TIHE MICH-IC A7N SUNDT~AY. DCEEfl~vFR 8. 199 SAJ-LY PAGE -SEVEN 7 -7: Ohio Wesleyan Qidntet Read to Invade Michigan 1 C LDSSIFIE ADVERTISING L A ASSOCIATED PRESS PUBLISHES SLL-AMERICAN TEAM ,FOR 19291 an kContinued from Page 6) California captain whose splendid Jap Douds, Washington & Jef- play throughout the season made Coach Detrik's Aggregatonferson, andFred Sigton Albama the football world forget that he! Won 13 Consecutive Vic- completed the tackles honored with once ran the wong way with thej tories Last Season. Fay Vincent of Yale, nosed put by ball. Ticknor, a big, strong, roving a whisker. 1center, who was the ,defensive star j Jack Cannon, Notre Dame's of Harvard in every game, polled IS FIRST GAME OF YEAR fighting guard, showed the way in . 3 votes for the place. his position with 88 choices, 30 Tony Siano, Fordham captain, By Gilson Wright, Ohio Wesleyan more than Bert Schwartz of Cali- another sterling defensive playert Transcript. fornia. barely won the third honor in a DELAWARE, Ohio, Dec. 7- An Roy Montgomery, Pittsburgh, close contest with Tim Moynihan,I Ohio Wesleyan basketball team ;,and Waldo (Firpo) Green, Yale, Notre Dame's inspirational center. that lastyea s eb13 c eam were given almost identical sup 'who suffered a broken bone in his. thve victyeseforedbeinspe- port and ran well ahead of the ten- leg in the next to the last game on acious Jack Law of Notre Dame and i the, Notre Dame schedule. will open its 1929-30 season Mon- Ray Farris. the versatile North Car- IWith the quarterback position day night against the4 University olina guard. consigned to Carideo beyond dis- of Michigan at Ann Arbor.i Ben Ticknor, Harvard's busy pute by the landslide vote he This year's quintet is built around snapper-back, won the center polled, the other backfield posi- Floyd Siegenthaler, center, leading award by 20 votes from Roy Reigels, tions developed more of a contest. scorer last year in the Buckeye con- .- _Octavius (Toby) Uansa, Pitts- ference, of which Wesleyan tied lLburgh, led the halfbacks with the1 VEENKER HAS TALL BASKETBALL SQUAD REMOVAL OF IOWA FROM BIG TEN RAISES SEVERAL NEW PROBLEMS i I Questions have been piling upon, the last time the t ii to juqM ist what the Wes-'!.+ ,frihl two teams should fhp frnr d th S with Cincinnati for the champi ship, although defeating the lat in both games between the t teams. Has Veteran Squad. In addition to Siegenthaler, w scored 106 points in the 10 co ference games last season. thereo Francis Thomas, veteran gua and Russell Spoonamore, anot] man who won his letter as a gua Russell Facchini and Donald M lone, both forwards, are others w won their letters, while Chu Wertz, of football fame, is a v eran forward. Coach Ray Detrick has a quin of sophomore- flashes who lik may see action in the Michig game in -order that he may t their ability under fire. Theyi elude Eric Gandrup and Paul I field, forwards; Vincent Schube center, and Howard Ginaven a: Forrest Campbell, guards. Lose Two Stars. The team'sestare Siegenthaler, u be playing his second game agai the Wolverines, for he was at e: on the Bishop eleven which defe edlMichigan in football last y 17 to 7. Detrick lost two of his best n by graduation in Harry Hnizd peppery high-scoring forward, a John Halliday, guard. Hallid scored a touchdown against Mic gan last year on a 50-yard run a besides being adept at football m one of Detrick's most capa guards in recent years. New Cage Rules Put in Effect by Coach (Cgntinued from Page G) crept into basketball because ofi fact that this way of delaying tion is a sure means of robbing1 game of much of its sport. In the future one play must h ensued before a player taken of the game may be readmitted substitute must oppear before timers bench before the chief t er is permitted to call timet This is believed to be the ipsul coaches calling time out in est. Ithaca--Gil Dobie's job as 11 coach Of the Cornell football to was made safe this year followin great season by the Reds. Iti rumored before that he had, lived his usefulness here. Ord, 4Pccial to Thle Da.ily)I her EVANSTON,, ILL., DEC. 8. - a-Northwestern University's basket-; vho ball team will inaugurate the cage uck season here Monday night, Dec..9, ret- with the strong Cornell college team htet of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, furnishing the :eyopposition. ely The Iowa quintet will provide het!stiff opposition for the Wildcat cn agers. The visitors finished 4in Fi- third place in the. Midwest Confer- ertj ence last year and only -one member nd of the team was lost by graduation. Coach Lloyd Deans five has always , made a strong showing against Big will = Ten teams. In 1927 they lost a nst close game to Michigan and defeat- nd ed Minnesota. at- Loss of Hal Schultz and Frank ar, Marshall, two regular guards and ~ Hal Gleichmann, captain and f or- amward, of last year's team places i mr, Coach Dutch Lonborg in a di- %nd cult position as he endeavors to day round out a combination for the hi- coming season. nd Four lettermen, three of whom was were regulars last season, will be ble seen in action Monday night. They are Rut Walter, center, ds Berg- herm and Bert Riel, forwards and Merril Mundy, guard. Walter is h still slowed up from a bad knee1 es which was operated on in August and it is possible that ,Bergherm will work at center in the early the game.. ac- Several promising Sgphomorel the will also be given a chance to show what they can do against the Cora lave nell outfit. Bob McCarnes, a tall out ,rangy lad hailing from Logansport; d. A I Indiana, will be seen at forward the some time during the evening. Bob im- , Lockhart who played at Martins- out. ville, Ind., during his prep school t of days, will be given a try at one of the the guard posts also. Bob Hails, an- other sophomore, is. about the fast- est and shiftiest boy on the squad lead; and with some experience should eamt work in well at a forward position. ng a Johnny:Whalen, a reserve forward was from last year's team must also be out- I given consideration in sizing up the Wildcat five for the coming season. highly complimentary total of -105 votes for one halfback position and! Keener Cagle, Army captain and an All-American choice of 1928, took the other place when, he was given 71 votes to 64 for Ralph (Pest) Welch of ,Purdue. The South won representation in, the backfield of the second eleveni when 37 votes for Gene McEver of Tennessee elected him as Welch's running mate. Ben Lom, California's capable threat, and Billy Banker, Tulane's brightest star, compl ed the half-; backs of the third team with 31 and 27 ballots respectively. Glassgow, Iowa's great running back, and Elder, Notre Dame's fleet runner, almost crowded into the select class. There was also con-, siderable support for Cy Leland of Texas Christian, Eddie Wittmer ofj Princeton and Lloyd Brazil of De- troit. Big Bronko Nagurski had more votes for fullback than any other pile driving, line crushing ball car- rier, but even- this impressive , to- tal was exceeded by the number who preferred to have him at tac-M kle on the mythical team, so the way was paved for Bernard (Tony)' Holm, Alabama's powerful fullback,j to win the last backfield nomina- tion by 37 votes. Pug Parkinson, another star Pittsburgh back, was runner-up, with Powerhouse Pomeroy of Utah I third, Parkinson 'polling 27 votes and Pomeroy 16. Joe Savoldi, although he was not quite All-Notre Dame, was given enthusiastic support as was Clark Hinkle, Bucknell, the East's lead- ing scorer. !4ques onsl as wju1 a icy ameet 1in footal,t ney iortel ec Four Men on Varsity Team tern Conference officials will do other to swallow the unsatisfying Are Under Six Feet; Weiss concerning several matters now morsal of a O to O tie. Is Shortest Player that they have definitely expelled Must Arrange Schedules. Iowa from the Big Ten. Will some The possibilities open up con- Michigan will be represented by other school be offered the place cerning the Big Ten basketball anotheriantwl betballr te ty vacated by the Hawkeyes? What schedules have centered an unusual tyear if the average height of the school, if any, will get the honor? amount of interest about the com- members of the squad may -be talk- Will Iowa ever get back in? mittee in charge of this depart- All of these questions are natur- ment of the Conference meeting at en as a criterion. Of the 13 men of al and important ones but the Chicago. And incidentily the com- the Varsity outfit at present, but problem most concerning the other I mittee is faced with something of four of them are under six feet, and Conference schools right now has a problen of satisfying the differ- three of these men are five feet 10 to do with the make up of the bas- ent viewpoints on how the games ~inches- ketball schedules as well as those should now be arranged. Only Weiss, Kanitz, Downing, and of the other winter sports for the -- Hudson are able to walk under an present semester. The answer to J obstacle six feet from the ground, this problem should be forthcom- Weiss being the baby of the team ing within a few hours, in view ofa at five feet seven inches. In addi- the fact that the same conference tion to being the smallest man on of officials which ousted Iowa will the squad the promising sophomore have to make out the schedules for is known as one of the fastest, and the Big Ten teams before it breaks . is looked upon as an almost sure ! up. I starter against Ohio Weslyan. Will Not Meet Wolves Again. Torrell at six feet two and one-j It seems quite likely that Michi- half is the tallest man out for the gan has sent its final Varsity Varsity, but is closely pressed by against that of Iowa in any sport. !Captain Chapman who is six two The 1929-30 basketball schedule for in his basketball togs. Two men, the Wolverines most certainly will J.ennett, and Dougall are tied at not include the Hawkeyes and in o six one while Truskowski Orwig, as much as none of the schedules' Daniels, Lovell, and Rickett a in any other sport for next fall promising sophomore guard stand have been definitely arranged. Iowa, at six feet even. will not compete with Michigan on1 This array of height brmgs to .the gridiron as had been planned.L mind the team which won the Con- The Hawkeyes will be missed1H o m e ference title for Michigan last year I most by Michigan in the realm of when Danny Rose was the only !football because of the keen spirit man on the first five who did not of competition anj rivalry that has! have to stoop when entering a gradually been built up through I The few extra pac door. McCoy, Chapman, Truskowski, the years when the Maize and Blue and Orwig were the other members I and -Iowa have battled on the grid- ages mailed or carried of that team. I iron. Perhaps it is most fitting that home will be more than worth the hours you NOTICE SERVICE AT YOUR SEHVICE W. H. Clark, life time experience in making shoes, riding beets, spats. Six experienced workers to wait on you. Largest place in the city. Factory 534 Forest Ave. Branch 1113 S. University. Yes, we do repairs. C CLEARANCE OF ALL EUROPEAN IMPORTED GIFTS AT COST. Because the unusual Chinese gifts which I import fit in so much better with the idea of Chinese rugs, I am selling absolutely every import from Europe at cost. Merrick, 928 Church. Phone 3155. 456 A WONDERFUL way of putting your self through college. (In- comes guaranteed). Address Box 113. 234561X3 U. -of M. Student driving to Los Angeles over Christmas vacation. ICut your traveling expenses. The trip is to be made in LaSale car. Ed. L. Cline, 330 Maynard, City. Phone 7864. 561 RADIO SERVICE Competent service men on all makes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE Dial 21408 521 East Liberty 246c TYPING efficiently prepared. Uni- versity Typing Service, 718 Mon- -roe. Phone 21474. C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. C F0. NEWLY furnished room to share with student. Former roommate just left school. 1110 Willard. I Phone 22959. 3X FOR RENT-Especially warm at- tractive rooms for girls. Steam 1heat and shower. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 23456 1BEAUTIFUL Woodland Club House, available to rent to Fraternities and Sororities on reasonable terms, Qnly 20 miles from Ann Arbor. all or write Mr. Peters, Randolph 4447, 408 -Detroit Sav- ing Bank Building, Detroit, Michigan. x FOR SALE OWNER of part interest in valu- able close-in Washtenaw acre- age will sacrifice for immediate sale. Phone 22839 or University 429. 6123456 WANT 6 WANTED-Students to enjoy a real meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 246 S 'ITUATION WANTED - ' i 1 M 4 a I I JI c} II. Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical would spend in congested stores. In the meantime your wiser friends will be enjoying their vacation and anticipating the ap- proach of a merry Chris- mas. Lowest TERMS to suit. Play while you pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crossley Pianos:-. Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records T~ Lw it~ '. ta+a in any Helpful Suggestions ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 May be found Right in this Paper / I ll ill li ill111t11111"lil l#Ilfili1111ill 1,11i f i I IIII~ll~ liliitlftlllflil rte. EXCLUSIVE Energine Cleaners- Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed Cash and Carry 60c Call and Deliver 75c Alt Silk Dresses Cleaned and Pressed $1.50 - WE CLEAN WITH ENERGINE" ~* O9 0 Subscribe Now and complete payment while the .price is On Friday Dec. 13th the price advances to$5.00 IT WILL BE A BLACK FRIDAY FOR YOU IF YOU HAVEN'T SUBSCRIBED. SITUATION WANTED - Experi- enced cook and porter-Man and wife would life fraternity work. Fine references. Phone 4848. 450 FOUND FOUND-Social fraternity pin, near northeastern corner of campus. M. Landers, Ph. 8317. . 61 FO1~ I 6 Read The Daily Classifieds They I