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December 10, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-10

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7 ublished every morning except Monday
during the UniVersity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications..
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated. Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republi,:ation of all newvs dis
patches 'credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entcred at the postoiffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master (General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.30"
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman ..........Gcor;; C."Tilhley
City Editor ................ Pierce 1{t,'Cnbcrg
hNews Editor........... ...Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor......... Edw~ard L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor...........Mroi Fole
Telegraph Editor. ........ Cassam. A. Wilson
Music and Drania........ Williamn J. Gorman
Literary Editor......... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant C'itv Editor,...... Robert J. Feldman
Editorial Board
Nlizht Edlitors
Frank E. Cooper lietry J Merry
William C. Gentry RobertL Sloss
Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilda
Gurney XWilliamns
Els Ex-offlcio Members
ElsB. Merry A. J. Jordan
Bertram Askwith Dorothy Mlagee
Helen Bare Lester May
:Maxwell Bauer D~avid M. Nichol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
.Benjamin H. Berentsorl-loward H. Peckham
Allan H. Berkman IHugh Pierce
Arthur J. Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
S~ Beach Conger John D. Reindel,
Thomas M. Cooley eannie Roberts
John H. Denler oseph A. Russell
Helen Dornine loseph Ruw itch
Margaret Eckels William P. Salzarulo
Katharine' Ferrin Charles R. Sprawl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. rulerton Jane Thayer
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson
Ghnevra Ginn 'Riclhard L. Tobin
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
Morris Groverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin Charls, White
Margaret Harris G. Lionel WiIlens
David B. Hempsteadl John E Willoughby
j .Cullen Kennedy athar XWise
Jean Levy Barbara Wright
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit

the nature of its sthletic board 1
personnel.OA EDC '
There is no evading the fact that ROATE , LL
the Conference's decision wasT4
harsh, but harsh only in so far as '.lHUH
firmness was necessary to establish EFFCEC
sincerity, and to mete punishment AGE
that was justifiable under the cir- Whoever thought up the system
cum~stances that surround Iowa'sbywihJnoGrlpatyut
It was stated publicly some time arc to prove their ability as desir-
ago that Iowa, should its petition able material deserves the Carne-
for reinstatement be refused, would gie medal for super-efficiencyo,
disclose breaches of rules on the at least some sort of honorable
part of other Big Ten schools. If mention.
such violations are brought to the **
attention of the faculty committee Here's the plan. Friay morning
with the proper evidence, as was at 9 o'clock, girl No. 1 ,will be given
done in the Iowa case, the commit- three minutes in which to sing,I
tee certainly should not hesitate dance, and speak a piece. At 9:031
about pursuing the investigation of o'clock, girl No. 2 does the same, or¢
the accused. The entire affair tries to. At 9:06 o'cloick the next1
should not be considered as a de- girl does her stuff', and so on.
liberate attempt to harass Iowa,**
but ,rather as an honest and deter-
mined effort to keep the Western, -a viL
Conference clean.If4 a'°"LOry
It is to be earnestly hoped that ___
when the year suspension period
for Iowa has elapsed, the' school1 -
will feel that it is still welcome as
a member of the Conference. For
years Iowa and Michigan have met
in various sports with the best of #
feeling and with a fine sort of corn- Now I ask you; cani you im-
petition, and it would be regret- I agine a lot of girl:, keeping a
able indeed if this splendid rela- schedule like that?
tion were to be severed permanent-**
ly' And just think: They're allowed
SHOP EARLY. three whole minutes. Of course, if
For he b neft of nii' re de i they do all this in less than the al-

1° 01
/Music And Drama
TONIGHT: i , Hill Auditorium'
beginning promptly at 8:15, Clau-
fdia Muzio, internationally known

L Al




soprano, appears in recital in thme
Choral Union Series~.
The New York Theatre Guild
opens at the Wilson Theliatre, De-f
troit, with Marco Millions, Eugene
OONeill's only satiric drama.
Creative Theatre,
By Roy Mitchell.
John Day Co., N. X. C.
Doctors with little bags have beonl
sneaking up thQ alleyways to the-;
atre-doors, sniffing and tellinig
*what's wrong, for some years now.
Their diagnoses have been tre-4
mendous indictments; so that most
people have thought they were at-
tending a death. Roy Mitchell, ad-
mirably fitted by years of acquain-
tance with the theatre and its'
problems to be its doctor, prefers

Ti the Michigan Daily of
Sunday, December 8th, the
late of Galen's Drive for the
Bencit of the Crippled of the
University Hospital was mis-
stated. The drive will be
Wednesday and Thursday of
:his week.
Know How!l
Reasonable Prices
Down Townt
Ntext to Postofhice Dial 21013

1017 Oakland .Ave.
We arc pleased to offer for sale (or possibly exchange)
the former Gamma Eta Gamma fraternity property at 101 7
Oakland Ave. The present owner heas comnpletely recoudi-
tioned house--it has been enlarged, completely equip~ped
and re-decorated, has new roof and exterior has been paint-
cd. 3 cortiplete baths (ncw).
Lot has 1 34 feet on Oaklandf Ave. and depth of 1 67
Hlouse has chapter room, and porter's roomi in base'.
Possession at on1ce.
We will' be pleased to show this property by izploi,,t-



]{fin nur

Tetephone 21214
Assistant Manager
t Department Managers
SAdvertising,...... ..Ilollister M;abley
Advertising.. ....... ... Kasper 11. Halverson
Advertising ..............Sherwood A. Upton
Service........ .....eorge A. S pater
Circulation ............. ....J. Vernor Davis
Accounts ..............John R. Rose
Publicaibns-'. . ....... eorge Hamilton
Byrne M. Bade noch Marvin Kobacker
ames E. Cartwrigh% Lawrence, Lucey
Robert Crawford Thomas Mluir
Harry B. Culver (Ueorge Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Normian Eliezer Lee Slayton
James ,~offer luseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson ktohert Willianmson
Charles Kline william iR. Worboys
Business Sceretay--Mlary' Chase
Laura Codling Alice McCtdly
Agnes Davis - Sj di is M:iller
Bernice Glaser _I lelcii E. Musselwbite
H~ortense Goodin; Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman

-- - - - -----V11 - v ~l 1~u~l~ OIa'tU 1t u Tl1C i ll '.y i1W
The Daily has computed that those; write a one-act play, make
students who live overnight from costume, or paint a backdrop
Ann Arbor will have two and a" they care to.
half days in which to do their ** *
Christmas shopping. The time isj "Conecoon, 1Milly, emote-you
obviously too short, especially if have just ten seconds left!"
packages have to be mailed.
We would therefore suggest that If the system works I shall pu.
the local -merchants be given a. licly apolgize.
look in on your Christmas trade. To *
those who live in towns smaller MICHIG AN, MY NICHIGAN.
than Anin Arbor it should be point- (A Pome by Baron Waste.)
ed out that larger variety and high- 1 Home of miy heart, I sinig tc
er quality are offered here. To stu- thee,
dents who live in communitiesI Micligan, my Michigan;
larger than. Ann Arbor we would A colder land there nae'cr could
point out that they will encoun ter be,
larger crowds, less courteous clerks. j Michigan, mny Michigan.
The mailing queues, also, are
shorter now than they will be with Nine dreary month of snow ani
only three shopping days to go. ( sleet;
-o_____+ We limp around with frozei
Our greatest ambition is to be fcet




Night i+'ditor-


. Last May the Big Ten faculty
committee found Iowa guilty of
proselytin~g athletes in violation of
Conference rules; and suspended
athletic relations with that insti-
tution for one year commencing in
January, 1930. Last Saturday, with
three weeks remaining before the
sentence was to go into effect, Iowa
asked that the previously adjudged
punishment be cancelled on the
ground that the school had cleaned
house i the interim. After four-
teen ;hours. of consideration of the
case, the faculty governing body
refused reinstatement to the erring
member because the degree of re-
form, was deemed insufficient.
With the latter decision the com-
mittee is standing on the same
solid, ground as last spring. By its
action the board has said, in effect,
that "We have4 adopted principles
of pure athletics in the form of
certain rules. Unless these ideas are
to be. considered trivial and un-
worthy- of serious enforcement, and
this board dedicated to impractical
idealism, the regulations must be
obeyed. If one institution shows
pronounced tendency to. violate
them, W ve will suspend it until it
shows by its behavior that it would
rather belong to the amatetir ath-
letic union known as the Western
Conference that to a "professionalj
If reinstatement had beeii refus-
ed, granting Iowa had cleaned
house, it might be argued that the'
failure to lift the sentence was too
harsh; 'that where the purpose of
the punishment had been accom-
plished, it was not necessary to go
as far as the criminal courts, which
hold repentance between crime and
punishment to be no excuse.
But 'in the case of Iowa there is
no need for this more highly intel-
lectual treatment. That institution,
the board decided after' considering

able to read the papers for a week,
without finding anly mention of
Charles A. Lindbergh.k
As the problem of, Christmas
presents nears, the pressing need
for the average American is an in-
ventor who can design a refill for{
emptied pocketbooks.
Ripley says a telegram has been
sent around the world in eight
minutes. Apparently our miessen-
ger boy hasn't heard of that yet.
Campus Opinion
E Contibutosaeake to be brief,
confining teslest c than 300
w~or ds if osi bl. no los cou-
municatiors i ll e dsrgarded. The
flarnes of cr i antwill, lhowever,
be re,;ardled ascnfidental, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construedi as expresism, the editorial
op~inion of th e Daily.
To The Editor:
For many years the musical criti-
cism of the Michigan Daily has
,been a public nuisance; this year
it has become more than some of
us can tolerate in silence. Concern-
ing the astonishing review of the
admirable Lener Quartet concert
flast week it should be obvious that
the qualities of this Quartet are ex-
actly opposite to those described
Iby your critic. Not only is it not a
group of virtuosi impelled to "ex-
hibitionism" by youth and egotism;-
not only" does it not lack finesse,
1fluency and sympathetic under-
standing, but on the contrary it is
by subtlety, fluency, and a pecu-
liar liquid sweetness that it is mrost
[ In his criticism of the music it-
self the writer showed even more
remarkable ineptitutde. Ilis Con-
mason the Mozart Quartet -might
perhaps have been accepted -if re-
written so as to become intelligible,;
But to compare the fist move-1
iment of the Schubert Quart et --- a
work of superb design and passiD n-
ate force -- with a grandmother's
veil and rosebuds is a mecre irrbe-
cility. Had th-e critis ever heard they
quartet before?;
No one denies to any single per-
son the right to hold untutored
and wrong-headed opinions; we1

IYour derned old climate can't
be beat,
j Michigan, my Michigan.
IYour loyal sons will ne'er for-
Thlis year the coldest witer yet
{Michigan, my Michigan.
S Your cold winds howl around
our knees;
We poke the fire and sit and
Oh, wat's he use of B. V.
In Michigan, my Michigan?
N'ice going, Baron; conme again.
I-lave you noticed the proximity
of Christmas?,'it's a bit terri-
fying at timges. The Rolls photogra-
pher was fortunate enough to get a
snapshot of Santa Claus in the Ar-
cade yesterday. He's the gent with
the cap.
Dear Joe:
I noticed in the Boston Univer-
sity "Beanpot," humor publication,
that the staff has secured the serv.-
ices of a. Follies chorus girl, looks
guaranteed, who will kiss any per-
son -buying a copy of the coming
issue. I am suggesting this 'method
to be used by our very own Gar-
goyle as a means for putting said,
publication on a paying basis again.
.The only hitch is finding the
womani. Can you suggest anyone or
don't you know any P1 Phis'?
Yours, with the interests of my
school at hearit.
You may have tile interests of
school at heart, Tobe, but it's a
6-acch your .heart's not in school,
* A
Anyway, thcy were going to try
that sevral weeks ago at Minne-
sota in connection with the Gopher
yearbook, but the Dean put his foot
down. They were too annbitious.
IThey hid-, 15 girls.
* '

the birth of something or other. ChristmasUILIN
So he is jovial in mannier, though j hit a Shopping TeleROOKS225BUILDrINGs62,x31597
quite earnest and serious about hisE rlTleoc251Evngs6 5,43,)7
actual analysis. Believing as hie . --- -._ _.--______ ___________
theatre, as immortal as the soul ofI
man," he is committed to a birth 11111iI1iI1IIIII1lIIIIIIIIIIIll1UlIIII11111t
and death cycle, seeing one u~se O. T
"Y n g ta : 5simultaneously out of the other =#vti i. . 0 o
The belief is admirable for the type
of work he proposes to do; it has,.
enabled him to hielp both the death CA UI
a d t e b r hC LUAMUZITh b o k s d e i a e t o t e n v-ge n e r a tio n c o m in g in to t h e th e a t r e , M
whom he declares to be "not the -rt~lt~n~t 0)'1)
stage-struck children oif a few years I
ago who yearned to dramnatize CHORAL UNION SERIES
themselves, but a clearer-eyed gen- w
eration who have dreamed new=
things of the theatre and demandj ' Hill Auditorium
new dignity of it." To help these
younger people, (hie is mniddlle-ag rl
himself, hence wise as well s-----------------------DISTING DISHED ALIKE IN 130)T1-
buoyant) he offers a bold analysis 1 OPFEA AND CONCERTf
of the lamentable practices which __________
have so stripped the theatre; of its ,-___________
1communal qualities and dove lops *
th~le principles ' winch li wille tore
thos dulites nd uoliwilcllA limited number of season tickets
1America's cities can establish no-= . available at $.0 $8.00, 1000
ble theatres of their own which l= '$200 ikts$.0
wlinepeanenihAeiaSi le tces$ .0 $ .0,Inspiring and fascinating, anidoc- =$2 l.50. On sale at School of Music,
tcasionlly practical, it is a boom Maynard
Ithat merits attentioni of all those' sret
Mr. Mitchell has an interesting llltl1I1U II1N1111111111111111111U1111111I1111ID111IlIl111111111Illlllllllllllsln on ie od ch re ha ou I
theatre is too commercial, lie en-
titles his chapters delightfully:
The Apostles of Disunion, Th'le Py-}
ramid of Greedy Men, The Light-
ning Money-Changers, 'Pitt :Slip-
pery Art, Trie Slaughter Of the in-4WD
[Yoccents, The Dimiinisher, Thie i JV
Greasy Coun terfeit. WiPth a facet=i-
Y ous style he makes somlevicious at-L
- tacks readable. Here are sowe of-
- the pregnant remiarks: "1or pur- -
L o s e s o f t h e c o m m e r c i a l t h e a t r e , f r m n e r s p s n l w t o e e o k s p a s t i e i
ca's play. And what is too worn
and shabby for New York today;
will be cut down and the rest of
Why- reproach Our greedy mren with1 '
having thrown art to tile xwinds? /1i
T1hey never professed to know any- e +_ _ f
thling about art. They only claimed "
to be able to minister to tile thle- I w.
atre's nlecessities. if in the ine- " Ie
ties we had never developed that '
necessity, or if inl 19101 we had for-
gone it, or if we now could turn w
from it they could not Clanm to:
Iknow anything at all, if tile great ot WA 1m aB dhs-
theatre of Amnerica were securely
entrenched ill its OWn11 houses L UR B S G A ELI G R E N S L
throughout the land alid could rise D L URB S RATICG RI S L
above tile peddler illusain that al-!A 1VlrT~
ways gets it into pawnt, the go-be- en ngtco hi idsi
the alley. They would have nio job jR ynSisSl rp I' ci.C
in the theatre." These and otherRa n psSl CeeC cns
remarks broadly and intelligei itly i ase. sae
elaborated constitute an excellent Fomry priced a ~ atlsae
attack oil the hlrpurilties of aim l i 19,n w9c$.8vle t$149
the theatre, - 14± vlusa
Fsrom the ipoit eofview Of nso-
purities of method, Mitciell re- I
habilitates Francois Del art'slifty bilk Crepe Dance Sets and Goawns with Crepc- (Jwtncisc and Danc Sesfr rl
year old contribution to the aes- lb rt 'c gti $.8 e u e ts baael
tbetic of the theatre, Delsarte firs lrir aeti, ,$.8 edcdt
atteinptccl to establish a pilloso_
phical basis for the relationl be- $3.98 values, now $2.98 $198
tween' bodily mnovemient and -the nsl nscn lo'
vocal expression of entotion lvithO aeo eodfo:'
the idea of establisifn Motion as
the specific art of tilietre,o
which all -else should be SUlbjeced
Mitchell uses tis tlhesis to refuteWR DC 0





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