~T1T3RStAY, c0~D!Th~~, t9~2~' THF 1CHIAN~DI'LY .............. . . .. .......... W MOP 1" - 4 Ci ILTA v Appiummomm" BW A 'A -SN-T, W&N 3 i, I THEE NEW MEMBERHS OF [ TOATHLETIC SAF INSTRUCTION OF GYMNASIUM CLASSES IS GIVEN BY 1 M ISS _________________ MISS ARTHE APPOINT GAMES HEAD Miss Adams Comes To Ann Arbor, From Columbia And ahee Seattle 'Threenew instructors have been added to this year's women's phys- ical education staff. They are all new to Ann Arbor and to the line of work in which they will spec- talize here. Each will do some teaching in the department of physical education, and will also assist in running off intramural and class tournaments and other sports events. Miss Sylvia Adams' teaching speciality will be natural dancing, in which field she replaces Miss lone Johnson who resigned from the. faculty. Miss Adams brings new and interesting ideas in her line f work from the east which should make her classes among the most desirable in the department. She was graduated from Colum-' bia: University where she received a B. S. degree. She specialized in corrective work at the Chautauqua Normal School of Physical Educa- tion, and took dancing and physical education courses at the Univer- sity of Washington. Since then she has been in charge of the phys- ical education department of a Seattle, Washington, high school. New Intramural Manager Miss Grace Brauninger's field is entirely different from that of Miss Adams. She will have classes ii outdoor sports and has been ap- pointed manager of intramural sports. She is taking a pre-medical course in the University in addition to her other work. Miss.Brauninger also received her;13.. degree at Columbia Uni- versity where she majored in phys- ital education. For the past five years she has had experience in physical education instruction at Eie State Teacher's College and has supervised grade school sports in New York and Pennsylvania schools. Graduate of Oregon All lines of sports and gymna- sium teaching will betaken over by Miss Edith Barthel. She will hold general classes at Palmer Field House this fall and at Barbour Gymnasium later in the season. She recently received her A. B. degree from the University of Ore- gon, and has had no previous teaching, experience. This is Miss Barthel's first stay in Ann Arbor and, though she says that she finds her work new and somewhat diffi- cult, she adds that she "already likes Ann Arbor very much," and expects to find her work unusually interesting. Announces Wedding _ Of Former Editor The wedding of Miss Helen Ram- sey, '26, to Reverend James W. Fifield. Jr., pastor of the East Con- gregational Church of Grand Rapids, has been announced as an event of September 30 in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Fifield was formerly wom- en's editor of the Daily, a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, and of Mortarboard. Reverend Fifield is a graduate of Oberlin College and of the University of Chicago. Subsciibe for The Michigan Daily. You may either call at the for the school year. To Wcd Congressman . .3 Asoiate dPress Photo Alv a Seger Engagement of Alva Seger, daughter of Representative and Mrs. George N. Seger of Passaic, N. J. to Frederick H.Dominick, repre- sentative from 'South Carolina, has been announced. Dr. Bell Recommends Early Adjustments To Living Conditions Dr. Bell, of the physical educa- tion department, feels it importantI that entering women make the right adjustments as soon as possi- ble. She says that this is such a big university that the adjustments to be made are extremely diffi- cult. It is first necessary, according to Dr. Bell, to seek comfortable living accommodations, and then to find a place to eat that is suitable to the amount of money to be spent. Each person should also plan a certain amount of physical, activity, for which the University provides ample Means for each girl to take I I Men May Obtain Tickets At Or League On Present Of Union Cards BOB CARSON WILL I Weekend dances in the ballroom will be resumedv opening dance Saturday ni tober 5. Bob Carson's orche been booked for the seasor been announced. Tickets obtained at the main desk League or at Wahr's book any time. The following rules ha made by the League hou mittee in regard to the sa fi k t nd the L.ni NEW RULES ARE FOR LEAGUE W VARIED PROGRAM OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES CLUB WILL HOLD PRESENTS CHALLENGINGOPPORTUNITIES TO WOMEN OPENING MEETING Organized Societies Extend To All Play. This offers places for over Womens' League orchestra TOMORRO NIGHT Branches Of The 100 women in the singing and The honorary groups list Theta University dancing choruses besides the placesPhi, journalistic Students from all lands are in- on the speaking cast. ie otefrtsca ete t Wahr's - For those interested in sports i of the Cosmopolitan Club at 8 ation Wrmi ngramatic, ul, the Womens Athletic Association nity, Kappa Beta Pi, legal, Pi o'clock Friday ngay in Lane Hail teraiy, athletic, ort journalistic has several different clubs. Pega- Lambda Theta, education, Black auditorium. Dean Hugh Cabot will pursuits besides their academic asus is a riding club which spon- Quill, a literary society formerly be the guest speaker. All Univer- PLAY work, are eligible to membership in sors a horse show in the spring. Chi Delta Phi, and Mu Phi Epl, s s nn a eiibe f y various societies and organizations Orchesis is a. national dancing so- Sigma Alpha Iota, and Delta Omi - bership in the C lub, the only rc - 7League on the campus. Membership. in ciety. There is also the Rifle Club, Cron musical sororities.qurmnbegthpossinn p and the Womens' Physical Educa- Ithe part of the prospective member with the 'them is either by tryout or by anIh oesPhsclEua scholarship. tion Club NOTICE of a genuine interest in the Club iht, Oc- tionpClub. ght, has Comedy Club is a dramatic so- Athena and Portia are rival lit- purposes. estra hasciety for both men and women. It erary socities, taking for study lit- All women interested in trying NOTICE n, it has produces plays during the year for 3rature and writers, laying stress out for interclass hockey should As soon as houses elect captains may be public performance. Mummers, for on icr rts by the members. They meet at 4:15 next Tuesday after- and organize teams, the intramural k of the women only, gives plays at its own haver requent debates with each noon in the field house. hockey season will begin. Kstore at meetings, and at meetings of Ann other. Arbor organizations desiring such The musically talented may en- ve been entertainment. All Junior women, ter the University Girls' Glee Club, ise com- scholastically eligible, may try out the Freshman Glee Club, Choral- Le of the for the traditional Junior Girls' Union, the Mandoli Club, or the , a I e, s s ana i League uancs, which must be observed by all who attend. Men, unless personally in- We Specialize in troduced by a member of the League, will be sold tickets only NESTLE upon the presentation of a Union membeiship card. No one may buy PERM ANEI tickets for anyone other than him- self and his partner. Men attending dances are re- We also bier quested to use the check room on the first floor and the ladies that your individual on the second floor, thus avoidingcordingto Fren the congestion which has existed before. will be pleased The cafeteria will be opened from now on so that it will be available to guests during the intermission Stoddard I between dances, as well as the Hazel Whittaker Vanderberg lounge. 707 North University- CIRCULINE NT WAVING id face powder for complexion ac- ich formula. You with our work. Beauty Shop Phone for Appointment 2.1212 A R T I N F O 0OT W E A . , * . p. V , 4A -c' r F'. V; 4y I part in the sport in which she is interested. The importance of budgeting one's academic work so that there will be an equal propor- tion of both study and recreation cannot be stressed too often. Subscribe for The - Michigan Daily. You may either call at the for the school year. .. Kinn.ey Shoes QualityFootwear For Men And Women AT POPULAR PRICES New Fall Dresses In Crepes, Satins, and Velvets. All the New Autumn Shades SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 2 for $15.00 NEW SPORTS SKIRTS AND SWEATERS IN A VARiETY OF COLORS AND STYLES $3.95 to $5.95 LINGERIE SPECIAL . , 0 BLOOMERS, PANTIES AND TRUNKS 79c0 NEW FELT AND VELVET HATS LARGE HEAD SIZES ~ $2.98 to $5.49 NEW COSTUME JEWELERY The Fashion Shoppe Phone 4977 201- E. Liberty St. i:{> eo orcge co coc<) .cec cc n c;(X=Xo 047e %N 1 F' 4 f t! f i . - _ i $4.98 Beautiful styles. in Suede, Kid, Patent and Gun Metal. We carry AA to C widths which enables to fit most feet. You will us be '~1 pleased I know. WOMEN'S Patent Per- forated Step - in Pump. Spike Heel.f Same Style in Black Suede, Gun Metal Calf© and Brown Suede. Trim- emus to match. Gym Shoes for men and women. Pirces range e 0 from 79c to $2.98 in Ralph Jones Basket Ball Shoes. e i 117 South Main Street 1 'A This atumn it's 1Lizard A step ahead of the mode here in our Shoe Shop you may choose your favorite type of footwear as interpreted in lizard and lizard combinations. This classic oxford developed n brown or blac Calcutta lizard - . Done of Peacock's smartest models. $10.00. A smart T-strap characteriz ed by genuine lizard and kid in black. $13.50. i .. A sophisticated Peacock model shown in brown lizard and kid, $13.50, or brown suede and kid. $12.50. Mezzanine Furs and 'Fur Coats Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Prices Reasonable E~. L. Greenbaunm 448 Spring Street Phone 9625 owl f f i i I f i Mademoiselle Adele a representative from the Rubenstein Beauty 'Studios will be available for consultation at Mack'. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Coe in and choose the Art and Gift Shop 218 South State Invites you to inspect their line of Lamps, Etchings, Gifts and I. I i E '' 1 i cosmetics suited to your in- dividual type of beauty.' f ' ai4 . , &Xacx - 4-,.- 1 I