1 r ' SATURDAY, DECEMBER -7 1929 - 11 T.H E. MICHIGAN DA I L i PAGE 'PIIR M SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PAGE TTIThflIR *Aip '~aj . .. . lb. 2 1Jew elry is the1lastin os h atn G ,F SSy 6..f friendship. kpress ciia -hdti f riendship fth roaug' 4% The years neither dim the lestre of the: sparkling gems, nor obscure the sentiment that: your approval 'by prompted the gift. coc itpeeie DimodNote the Prices-' DaodRings, from $25 to $500 EarRings, from . .$1.00 to $18 Wrs acefo 65 o$0 Wris Wache, fom $.50to 100 Cigarette Lighters, from $5 to $25 Lavallieres, from. .$1.50 to $35 '..... Novelty Beads, from $2.50 to $15 Real Stone Pins, fromx $1.50to $22 Braclets, from .... $4.00 to $25 Pendants, from .. .. $1.50 to '$15 , ... FRATERNITY AND SORORITY CRESTSe ARCADE JEWELRY BurPttr CARL BAY, PROP. NICKELS ARCADE tik and A uld C Frtrnity Jewelei .: ef !/ ;:...:rsr / 603 Church Street ,. y' d U' FOR Christmas 'Gifts FOR "HER"Cad ' . Now Costume Jewelry _ is the time 'to Seals, Tags, Ty Purses ULUtour of the many shops around town con-maeyuWrpig Hosiery For Xmas- rVinced me that the merchants are really pre- IffIIM EET~t oe od Yo utseorGive Gloves pared this year to aid the students in filling out SatiOnery_____ new and complete Nothing that youL can agie fe his or her shopping list. Afe all, we ee-LahrGosWe iv o line of specialties. al than gloves-They are ;pect these shops to have a large and varied Penants line of gifts and always a welcome gift. 'here Pennants HEyou'll find all the best and stock it is only natural that we should plan to Memory Boos ties for the child TEmswatdtlC take advantage of the opportunities. What a Studet SupplyTHE A R HELEN SHOPPE 537 E iet wonderful relief it will be to go home this Store AND GIFT TH I1ULEYISOP 112S. UNIVERSITY WherecpeonliberycTsNIELS SHOPD Christmas with all our shopping done. "Block East of;Camnpui 218 South Stag 5 ngiven. - - 'fora't'ruly Dif fercentGift ! Ho ie Leather n 'E - uu Always an Go ds[p .Acceptable G oodsevoke raptulres of femi-~ THE NEW HE 14!x, nine surprise and delight token s your Sthe d: for ;on 0. 'ngs, ers. iderful novel, fren. SHOP Street sGift 1ELS- p~ristma i # --give haer a 'DonAll The new r orChitm s. ,.- trouser costume ... as mod-. ern as tomorrow . . bring-15 L Gifts gne freomad on-,This i fotto the modern worm.motp durailit -13o iportnt lese. requisites-if they bear the 2 .".-MF'= " MVayer-Schairer tag. LOK y the newer features ® P «'",S of the newer hose BilFodtClarC:c they ;show ex- BillFold Colar Cses cellent taste. Wallets Diaries . ': ItNote Books Bridge SetsI GRACIOUS G FTSAR Traveling Sets G I TS T TT -F O F f A slv11e: slenderi Brief Cases Photo "Albums wa ... iv k He formal gloves should be long, of course. French adehae. kid suede gloves in white or dawn in 12 button length are $6.50 -black kid in 16 button length at $7.50. The Black kid gloves with fancy cuffs trimmed and stitched in Mae-carrC .0white or tan are also French made. $2.95 to $4.95. $1.25 to $ Stationers, Printers, Binders &6G odye a r s one of the opular heel NCH HEEL pater, more izing heel ve.ben5 e a V lj 4 ., ' I '# 0 q. \w a ! A ab: r sf 1