9 i '"w" ". art t e_;-I T f°_ Z, M 71 rI - N7 ---- . -- --- Published every morning except Monday during the University year by te Board in Control of Student Putblication. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republiation of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Enatered at the postoff ie at Ann Arbor, Uicbigan, assecond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- mPiater General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.0. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- vardStreet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRYE Editorial Chairman ..........George (. Tilleyr City Editor .................Pierce .oanberg mews Editor ... ..... .......Donald J. Kline Sports Edtor ........ Edward L Warner, Jr. Women's Editor. . Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editr.Cassan A. Wilson Music and Drama.........William J. Gorman Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor . Robert J. Feldman Editorial Board Night Editors Frank E. Cooper Henry Merry E William C. Gentry Robert I. Sloss Charle R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds 'urney Williams Ex-officio Members Ellis B. Merry A IJ.ordan Reporters Bertram Askwith Dorothy Magee Helen Bar Lester M4'a Maxwell LBauer I)avid M. Nichol Mary L. ehymer William Page Benjamin l Berentsorrioward U. Peckham Allan H1. Berkman LLtgh Pierce Arthur J. Bernstein Victor Rainowitz S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roerts John H. Dener Joseph A. Russell Helen Domine Joseph Rwitch Margaret Eckels William P. Salzarulo Katharine Ferrin Charles'. Sprow Carl S Forsythe S. (ad wll Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton lane Thaer Ruth eddes' Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn . Richard L. Tobin 7ack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine lorris Groverman Harold o. Warren, Jr. Ross Gstin Charles White Margaret harris G. Lionel Wilens David B. Hempstead John E Willoughby Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wiser! can Levy Barbara Wright ussell . McCracken Vivian Zimit BUSINESS STAFF Teephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers , Advertising....... r. olliter Mable Advertising............ Kasper I. flalerso Advertising............ ..Sherod A. tpton Service ....... ........... Georgie A. S pter Circulation ................I. Yernor Davis Accounts...........John R. Rse Publications.....m.........George f aihnn Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker aines E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey R-obert Crawford Thomas MNuir Harry B. Culver GeorgesPatterson Thonas M. Davis Charles Sanford N~orman Eliezer Lee Slaton mns hoffer Joseph Van Riper orris Johnson Robert Wiliamson Charles Kline William R. Woroy Business Secretary-Mary Chase Laura Codling Alice McCully Agnes Davis Sylvia iller Bernice Claser leien E. Mnsslwhite Hortense Good ing leanor aiainsaw Dorothea Waterman Night Editcr-C. R. KAUFMAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1929 t t tI . nt lp + It1 tITI-'*V rZC.l~ IP2;I',9 body, has been definitely refused ~D~rea- ~ admittance for the reason that About Books Mus ur spare time selng popular U E $785,000 seemed a high price to pay o prig-d patented Athletic shirts andSERVICE for the ticket. Charges of fraudTP U MERRIE-GO-ROUND. Rprts. No expeiencensrodc sar g BIER I - G_ _ _ __M el e s w aro d I, 5 were also brought against him, but The usual flood of verbiage - ; est 2'id St., New York City. th OF THE NEW INFANDER, i1this is the 'opera different and bet- tese were incidental. Although Vare should undoubt- It is to be haped that the recent ter,' etc. - has undoubtedly suffi-- edly be severely reprimanded Ior announcements concerning the re-Icently pierced the student con- eemsciousness with the all-important 6 his tremendous expenditure in oa- organization of the Inlander will fact that the Opera is being held New York Listed taining election, the Senate is over- not be received disdaifully as mere- in the Michigan theatre the last Stoc ___ stepping its constitutional rights ly another spurious cry of "Wolf! three days of this week. It is the in refusing him a seat. In the first Wolf!" It is only too true that the event of the week. The era car- Private Wire Connections su nnot wholly discouraged group of tanyde.aetatmrt ts_____.___.-_________________________________ place, Vare spent this vast su inntwh long history - ever since "Cotton with all Markets winning the primary election, peaple who faithfully follow the Stockings," etc.-has given it that which is not regulated by the cor-progress-variable as it may have golden aura which goes with the "'" r bougla or slon Damonds Wtches Clocks Je('l w v rupt practices act, and was there- been in its none-too-solid past - thing we call collegiate tradition. fore not acting illegally. In the of the dauntless littl magazine( It is an annual affair. Everyone ex- T'ep) n 2251 from year to year have often been pects to see it. It represents the High Grade Repair Service second place, the Senate has abso- most glamorous exploitation of stu- no right to add any arbi- deceived by glowing promise of m dent efforts in the theatre if not 'o.n-Gress 0. ueynrihtoadayIncorporatedm+ trary qualifications for member- provement and rosy presage of always the most excellent. It af- nrr bfinal if weary triumph, fords a good point of attack for the In stment Securities shpin that body unless Congress' daaldaun' h ih ocl passes a law requiring cun'fcrm Hhere are many conditions that dear old alumniFwho wish to cele- rst Floor Ann Arbor Trust Bilde. qualifications. If a bill goes throug combine to aid in the sincerity and Then it does have appeal. There both houses saying that red-head- iefulfillment of the latest attempt is something perennially humorous ed men divorcees, Baptat rehabilitation, oever, and I about the masqueraders--and the _ those who spend money in excess insist with no little confidence that sex-disguise, men donning corsets th.sCowhoanden, honeywindetcesss and dainty silver slippers and of a certain fixed amount shall not Mr. Courlander, the new editor, is hooting athletic legs high is one shotn ahltc eg ig, son(CLAUDIA MZ( be allowed to sit in Congress, re- heralding the dawn of no false of the most comically fertile of theECLpAyU D IAdM Us.a fusal to admit persons on any of morn when he triumphs the advent jmasquerade's forms. The dazzle A these grounds will be legal of his intended improvements. In and whirl of trained danseuses andivirI d(ll1)1 Y)t)lih) As it now stands, however, the the first place, at no time, during the crooning and crying of stu-'d sp Senate is an exclusive club which past four years at least, have dent-witten songs againd a gor- geous senic background provide admits whom it pleases and legis- the quality and abundance of crea- sufficient appeal for the not over-CHO A lates when in pleases. As a result, tive and critical writing on the part discriminating theater - goers. Pennsylvania has for two years of undergraduates been ata higher Those who are inclined to scoff atHillAuditorium level. Quite probably this is for the a music and drama combination in Ui~ u been wi Jhcut one of its seats mnt imost part due to the lively and the Broadway tradition gain their the Senate and has been minus one enjoyment from the masculine ef- 'TUE,1DA5Y personl inteest tTUn Sy heAd,-DEC. 10, 8:15 P . M vote during that time. personal interest taken by the de- fort to destroy the sex barrier. When the governor of Pennsyl- partment of rhetoric in the activi- There is a peculiar enjoyment in vania rmcntians Joseph R. Grundy ty of student writing. But at any watching the masculine striving as possible successor to Vare, the rate, the material is at hand, some to be feminine akin to that of see- =DISTINGUISHD ALIKE IN BOTH Senate threatens not to seat him in latent literary ability, some of it ing a puppet aping the human.Py because it must "damn every i already written, and in either case Whatever its modes of appeal, the- OPERA AND CONCERT stmachine, tnus settig up amdi orrse Opera is here in a new house, the _ smellin:; mMichigan, setirepresentingonl a theu fresult- i new qualification for Senators'p Michigan, representing the result t'Ilat they must belong to a mech- tation. Evidence of a general ren- of three months effort by one of ine the others approve. aissane in literary interest on the the three active campus dramatic A limited number of seasOn tickets The point of the whole contro- part of Michigan undergraduates' organizations. ; 9. a9it ,, r $1., versy tnoil down to Justthis: the and recently graduated might be MARCO MILLIONS. Senate has absolutely no right to MROMLIN.-1"0 i o tces 1J, exclude Vare or anyone else for found in the student-written plays The Theatre Guild is doing Am- r$2.50. On sale at School of Music, spending too much money in the of this and last year, the publish-, erica a great favor in carrying Ms primaries, but it has the riglt to ed articles of Mr. Willis Holden in O'Neill, her best bet asa dramatist, lllllilfliillltliillillIIlllil Maynar Street. pass laws regulating irimaries and transition and Manus'"ripts, of Mr. in all the forms of his creative= establishing new qualificationS. Frank Roellinger In Mvlanuscripts, geniu1 all over the country. After 1111|| 1 Under th.9 present law, however, the editorship of that same maga- giving us a second view last week - teSrtmu smtVeadof O'Neill penetrating conscious- te Senat mrust seat Vare andi ._ 1 1 ? i ine y Mr Wilis Knnea, .n then proce!d with an investigation zme of his :ecord. If this proves bad really fine poetic ability shown by (as the chaiges of fraud and ove:- Miss Ellsworth even in the present large expendtures will undoubted- Inlander. ly bring out he may be expelled and 3 Another item that augers well for his successor appointed. Ag If the Senate is to take the law success in the new venture is the into its own hands in this matter, I apparent house-cleaning of policy it will tend to become an autocrat- and readdressing in staff personnelj ic body rather than the democratic to be effected by the editor. If jegislat~ve group it is intende ? to nothing else, it discloses this fact: be. - that Inlander will shed its petti- -o -coats and don knickerbockers, and nesses and recording the results of his findings with elaborate care, it brings O'Neill in a more frolic- some mood to the Wilson Theatre i, Detroit for a weews run. Not many people are aware of the fact that the "Marco Millions" script was hawked around New York four years before it received production. Belasco, Edgar Selwin, and Arthur Hopkins all had options on it that they let lapse. The play called for a cast of 65 and 11 scenes and de- HONORS.as a result-itshouldgrow, -""" , mandedc the man in the tic olie I as aresult shouldmore to grow from 15 to 3 er fae SOFTIES. While the nation's football teams forcefulsand virile. I mean by this The T re 38 years of age. are puttng awaytheir uneormseIGuild, with Alfred Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary are putting away their uniforms not that feminine talent should be Lunt made it one of their fore- of the Interior and President of until the 1930 season, awaiting the prohibited from Inlander activity, most successes. Stanford University, states that j usual splurge of honors which an- for Miss Ellsworth's work (along Many critics have been inclined "The American advance in econo- nually go to those with athletic with a portion of Miss Gilman's to see in O'Neill's intuition of the mic status has given us too many prowess, Michigan has an unsung ( better work) would -protest such a famous traveler as the 13th cen- youths who have never known aiero in another field of endeavor. Inove, but that under more manly tury prototype of the American hardship. That is why football Word was received Thursday af- and practical control, however, less Babbitt one of the happiest strokes teams are so largely made up of ternoon at the Dental college of delicate and satisfying to self-in- of his genuius. Certainly the idea men who are working their way the awarding to Dr. Russell W. terests, Inlander would approach makes for a thrilling piece of thea- through college, facing adversity. Bunting, a member of the Michigan nearer than it ever has before to tricalism. Conceived by ONeill as Dr. Wilbur's point is well taken. faculty, of the Callahan Memorial satisfying the need it inadequately being blind to beauty yet alive to, There are far too many students medal, which is annually given by fills at present on the campus. the glint of gold, Marco proves a in colleges and universities who the Ohio State Dental Society to Its purpose should be to draw good figure to stud with satire or float through four years of aca- the dentist whose work in research from the talents of the campus as the more pleasing sort. This play.' demic work, buoyed along by gen- has been outstanding during the an active body with literary and romantic and satiric in spirit, set erous allowances and a restful lack preceding year. The award is a na- critical interest and to operate on in a glamouous pageant of Oriental of ambition, in preparation for j tion-wide choice and includes every as wide a scope as possible without brilliance, proves a stage jewel. what? In effect, nothing. Many prominent member of dental pro- without transcending the quality Rouben Mamoulain, the director of of them will find ready-made for- fession. Dr. Bunting's thesis on the of the interested and capable. In Porgy, is responsible for the con- tunes on themhands and their po- cause and prevention of dental other words, it should cater to the ception of the play. And Lee Sim- tential abilit s as leaders in in- cavities was chosen by the memor- literati of the campus (whom I onson, who did such beautiful cos- dustry will have already been nip- ial committee as the finest contri- claim to be more mganifestly active tume designing for Reinhardt's ped in the bud by the very educa- bution during 1928-29 to that now than ever before) and serve as Miracle, provides the colorful set- tion which strives to foster latent branch of the scientific world. their medium rather than as the tings and the bizarre costumes. leadership. Dr. Bunting has been at Michi- ,medium for the exploration of the Earle Larrimore. Sylvia Field, and Dr. Wilbur's statement anent gan for over a quarter of a century. work of a capable or incapable as Henry Travers are the most prom- football is apt, a neatly put com- He has constantly delved into re- chance will have it-few. And to inent members of the cast. mentary :on existing conditions. search during his long residence draw more extensively from the * Teams for the most part represent on the University faculty, and his best it must discontinue to purvey ANIMAL CRACKERS. the cream of manhood. They are contributions to humanity are nu- merely the very personal-some- If the success of their run in De- not made up of pampered softies, merous. Few men are as well known time almost erotically so--efforts troit means anything, the Marx however, and by the same token or as highly regarded as Dr. Bunt- of a clique. To effect this a white- 'Brothers seem to have established they do not represent men from old ing among his associates. This na- wash is necessary, and I hope Mr. themselves as irresistibly funny. line scions of America. The most tion-wide honor is merely an "I Courlander will not be timid. They have made an art of buffoon- linerscinsgfAmricaThmfootball told you so" from the Dent school. Aside from the fact that the ery-which is no small achieve- superficial glance at anyppalln Generally speaking, such honors time, the place, and the material ment. Their merrily mad capers prgram ill makethat aaent. as Dr. Bunting's inaugurate little are ripe for a radical change to be have satisfied the most austere and Physical brawn i s not than tht comment i the nation's press, practicably in Inlander, thereis a it looks like they have established terion by which the hardness of a while the Michigan-Harvard hero visible tendency of willingness - a mark to shoot at in the musical ygets his name in bold-face caps ; almost eagerness--on the part of 'comedy tradition. Tnere will be: man may be measured. Some of the across page one. It may be that our the campus writers to step into the imitators certainly - imitators in we know-are thin, wiry fellows who modern sense of values is distorted, breach and build up a new plat- flocks. The failure of imitation would be promptly, killed in a line or that athletics are so much more form that will not be centered in may be expected to elucidate some plInge on the gridiron; yet be- important than scholastic attain- a single, unrepresentative group' of the working principles of their I ments, but nothing can replace the will boost the work to the limits it art. Meanwhile, we can enjoy them tween classes they earn the where- fact that the Michigan professor's should and can reach. as glorious funsters without wor- in that path leading to industrial discoveries may lengthen the lives The wise reaction on the part of I rying about their statue as artists. success. of thousands of people, whether the present staff would to sense Animal Crackers is being held such results culminate in a decade the direction the wind is blowing, over for a third week at the Cass They are not softies. Would that or a century. It should not belligerently assume in Detroit. And those who didn't we had more of them - whether Ten years from today, however, the attitude that "the lod guard see it the Thanksgiving week-end they be football heroes or confine rmn i- .-.,... _-_____1____-- 4 t In MM z i 111 m