w - - tri~. M7C~-j7CAN DA1*~' --,--y - -" r. _ ._,_.. ,, . r,..,. _ - , ..1 , , ... HONOR PLJAN CH1AIRMAN 1t EXPLAIN Sil IITY C1IS IF4PROFESSOR DENSMt'ORE EXPLAINS ~~~ IIS SYSTEMVS N AMERICAN COLLEGES' iiL~l IL SPEHETRIAO'WR (Ti ion Faries nf fe rses ichY11 nw 0 nc cntrorNclogeyaAdorning the extension bureau 1gently, strangle the seaker," ex- (ster. The aedriesben p. surveybthat eoffice is a long six-foot "speech ex-1 plaied Profssor Densmore. j n afon1ingwthe rIe Honor cn System mr than clee s were Doctor's Portrait to be Given temntr" wih nte fre L. A. Wilson, vice-president of the Eihenmnhsaotepeetshown by a similar survey to be " i wll nbeased tlcut off long-wnded I Detroit Savings Bank, presented chimno h onmte n theit in 7013.orlothatoyey-uuibeefthis instrument to ProfessorDe- choinofteom itfornthee.in A.onor 191f FothrtyerThree oraionzs of over-zealous speech st- more at a balue held last week Hono Sysem fr th N S F. . Yers o SettCC.i ents, according to Prof. G. E.? by the extension srvic speech gathered extensive information ~cn fteclee sn h Densmore its possessor. The in- Icourse in Deroit for bs.ins s menj concerning the prevalence of the sysiet r CO egesforme, 7 onorinxg 43 years of service to strumet consits of two long hand- which Professor Densmore teaches.' Honor System in American colleges! per cent were colleges for women Michigan, and national medical les, which work like a pair of pliers, H-e as advised to use it at. the din- and universities. The iformationI only, and 17 °per cent of them were science,'Dr. Frederick G. Novy, di- each ending in a semi-cirle. "When' ner, and then take it back to Ann gathered tben is believed to be val- co-eduzcational. In 1923, 15 per cent! rector of the hygienic laboratory pulled together they firmly, but 'Arbor to use in his classes. uable; conditions have not changed ofthoe___ing twerefrmen,_3 materially since that time. o hseuigitecfomn,3 of the University, will be recgnized __________________________________ n replyoftan general question t- 'per cent were for women, and 50iin the presentation of a portrait of naie ontinng uetios ert-'per cent were co-educational, ;him to the University at 4 o'clock nent to the Honor System, 417 col-, Of the 160 colleges using the sys- Monday afternoon in the Lyndia H-ear!.e! leges sent information. IM, or 39 teo, 61,or 39 per cent, are colleges! Mendelssohn theatre. The presen -_______ percent, of these colleges operatej whose student bodies range fromi tation of the portrait will be the unde som kid ofHonr Sytem _ le ;main feature of a program in cele- In 129 of them it is used wholly; : 50 to 1,500 ir number; 54, or 35 brtofDr oyssit-it 'in 31 of them it is used only par-1 per cent, have an enrollment of birthday anniversary tially. 011 these 31, 21 use it onlyi from 200 to 500; 18f,' or 11 per cent,; President Alexander G. Ruthven TDYC in certain select advance classes, have an enrollment of less thatn will deliver a shri et aneT 0OLY" 7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~fo emlyi1ncrandprmns20 3 r8prcn, have 0an en- speech, upon formal presentation OL only, .while three have the sys; 00em rimn ranging rom1,00to3 of the portrait, to be given by Dr. -.ihdn mi oc° retatrter ii in handling matters that do not! 00; and 10, or 5.5 per cent of the A. S. Warthin, director of the path- pertain to examinations, (e.g., the! colleges using the Honor System ological laboratories in the Medical t efo h io o ieadh wh i s handling of library books). ! have 3,000. students or more. School. On the other hand, 251, or 61 per --wi io cent ,of the colleges replying do not !_________________p 1have the Honor System. They op-1 ''RINI T rte. under the faculty espionageS'fN # E T SECOND SOY or the proctor system, whereby the TDYi(NIISO e students are closely watched while MONHowO they take their examinations, whereby no tru.5t is placed in them, Mickey Cat Also Paramount Geor gia Prescott liss Ians, beherethe stuenhreete1 AmanSI G NG A CI GCartoon News Director of Musical Arrangement instructor. SO G R M NEi Ai .. i Prices ' a " 1. e7 i' /_ 4'f'_ / J ". __ \ " i! I II , /1 !j Cx, .7% I 6 . Cpr-IP rdr h ! k iCTUk'E- ; /// / p /yyj ''yp yy t t7fy ' jy 4 AND -TOMORROW d~ Your only chane. to see. -this ,Fla ming Drama of Adventure, Temptation Dissi pa- tion. IADULTS ONLY SE fTNOW Matinees: 25c Nihs.5 'I'1lise 1tinder- 16 with Parents Do Your Christmas Shopping Early +t ' I A a b LAFAYETTE ' "Journey'sEnag" Nights: sac to x$2.50 Sat. Mat.: 50c to ,$2.00 Thti~rs. Mat.: 50c to .$1.50 Telephone Cadillac 3705 CASS "THEATER. "tTHE FOUR MARX BROTHERS" In the Musical Circus "~ANIMAL CRACKERS" Nlights ,$1.00 to $4.00 Thursday and Saturday Matinees ,$1.00 to, $3.00 7HINGS .#OMACK "Why Bgrin~ That aUp ?, Qa4ramozim (#,clare .i ~ J y. fI 4._. ___ i Y OTD BETTEB11 LOOK INTO THI s; rI IETEs a new Pud1 Whiteman record that 's a real :smash. _Just as always,. the King of J i?. sets the pace for the h finest, in modern (dance music. . If yon pride yours elf' on knoxvn the smartest and latest dance arrangemaents, you must hear- these two great talkie hits played by tii. master handsman. And these others are Nworthwhile, too..... A :l1 Rconrd No. 201, 0-.,'.1 O-inch, 7.5e IAP A DREAMr Ai.w'r, r WE°,Aa.r2 (from\ .alkins Picture Producetion "Sunny T'ox .ii't)13 ;side '3 ") Pauzl Whifermil Ir I HAY) A TALKING PicitMiu:O YOU and (from Talking Picture Produionu l His Orebestra "Sunny Side 'Up')/ Record fNo. 20 I)-, Ji04rnvh, 75e l .OOK R T Yov7vi?: DON-r, r'It ME(fromn Iiicl Motion Picture "Why- Leave'Home") Lee Afor,;c IF I CAN'Tr h-AVE YOU (Ir Xci tCan't and tHer Have AMe) frorm MAotiou t'cturec"'io(t' I tCr as Boys lights and Iiools") Record lNo. 2005-D, Ii nch, 95e WITH YoIT--WITH 'All- (from M Aotion Fox Tronts Pieture Production "Tanned Legs") ,IIt~le Jolhnston Yom ttrm 'HFSPONSIiIIE! (from' .AI otion ~and li~ Picture Proluctiou "'Tanned Le-s")7 Ceco (ohuriers I i Columbia ~ / yt + &cords Vdiva -to~aa Recording-The Records uwithout Scratch j ;F t 1The Flamlintg Successor to "Our Dancing" Daughters,," She does11't talk in~ this picture-B(It Oh!I what a 'treat for the eyes -There 's A reason why this picture has proven to) he A recod breaker- JOAN r t' : A WITH. SOUND .:n > ELEUS'hV r c'att s "& aaa a va. a"av r acsvaac a qa a..c f X I,: I I 11 I