.A& AL.
t r
4. atli
VOL. XL. No: 583.
Dramuatizes Sevcral Characters
From 'Hanilet,' Othello,'
tT -.1 T%.._1... -.
'.actors Require Ten or Fifteen Years to
Develop Technique,' Declares Mr. Sothern
rn AlEI l nrnn
Dr, Bunting Receives
Dental Society Award
"It is impossible to train actors
in such organizations as you have
here on your campus," said E. H.
Sothern, noted actor, in an inter-
view yesterday, "because that is a
matter requiring 10 or 15 years. I l
do not really believe the object of
these groups is the production of
actors, but rather of playwrights.'
1 Such men as Booth., Arliss, and Irv-!
J. orq LOundreary,7 ink; spent many years as apprentic-
e, , and achieved recognition only
F-LAS TAKEN MANY ROLES' by long, diligent work."
Mr. Sothern went on to say that
there is much criticism of the dra-
Famous Actor Strongly Advises ma in its present form. "It is true
State Theatre Movement that .the plays being put before the
A i public today are debasing and
for America. worthless to a considerable evtent.
#Tile remedy for this disagrceable
"There is no such thinti as a hig~h- situation is to be found in state
brow play," said E. 11. Sothern lastl subsidization of the theatre, such
nigt i hi reitl a Hil aditr-as is found on the continent.
nigh in is ecitl a Hil au ito- "Thie Comedie Francaise in Paris
ium, "provided the play is success-# is just such a company, Here th(
ful. A good play seizes the emotions best plays of the world-not sin-
anid when it does that it, is not ply French plays, but Shakespeare's
highbrow. Many people call Shakes- and -other great works-are pro-
peae hghbowbutShaesparen ;duced at popular prices."
pear hihbrw, ut Sakepeaean This, Mr. Sothern "showed, really
plays are unquestionably successful. constitutes a school for actors, for
I do not know not know of one great they have opportunity, to play the
Shakespearean" actor--and thereI most ennobling and 'uplifting parts
hVve been six since Shakespeare's
timie---who has not become rich." AR If f lIrT
fin which great acting is requisite.
"Not only does this improve the
_ quality of the performances, but it
t creates an environment which is
1icertain to obliterate many of the
E Idebasing influences of life," he said.
Comedy club, Play Production,
.Iand Mimes are worthy organiza-
. tions from the standpoint that they
rbring out talent and create an in-j
terest ini the drama, Mr. Sothern
believes. "What this country, real-
ly needs, however, is a theatre in
every city that is constantly play-
ing the best productions of the
world at prices low enough to ad-
1mit almost everyone," he said, "for
then, and then only, will the dra-
ma have *any influence for good'
'J and real actors will be produced."
jAnnual Slow to Start on Road
December 20 for Visit I
I of Eleven Cities.
U HN U tal college yesterday afternoon of
1u o u o N t rthe awarding to Dr. Russell WV.
Butnof the Michigan dental
R t t, ElVocirtP's annual medal for excel-
lency in research. The award is
Nine Nations Indicatc Agree- called the "Callahan Memorial"j
C ad is given t the dentist or teach.-I
mnent to Bring About Treaty er in the United States whose pro-
Over Manchuria. ficien~cy in research has been mark-
ed during the previous year.
Dr'. Bunting's thesis upon which.
[GERMANY, JAPAN REFUSE; the award is based concerned cause;
and prevention of dental caries, a'
Reply of Nanking GovernmentI topic with which he has 'een ex-
perimentinfg and doing research
Favorable to American ; work for some time. Earlier in the
aAttempts. fall. Dr. Bunting received the Cou-
4 t~ens fellowship for research work,j
(B. socatdPrs and has been otherwise honored in
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 5-In the past.
dicating satisfaction with the re-
bewe hn n h oitisuits of his efforts to bring peace . liii MIIS IH
betwen hinaandtheSovnt i DE RUII MINSTE
Manchuria, Secretary Stimson con-
sideredl as closed tonight his dr a-T
opiioaoftepwolmaaistpubicI LE TU E H R
opiticn attepswolmaais publicLI TU I I
Almost at the moment the Se-I---I
cretary showed his ;belief that the Dr. Magary Will Address Third
troubles in Manchuria had been; ReiosCnvctn
ended by a basis of settlement Reiiu ovcto
reached through direct negotia- on Sunday.
Fith Believes Hawkeyes Have Ch;
of Being Restored to good Standing
1 L e v C( h ar l s 6 ' t i .4 .P . 5 p o r ts W r it r
CIlC; l, l..Dc.-heKLvcsyoioabned e~ci
Janiuary 1z, frot(egging Wstern'iiConfierenice teams in further atlltic
Comlipetitionxwill iimake its plea for reinistatemient 1tomoruTrow.
'1'lie faculty- commuittee of the Coniference wvill decide whether the
Jlawkeyes, clznirged wvith. proselytiiig mid subsidiing athletes, has czar-
rectin i these abuses and are not set to carry on athletic* counlpetitiun
withl the other nzine, universities comprising the Big' Ten.
Thie ineetiiig toinorj'ox night is expected to bring to a close the
miost sensational upheaval ini the hist ory of the Conference. 'T'lie fhal
outconie was in (loul)t tonight. .hacuzltv imemibers of the nine instittioii
have cast no definite light on the situation hut the general i ripressiwn
p~revils that wlieii Iowa prwesents its plea, thle comitittee m ay dcici'
the I-[awkeves have dote everytling ini their power to clean hiozFSe.
and willI act accordlingly to~ reinstate there.
JTohLI. Griffith. Big Ten athletic commnissioner, th inks Iowvaki s
an even chance of becing restored to good standing, but lie htas no VoiCe
in the mlatter. T.he decision rests in the hands of the mnembrers of the
m.IVA. L * 3'.nyI etIIL cILIa ineaa Lkt large i
audience for nearly 'three hours
with anecdotes concerning his ex-
periences as ani actor, with a gen-
eral discussion of the drama, and
with readings from "Othello,"
"Hamlet," and. "Lord Dunldreary."
Praises European Project.
He spoke of the State theatre
movement in Europe which pro-
vides a theatre -for every large city
for the purpose of pacinag beforej
the public good plays at reasonable
prices and advocated such a move- I
T "Students Will Present Tryout
Speeches for -Membership
in Comedy Club.
ment b 01' Amer'ica a a Jcing ]icCs -!
sary for the proper appr'eciation of First of this year's tryouts for
good, dram:. membership in Comedy Club, lion-
"Even children appreciate Shak-' orary camnpus dramatic society, will
espearcan drama , when it is prop- be held from 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock }
erelly presented," Mr. Sothern Tuesday afternoon in Sarah Cas-i
maintained. "His plays deal with1 well Angell hai1,l. Itwas annodunced
beauty and mnagnificient crises that1 yesterday by Richard Cole, '30,j
good actors can make childiren un-; president of the organization. I
derstan d. If we are to have futurej The pieces presented by *the try-
appreciation of the theatre we must outs, should be three mnintes in
have the proper sort of theatre.", ! length, should be taken from a play
More than 200 such. theatres have and {should be comiitLteed to mnem-S
been recently erected in Europe, he! ory. Members of the organization
said, and Muss olini has. just order- will act 'as judges and vote on the
ed three State theatres for Turin, applicants at the conclusion of the
Florence, and Rome. tryout.
"Genius is not necessary in this "In addition to. the tryouts for
project," hie stated, "in the ordin- membership on the basis of their
ary sense of the word. But I define acting abilities," Cole said, "those
genius as the inability to stop tak- interested in the technical side of
ing pains." the theatre will be included in the
Discusses American nays. I membersaip." A statement of the,
In his discussion' of Amrerican; experience of the applicant for
plays , Mr. Sothern said that not j membership should be presented to
until aft~er 18~75 were any plays ! Cole, and the tryout oni this basis#
worthy of note produced. T.1he av- ! will be held during the next pro-i
cerage Amecrican liay ul. to that; ductioni of the organization. The
time, hie said, contained a villain,; next play is planned for the latter
a hero, and a lie 'oimc upon whom part of the month of January.
the interest was cent'ered at all ;-All the second semester freshmen,,
times, which precluded any real I sophomores, juniorg, and seniors,E
play of the emotiojis.! are eligible for membership In thec
Mir. Sothe-rn presented his read-i organization. Students who are in?-
ings without, costume and so real- terestedi in- the 'work of the group
istic ally that lie successftuliy repro- I and cannot attend the tryout meet-
,sented three characters in, one 'Ing Tuesday afternoon, should call
scene whout confusing his large Cole to arrange for' another tryout
andl responsivxe audience. dlate.
Ls igisfcit i)rdMr'Sothern's first~ appearance oil theI Union Officers Attend
lecture platformi Arnn Arbor. ine Co ee M etg
Air Mail Pilot Crashes Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, president
During Blinding Storm ! of the Union, and James L~. Thayer,#
30, recording sceay left Ann
r , A Vrf , a I~-' Arbor yesterday to attend the con-
C;IEVEX7IdA DN De. 5------ihe hod.l vention of the Associationi of Col-
- -I Lons, six other nations responded(I
BROACAST SATUDAYI to his urging that the signatories f TrO ANSWER QUE STIONS
I BRO DCAST SATURAY jof the general pact for the renun-
- --ciation of war co-operate with theI
M Application blanks for seats for; United States in bringing about aI Arrangements are complete for
all out of town presentations ofj cessation of hostilities. No further the religious . convocation at 4
I"Merrie-Go-Round," the 1929 pro- correspondence on this subject is o'clock Sunday afternoon in Lydia
duction of the Union Opera, are expected to be initiatedi by the IMneson twihteRv
available today at the office of the American government. -Inesom twihteRv
maaetfteUioPu +Nn NtosFvrbe Dr. Alvin E. Magary, pastor of the
maae fteUin alL.Nn ITtosFvrbe Buchley, treasurer of the Opera an-: Nine nations, Great Britain, Italy, ? Woodward Avenue Presbyterian
troucedyestrda. 1France, H-oland, Portugal, Mexicoi church of Detroit will lecture, it
Th'le Opera will visit Chicago, Panamna, Cuba andi thc Dominican I was announced yesterday by Lar-
IKalamazoo, Grand Rapids. Lansing, Republic, so far have joined theI
Flint, Saginaw, Detroit, Cincinnati,, United States and have indicated I ley Kline, '30, who is in charge of
IBuffalo. Cleveland, and Toledo onI their full accordi with the move by ! the a ffair for the Student CvI-
its tour duiring Christmas vacation, the Secretary last week in hs ef-d tian association.I
The show wvill start on. the road fort toaring about- peace between T e.DrMgI' ades
IDecember 20, the day school closes, IClladteSve by a inobili- TeRv r aaysades
and will complete the tour Jan. 4. ation of world public opinion in to be followed by his aswering
Seats for the Ann Arbor run ar'e support of the anti-war treaty. questions placed by the students,
1still on sale each afternoon from! Egypt and Pland remained non- will be thfe third of a series of ex-
2 o'clock to 5 o'clock at the desk of cornlinittil while Belgium indicated I perimental devotional services
the Union. The sale will continues to the American government that :lne yIh soiain h
at the Uniont this afternoon, tomior- the matter would be taken under convocations are desiged to solve
' row afternoon, and Monday and s inedlate consideration. Only Ja-I as far as is possibe, the religious
Tuesday afternoons, panr and Germianty of. the gr~at yprobles of the undergraduate
The production opens Thursdlay} pow s cwhf ice were original s ign - ody, and teporm r r
i [ igh at the Michigan theatre and tois! h nl-a'atde agedt oce" h ms iey
I I11~Au 1 dine'd to co-operate Iin the move. perplexing questions of the Stu-
runs through_ Saturday night. A $- Ciu a Approves, dets.
Imatinee Saturday afternooin will rrh 1i'yrel fteC Inee " Personal Rfgoi ilb h
be included in the local showvings. efiedyrpy fteCins Rlgo"wilb h
Work has progressed on the pro- goveriiment which is recognized by Detroit minister's address. The
duction to the point where both I the United States, to the Secre- Rev. Dr. Margary is well acquainted
actsare ein forulaed. ~1~tary's appeal for peace arrived at with the various questions about
muacsic an esndormuofatedhestthe State department late today, reiligoni that are arising a tei'
are being combined and rehearsals theN kigovnm tidcangpeetrough his weekly radio
arehel eah igh it te Mtre ithat it had always desired peace hour at which le answers nuuner-
are eldeac niht n te Mmesand would continue to maitain a ouqers.Tseadotlshv
theatre.? uqure.Teerdotlsav,
Saturday night the mnusic of the !peaceful attitude in accordace ilso made him quite popular in and
prdcinwill be broadcast ont ihisohgtouie'therPI i about Detroit. He is likewise welli
prdutint pact inr the future. known for his dialycluf,"
regular 'University iad it)pr'ogram l----Ri-e- ._einay' coin uth , Tri
la description of thE costumes and SMVITH TA KSO IFree Press.
'enery, and a succinit analysis of3rTe oplt-pora orSn
, the plot will be given between thei SC HOOL LEADERS!(! day convocation was announced
numbers ot' the score. t yesterday by Kline. It will open
with an organ prelude by Nowel
I - ---- ---- ----'~"Almost, half of the fr~shnaii stn.- Swaino Ferris, organist of the St.
Architecture Freshmen ' dents enrolled ini the University ;Andrews Episcopal church, andI
thi yer clli Ioinoutud hewill contain two hiyns aid offer-.
I Chtoose Cass Oficers state," declared Registiar Ira M tory selection by Mr. Ferris, a solo
---Smith ins a speech dlelivered yester-by Malcolm S. Lang r '301,o
Joseph 0. White, was chosein day before a luncheon meeting at- by St. ndaesgchrhchoirfr
president of the first year students tended by the high school prince-.s g the offertory selection cards
jof the Archectw'ral college yester- pals who were in Ann Arbor yse wllr-ase;t h adeneo
(lay. Hie W iwslon he 17 to 10 over Stuart c 1cr t day for cunferenc es with~ Univerity1 which they n ay write a y question
k.~ ilas;Ohrofcesnmd fresh men
by the class were Duncan J. Seaton, ; "Statistics show that 1530 fresh- 3 whih they would like to have the}
vice-president, Wallace E. Wilson, mten were enrolled in the Univrsity e.D.Mgr nwr
secretary, and Marvin Dc Vos, treas- this year-directly from. high--
I urer. schools---a slightly larger numnbr Dr. Gavin to Discuss
!Sea tmiw ioostonin fu-than was the ase inits121," Mr. °rsj jysHitr
cornerecd race wih~i 12 cotes, from. Smith said. "Of the ttal numbr rsia Iys itr
W. Burderus, It. Leland and 11. Fis- 785 came from Michigan schools, Di.FrikRGanpoesrf
ke;' h eevfveg, adan 45fomotidahesat.'rii1historav i etor
three votes, respectively. Wilson wond 745 f"Am ongteltter, 37estte and elslelhsor n drco
16 to 12 from Gordlon Tius mani, andt eight foreign countries were rep- of~ the General Theological semin-
DeVos was named treasurer, with I resented. Detroit, which'set 161 Ial in New York City, will address
112 votes, over A. Rouse, with 10, and rfreshmen, was thec source of More !an audience open to all students
IM. Whitney with six. Unfilive'rsty sturdets tiniantcty othier; today, speaking "The Jewish Back- -,
city. New York, next to M~ichiga, round of Early Christianity" at
" sent more stu'det ia'' an ol ~4.15 o'clock today in).Natural
bar'et Opens in Spanish state ad flloing the y Emire Science auditorum. The lecture Is
ell Angell Fll Tonight state camne Ohio, Illinois, and In- Fsounrdtintlydabythael Hillel
_________diana, in the order named." onainadHri al
' a eb e nie ob ar n se h i h sl ol pi cp l 10;of the affair: M rs. Alexander G. heard M r. Smith's speech came to3
Rutliven, Mips. John R. Effinger, Ann Arbor in acceordanlue with a0 December Issue of M use
Mrs. Joseph H. Bursley, Mrs. James p lan inautgurated by the Regisra-r IAr,'D crbs V
lB. Edmonson, Mrs. Emil Lorch, Mr's. two_ years ago, whereby 'Univc rsity S i ,
Earl V. Moore, Mrs. Edward IT. freshm en from Michigan high
Krause, Mrs. B. Jordan, Miss Grace schools are interviewed by ther "Vie Ark," oficial publication of
Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. foi iner high school principals The I the University Museums, made its
Beyi.Baiu rs r m t atlerare providled with miovan-- December appearance yesterday
Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Dr. Margaret dum blanks which ave been draw'i with Lte usual aount, of personal
Bell, Mrs. John Sundwall, MrsI up to assist hn obtain inig ifora- news and sciiitific announcements.I
Junilus Beal, Mrs. Maria Crane, Mrs tion froul tif stud" 111 clleri n Amoing these announcements, how-I
Walter Hunst, Mrs. Karl Litzenburg livmir conditions, hVrcslimen Week ever, were somew of particular inter-
Mrs. Samuel Lockwood. Mrs. Jane academiic work and tie trairsilon , st not only to the Museum staff
H. McBurney Mrs. Walter A. Reich-( from high school to the Unive"- ny, but to the general public as well.
Iin art, _r. ay rnyr Mrs. Bur- junt d u~i10 the vstoers atthMue
art Mrs. Ralph Sauwyierthmonh ofNovenit-
ton Thunma, Miss Ethel McCormick,
MsLarG.Cmpbell, and Miss ti ,ber ccrig t te iig regis-
- Mis Lur U C - -- ter were Dr. Alexander Wetmore,
Dorothy Colby. -- - ne of the leading authorities ot
This activity of the sophomiore t ids W. S. MAlpine, of the :M-
women is in connection with the al- '' Alpine mnap cnpany, and two
nual Women's League Bazaar and P " Harvard architects, who came tol
F lans of Industrial
of International
to be Forum Si
Foreign students of
16i.',7 as well as all otl
intce -"sted - will have t
ity of entering in ti
of the subject "The L,
tions as anl Agency for
al Industrial Co-open:
next International Fc
afternoon at Lane iHI
Edward J. Richer of.
has been secured by
tional Committee of
Christian associationi t
informal discussion of
Richer who is well aecq
the organization of the
ing worked for a nun
in the Labor Office o
at Geneva, Switzerlan1
]a few mionthis at the
a graduate student is
Following his stay in
lRicher will return to
to lecture on the wor
1nLeague before various
ithat country.
This series of Fora
which is held practical
day afternooii dlui'li
year, are being 'condu
purpose of bringing
feeling and understai
,the many students of
tries attending the ni,
ni eetings are intended
means for frank and 1,
sions of important pr(
day. The dilscussions c.
topics of literature, p,
i ory, ,sociology, and
thus be varied so that
nels will be opened for c
his ow-n interests, as
of his country, onl a v~
IFor thle mostA part
will be led by pro fes:
dents versed in the pc-
jects and familiar wi
tr ies under considerate
:ur Publicationi
--faculty committee, wh'Iich inicludes
Mne represenztative from the facultyV
flof each institution. This body is
rthe supreme court of the Con *WT ne aoiyvt fer- i
U v NIS eeded to restore Iowa to good
LEA CU E asg.Remedied Condition
The University of ,Iowa, has thor-
oughly and effectively "cleaned
Cooperation I house"- according to its 4,500 wvoird
ISociety petition. The report takes .up each
iisiuinsspecific charge lodged, againzst thef
subject.inttio' athletic policy when IL
was suspended last May. Some of
'ONDUCT the charges arc admitted, othters
are dienied, but 4ll things con trazry,
f te Uie- ,to Big 'Ten practice have been cor-
Uniem Irec ted, the petition states.
hiers who are I The four importanit ' qucstioos;
lie, opportuni- Iowa will be required to answer are:
lie discussion 1. Can Iowa guard effectively the'
eagu of a-watter of scholastic cligibility? 2.
jeage ofNa-I Can s he eliminate the subsldizingt
minternatioii-! of athletes by funds of various
ation" at the 'kinds and by the use of studet
arum Sunday n otes? 3. Can she restrain alumni.
ill. Iinfluence and.: maintain full fac-
ulty control? 4. Is the athletic dc.
'New Zealand i partmen t' willing to d squalify all
the Interna- present athletes who have received:
the Student, imlproper financial 'aid ?
to lad i theHas Changed Leaders.
~o eadin he owa's defense plea attempts to'
f the subject. establisx the fact that all the al-
iuainted with leged abuses have been coirrected.
~ Legue ay-Control of athletics at the H~awkee
nber of yersinstitution has passed into new
yer hands. ' Dean 0. 0. Williams has
f the League been mhade head of, the athletic
d, is spending council,: replacing E. H-. Lauer.
University as Lauer wvas appointed 'to succeed -Dm<~
tiPaul Belting as director of athletics
in economics. Ilast May, just before the cexpulsionr
zAnn. Arbor, of Iowa. Lauer, however, retained
New Zealand is post as director, of athletics
GeU orge T. Bresnahain, who ras
rkings of the placed in clitarge of intercollegiate1
organizations athletics, simultaneous with. Lanecr's
appointment, relinquished that post
'ums, one of and serves now only as track coach;
ly every Sun-
g the school H agen and Die gel Win1
mted for the i Matches in golf Meet
about better;, (By Associated IPte,,
ridinig among LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 5.
IOver the knolls amid valleys of Hilll-
foreign coon-
crest today raced ,the two "grey-
iversity. The hounds" of the field, Leo Diegel
l to furnish a and Walter Hagen, to turn in de..
liberal dlscuse I ciaive victories. But the real golf-
oblemzs of the drang thrills of the day traced their
inbracing the source to a former openi titleholder
)oitical ecoin-'who fought his way out ofl the
politics will shadow of defeat to stay iti the
tmany chiap- running for the national profes-
one to express sion ofrsasoito h -
well as th~ose rsioa glersasoitinchi
ar~et ofsu - While Diegel, defending, chain-
the Forumis po~z and Hagen, chief challenger,.
sors aidarsu-I roumnds of 36 hole mnatch play,
ar the coun- Smiling Johnny Farrell, met and
Mi matched a stern golfing test, to
come from behind and nose out
- -- - Craig Wood on the 37th I'1%le.
:, 'The ' Dr. Onderdlonk Speaks
n Ange iat Art Club Meeting
of Pilot bionus P. Nelson, anld hiis
airmail plane. w badly shattered,I
were found th "s af ternoon by, a!
rabbit, P du jr* iwar Chagrin Fll s,
35 in ilgs sutheast of here. Nelsoin
met death e arly Monday inorning
while flying [lhe airmaail front Belle-
fonte, Pa., to Clevelandi in a- blind-
ing 5nowstorni.
Bates Will Broadcast
Capus Radio Hourj
Dean Hfenry M. Elates of tire Law
School, and T1appan Professor of
Law, will be the speaker on the
campus radio program to be broad-
cast tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock.
Dean Bates, the only speaker on
this week's program, will discuss
ti-e law eniorceinen t proposal sug-
gested by President Iloover ad
will poinut out the possibilites of
such a program and the possibili-
ties of its success.
The rest of thre one-hour pro-
gramn, broadcast through station
WJRI, Detroit, will feature the mu-j
sic of the -'Union Opera, "Merrie-
Go-Round," which will be present-
ed by thef symphony orchestra of
the Onera and a picked singing
J ege and University Unions which
is opening today at the University
of Wisconsin, Madison.
iAn invitation will be extended to
the Association by Lloyd to con-
vene in Ann Arbor next year,
Sophomore Women's Ca
Stye at Sarah Casw(
Bly Margaret Thomps~n
Spanish courtyards surrounded
by yellow bungalpws with red tiled
froofs. and picturesque balconies is
the setting for the Sophiomore Cab-
aret, the activity of the sophomore
women, which opens today in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall in Barbouir
Gymnasium. This afternoon and
evening and Saturday afternoon
and evening there will bie dancingj
to Bob Carson's orchestra at five
cents a dance, there will be enter-
tainment by three choruses and
specialty acts, and there will be thej
very best feed on the camnpus serv-
ed. The admnission price is 25 cents
a person.
'rabies covered with red checked
tablecloths are arranged within the
courtyard and waitresses in gypsy
costumes are ready to serve sand-
beling donie by Carleton Anigell,; "Everything, that is new in art is
sculptor at the building. Mr. Anli- I not necessarily modern," said Dar.
gell ha~s just finished a bust of N. F~rancis S. Onderc nk, of the arch -
A. Wood, inhier of the Museum i ectural school faculty. In an ad-
staff, a-nd alreadly has severb-l dress to memrbers of the University'
otheurs to his credit, one of the mor~e ]Art club last night at the Women's
recent bein'g one of President Alex- !League building.
ider Granit Ruthiven. !Angell is also? Dr. Onderdonk defined art as "an
creator of the design for the new activity in which one mani may
storie bench which 101l soonr grace transmnit his feelings and inessage
the pJlaza in fron-t of the building. SIto other n. In this way" the
'I'he benich is niow being executed ir-~i speaker explained, "art, is very situ-
liiesto ui- by Ar et Brothers. The Filar to music and literature."
weather vane whrichi will be placed !
on the new animal :house is also of Firemen Repair Toys
1112'. Angell's creation. L_ t - ",__-13 _