THE MICHIC'XAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 A VAaE FIVI TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 THE MICITTICAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 1111 w '. . ..,.... ITAIANS OPRANO WILL SING TONIGHT IN CONCERT SERIES Claudio Muzio Will be Heard in *Hill Auditorium for First Time Since 1918.' IS RENOWNED IN OPERA! Familiar with all of the grand operas at the age of 15, Claudia Muzio, the distinguished Italian so- prano who will be heard tonight in Hill auditorium on the Choral 'Union Concert Series, has lived most of her life on the opera stage. From the age of two, she has had opportunities, through her father's position as stage manager with var- ious opera companies, to listen to the great singers broth in rehearsal mid performance. Muzio made her opratic debut ini Milan after a short period of study in Turin, and hr sensational success led to a Metropolitan en- r gagement, In 1916 she made her American debut in New York, and was immediately proclaimed the; "greatest Tosca since'O Ternina." Since then she has been associated with practically all of the great operas of the world. She is one of those rarely versatile singers who can both flame in opera and charms in concert, and her renown as a singing actress is largy .due to the testimony of her audiences that her fine dramatic personality in- evitably vitalized concert into op- era. Owing to conflicting egagements and absence from. the country, Mu- zo has not, been heard in Ann Arbor sinice 1918 when she sang at a May Festival con~cert. Her pro-r gramn tonight will include several songs by English composers and1 Verdi's famous aria "Pace Mio Dio" CALENDARl Decemibr l0th-14th. Tuesday, 4:00- Senior-junior basketball practice, at Barbour gymnasium. 5:00- Sophomore basketbaift °practice, Barbour gymnasium. 5:30-Alpha Gamma Sigma, at -League Cave. 7:15-University Girls' Glee Glub, League committee room. 7: 15-Portia, Portia room, Anl- geb all. 7:15-Athena, Athena room, Angell hall. 7:30--Alpha Lambda Delta, League building. Wednesday, 730-Black Quill, Martha Cook, Red room. 7:30-Sigma Alpha Iota, in the .League building. nThursday, 4:00 -- Freshma Basketball practice, at Barbour gymnasium. 5:00-Board of. Rpresentativ- s, League Committee room. 47:30-,-- Intramural Sininng =Meet, Union Pool. 4,Friday, 4:00-6:00-League 1Uh- Pdergraduate Party, League all ,room. °Women students in the physical eduation department at Ohio Wes- leyan University, finding the field too wet for hockey practice, joined a group of small boys playing ".pass' and touch," and ehib ited much adeptness at tbe gamec, to the great astonishilent of their skept- cal opponents. BARONESS WORKS AS SCULPTOR ELGIILIYDVEDR. MARGARET BELL ADVISES IMMEDIATE CARE I OF ALL ILLNESS AS PREVENTATIVE MEASURE ... .~ L I I iJ U L~!iJ intllctual alertness onI the& p i'. slheuid thr at'.i he sftyof t e Regarding the health lecturs !of individual students and groups ithers." thchI are gie1ec year to f ~> al~~~~~~~~~ike should characterize the s~u Ii stresinv; thc importance oerigsuetD.elrmak Committcc of Student Affairs atuetwr pdmc t~ rrrh;twwu rtesuet igsuetD.Bl eak (t o leant atiuetwr pdmc n ~-ri ~ iat fte.t-ed, "It is because we hope that stu- v, !piveLs o in h~ aejs si dc h et, D. Balr saki,. "R costs 120,- dents will exert their influence rParticipants latt itude toward schoarship, is the 490)Oanuarlly 1o maintain the over others that we stress prven- Sa belief of Dr. Magaret Bell. Health Service. vn the state of! n t ~LIMIT ACTIVITY POINTS '"Duing~ epidemics" Dr. Bell; Mcian cannot afordl to pay this tive measures in these lectures." stated recently, "each individual'; ulss it is for a project which; As an example of what preven- (This is the first of 5seie]of r- iotid be generous enough to him-.givs suf i coet returns. , ve are means to business today, self and to his group alike to seek "We are here to get all that welIDr. ell cited the project recently tids rite t epl8i hec~esa~ttentioni immediately if he is ill, canl from college," D.Bell contin- * lions of eligibility whnrihaise ini In ioe houses there is a tndency - ue. "!le work is an added bur- adopted by the Meropolitan Life s .< ~ connection, with cxra-curricular to harbor sick patients. This is jopi-:denl upon the one who is in imper- Inuae company. This cor- " v. activities, and to interpret, thle point a.rdizing not only one's self, bull feet Health,. but the average stu- parry decided five years ago to give system.-Edito) IE thers as well. For this reason, the! dent as well so uld have some re- thorough examinations to pros- - t cntutv mauewih pu liy in regard to his pective customers, and then open pulioviiesg a ebee ma e c group could adopt would be to helth, just as does the one who is to them the advantages of advis- frtebnitoti a establish its own health regula- not entirely wil. It ifrthsea-oyevc.Tersult as that the the administrative offi cr of the tionrs, whereby preventive carel son that we have medical exam- amount received in payments be- University in view or t he fact tt ould be stressed, and any patient iation, rechecks, and provide ex-I fore it was necessary to pay out r" -ampus activties, wvhil e actually would be isolated if his condition tension service." ' money on policies increased mark- Ibeneficial, if carried to excess bring ' edly. A~o~~teLPre~sPIoturesults disadvantgo&t h t-F ow a Public activities include (1) par-I Distinctive F owa ticipation in oryaiator ical or do-~ Baroness Barbara von Kalreuth. batin~g contest, or any dintititc or f From a castle on the edge of the Black Forest in Gemany, Baroness musical exhibiti on; (2) service now von Kalkreuth has come to New York to earn her way as a sculptor a student pbiain (3) holding ALE dif She is shown with some of her recent work.aclsorpbiton a clas oruniversity office; (4 of-[ --__ . - -- - - -- - - - . ficial connection with any of the SL0 - - - - se-called college functions, such as ! TO EDO LUM AE te J-opPan-Hllenic ball, J- II(r lT L D L M A or Girls' Play, and similar activi- - ME TA E G E Ties s list is not intended to be 1 *4 5 TnVO O T~ IWomen of the Tledo Alumnae exharastie but scoeey ndceth e -tvi IPTa M R L M E eeigStra n r taipti o s o beiterperedIf you have asmall foot and organized Houses May Enter, bor in the League building. Eigh- any specific Dpreparation for oppo-I r t nitydou a vebn aiC h , ISt Two Swimmers in Each Event !teen memfbers or the group were li activity, or the nanagemrent opotnto hvIenvat present. After a luncheon they thereof. I ofAna otswr hw hog h ege Before any work n anry campus ing fors . Murphy is closing out s Ever~~y -- - 1iibildin~g an~d expresed themselves activity may be startedl,;a list ofanu ero pisofs llies t Eeyorganized house on thle as very pleased with it. At the all those who areC to partici(pate in u brofpisolmalszsa campus is entitled to enter two !meigte ciddt aebc the enterprise must be submiitted to, this low price. Reduced from- members in each event of the .i0no-hedck fIihia play- the Commuittee on ,d it Affairs. tramural swimming meet to be held!igcad ad5to"hepctr Woniei do this by ,subnPI ting their $5.00.'f, at the Union pool Thursday eve- maps of Ann Arbor to sell for the lists at the alies of the Adviers of ning, December 12. Four entrants Unrdergraduate Campaign Fund. ioc.r, from each house may participate'I- T --------- --- - It is absolutely lt-ccsry that iI in the relay. l~~i~ist three we eks. Miss G race t hese it-b ibilie eoe[e7 The events are side-stroke,,, 25 Brauningcr of the physical educa- infc vitlls egun ii r d e r that yards, free style 25 yards, breast tion department has coached ll chane. ifter oki n;ooel was no lie 't .'' stroke, 25 yards, elementary back- swimrsyowse situiei ae fe oki me a.Fr stroke, 25 yards, .diving, and a 100 'their strokes, and has timed them this reason Junior Grs' Play com- yard relay, to enable each house to choose miitecs and any otheirs wihwl Practices for the meet have been1 thos e best qualified Ito enter the serve in the near future moust be Nickels A cd held every Tuesday and Thursday I ineet. The last such practice will handed in now for checking. -___________________________________________ evening at the Union pool for the be held this evening. - -ar-- - - - - - -~- GIF31T SUGGESTIONS FROM, DON'T WALK TAlL ;mil/ k Go THIRD FLOOR A . rsf «y I, ..'":.- !; !, [ss_ : s''a'. ?? + 'k t = ' "fir. 'yl .yi :'.r;: _.. .drp" Am um Lu Call Drugs Fountain Servce 9416 4 To~asted Sandwiches f' I . _ . . : 1 .:. f F l CGRAYSTONE'DRUG STORE LAJ{1, ~ \W W I~t~ IZ4) Your Neighborhood LDrugg st Christmas 'resents JAM ESFOSTER House of /lrt 213 S. Siate street ANN ARBOR. M 'ICUIGAN ®! ' i if Furs and Fr Coats MAkeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined SEASONS NEWEST Moog# og2f J KID SKIN I i l t Stu bo, ay i cai od ~ av 1 ~de, a a.- iiggage that moves k the best circles ic wrinter traveller or the udent awray at school will preciate smart lu g gag e is Christmas. A new hat x, a roomy English kit bag, new wardrobe trunk that ill last -a lifetime, fitted .ses and a" great variety of her luggage suggestions vast you on our third floor partrnent. $4.95 to $6000 -a 10 . - e t LOVELY LUSTlROUJS SILKEN HOSIERY-of .course ii s on your gift list-.-iut once but matny times. We're ready to help you flli your requiremenucts frot our complete N 2 holiday assortmnts. heels. All sizcs--Neatly boxed. 1.50 to $3,95 ~'%ive Practical Gifts from the womnen's Shop," I Prices Reasonable L.L Grecnbauiim 448 Sprin±g Street Phone 9625 .44401 , , - Qe .,.r. . i SATINS MOIRES SiUEDES PA'i UN'IS pl 1 Let Us Do Your Shoe Repairing Hghest Quality sl s sl s s III IL I SHE BLACK B3ROW N BILUE $65 - m$750 x r il 1 {