during the C and each one left with an air 184 persons perished. Most of d uin t e rg INCLUDE NEW REGENTS of satisfaction at having spoken to them died at sea, more than day in order to make extra money the operatic artist. 69 ships having been sunk, f C itmag Changes in the personnel of tQe The reporter hesitated at the wrecked or badly damaged. In- Building Burns Fart. Regents' standing committees were door, after all were gone, to see if complete figures from Paris nace by the time the firemen ar- announced yesterday afternoon the illustion about the temperment' showed that 52 lives have been rived. With streams of water play- through the President's office by of singers would not be upheld. lost on the French coast or in ing on them, two firemen made Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to B, er change her composure nor fall tne__- their way through the entrance and the President. These changes were in a faint. We were pleased. nor fa 1 ) carried out ten bodies heaped ihnp the hallway in hope that not all necessitated by the changes in-- LONDON, Dec. 10.-Known deathst were dead.j membership which the Board ofC IRTlD B[IIi[ in the terrific storm which has bat- LfstlligrdibuonofRegents has experienced in .theijLVIIUI i I YI teed Great B'itain and the coti- thei, a pretty blonde dancing gishrnt who was carried to a waiting am- past two months, through the res- I nental coast for the past week to-I bulance and rushed to the hospital. ignation of one of its members, the day, reached 163, most of them at The fire broke without warning expiration of another's term of of-Tsea. upon a gay little cabaret eene flee, and the selection of President___ The heaviest losses were in thet which had been set upon the studio 'Ruthvenw stage. Make believe butter and Republican, Democratic Leaders Waters around the British Isles egg men sat laughing at the tables, The complete permanent organi- Confident of Favorable where at least 69 vessels werec a few chorus girls danced in the jzatlon of the Regents follows: ex- . wrecked or badly damaged. background, electricians were fo- ecutive committee, President Rut- Vote Friday. French Coast Htit Hard. cusing the lights, the orchestra tuned up. Upstairs in the balcony ven, chairman; Regents Junius E. BLAINE IS STILL HOSTILE Partial reports, tabulated in that ran around the second story, Beal and Walter H. Sawyer. The! _Paris, showed that 52 lives had been other actors were putting on fin- finance committee consists of Re- ca Asociate, p1e lost on the French coast or inlandt ishing touches to their make up. ;gent Ralph Stone, chairman; and -WASHFINGTONDC Dec 11--while at least a half a dozen steam-c The call five minutes had been sent ' D C' D ers and fishing vessels founderedd up. The filming of the big scene of Regents Sawyer and R. Perry Confidence of the adoption of the or were badly damaged. the "Black and White Revue" was 'Shorts. Regent Shorts takes the i160,000,000 tax reduction resol- Among the latest vessels to call soon to start. place formerly held by Benjamin tion by Saturday was expressed t- for aid was the British steamship Outburst Is Sudden. S. Hanchett. The members of the IMaihar from Philadelphia for Suddenly there came a shout of salaries committee- are Regent day by Senate leaders as they de- London whose rudder was carried "Fire." A velvet curtain was smol- Shorts, chairman; Regents James termined definitely to call up the away The vessel was navigatind dering. Someone pulled it down. O. Murfin and Stone. Regent Shorts measure on Friday. 'with an improvised rudder and Its rescent revealed a wall of fire succeeds Regent Victor M. Gore. Senator Watson of Indiana, e - hoped to make port on Thursday. blazing in a pile of scenery in the The buildings and grounds com- ; pressed that view after a series of The stormy waters had quieted rear of the studio which had been mittee consists of Regent William conferences. and plans to propose somewhat this afternoon but there concealed by the black drop. b-L. Clements, chairman; and Re-. that the Senate enter an agreemeu were signs of worse to come. bed be extinguishers, ohersat- gents Shorts and Esther M. Cram. for he dpurpose. England Fears Flood. tempted to unreel a fire hose, but Regent Shorts succeeds former Lde e ti ad England's chief worry for the tey could not head off thetongus kRegent Hanchett and Regent Cramh Republican independent coalitio t was the ig water takes the place of Regent Luciusj which has a majority in the tarilffaeta lce reiya; otsgv essrne htte Thames and other rivers leading ofe flamectha ickead pgreed iatL. Hubbard contest, gave reassuranes that to fear of a repetition of last year's mache of therstudio furnishings. The literary committee person- ould approve consideration of the serious floods. Black clouds of smoke rolled up i nel is made up of Regent Clements, tax cut on Friday provided the The largest loss of life was that and the heat soon became unbear- chairman, and Regents Hubbard agreement is reached for a vote by of 34 seamen drowned when thef able. All seemed to realize that and Beal. Regent Beal assumes the Saturday night. Italian steamer Chieri sank in theC their chance to save their lives re- place fo'merly held by Regent Senator Blaine of Wisconsin, Re-Ba of Biscay. Two men were mained in flight, and as one they Gore. The educational policies com- publican, who blocked considera- ayofned Bhcy Two en eme started for the main entrance in mittee consists of President Ruth- tion of the resolution yesterday, Helene sank whie being towed in- the front of the building. ven, chairman; and Regents Hub- announcedhe had not changed his tHln anhi being tox we n- announced nothe a French port 'and six went, There were other exits more han- bard and Cram. Regent Cram was opinion that the tariff bill should.e i Ib down aboard the trawler Gascogne.e ily but terror-stricken, they failed chosen in place of former Regent be disposed of before the tax pro- Two men were swet overboard tW realize this. In a mass, they Gore. Regent Beal 'is chairman of posal is debated. He indicated, froin a disabled Spanish steamer poured toward the doorway. Those the committee for the promotion however, that he was ready to is- while one each were lost from the on the balcony made for the front of research. The other two members ten to the arguments of those de- stamship President Roosevelt. the stairs and added to the rush. Many are Regents Shorts and Hubbard. manding immediate action o trawler Petit Poilu and the Brit- were swept off their feet and tram- Regent Beal takes the ,place of taxes. ,ish steamer Port Talbot. pled. ; Regent Hanchett, Regent Shorts of The man overboard from the Scantily clad chorus girls, 50 of Regent Clements, and Regent Hub- 'PROM ORCHESTRA PresidentaRoosevelt was anGeorge' them, stood shivering in the cold bard of Regent Sawyer. street, hysterical as they gazed at The student welfare commit.,,e PLANS NOVELTIES Stopfer, said to be a German. the flames leaping from every win- is made up of Regent Murfin, chair- aninel services wih the excepi dow of the two story building that. man; and Regents Cram and Beal,'Many Tickets Still Available for i ularlelinaftereoon. T e r a i only a few minutes before had been Regent Cram taking the place of Sophomore Dance Friday. plane service, however, in general bustling with activity. - Regent Stone. All of the survivors were pathetic R n e.was able to run on something like i in their appearance. Clutched in Hogan Hancock's recording and schedule after a three days' halt. d their hands were a few of their be- M'NUTT TO GIVE broadcasting orchestra which has --_f longings which they had snatched 'A DDRESS FRIDAY been engaged for the Sophomore MUSEUM OBTAINS up as they left. Silently, they gazed ___ Prom ' niday night, has prepared' at the burning building until herd- ;several novelties and numbers EAGLE SPECIMEN ed into the sheltering warmth of Indiana Law Dean Will Discuss the program, it has been an- , nearby stores and manufacturing Armament Subject. nounced by Fred Buchan, '32 #E, Conservation bepartment Deliversd plants. general chairman of the dance. Golden Eagle, One of State's Col. Paul V. McNutt, dean of the Decorations in a green and silver Rarest Sights.S Grew and Passengers law school of Indiana University! motif will be provided by Flowerr-r' and until recently national corn- day Co., and, other preparations{ Michigan's University Museum'i o Burni BoatSaved dr y iac are nearing completion. in possession of one of th rarestd mander,of the American Legion Hancock's band, which has just sights in the state-a golden eagle. Unidentified Steamer Burns Ten will give an address in the Natural finished a turn at Lousville, is now A beautiful specimen was brought Miles Off, Maine Coast. Science Auditorium, Friday, Dec. at the Graystone in Cincinnati.+ in yesterday by a member of the _13, at 8:15. s His men are well known as one of daprtment of conservation in (By Associated Press) . "National Defense and Limitation I the more popular dance orchestras whose possession the bird had been ISLE OF SHOALS, Maine, Dec. 11. of Armament from the Point of in the Middle West, ahd he has delivered through confiscation at --An unidentified vessel was burn- View of the American Legion," will been particularly well-liked by hite Fish Point, Shelldrake, Michi- ing 10 miles east southeast of here be his subject. college people, stated Buchan. gan, in the northern peninsula. Four to Enter Finals Fnal Preparations of Oratorical Contest For Mies 0Ntions -f .or Mimes Opera 3 Preliminary trials in the campuse, extemporaneous contest yesterday,_ to Conclude Today resulted in four students being picked from the 17 entered, for the finals next Tuesday evening. The Dress rehearsal last night and winning speakers were Carl H. two dress rehearsals this after- Urist, '30, Arthur L. Goulson, '31, noon and tonight, will complete the Josephine Sullivan, '32. and Donald preliminary preparations for the L. Tobey, '31. presentation tomorrow night at the Cedar Rapids, Ia., Gazette F The contestants spoke, on the Michigan theatre of "Merrie-Go- Affidavits Against Baker, general subject of "Co-education" Round," the twenty-fourth annual Elmer Marek. and each was given a special phase production of the Union Opera.'- of the topic a half hour preceding, The seat sale has been trans- I BOTH MEN EXONERAT the trials. The contest is sponsor- TH ed by the Oratorical association to ferred to the box office of the stimulate campus interest in public Michigan theatre today and it will Major Griffith Declares T speaking and to develop material remain there throughout the local Charges Were Disproven for debating teams. run. Lawrence Hartwig, '31, chairman The scenery for the production, - a Year Ago. of the local contest committee off which has been constructed at the ~ ~ the association was in charge of Mimes theatre under the personal CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 11-The i sthe affair. Judges were Hen tG.' supervision of Fred Rebman, Mimes of an expected series of co n Moser, and P. J. Smith, of the~ scenere rthsbe Speech department, and Ormand nrysta epe a e v removed charges of subsidization of athlo J. Drake, president of the associa- tto the stage of the Michigan the- in Western Cbnference schools, tion. acre for the dress rehearsal this j y- t } :riao .«, ON Files ED Chat frst nter etes fol- fall- afternoon and tnnin"ht. lowing in one waKe of Iowa's fa Costumesweeiet Sunday ure to gain reinstatement in that ternoon by representatives of Les-}at ic cicle, were made and ter, Inc., of Chicago, and the fin- quickly denied today. ishing touches are being put on Two affidavits were published by the production. the Cedar Rapids, Ia., Gazette Re- An additionto the personnel of publican, purporting to show that theae n mmi+tta ,,m ani- - I n",1 - 4- J I Medical Fraternity Will Provide! Crippled Children With Christmas Cheer. QUOTA IS SET FOR $1,500 With $1,500 as a quota, Galens, honorary medical, fraternity, will' sell tags today and tomorrow in order that the crippled children of the University Hospital m^.y have a hapnv Christmas, announcos Paul R. Hildebrand, '30M, chairman of the drive. The quota will include all fire', derived from individual solicitation from sororities and fraternities, Hildebrand says, and no set amount has been placed on the tags which will be sold at strategic points on the campus. Founded in 1914, Galens had held a similar drive nearly every year. All funds over the amount utilized for the Christmas charity work go toward equipping manual training rooms, hiring part-time instructors and equipping local playgrounds. The organization is made up of two members each from six medi- cal fraternities and two indepen- dents of both the junior and senior medical classes, the total member- ship being limited to 28. Hildebrand is being assisted by William Coventry and Charles E. Lemen, both of the senior, medical class. Students and all others in- terested are invited to inspect the workshop in the University Hospital and to attend the Christmas party. PLAY PRODUCTION+ DISTRIBUTES BIDS A Kiss for Cinderella' Tickets Now Available. Seats for Play Production's of-I fering of J. M. Barrie's "A Kiss for Cinderella," which will be given December 17, 18, and 19, may bef obtained at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, Val- entine B. Windt, director, announc- ed yesterday. This production will be another f the organization's free labora-; tory performances and admission' will be by invitation only. But those who are not on Play Production's; mailing list may secure an invita- tion at the University Hall. The Women's League is combin- ng with the students of the course in presenting the play. Several' work rooms in the League build-, ing are being used for the con- struction of scenery and the mak- ng, of costumes. The Lady Men- delssohn theatre hase been donated for the occasion and Play Product- tion is financing the production. The physical education depart- mnent is co-operating with the course in executing all of the dances that are required in thee scenes. Scenery for the play is being' constructed by the stagecraft class,; under the direction of Charles Hol- E cently by Robert W. Manss, general chairman. Harry L. Arnold, '32, has been added to the group which will supervise the setting up of scenery and take care of the prop- erties. . Music of the production is inj the process of publication, Roy S. Langham, director of the orches- tra, said yesterday. If the scores' arrive in time, they will be sold in the lobby of the Michigan the- atre after each performance. DRAMA CLUB PICKS': SCORE AT TRYOUTS! Comedy Club Will Recall 20 for Second Trials in Search for Members. 75 ENTER COMPITITION. Comedy Club, honorary dramatic organization, held tryouts for mem- berships yesterday afternoon in" Sarah Caswell Angell hall, and picked a group of approximately 20 to be recalled for second tryouts. "I was very pleased," commented Richard S. Cole, '30, president of the organization, "with the interest shown in the tryouts, and some 'really good material was exhib- T ited."g The group which wvill be recalled end, and Elmer Marek, former Ohio State halfback, were given financial aid directly or indirectly by their respective schools. Griffith Answers Charge. Major John L. Griffith, athletic commissioner of the Conference, said he had been given the charges several months ago and that the faculty committee had ruled both players and both institutions not guilty of violating conference rules. In the Marek case, the Cedar Ra- lpids newspaper. published an affi- davit. by Jess Blake. railroad corn- p~any official, who charged that Ma- rek's father had informed him that his son "held out for the most mon- v" in selecting a school. And that his father said his son had received the best offer from Ohio State, ex- pecting to get $200 a month. Alongside the affidavit was a de- nial' of such statements by the el- der Marek. Backer Also lnnocekit. Ma.fbr Griffith said an investig-a- tion in'dicated Marek had been promised financial aid by certain Ohio alumni if he would come there but after enrollment he received nothing and had to work his way through school. The second affida- v'it, bringing up the Baker case, was made by Charlcs D. Hadlock, of Chicago, who said Baker had boast- ed to him that he was given free meals by an Evanston restaurant. Hc would get checks like other pa- trons, but turned them in without paying for them. Major Griffith said Baker's state- ment had been investigated and it was found that he was working for his meals in the restaurant and that he was unquestionably boast- iAgl the charges against these two men have been passed by me over to the faculty committee," Major Griffith explained. "I have nothing to do with deciding the guilt or innocence of any ,athlete or school in the Conference. The faculty committee does that and its decision is final." Iowa Officials Start Ivestigation of Pape llawkeye Football Star Charged With Professionalism. (fly Associated Press) IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. l1.-Uni- versity of Iowa athletic officials revealed today that charges 'of professional baseball against Oran Pape, Hawkeye football star, were being'investigated. The charges against -Pape, C. C. Williams chairman of the Hawk- eye eligibility committee, said were contained in a letter from Prof. James Paige, University of Minne- sota. faculty representative on the Big Ten committee, which refused the Iowa ouster petition last week. Pape was accused in the letter of playing professional baseball at Marshall, Minnesota, but Dean Williams said the information fur- inshed was "indefinite." u- ousv uv.uuibe a mane re- ! ran1k IBaker, star'N Itwe.sternf for a tryout at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon will be notified by phone, and another scene is to be given for the second trial. By a process of elimination out of this group will be picked as; many individuals as possible whose ability warrants membership in the dramatic organization. "Approximately 75 students at- tended the tryouts," Cole said, "but their chances were probably ham- pered by the number of the appli- cants." Another tryout meeting will be held in the Spring and all studentsa may again attend. RUTHVEN REPORT- SENT TO ALUMNI Bulletin Containing Statements' Mailed to 92,000. President Alexander G. Ruthven's statement issued upon his accep- tance of the presidency, October 4, 1929, has been printed and is now being distributed to 92,000 alumni as University Official Bulletin No. 27, under the auspices of Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni rela- tions. The booklet first contains a bio- r anhical accouint of Dr Runthv~n ,mder thedirctin oChrle p .L"hiU1 d Ph'UL ,'ivnis dwritten by Director Shaw; then fol- lows the complete statement, verba- Gembis, Poe Selected tim, in which the president dis- eathercussed "Some Problems of the Uni- versity.' This is the first literature of an academic nature which has Two Wolverines Invited to Plty been sent to all of the University's In New Year's Day Game. alumni. n Mi hnw nA. ~ fthe n2r. , . cc t ~imf i Howard Poe and Joe Gembis.