PAGE FOtlfl TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 0- Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republi:ation of all news dis. p"tches credited to it or not otherwise creditedj n this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 Offices:.Ann Arbor Prese Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2124. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY ward university presidents can t break lown the resistance of their About Books , I faculties to change. Dr. Wilbur has pontdihe wa: e roheie pointed the way: he prophecies that the four-year course leading VOULMINOUS STUDY, to an A. B. will be supplanted by WELL-HANDLED, BRILLIANT "junior colleges" which will pre- pare students for university work Casanova, His Knawn and Unknown 'in professional and business Life, by S. Guy Endore. schools. The John Day Co., New York City.' But it is unfair on the basis of Price $5.00. pronouncement to call Dr. Wilbur a prophet in his own right. Ex- The popular idea of the place President Little clearly saw where- and importance of Giacomo in our literary college was missing Giralamo Casanova is the most its true function with relation to juggled and misrepresented in the other colleges, and where it jhedends misryprfsntedin was . failing to meet today's de- the endless history of fascin- mand for the humanities. He diag- ating mei. For the most part nosed the situation almost exactly he is regarded as a lascivious as Dr. Wilbur has more recently rake of noble birth but ignoble life Editorial Chairiman..........George C. Tilley City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg News Editor........... ... Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......... Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor .,........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor ."........Cassam A. wilson Music and Drama........William J. Gorman Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldman Editorial Board eight vi Mors Frank Cooper enry . Merry William C. Gentry Robert V Sloss Charles R. Kaufman Waiter W. Wilds Ex-officio Members Ellis D. Mey A. J: Jordan done, and he evolved his UniversityG college, which Dr. Wilbur has term- ed a "junior college," to meet the situation. From this University col- lege, which would offer a two-year concentration of the humanities, students would g'raduate into alll branches of professonal training, or into advanced work in the hu- manities if they desired an A. B.- or into the world if their chief col- who dissipated both his fortune and his morals in the pursuit of queens or bar-maids. And as for his historical placement, it ranges from a playfellow of the Renais- sance Cellini to the eighteenth cen- tury existence he in reality en- joyed. Invariably he is apart from1 his lewdness and promiscuity, but Reporters :Bertram Askwith Dorothy Magee HfelenBare Lester aeay Maxwell 13auer David M1. Nichol Mary L. Behymier William Page niainm; 1 f. Rerentsorlloward 11. Peckham Allan H. Lcrktnan H1ugh Pierce Art' r ,J. ' utein Victor Rabinowitz I }:each Congr John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts John H. Denler Juseph A. Russell Helen Dormine Joseph Ruvvitch Margaret IEckels William '. Salzarulo Katharine Ferrin Charles a. Sprowl Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes Nlargaret Thompson Ginevra Gin eichard L Tobin aek Goldsmnithi Elizabeth Valentine orris Grovernian 1 larold O. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White Margaret Harris G, Lionel Willens David B. Hempstead John E Willoughby SCullenyKennedy Nathan Wise cean Levy Bar bara Wright ussell E. MciCracken Vivian Zimit BUSINESS STAFF Teiephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising....... ..Hllister 'Mabley Advertising ............ Kasper ll. 1Ialversox Advertising .............. Slrwood A. Upton Service................... George A. Seater Circulation............ . ..J. Vernor Davis Accounts .......... ....Johnz R. Rose Publicationst.................GeorgeHamiilton Assistants Byrne M. Badenuch Marvin Kobacker James E. Cartwright Law rence Lucey obert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton James Hoffer Joseph Vani Riper Norris Johnson Robert Wiliiamson Charles Kne William R. Worboy Business Secretary-Mary Chase Laura Codling Alice McCully Agnes Davis Sylvia Miller Bernice Glaser Helen E. Musselwhite Hortense Gooding Eleanor Wn ekinshaw Dorothea Waterman Night Editor-WM C. GENTRY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 f] legiate inspiration had been pure- ly social. Under President Little's direction an immense amount of research has already been done preliminary to installing the University college. Michigan is fortunate in having this background on which to build the inevitable new system of liber- al arts instruction. If President Ruthven's foresight keeps pace with the tact and diplomacy he has already shown, he will not let the project lie fallow. o0-. always is he ruthlessly categorized as the vagrant rogue. Quite possibly this traduction of the man (or rather, refusal to con- ceive the man in his real signifi- rl I i l 1 II Editorial Comment SUPPLY AND DEMAND AND THE HUMANITIES. Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, on leave from Stanford university while he guides the Department of Interior, recently told the national interfra- ternity conference that the "four- year college course is too much for the man who wants just an ele- mentary education and not enough for the one who wants advanced work." This pronouncement clicks nicely with a much-bruited obser- vation of Professor Snedden of teachers College (New York) that our colleges are developing three different types of students: those seeking purely technical knowledge for "bread and butter" reasons, the serious minded who are in earnest quest of the humanities, and final- ly the happy-go-luckies who seek neither professional training nor culture, but go to college as a so-, cial duty and for sporting reasons. From the statements of these two educators a truth is immediately deductible: namely, that the time- honored four-year course leading to an A. B. does not meet modern requirements. It is too comprehen- sive and long drawn out for the sporting-life who makes his alma mater a country club. Yet the aca- demic authorities have made con- cessions to the mental incompe- tence of this student type that have resulted in the liberal arts' becom- ing too slow and superficial for the student to whom culture is a prize eagerly to be sought. Torn between the demands of the extremes, the liberal arts -4course has become so inefficiel rthat law and medical students are forced to . spend an inordinately long time in their col- lege preparation if they are to have the cultural background their professions urgently demand. AndI (From the New York Times.) Both Secretary Wilbur and Pro- fessor Snedden of Teachers College see three fairly distinct groups de- veloping in our colleges of liberal arts. They also suggest three dif- ferent types of college to meet dif- fering needs. One group consists of those who go to college for "bread and butter" reasons (though it is certain that some of these are to be found in the other groups). In the second group are included those who are interested neither in studies looking toward the pro- fessions or other occupations, nor in a cultural education. Their con- gesting presence in most of our colleges is due "to social or sporting reasons," or both, or, in some cases, to parental pressure. The third group is made up of students of the type that has given the Ameri- can college its distinctive place among the educational institutions of the world. At present all are crowded through "too narrow a funnel," and the practical question is how th; three types of students are to be given the education which their differing minds require in order to lead them to their own highest good and that of the community in which they are subsequently to live. To put the question in the phrases of Professor Snedden's characterization of the college's present difficulty: can the colleges ,continue in the attempt to serve God grams ,of studies which are neither quite the good fish of pro- fessional training or the fowl of genuine cultural education?" Sec- retary Wilbur's statement seems to suggest that the third group-that is, the serious-minded students taking the four-year course to the A. B. degree, but not as a pre-pro- fessional course-will in the course of time disappear, or will merge themselves in the first group with those who begin to specialize after the first two years of college study. This tendency is marked in recent higher educational policy. Carried to its extreme it menaces, if it does not wholly extinguish, the liberal arts except so far as they contri- bute directly to preparation for a profession. The institutional differentiation cannot, for very material reasons, be made. Junior colleges.may take care of a minor group, going out into business or occupations tht do not demand the longer prepara- tion. But the generic American col- lege must seek to give liberal train- ing to those who are oliged to pass through its halls in order to gain admission to the professional schools as well as to those'to whom the vocation is not all of life-who have a love of learning for its own sake or for the truth to whiclh it canco and with a human vestige) can be laid to the paucity of infor- mation about him recorded in Eng- lish. This barrier to knowledge has been adequately removed by Mr. Endore's illuminating work. Casa- nova to him is more than the pro- ponent of "Qixotic hidalgos in Spain." He is the Casanova who knew his Horace by heart, who had "more than a rudimentary grasp of Oriental and Classical litera- ture," who played the part of the "Connoiseur of the arts and scien- ces," the philosopher-albeit eclec- tic-dramatist, though a mediocre one, and poet, though a bad one He presents him, primarily, as a student of the humanities, the translator of classical Homer into Italian octave rima, antagonist o Voltaire, and no mean authority on mining, manufacturing, and economics. The picture he paint of him is, in its corrective manner comparable to George Ouasdes' re cent work on another contempor ary presented in his true signifi cance for the first time, the stor of John Law, instigator, inflator and burster of the Mississippi bub ble. The fifteen pages of biograph Mr. Endore has made use of in prep aration for his work are laconi but convincing testimony to th authority with which he writes. Hi iconoclasm, however, flattens non of -the flavor that, paradoxically enshrines Casanova in a mausole um of gay and rakehelly adventure He gives us the immoral man, bu at the same time the complete ma Because of this splendid combina tion of personalities in the bio graphy and because of Mr. Endore' faultless prose and careful, dis cerning instances and detail, th result is a study in not only Casa nova-although lie of course pre dominates every page- but from social and ethical viewpoint of th last three-quarters of the eight eenth century as well. -L.R. K. NOT QUITE RETROSPECTIVE. The Eighteen-Seventies, Edited b Harley Granville-Baker. The Macmillan Company, N. Y. C Price $3.00. The eighteen-seventies, Walte de la Mare assures us, at this m *ment are "just remote and just re trievable enough to be singularl beguiling." It is an age that is jus about to become historical. The au thors of the essays that have to d with it include Hugh Walpole writ ing , on the novel, Sir Arthur Pi nero on the theatre, John Drink water on poetry, and George Saints bury on Andrew Lang. Aside from then there are essays on Lor Houghton and his circle, Oxfor and Cambridge in the era, wome poets, women novelists, criticism Tennyson, Swinburne, and Mere dith. The essays are not too heav bits, yet they reveal scholarshi and careful preparation witha thorough knowledge of the subjec in hand. That they are witty an 1 well-written is attested by tha phrase of Miss Sackville-West in her essay on women poets - "th high Yictorian standard of bash fulness," Not only is the book a valuabl record of the life and letter ofa o - IIIIIII iltlnnlilllluunlunnlilnlllllllllnm111ttlllu 1t11Illnllinullnunmunnll111 ntllmlrnt1nllunlt111II1111n 1lululult","srnllll tll11 Music And Drama lnnmntn11ilulunnunu ~_ - -- MI-GO-ouDCLAUDIAUZO A Preview by William C. Gentry. It seems ta6 Mimes nd the Un- seems t~aiPrimTa d onna soprano ion officials who are responsible for all Operas never run out of mater- ial for settings for their shows, CHORAL. UNION SERIES never are forced to duplicate the musicand always manage to un- cover talent along dancing and singing lines that perpetuates theirHill Auditorium - reputation for excellent Operas.,1 In order to make "Merrie-Go- TUESDAY, DEC. 10, 8:15 P. M. Round" worthy of the reputation that naturally goes with a Union Opera, and in order to ennance this atmosphere that surrounds the DISTINGUISHED ALIKE IN BOTH productions, Mr. Shuter turned to1= the author of three otner success- OPERA AND CONCERT ful productions for the book. Donal - Hamilton Haines was induced to spend the most of the spring and summer of this year on the fornn- imited number of season tickets lation of a story around which to a va il a bl1e at $6.00, $8.00, $10.0, build the production.- ut p ouiseffots has come a $12.90. Single tickets $1.50, $2.00, story with a Spanish setting - on =_ $2.50. On sale at School of Music, the hypothetical island of CostaM Frio to be exact-and the immedi-tl aynard Street. ate background is an American army post. The year is 1935 and _________________________________llilllll_111__1_I__t[IlI_ war has been outlawed two years around the commander of the post previously. The story revolves PE HL DYSL and his family, consisting of his wife and daughter' The locale of the story has given the scenery experts and stage de- Saturday Morning from 9:00 until 12:00 signers a chance for lavishness and I in the three different scenes no ef- fort has been made to subdue the 200 PAIRS OF color or modify the possfb1e extra- vagances of sceny on a tropica. island. Music for the production, ueces- car1y of different types, ranges$ inigid ry slw-mvimn nativc -49 PAIRS OF GALOSHES and songs. An orchestra has been recruited after many weeks of re- hearsal and that group hasspent over the score. One pair of Shoes and one pair of Galoshes The design of costumes was left to Lester, Ltd., of Chicago and ac- f cording to the color plates which they have returned, and dhave smiie ! I been framed for a display, the cos- ''The shoes are now on display in the shoe deartent. The s turves will not be outdone in lav- renw ndipy th sh parmn. hY ishness by the scenery. Brilliant include patent pumps, one-straps and T-straps . . . kid pumps and - coloring in the ladies' dresses will straps and black satin slippers. - be blended with the militant de-sa - sign of the army officers to pro-Thegaoshes are woo crepe raynboots, ratherlow-cut,.in grey y duce many beautiful pictures o( or brown. , the stage and will allow for sev- Mezzanine - eral fine effects in the grouping of the cast and choruses. y Of course, there could he no - furthering of standards already c set up in previous produustion un e less the individuals i1t) tic ast, and s the singers and dancersinthe_- e choruses were of a ligher calibre__ - , than those of any previous ycar.-. - Several individuals in the cast have had experience in the Opera work t during the past few years and con- . stitute the "old guard" of the pro- - duetion. Others, to wihom this is - the first experience in a production (DEVOTED TO Musk) s of this kind, have been recruited -; only after the finest of distinctions HINSHAW & SON e were made in abilities. . 601 E. William Street lione 7515 - Previews of the show reveal the - fact that "Merrie-Go-Round" will - a approximate a professional produc- e tion more closely than any of its predecessors. The music, dancing, and story have been knit into a LET THIS BE A unity necessary for the successful presentation of a play with music, and the production at this stage far excells the virtues held up forusicalChristm a former shows after they had been y playing two.weeks. Some have even forcasted that "Merrie-Go-Round" . will supercede "Cotton Stockings" on't Make Perishable Gifts to Your Children and will mark a ii(-w steppinig Stoe in Opera succdlssew sensible about your spending for Christmas Candy ruins 4 ____ ston inOpe suceses.~ rat bm n me r0---- - STANLEY FLETCHER. '! digestion'! Flowers fade in a day! In both cases your money - Schumann's childhood platitudes y seem to be the thing this year. Mr. is thrown away. t Fletcher playec, them poetically - and well. But it i's unfortunate that GIVE THEM MUSIC AND SET THEIR HEARTS TO o he saw fit to emphasize his claim to a poet with a nnumerism, a lan- THROBBING, THEIR FEET T DANCING AND THEIR - guid circular motion. This is real - ly important; because the motioii VOICE --SIN - is interrupted at the more diflicult m passages by a nervous crouch A Song Once Started In the Soul Goes on Forever, 'd which, if one is watching the pi- 'd anist, unduly calls attention to the Don't ask your child what it wants from Santa Claus. A child is too young n strain in his playing. AIr, Fletcher , closed his program with atMotel to choose its own gifts wisely. Be Coastructive! Give your child what wil - Goose story by R. L. mith, telling lead to its higher cultural development. If it wants toys, give it musical toys. the story from the piano of al lIn ANY CASE GIVE MUSIC! y prince rescuing a i)rlnces who walked through thedwoods like a FOR YOUR HOME BUY A VICTOR OR MAJESTIC RADIO a heavy milkmaid and was carried t away by a sonorous sorcerer SO THAT ALL CAN HEAR THE WORLD'S BEST MUSIC dThere seemed to be no reason ap d paretcohe erorma eomit- FOR YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION BUY A PIANO. ited himself so whole-hecartedly toiA Stech islf-sowhona-prjedto Send your sweetheart a portable Phono and a doz.en records instead of a box the child-educational projct, un- I,, less such was his preference. i of Candy and a dozen American Beau.y lose's. Or, send her a Banjo, Guitar e played two Debussy nuibers with or Ukelele. It costs no nore. A re-ord of your favorite song will reach u taste amnd refinement, lae didn't ; her heart and she will plav it over and over for a year-and-a-day, and love you. t I I ft i