r, reshman Week Issue T Fl F, '*M'l C H -1 C A'N "15 Xftt ~res1iman Week Issue THE MICHIGAN DATE? ~- -~- LEAF EATING INSECTS IURI S TO OREST TRESINLAK ERE WOOD DESTROYED IN LAST 20 YEARS IS ENOUGH TO CIRCLE EARTH- SAWFLY IS WORST PEST Professor Graham To Leave June 9 To Make Investigation Of Conditions Reeves Wins Honors OBSERVATORY RPORV For Studies In Law SHOWS NEW INDINGS Following closely upon his recentS-- selection by the secretary of state for member of an international s its irst anniversary, the committee, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of University observatory at Naval the political science *department, Hill in Bloemfontein. Orange Free has lately been appointed to the State, South Africa. which was committee for the preparation of dedicated in April. 1928. has re- te t four-hundredth wr o F ann iveorsaryofdeiadinArl198hsr- the wourk-ofndrdanciVriay te ported a number of discoveries, ac- heminent Spanish jurist. The cele- cording to Prof. Ralph H. Curtiss, brainoni topemhelurst theUni- of the astronomy department and bration is to be held at th'e U -director of the Observatory located ers it of Saa a San, udr here. the auspices of the Spanish govern- During the first year of its ex- mentg. The purpose of the affair is istence, the southern observatory to brim together the most.eminent;_--,;__,Al _1-I i i '_ _ , ,C; MC ' / l/ u%% ORONA for Legible Notes Good ByeT Hello. O the Class of 1929 our best wishes for the best kind of treatment by the Leaf eating insects are more in- authorities on international law tars. Members of the staff at jurious to forest trees in the Lake from all over the world in com- naval Hill are Dr. R. A. Rossiter, states than any other group of in- mereoration of Victoria, who was IVL K. Jessup, and H. F. Donner. sects, Professor S. A. Graham of the h one o its most famous exponents. Continuing with the report, Prof. entomology department'* ofth Tisonrs the seodPrfs Curtiss said that "the purpose of school of forestry and conservation, sor Reeves has reecived within a establishing theaobservatory in the: declared yesterday in comenting short time. He was chosen by the southern hemisphere is to examine upon the work in forest entomology secretary of state as a member of stars in the southern sky which: which will be undertaken this sum- the cooperative committee to ar- cannot be observed in the northern ner by the Bureau of Entomology range the program for the coming hemisphere, and to detect the pres- of the United States department of Pan-American Scientificcngress.ene ofu wnompanions asso- agriculture,,the University of Mich-j Professor Reeves has now been ciated with southern stars. I twice the recipient of governmental __________ igan, University of Minnesota, and honors in acknowledgment of his tndfe in entaicommissiooutstanding work in international UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI.- and fire prevention, law. In 1927 he was one of two Fraternities at this University havef Prof. Graham, who recently re- representatives for the United supplemented their spring house rangements were completed for this the iternatin commis- parties by various adoptions ofy rangmens wre ompete fo thslson of American jurists for the a pig roast. This includes every- week, expects to leave June 9 for 1codifcation of international law.Mthing from picnics to snipe hunt- have been conducting investigations jecwalhoIagecurernti. -ng. of forest pests in the Lake states sect at the Hague conference. for a num ber of years. - 11111111111111111111111111 11 111111 1i 11111111111111111111111111111111l i 11 The two most harmful insects, Prof. Graham said, are the larch sawfly and the jack pine sawfly, s ( .=- although the spruce budworm, he anca said, has come in for its share of attention. ~MYacSIC "Our efforts are directedtoward the solution of some of the prob-2 lems arising as a result of the ac- tivities of these pests," Prof. Gra- Afternoons ham stated. "These insects are en-= emies of forest trees and have al- 2 ready caused heavy losses." The and larch sawfly, he said, has in the ESTATE past 20 years destroyed more-thanSTREETE 60 per cent of all the merchantable venings . Lamarck in the Lake states. The spruce budworm, during the same period, has destroyed more than! 200,000,000 cords of balsam fir in . the same area, in New England, and 111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlhIIIlIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIllIl in eastern Caanda. "The wood thus destroyed would be sufficient to =2hrete whl-cm u supply our paper mills with raw 2Where the whole campus material for half a century," Prof. keS the merry spirit of Graham remarked. "If cut and me y stacked in a pile four feet wide andMchigan. fifty feet high such a volume c 21 wood would be sufficient to encircle 2 the earth at the equator." "Results of our studies show that = losses. of this sort probably can be avoided by the application of prop-i "THE PARROT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" er methods of forest management. ; What the best methods are we can not say as yet. That is the purpose of our forest insect investigations.111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111I t11111111I111i l 1111iit t Handwritten themes and note books are fast becoming as passe as hand written business letters. No teacher likes to waste time wading through reams of "hen tracks." So it is only natural that he should encourage the use of the typewriter by giving typewritten work a higher mark. Every high school and college student should consider Corona an essential part of his equipment. 0. D. MOR RILL 17 Nickels Arcade, Ann Arbor The Typewriter & Stationery Store "cold, cold world." When- ever you come back, come in -we want to see you. To those who are to enter n ,7 Michigan next fall, "Hello!" Since 1886, we've been the most popular place for Sodas in town. *C*" GOod-Bye and Hello. Calkins ,Fl. che DRUG COMPANY 324 S. 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