SAT-u-m- THE M CHI .:N- IL y m N A '7. 0 *r~g~gjS 0 CIS1 glHTo ONT NUNEBR ASKANS N AME BGIRL SWEETHEART RYLID0OF TODAY AT LEAGUE AND CHURCH BAZAAR TOURNEY Eastman House Awarded Prize which are fastened to the ceiling .;Twenty-eight Te For Best Contribution nA 5er w lne scvedinathea $1 00 dhop in Intramural of Articles, today. Tournani In Sarah Caswell Angell hall the I COFFEE SHOP TO SERVE sophomores have reproduced a ca- SAMPLE ANNO baret, in which they offer a selected _ program of entertainers for both Cabaret Offers Refreshments, afternoon and evening. When the Intramural cage Dancing in Connection performance is not in progress, Bob Monday afternoonv eCarson's orchestra will furnish mu- scheduled. Otherg With Bazaar. sic for dancing. Refreshments will tinue throughout tl be served by gypsy waitresses re- the tourney a de With a riot of gypsy col s ths cruited from the sophomore class Ty Women's League and Interc urch at the tables arranged around the;Twenty-eight team Bazaar opened yesterday in Bar- sides of the room. in the tournament bour gym and will continue _ the largest ever co throughout today until 9 o'clockLACROSSE rAST department. this' evening. Unusually attjractive3 RIVALS HOCKE Y Dorothy Sample, is the assortment of gifts displayed IN POPULARIT Y basketball manager in the booths which have been ar- M following schedule ra o y aAdsocwlrr 'r'"sPht ;cage activities: Mo ranged against a background of Hockey has acquired a new rival,;Lucille Carothers. 4 o'clock, Alumnae red, yellow, black, and green in al- the artful game of Lacrosse is rap- - -- Tau Alpha; Pi Bet ternating streamers. idly coming to the foreground to SDADelta Pi. 5 o'clock; Of the articles which were con- rpc ts dpt. to hDEI TAT Ii tributed by the women's houses on ' p lmreplace this old sport. AlthoughLKappa Delta; Sigm the campus, Eastman House was the game was eagerly adopted Tuesday, Dec. 10, awarded the prize for the best con- women in England, it nas only re- Two new members of Sigma Del- Alpha Chi Omega tribution, consisting of hand-madeI cently been recognized in the Unit- ta Phi, national honorary drama- ma; Phi Sigma Sig silk purses in white, green, and ed States as a sport for women. tic and oratorical sorority, were in- Alpha Theta; 8 o lavender with contrasting colors of Lacrosse, the oldest of American itiated yesterday afternoon in the Hall vs. Delta Zeta thread outlining a design. Honor- games, was the favorite sport of the ICave room of the League building. Iota vs. Gamma Ph able mention was given to Adelia I American Indian and was thus The initiates are Mildred Todd, '32, Wednesday, Dec. Cheever House,'which contributed named by the early French Ca- and Eugenic Chapel, '32. ega vs. sets of silk pillows in contrasting nadians, who, when they sawf the Following the ceremony, a din- Bets Barbour vs. colors, and to Delta Delta Delta cross used by the Indians for play- ner was given in one of the privateDelta.Thursday, which contributed pillows and fut- ing this games, thought it similar dining i rooms. Mrs. John R. Effin- Delta Frsday, uristic scarfs.. . to a croix and so Lacrosse be- geinind rs. MsD.John Ptrfn- s o'clk Chen Among the articles which proved Icame an international sport. ger and Mrs. A. D. Moore, patron- vs. Adelia Cheever; popular with the shoppers yester- Many schools and colleges in the sMargaret Effinger, national secre- day are several clever new designs East have introduced this sport and tary of the organization, and Flor- of fancy pillowstwhich make ideal Lacrosse teamsuare steadily in- ce Tennant, '30, were tpe spenk-n, d gifts for. girls, toy animals of all creasing, in popularity there. Miss ; rs. Chrfishi sorts, scarfs, and hand-made purs- Lockley, the all-England captain, is es. to be in Chicago soon to promote Preset Following the gypsy fair scheme the game there. NOTICE of the bazaar, the Coffee Shop, The numbers of playeros on a The' Board of Drectors will managed by Chi Omega, is decor- ? team corresponds to those on I meet at 10 o'clock this morning jIAM S F ated with streamers of alternating hockey team, but unlike that game, in the Board of Directors' room colors on the walls, and orange 'and however, the territory between the of the League building. ANN AIWOR white 'tinsel draped from branches goal posts has unlimited bounds.>- t ;l e i J. w3 u i 3 DR. WARREN FORSY THE DISCUSSES PROBLEMS OF MENT AL lYGIENISTt I A sprained ankle is of relatively starr-it is considered reactionarytr MON IiAY Iittle significance to a person in EotEto do these things." oD S 0 D TE comparison to some personality The problem is concerned in a ams Enlisted problems reconized by mental hy- way with the question of education, Second Debate of Season Held Basketball gieneist," said Dr. Warren y "What is a university for?" Accord- With Team From State Forsythe, Director of University nent. H.ealth Service in an interview re- mg to a committee on education Teachers' College. recently. appointed by the .Commonwealth UNCES LIST "While mental hygiene has had l Fund, education, broadly conceived, Western State Teachers College recent emphasis, its problems have is essentially concerned with devel- women's debating team met the season opens sen beentu ol handled as oparen oping h'abits of thought, emotional Michigan women's debating team with four games teachers, and physicians. With the responses, and behavior that are yesterday afternoon in the Alpha games will con- progress of science and specializa- basic to the successful operation of Nu room in ATigell hall for the see- he week to give tion, trained people have been more co-operative living." If this is so," ond encounter. The first encoun- finite send-off effective in handling these questions Dr. Forsythe continued, "then the ter was held last Wednesday ee- - of emotional adjustment. Inping in Kalamazoo. s have enlisted These problems have been hand- bearing of mental health on educa- The women representing Kala- which will be led by the Health Service physici- tion seems preponderous." mazoo and taking the negative side nducted by the ans often with consultation from "Suppose," he concluded, "we yesterday afternoon were Jean- the medical school since the inau- consider this definition as accepted, nette Johnson, Margaret Clark, and guration of the department. Dur- then the problem of mental hygiene Julia Wilde. The Michigan women '32, intramuraling the last year or two it has been becomes a technique not only for representing the affirmative side announces the possible to add some specialized handling emotional problems of an were, Dorothy Marshick, '30Ed., for the week's personnel to the staff for this speci- occasional student, but a much Mary Louise Brown, '30, and Ma- nday, Dec. 9, at alty. These problems (for the most broader program-to help practical- bel Morris, '31Ed. House vs. Zeta part) are understood as resulting ly all students to handle their per- The affirmative took the stand a Phi vs. Alp aifrom earlier childhood influences , sonalities better. Such a program that the chain store is detrimental Aplha Phi v such as parental or home situa- would of course require a staff of to the best interest of the Ameri- a. Kappa vs. AT tions. They concern behavior as in- experts, and strong support." can public, while the negative side . fluenced by emotions or feelings. --_I pointed out the great saving that at 7:15 o'clock, Concerning the need of mental Work of decorations and cos- is brought about by the chain stor- vs. Delta Gam- 'hygiene in colleges, the statement tumes for the Cabaret is progres- es. There was no decision. igma vs. Kappa of Dean Thompson of Vassar Col- sing quickly, according to the 'clopk, Couzens loge is interesting: "'It is no longer.? chairman, while the dress rehear-I Alpha Epsilon i Beta. 11, at 5 o'clock, elen Newberry; Alpha Gamma Dec. 12, at 7:151 Medical Women Theta Phi Al- elta. mas nts 'OSTER f /Art MICIIIGAN i I I i .I . ._ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . _ _ - i considered progressive to have an sal for the entertainment is taking expert in mental hygiene on the place today. e/ A 25th Anniversar Comes with Christmas Surely it is Joy Month All Zwerdling Furs and Fur Coats At. Less Than Wholesale Celebrating 21 Years of Exclusive Fur Service. Special Discount on all or- ders for new garments also on remodeling and repairs. 1HI EE ACIJ qf tlw? DRAAT C i .I- [TE t Beware The Greeks Bearing Gifts But Wear Thee Grecian Silhouette Virgil's famous warning to "beawre the Greeks bearing gifts" has, by a trick of fash- ion, been discontenanced. For who could deny the well-in- tentioned gift of Greece in the new and supremely fashion- able Grecian Silhouette ! This regal trend in formal- ity, characterised by flowing lines and typical cross-bands, is very much an exclusive fash- ion for Winter. The simplicity of Grecian art has been bor- rowed to express the rhythm of the modern feeling in dress, an dthis is now-to-be-seen in the first and few examples of the new Grecian Silhouette which Chanel has created for us, and for you. A g a in ;_ a fashion-first ! Again, first in Ann Arbor with the mode of the mioment in smart New York and Con- tinetal gathering places! as low s $29.50 French Room--Second Floor p.v y ,r ',I ry4 S , .l C . ! t T C'ti"h )r ~: y r C,{J'yt .tj " mt ........7 .{ c:-i( , ii +r .r+I S T221 South Main Street ANNAR A Tailored robes of flannel in lovely solid colors and stripes silk robes that are warmly padded . . .quilted India prints, lined with calico . . heavy silk robes in the new silhouette . . gifts that will warm the heart of any feminine nail on your gift list. II i