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December 10, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-10

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1 1890

,CI r






ULgram of songs and operatic arias. I knew all of the operas so well-
10 O [N S C [0The concert is scheduled to begin that, if it were necessary. I could
at 8:15 o'clock. have p~roduced and stage managed
!~tln ihp'AcOtlydiaMdm uiaogwt oh any of those in which I appear. j
isBrasiau, is an opera singer who "When I am singing. I like to
as Michigan Opens Specdy # is ia success on the concert stage. single out some particular personI
Offense in Last Half. "Of course, opera will always en- I{ in the audience, preferably a very
th l nn "a ch, ar a in n ~ vfita..a a , t___---- '--'- ' '.- .--,, !




Rebellion Against Nationalists
Forces Foreigners to Take
Refuge in Shanghai.

Judge McKiniley


President Jessup;

iruieNieaiinarcnin young ludvildual, Jbecause their ..,.
CH P A ED E M terview, "because I was literally emotions are mirrored on their'WREREOTSCESO]
raised on a diet of grand opera. My faces, and then I sing to that one __
--- ~father used o0 take me to the the-,person.' If they are pleased, thenr>;
Kanitz, Truskowski Share 'Hon-i atre to listen when I. was only two I3mcnet"CusrsadDsryr ev
ors for Scoring Half Ends years old. Even then, young as I.Mnl _tctA~rci~ .~ ~
Wih out t -a:ed to absorb cverything I heard CHICAGOiian'
~~t onta aI sdt stqityadse- 'E fLifUfUU L~ ~e and Property. ~~,. .CIAO
Iat least so my father told me. I ig fa
Bly Edward L. Warner "Later, when we camne to Anmerca r(By A6ociatA ie>-Pthe pesen
S ' thiofneinteand he was connected with the Me- TOI IT fl( lR SHANGHAI, China, Dec. 9 te reen
s ec mal iciaUsVast tropolitan Opera company, I was I r~ l~[ j Seeking safety boecause of wide- IUnvriyo
scn haf MihgnsVriy old enough to grasp the salient fea- LTOII OUPEN spread revolts against Chinese I ditions in its
basketball team vanquishe d Ohio tures of the rehearsals anpro- Nationalist government, Americanwhcrsut
Wesleyan, 33-16s, to open the cage mfantes. AnulUinOerjilGv and other refugees began arriving ..... the Western C
season at iYost field house lastI "Believing In a thorough musical here today. 2'ei and morec
Four Performances in I Seventy-five American women ,:.*~ ueirC
night, The Battling Bishops fail- - - ad;hidencaeurmpaniniof Ch
ed tolv!pt ierrpttoIn i ,n~uf 11 n ro.Iwith many refugees of other na- the Iowa alun
11being outplayed and outscored In li l!ri .Itl OPA TMCIA tionalities who fled from the men- CO E YUJ .1. Allen Seager, '29 ed off a boe
each half. TOUUPLAYLUAT UMICHIGLLN ace of the rebel forces marching Former member of the Univers- tacking Pres.
After a slow start in the first U 'f 12 from Tengtu to meet the Natonal- ity swiming team, who has been and requesti
half, during which they compiled a HIIp I rodcieoRoeUnon thera ill i eedr fNakntecp-named this year's recipient oflthe Bado d
3- adatethe Wolverines I U III fLoe o h nogoea al ' not only the
andi Fv OSI igas lopn Thursday night at the Mich- it Little Learned. ser- Rhodes scholaship but also the
brough~t their scoring combinations + - - thate-n play Friday and andicr
into pay to run up '20 points in the- Honorary DramatcGru Will Saturday nights and a Saturday Wihwr coendn fo e ver and dl-Irrn L icortmet o
second period. "Dutch" Kanxitz adI Groinee.ed by cnedigfrcsad atensto
Joe Truskowski shared scoring hon- ( Choose New Members General sale of seats for all per- spatchxes censored, little was learn- lfhi l1IjI than athletic
ors, each aggregating 10 points. ! Fromi Tryouts.j formances is now being held at thei ed today of the Tukow mutineers au IU L Out of
Kanitz ran 'up his total entirely desk of the Union, but will be1 who with ranks augmented by Itisnol
through shots from the floor. while transferred to the box office of theI other, rebels were reported to num- rwFO RHODES A 9H !!Rse"Itno
"Truck" had four free throws C ANGEi REQUIREMENTS Mchigain theatre tomorrow. It will ber at least 30,000 strced along"ThW outsting,
among his scoring efforts. ! ---- - I remain there throughout the local the roalroad to Pengpu. Two cays an athletic r1
Chiapman. Gets 'lip. Fall tryouts for membership in! run,!ag their advance was reported to. exclusively a
Michigan defense, being iiistrumepi- dramatic organization, will be held1 formlances are still available at the skirmish with Nationalist at Wuwi Personal Interview with by reflection
tat in keephin the Bishops down to from 4 o'clock to U o'clock this aft- desk of the Union, Paul L. Buckley, 35 miles northeast of Nanking. Fifteen Applicants. of the Unive
five field goals. He held the her- trasrrfthroucinadagaeed as well a
aie ignhlr ihsoe fernoonl In Sarah Caswell Angell , raue o h rdutosidBgaeRemoved.steofow
the Buckeye Conference, to a pair hal.etedy.Tee aljrer pI On advice of their consuls, Amer- 'TO GO TO OXFORD IN D-119t that great in
offedwieIcas a "Tryout's speeches should be cations can be sent to the theatres la and other foreign women toos
offedgoaswhheals had. in which the show is scheduled to boansfrShnhs.rmth n-. Ever since
decided edge onl the Wesleyan cen- memorized, should be from a play, play during Christmas vacation, ot oJ.a~a roitew B. Allen Seater. 29, of Adrian." lce faculty
ter at the tipoff. Frank Lovell play- anid should require not more than and will be filled ini the order in~ tionial capital, the decks of giteis Michigan's Rhodes scholar for, M,zv to sever
ed a nice guarding game as Chap- three minutes td give" Richard S. which mthey are received, before tihe boats being piled hxighx with their b929. He was selected from a fieldI the 1 , wkeyc:
man's running mate.-f Cole, '30, president of. the orgail-g general sale starts. trunks, boxes and bundles. At Ich- of 15 candidates, including twoI manxy Twa a
cojhl- atohsiiysera. rsspraeofteationnteI saidl 10 mls nan n hyesterday.t tuetsad t- emig h
Coach Veenker's title .defenders EMembership this year will- not" be:chres s rdeoheld cnat adtier- angtnealrly 1000mileilandwomn he ohanvesity stt sdents' thJesupng he
played clean basketball for an op- itetohsewhacngb iliy noon at the Mimes theatre. Co- and children boarded six foregn although they are at present at-' "bungling" in
ening game, only six pensonal :fouls the oerganizati~in determined at a I tuomes were tried on and fitted by ( gunboats and fled from thel cy tein lg universities and collegesi publicly to tl
being called onl the Wolverines.. ; recent meeting. Individuals iter- I ersnaie'fLie.Ldo where rebels and n'tioalist troos m(V tsimth state. Not toI
..;ha- Wesleyan employed a close Jested in the technical side of the rprescitaiivcsjof Lester, Ltd.,.of
Chlicago, thie designecrs. A dress re- fogtiLrcnto ebers of the state ; commi tte Judge. MVclK
guarding style of play, whihx mayI theatre ,need only to present a hearsal was held Sunday night Iin The American cruiz-r. thec Pit ts- said that as a result of personalm in ntenrto go
have accounted for the Rine' fouls schedule of their, experienices to the theatre, and they will continue burgh and six destroyers, left; Mix- terviews with all of the candidates, the Iowa Sta
committed by the visitors. Cole, and tryouts-on this basis will there until the company moves to! nila for this portatrAdi 1hycmetteblefhtSagan ohr
Uses Slow Offense. be held during the next play dtha the stage of the Michigan theatre ;Chxalres V. McVay, declared that it:venrnmre than the other apph-; charges.
Michigan utilized a slow break- the organization has planned. Wednesday. was the routine duty of the United t eams for the scholarship, st-s- Georg T. I
Ing offense to start the game, tak- Member of Comedy Club will The final cress rehearsal will beI States Navy to protect Amricn fied the requirements prescribed board, said J
ing few shots at the meshes clue to judge the tryouts this after- held Wednesday night at the Mich- ( lives and property whenever ell- by Cecil Rhodes of Oxford, donor of m iet would
Wesicyanx's tight defense. Thxe- noon. Those who are unable to at- I Iganm theatre and the first perfor-; dangercd. the scholarship, who suggested thati sented andt
Maize and Blue ran up a 9-2 ad- tend the mneeting, at the time :set, maimee of this year's show for the 1 Turned rebel, Genreral ''ig the ideal Rhodes scholar would ful- eo-operate "
vantage on five free throws and two Cole said, should get In touch with general public will be given on1 Seng--Sch, former leader' of the fill the following qualifications: tion."
dog shot~s by Kanitz. Gandrup him and arrange otherc tryout IThursday night.i Nationlist armies ini JIoian pro-' (1) literary and scholastic ability Coi
countered with two penalty throws, schedules. The company o approximately ;vnes,.was re portcd to hee ilbil ;--and attaiunmen ts; (2) qualities of, Judge Ml
but; Kanitz cii ackvlwith another Al6 odsuetrfehe, 10wl ev nArbr-eemerI lg 000)mxeiitill tlvs orth ofa( it tuio0 xudc1,t" ruthIi, co.rae, dv-'atin f°~
short shot frxom .thxe fluor. He ry - -11seondteectrufreheen 100 ill lavctnnoArorfDeembe
Weiss:i~id Nor - -and lall sophionores. juniors, and 20 fur Chicago,. where Ithe f rst, out proince ' ltJie ihlto 11 1I, cl ip'llr t (i Uix, s fiatlly.kinrdi ess c"mite i
jecedjuo tc.Daies wrein Iseniors are eligible for wintnber- of towni performtocev-11l be given Iupon l aikow Wu li ,iiu. lt,):n uefuDUS, ;itdfeiiowsti (3) ex- athletic dire
shtdit h raadwt h ipinthat ight. Froini there the four ylicie omr i1rso hbto f'mlfrc fcaaco o~
coming 1M1chligai's attack quicken- s-. whichth havanzbeenn Yanca hi lm]: ot,;of :ii~o frnitfreo hra- o oasr
ed. Chapmnanx's follow-uip shot aft- The next play that has been gae for- l ca urs, wl elt eta h ter' and of histincts to lead the way : sisting it wa
rmisnafretrwcmpleted I;planned by Comedy Club is ;(:hed- g aaagezor h o r ill move ouu to iixacrd to take rn interest in hlsf a prosecutin
time Wolverine scoring, .while Seg - {uled for the later part of January. KlmaoGrn Rpd.! nsnDr. F.G. * yHonored ;shohl ;andci(4) physica.ior; -tnc n
emthaler and Thomas registeredE The namve has not been announced. Bffa ifTlntoainia. etroi. Cleveland., i NQYa 5)W yitrs n udo i idt
frlir goals for tloe' Ohioans.; but, it was stated by tie otnmuttec Four eorvnsv-'b "ineiiUniversity Service sports or in other ways.- Any One. Pu
The Speedy Michigan ofense nx- that was selecting thle piece that l inDetoitthi yea. Te-sow eager was a member of the( Var- Iffairs knew
terialized sin the second half, with I the production would be f a )Al-ii eri hsya. 'leso Bestowing high tributes oa Dr sity swimxming team for three yea rs lopeless nd
Weiss breaking fast, and Daniels; morous inature. bem 27, ad lasFre28edeadr1. i ck . Nov, p1. "'. -ofal.' recXivedhig bgrdest'--' 'b aid
feeding te ,waidsandy Ti TeI p' ilaysnthe 2Cincinaati 31. bacteriology and dircetor A h ire ot- the er"iod of his enro'llm)ent I But at no
teen points were tallied by the Var- ST DEN 'T T BE Januiary 4 two days before school ' Medical 'School hirgieiuiciaoi --as nune1 gauaeh-1i iltk te s h
sity while* the vi~itors could only' is resumeid In the Uniiversity. its, for 43 years of ottnl) pli studies at Oxford, under the tie matter,"
comp~ile a single counter through DA fl WJITNESSES -- - - --.service to the Unfivrsty Medical tl tiuiatiiis of the shoiar'lip, in very good a
Spoona inucre's fi 'co Utrow. Kanitz 'Ip 1 School and to national medicl ad-' ctober, 1930. alumni but
IIcontributed two short ones. Weis:?-j Plans i' Cr ompletion j vancement, President Ale-andcr Thut-two scholars are elected resented."
added two more baskets and a free ( Nine University students, whose "for 1932 Class 1Function ;G. Ruthxvcn yesterday- accerstc'd fromn the United States each year ® -
throw, while Chapman dropped in t namves are withheld by police, were ____ for the University a large portrait while a slightly larged number is I HULL
a long toxes.. to be subpoenaed early this morn- Tickets are being rapidly sold forI of the medical manl. The progra n. chosen to represent the variou.o
Makes Substitutions.' ing for appearance as witnesses at 1, the Soph Promn which is to be held I given at the Lydia Mendelssohn Br ti:h dominions and colonies.
In the c;losing minutes, Coach the arraignment today xof William i inl the ballroom of tic Union next-l theatre was arranged oni is; sity- ONI
Vecimker' gent his substitutes into; "Mirky" Morgan, alias Phelan, on 'r rida~y aright, accor'dinug to 1Fred I fifthm birthday anniverary b fo- Groun
the contest-. 12 nicii in all seeinu oecageso iuo a i--e tuet n sdieenclFirst 'Year G op
dulchreoflqola o-"Buchxan,, '32F1, general chairmai. 1 "tuet ndadpes o-neu trality
serivce. Siegentba'r dropped in al lationx and attempt to bribe anm om1-I Hogan Hancock and his Record-I leagues. Wil Appear Tonight Pact" is tie
do htax adrpmd odicer, bfr bsieBrtE 1 nxg Orchestra has been obtainedI In accepting the portrait D%' to be delive
ontofe hos rso~ithe city police court. for the class affair and it is ex-j Ruthxven declared, "The work oi Meetings for the first three Hulla 4 1
reetre h gm iid puot wth.im 'organ s arraignmflent is tie 're- peted it will play one of the best Dr. Novy will be his mxonrumexnt,. He- freshman groups will be held at Ldia Mend
home team far farout sin ofrontliwithid Ssurdtyofghapolicem traidheSaturdayhenighteedprograher Tto betrheard on the7:0cam-loneedsihtnotother.UioThefport..aitldwhils,.7:30o o'clock , tonight atrestheceUnion.io HuHu,,who ii
shot oe nde ' dclc ir' efors.when officers entrd rsdne pus this year. Hancock's band is fI herewith accept for Ithe Ilb-dyr- it was announxced last night, at, from rlni t41Illimmoi.xsre.Tl nwpair tth rytn n{ it st e osdrdol t hc ie hmsBlwn '1 h oeg
BOX SCORE I nine students were ,tmnoiig the per- Cincinnati where it has scored a (marker, indicating to the worla Edward McCormick, '32, amd Albert Ithe Senate
HICHIGAN sons ilm the house at the time the tremendous success. The band is that onm this date we have reco - Donohue, '31, will ;speak. John Huss, around the
FG FT P T I raid was made, and were hailed in- said to have a large number of fea-I nized that our associate has co - i'33, president of the freshman class, cerning the
Drwigrf .0 0 0 ito the police station along with tures and novelties which it will tributed notably to the fuildarnen- will talks to the ,three groups to- The problem
Daniels rf ....... 0 0 0! Morgan and a' small number of present Friday night. ta abjectives of our lflsttitioii."I gether.cabemd
Jenrnet af f).... 0 0 0 townspeople who had been present. ________ -cnb md
tebsso WleIKntif .,..".5 0 0'10 Thle students were released after' ITDJRVEY QSHOWS RULET WHICH FITDR ' ARRED t.)T ¢ AProf. Jess
TrukoAx c...3401 uoCr .Subr eadn O M LTDBCUEO JHGAN'S ATTITUDE that. "a fre,
Weiss c ..... .. .. ..2 1 2 5I their connection with the estab- __ ___ _ ____ ____ ento
Lovell t~g .. '... '... 0 1 U021tlisnent lwhich was raided, adI___ i - - - -- - ---i a ]cxi

Jones rg...... ,.. ,...0 0 2 0 after agreing to appear for fur- Iowa, barred from competing velues to abide by it caused the bers of tihe association but, like a 'graduate
Downing rg ....... ".0 0 0 0 ther questioning Dec. 16. No charg- with Conference teams by a recent framing of the above rule, whichI Iowa, barred fri(mm competing with Schoolhsb
Chapman (capt) Ig . .2 0 a. 4 es~ were preferred against them. haigo h aut omteeo h te eieso s
Rickeittee ..the.oth.er members0 1fCthe "1Cn cf r1et'e ea i-fs. The Wolveine, m-f, nd
liicuortsoIlic0 wa0 staandotheirnfisatedregnt isteredrul igToftisfacltybeigafecedNine' ivokced .aaist ichgan?. jpossibly Licttl~Ci by this "severngiwof Iougnd
So tie ohit saton egite. tlebig Tuenhiscnowasbeigsaffeced 1leaving the Wolverines still 11101116 ;athletic relations," withdrew from ICon res.
Total........3 7_ 6--_33 onINo iuo ascnfsatdb po- I y arl;hc wsfrtue
- -°I lice, but Morgan- is charged with against Michigan back in 1900, and' ___________t he Con ference in 1908. making the His public
OHIO1W9 1-VESTAhaving off'ired. Defective Clifford I the Bg Ten, is now tie Big Nin-o~I~sca~n1h Bg Pg "tl l~IWl nm
C>°'YT Ws$09if h wold let "him go. for the th-ird tine sice t~e rWUtherasAa1K cl .= wici Thce - of Oio Saeil11, fiildd
1 3 W e t ~ u uII L s a r c - u i n t , . ~n c g a e h e n a m e o f " B i g Ni n e ":2 , H uic i l h a s ti c
lonart.'...11Police say that Morgan admixtted ictainws ore, !4 to the asscatiorn againi. -I1-ull pries
Campbell 4 f.......'.0 0 ji ha0eha 0 otlge Conference history has disclosed. ~_-
Ua inT adoption...... 4 2 6 a ta ofoRueasIIastiea bootleggerp'- tit 1917 NMicliian re-entered tihe tratioi. The
'd f...1 426in town for the Last three years. Theadotio"ofRul VI, wich_ ,._, f°~ ,., "Da<inf - 'rTat?°i "hrs... m vr fr i n'

,ks That State Investigate
Departments of University.


Associated iPress)
Ill.. Dec. 9.-Runb-
alumi-mi revolt againist
administration of tme
Iowa, because of comm-
athletic departnment!

Calling attentioni to the, para-
graph in the resolution issued by
time faculty committee of the Big
Ten which states that Iowa has
not ceased to be a member nor
been suspended from time Confer-

ed iin the ouster from. ence, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, Michi-
mneuecetoday. oud gan's faculty representative to tme
ominous .todayvpM. eI Conference, contradicted the gen-'

iceago, former head of eral imlpr'e
muni association, touch- tion mean
jibshehl by openly at- from the I
sident Walter Jessup interview]
ing tme Iowa State
Imcatiom to investigate I Iin com
eathletic departument'" for the dei
"cause of dissention tition, wh
that has existed in de- resolution
f the University other thme Big T
;s." lations wit
fIowa's Hlands. 11930, Prof
ime for the alumni to taotgienc
Judge McKinley said.,Ias ie
g of Iowa is. no longer committee
matter. It ceases to be O
6University nmatter. It The resi
ia matter that effects follows:
Lupon every alumnus "Wherea
ersity, wherever loeat- ing a resol
is every citizen of tme conferenec
a whose taxes support ginning w
stitution." ' !relationslm.
tme Western Confer- versity of
coinu1mittee voted lastI tinued ani
athletic relations with Wlmereak
s, effective J:mn. 1, 1930, tionmed for
,lumni have; been con- resolution

,ssion that the recent ac-
it the dropping of. Iowa
Big Tem association in an
last night.
mienting on the reasons
ruial of the Hawkeyes' pe-
ich made operative the
of the May meeting o .
'en severing athmletic re-
th Iowa beginning Jan. 1,
Fessor Aigler pointed out
causes of the action were,
in the statement of the'-
Doers Rtesolution,.
,lution referred 'to is a-s
as at its May, 1929. meet --
lution was adopted by timo,
eto the effect that be-
ith Jan. 1, 19:30, atltic c
ip with tme State Uni-
fIowa shall be clls olz-
sIowa has mnow peti-
the rescission of thme May

raction of President' Whereas the fa{ utty intercoll1e-
m they charged with giate conferenmce, while del nitely of
hatters has conic forth the opinion that Iowaha made
ghat' effect.3 earnest anzd definite steps to cor-
Explain Changes. rest tme evils which led to. the- May
Kinlcy said lie did imot I action, is nevertheless of tme
be-fore thme meeting of opinioni that there a::,: cp$s re-.
ate Board tomorrow or nining to be taken: Now, there-°
time to ex:plain his fore, be it
Resolved, That the petitioni of
Baker, chairuman of the4 the State University, of Towan-or
fudge .McKinly's state- the present be denied
be considered if pre- ; MAy Renew Iletition.
that the board would It is to be observed that thm
to clean up the situa- I audoptioni of the above rcsolution
does nmot men that Iowa ceases; to
denni Action. be a member of tme conferenono
I mnzley n condened the ,Jaffa. 1, 1930. Nor does it ??z' a thla-t
ze Western Conference # owva is there Suspen-ded.Th -
ncaling in conferenzce h ton nieans that t-me3r~:p ion? of
ors in the discussiorMy 99 nerGnrlR.W
einstatement plea, intion MaI199ofuderhenera egmlae-
ais ea judge asking , zr athletic relations wYith Io:a ,a
g, attorney for his as- effective on Janz. 1,1939,)-. bc:;~e
support in helping operative ona that date."
ae defendanmts guilty.' It is the earniest hope of the coil-
zniliar withu}Conference ference that Iowa umay find itself
erthtoascaitose s n position in the near future to
er toseconitinsliereniew its petition.
o tie, lic theautor- According to Professor , Aigier,
time didtim autor-tme course of events wlhic-i result-
alumn foradvie ined in the action of thme f vculty corn-.
lihe added. "Once somue mittee was:
.vice was proferred by' 1. Information brought to light
it was unmistakably at the May meeting of the Confer-
ence proved that Iowa was nuot coin-.
TO SP AK plyimng with some of tme rules of
ro SPEAKthe Big Teni.
Iowa Notified.
PEACE. ACE! PACT 2.:A esolutioni severing athletc
relations wtimte Hawkeyes, be-
:;r n r,-.. 1<1t. t~~.cr i ocoming1PopertiverI'JaTn.1. 1930fl ~u-.


ssubject of the lecture passed. Iowa was notified of its ir-
red by loin. Morton D. regularities, amid given a six nmonth
5 o'clock today in tme period before the next meeting in,
delssohn theatre. Mr. which to correct them. 1
is at present a senator: 3.Thme faculty committee nmeet-
is and is a member of ing last week decided that although
iAffairs comnmittee of Iowa had umade undoubted progress
'will center his speech in eradicating these evils, it had
various questions con,-I not fully complied with the wishes
Kellogg Anti-War pact. of tme Conference in these matters,
n of h-ow this document and as stated in thre resolutionl,
le more effective will be "there are steps. renmaining to be
fdiscussioni.I taken." Therefore tme faculty con-
e S. Reeves of the po- umittee denied Iowa's petition, au-
ie departument stated tomatically callinig into effect the,
sm and vigo~rous treat- ; May resolutiomn.
highly important topic Suspen sioni Forced.
icted. Mr. Hull, who is In answeng the allegatioxis that
of i-i ~1iavar La 1Iowa was barred because of "spite
been imm pohlles for ,-ome work amid a possible lowerinig of
srecognized as a v'igor- .4 inanicial benefits to other Big Teni
[delpendeit nmembnler of schools," Professor Aigler said, "So
far as I know, every Conference
cspirit has mnanifested - representative would have been
any ways outside of lhis i ulad if conditionisluad warranted
es. For many years, Mr. voting favorably on Iowa's pe-ti-
aintahmed the MortonD. tonl,
in uniicipal adininis- Director of Athletics Fielding ll.
ese awards are comnipet-; Yost, in comtradiction of tme state-

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