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Publication i the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member,
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
VOO. XL. SUNS' Y, DCi1 IVI 8, 1.929 No. G0
should call first at room 105 Tappan lall for the necessary blanks. Actuarial and Statistical Work: I would like to meet at 4:10 Mon-j
After consulting an adviser and filling' out the blanks, hand in election day, December 9, in room 3017 A. H., all students interested in actuarial
cards and all class cards in room 4, University hall. and statistical work and who plan to take any of the examinations of'
O. L. Itiel the Acturarial Society or the American Institute of Actuaries this year.
An account will also be given of the nature of the work and the
Ann Arbor Art Association: The opening of the "1929 Water Color opportunities in the actuarial and statistical profession.
Rlotary" scheduled for Sunday, December 8, has~ been unavoidably post-' James W. Glover
ponedl until later in the week. B. AT. Doiial&.ot
Etemrporaneous Speaking Contest: Those desiring to enter the" !
EVENTS TODAY; preliminaries in Adelphi room, December 10, at 4:00 p. in., please sign'
Y' lrrr.ircni -- +1,, .,,a^ .,. Alist on bulletin board outside office of Department of Speech, room. 3211..'
Automobile Regulation Notice: All student driving permits expire on
December 20, 1929. Application for renewals will be received at the Office
of the Dean of Students from December 10 to December 20, and students
are urged to observe this arrangement as soon as they have procured 1930
license tags for their cars. It will bry necessary, however, for students.
to continue using tlhi 1928 plates until lifting of the regulattion at 12:00
moon on December 20, for the Chri ,hnmis vacattioni period.
J. A. fluirsd*y, Dean of Stiudeits
To the Presidents of' Sororities and Fraternities': You are requested
iJCVkLoI onI l serv~ff II ice a th LV II entis-'o(1fltnea at ! lI4 o(IO l Ct
Dr. Alvin B. Magary of the Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church, De- ThFisApaOegAlhLctrtobgvnbyD.Lwsn
troi, wil b thespeaer.Brown which was to be held December 9, has of necessity to be post-
Intenatona Form: r. dwar J.Rices wll eadponed, and will be heldt at 8 p. mn., Wednesday, December 11, in Natural
latcira~iona Foum: r. EwardJ. iche wil lea a iscui~on':Science auditorium. T
on "The League of Nations as ani Agency for International Industrfial
CG- 1l)et'i"l," ;'t '100 P. inl., inla 4ne hall h i en's l£ueatioina Clith will meet Mom lay ilni . ht, Det '.1cr 9,
'?;hi o'clock, in the Michigan Union, room :304.
1)1'.oet4)I!v Iiiray Pratt of Lansing will deliver a !!' ire on "Te Dr. W. C. Olson will speak on: "Illaris for the Uii reisi'y IEl; -tary
inity of Life" unlder the Joint a: .ices of the Michigan Federation and School."
tom filnalit o te unbrsan"pgdes foyurfttheniy ortheeosU£A)pnULLL±aa O socieL ~t~y to ite comittee - - -
to ilea lst f te mmbes ad ledes f yur ratrniy fr te room of the Womens League building at 3:30 p. m. The public is! A. S. M. E.: The banquet will be held Wednesday, December 11, at
first semester in the office of th e Dan of Students, room 2, University cordially invited.j Lane Hall Tavern, at 6:30 p. m. Tickets are being sold at the table
hall, on or before December 12, on a printed, form to be supplied by inteWs;nieeig ulig scn j.Al ebr r re
that t h officeeig.uidnseodSar l emesae re
J, A. Bursley, Dean of Students Iild oundation: Prof. 'rank, Gavin of the General Theologea 1 to attend
Seminary of New York will speak at 7:30 p. m., in the Chapel of the
Library Committee Meeting: The Libra:ry Committee will meet at; Michigan League, on the topi: "A Christian Looks at Judaism."on Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. A. J. Herzig will b~ the speakeri
4 p.m. n Tusda, Dcembr l. Mmber ofthe 7':cnly hah~i onMonday, December , at 4 o'clock in room 3201 East Engineering bldg.
Hi p.bec is onTTuesdayt DectmbeSu10.cMeOxbdes Poftthe in Variouhavin
requests to present to the Committee aire asked to hand them int at i 4eiiot s, Sellout of' dutcation: There will be a mieting of all class FurisnaceAtmosp"hee o tn the S ufaceie o rs." ndinVri
the office of the Librarian before noon on Monday, December . officers including committee and io'oup chairmen in room 4020 of the lunc topee nteSrnaeo rs.
ilimW. Bishop, Librarian niversity High School at 4:00 oclock Monday afternoon, December PyisCllqim MrE.BBaewllpako"Te emi
J. E. Warrinr, President Phsc olqim r .B ae ilseko 'h em Statistics Applied to the Potential Distributions of Positive Ions," in
Call for Lost Articles: A large number of books, gloves, etc., have I room 1041 East Physics building on Tuesday, December 10, at 4:15. All
recently been turned in at the Secretary's office. Students arnd others! Students of Reformed Churches: Professor Ralph Stof of Calvinitesedaecralyniedoatn,
who have lost anything of this nature are requested to call at je olgewladrs the ,,,,~w ~t ~efredChrce a:te_________
t t
Portrait of Dr. Frederick Novi .
Will be Given to University
by Colleagues, Alumni.
Dr. Frederick G. Novy, professor
of bacteriology and director of the
Mtedical School hygienic laborator-;
es, will receive a tribute for 41,
,,ears of service to Michigan and toi
riational medical science and edu-
nation when friends, alumni, and
colleagues present a portrait of hint
to the University tomorrow at 4:00'
o'clock in ' the Lydia IMendelssohin
theatre. The presentation of the
portrait, planned by friends and
alumnni in line with the alumni wn-
tional ten year program, will be
the feature of an informal gather-
it1(, to celebrate Dr. Novy's slxty-
fi fth birth day anniversary.
Acceptance of the portrait will ba~
evade by President Alexander G.
Ruthlven, upon its presentation to
t~he University by Dr. A. S. War-
thin, director of the Medical School
pathological laboratories.
Something New!!t
Secretary's office, room 3, University hall.
I . Shirley W. Smith~l
tipper lom" in Lane nall, at 10:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. mn.
Those interested in Archery are requested to meet in Dr.
Lynap's office at 2:30 p. m.
Medical Faculty and Students': On Monday, December 9, at 4 1 . n. Al! lip~lp its Students are cordially invited to attend the
iportrait of Professor Novy wtill be ])I'{'seflte(1 to the University. '1Iis pino-J'apanese students gathering at Lane hall, at 7:30 1). m.
presentation will take place in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. All________
stated work In the Medical School wil be suspended shortly before 41 CsoliaCub Tlecbpctrwlletknat20;z
p. in., so 'that students may attend these eeises. s CenslersnSClub:.Te cube ropture willtobe et;at 0 .
Hug~h Cabot, Dean..nshe' tdo laeb pop oa o ob etot
Prank AMpha Nit regular meeting will be hield Tuesday, December It0,, at!
Lak7:45. Reports on the National Conclave will be given.
Webi and FIhing'e: Business meeting, Tuesday, December 10), 7:1.f)5
Phsilip- at the Union.
D. ri, . Acolytes will meet in room 202 S. W., Monday evening, at 7:319,
D.Uchenko will read a paper on "Simultaneity and Space."
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, Uriven :ity organist, will give
the following program, Wednesday, in Hill aiidiloiin at 4:15 p. mn. The
general public with the exceptiom of i2dl Children is invited. Tlin pro-
gram is as follows: Bollmani: Fantat' 1 D)lognce; Bpssi: Meditation
in a Cathedral; Bach : 'Tocata, Adagio and -augue in C; Harp-Yiert:
Improvisation (Basso ostinato e $kglctt z); Foote: Pastorale; Saint-1
Saens: The Swan; Maquaire: Allegro (Symphony 1)
Charles A. Sink
Choral Union Concert: Claudia Muzio, Soprano, will give the follow-
ing program in the Choral Union Series, in Hill auditorium., December 10.!
at 8:15 p. m. Veraicini: Pastorale; Mozart: Piaceri Fanciuillesehi; Recli:y
Bergerette; Donaudy: Spirate pui'. spirate; Old French: C'est Dion ami;
Franck: Nocturne; Daicroze: Le Coenur d ' ma mie; Delibes: Les Fille
de Cadix; Verdi: Aria Prace, Trace Mio Dio (LaForza del Destino) ; Wil-
son: Phillis. has such charming grae.es; Crist: Yesteryear; Shadwick:
Lullaby, Buzzi-Peccia: Under the Greenwood '1 rep; Gom~ez: Aria Mia
Piclrella (Salvator Rosa). Charles A. Sink
Varsity Glee Club: There Nvill be no rehearsal Monday evening.
Scal an Blde metsat :30 . i., n th Unon.. Resident Memnbers of Phi Kappa Phi desiring to attend the initiation
banquet on the evening of Friday, December 13, notify the Secretary,
41-Hp Ciiia-mittee Meeting at the Michigan Union, at 3:1 5n, . HI. S. Swinton, 302 Engineering Annex.
CO1ING E VENTS A pha r Lam~bda, Delta will meet oni UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN21-
ITile Presentation of thle Portrait of Dr. Frederick G. Novy wiil talk!' uesdtay, December 20, at 7:30 p.,in.,
place in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre at 4:15 p. n., Monday, Decem- inteLaubidn.Te omUiesiyo icnsnc-d r
ber' 9. Faculty,#friends, and all those interested are cordially invited,' number will be posted on the beulle-,uinambeusapriet
Alexander G. Ruthven tin board in the main corridor ofupiarsbcsearonnt
___the League building. fraternity man has condemned!
University Lectures: December 9, 4:15 p. in., Natural Science audi- 1 drip
?Corium, Mr. Charles T. Seltman: 'History in Greek Coins." Michiganensian Business Staff
! December 10, J:15 p. in., Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, 1lon. Morton; Meeting, Monday, at 4 p. in., at the eci'.
D. Hull, member of Congress from the Second District of Illiriois; 'P'ess building.
nking and necking among co-I
I" Ne-t tality Under the Kellogg-lHritanc Pact." f '-
'I'lwie nlandcer Magazine will r'e-
Public Letre: Maurice Samunel, author and well known Zionist ceive mianuscripts for the January
leader, who has r'ecently returned, from Palestine, will speak1 on "What is'sue a1t the Inlander office in this
Happn ened .in 1'alectinc," Monday, December 9, 4:03) p.i., at Lane lfi Press building. Until December 14.
T'1he public is inivitedt. Shoi't stories, sketches, one-act
'i'~Pi. v Ah~~1~ ~~n ~h~mflhi~~in.plays, and poetry should be mailed
To rner~trAhot' SetnwgInFr.hmn t~htoie.: ~n Nnnrnx ito- 1'te nffirne_ prn 'ni, byhiAel1f-
I "f Y -- __._.._ - 1
Detroit Civi'- Service 1 xaniinations for Family Case Workers: Exam- lDecenber 9: The 9:00 o'clock section will meet with Professor Walter'sr addressed stamped envelopes.
initions for positions of jurior rind senior family case workers will be class in room 3213 A. H. The 11:00 o'clock section will meet with Pro-
held in Detroit,; December 21, at 9 a. im., in the office of the Civil fessor Jack's class in room 3213 A. H. Bring Crevecour's "Letters from The Pay Reading Section of the
Service Commisasion at '735 Randolph St. The residence rule is waived ;an Amierican Farmer" to class. Faculty Women's Club will meet on
and students in the Social Service Curriculum are advised to take TusaFfeno, eebr1,a
advantage of this oppo~unity. Applications for. taking the examina-; Forestry 191 and 194: Dean Dana will be unable to meet these class- 1 2:30 o'clock, in the Alumnae room
tion must be in by Dlecember 14l. I shall be glad to sec any students; es on Monday. ; in the Michigan League building.
Interested about ie matter.__________________
All~~~~~ Abu hoeSecaaAl-te
A. E. Wood Texas Flyer Claims
"Business Administration 96, Personal Budgeting, Savings and In- 300 M. . P. Speed
vestments," will not be offered for the second semester.
R. .Rodkey {Ily Associated Press)I
ABILINE, Tex., Dec. 7.-A speed!
Classification: Beginning Monday morning,, Dec. J, juniors in the of 300 miles an hour over a 40-mile
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in the School of Education, course between fire city limits of.
an'd in the School of Music may classify. !Sweetwater and Abiline, Tex., was;
Literary students and School of Music students should call first at Iclaimed today by L. G. Fritz, Abi-
room 4,' U. H., for the necessary blanks. School of Education students line pilot.
Have You Visited
(and VicinTy)p
New York City
$25 Round Trip
at the
Open each day, except Sunday
from 2 o'clock on
and bring your friends
Via Canada (The Big Short-Cut)
Leaving Dec. 20
ati1:00P. M.and 7:00OP. M,
Dial 4636
E' 1
the campus to get. It is care-
fully prepared with a variety
of vegetables so that it surely
will prove that
that we have the best
means that
are a real joy at the
R & S Lunch
is a delicious chicken dinner
that will be well worth your
while to
ta all to eat it, amid our pleas-
ant, surrounding at
205 Church St.
Sunday we will
be here
Good Food is An Incenti~re to G~od Studyr
*r-t minULAW0 1v mZ A