The Engineering Council will not meet today.
Oratorical Association Ushers plea se report at 7:30 for the Sothern
Quadrangle meets at 718 Onondaga. The meeting will start prompt-
ly at 8:15 p. m.
Many freshmen at Columbia Uni-
versity who refused to carry on class
traditions were forced by sopho-
mores to kiss the feet of the statue
of Alma Mater.
Students of Carleton College are
required not to play tennis. ride
horseback, play handball, or pa1'-
ticipate in other athletic activties
after 10:00 a. m. on Sundays.
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VOL. XL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 No. 7 ;niOmega Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa: Business meeting at 7:30 p. in.. History Professor Will Discuss'
-NOTICES ____m in room 306, Michigan Union. All active members are urged to attend. Jewish Background of
Upper Classinen: Former students of following high schools are in- 1at F3c t Wome's Club: Reception and Dance, at Michigan League, ristianity.
vited to call at the Registrar's office today.between 1:30 and 3 o'clockI8:30NW.RTR
inteafternoon to meet their high .school principals: . .. .IS WELL KNOWN WRITER
in theafenotomethihihchoprnils Christian Science Society mects in the Chapel of the Michigan___
Detroit: Central, Northwestern, Northern, Cass Tech., Southeastern, reague building n at 7:30 p m.eBtsughtttoCAnneArborhunderhthe
Eastern, Southwestern, Western, Northeastern, Country Day; Ann Arbor gBrought to Ann Arbor under the
high school; University high school; Battle Creek; Bay City; Flint ; ophocxore 'runi ('iniyittee Metig in rooil 304,Michian Uonjoint auspices of Harris hall and
Central and Northern; Grand Rapids. Ottawa Hills; Hamtramck; High- ct 7:30 p.imC. the Hillel Foundation, Dr. Frank
land Park; Jackson; Lansing; Mt. Clemens; Pontiac; Redford; Royal :
Oak; Saginaw, Eastern and Arthur ill. ~mt Gavin, professor of ecclesiastical
Ira M. Smith, Registrar in re meet at 4 o'clock, in the Cave. Absences must be excused history at the General
----_-_, eminary in New York city, will
Notice to Seniors Planning to do Directed Teaching: Seniors expect- ( I. VI1'iS speak to University students on
ing to do directed teaching in the sec'ond semester are urged to interview University Lecture: "The Jewish Background of Early
Dr. Schorlings on Thursday, December 5. in room 3001, University high December t, at 8:00 p. in., Natural Science Auditorium, Professor Christianity," at 4:15 o'clock to-
School according to the followYin schedule: English, rhetoric ard speech, Charles C. Colby, oi me Department of Geography, University of Chi- morrow afternoon, in Natural Sci-
1:00 to 2:00; social studies, 2:00 to 300; Mathematics, 3:00 to 4:00; coroago:non "Transpilantingm European A rcu , eto (ilioni. etr iloc uioim
French and fine arts, 4:00 to 5:00; science and Latin, 5:00 to 6:00. It isb T mnrplAt.nce auditorium.
of the utmost importance that selors come to this conference, for Dr. Gavin is a graduate of Cin-
everything else being equal the opportunities for directed teaching will Internationlt Forum: Mr. Edward J. Riches will lead a discussion cinnati and Harvard universities,
Sasdgned in order of appliction. Those coing late may need to don "The League of Nations as an Agency for International Industrial Co- and he has done work through his
their directed teaching under conditions that represent considerable operation" at a Forum to be held Sunday, Dec. 8, at 4:00 p. m., in New York seminary toward con-
inconvenience. Any senior who has a definite appointment at the hour Lane hall. Mr. Riches comes from New Zealand and is connected with ciliang various theological fac-
suggested should report for a conference at one of the other periods. the Labor Office of the League at Geneva. All are cordially invited. claigvrostelgclfc
Every effort will be made to meet his needs. hL rfefhLgine Aons throughout the country. The
C. o. Davis, Secretary of School of Education Al-Campus Extemporaneous Speaking Contest: Preliminaries will ecclesiast is also an author in the
be held in Adelphi room, Angell hall, Tuesday, December 10, at 4 p. m. field of religion; among his best-
cation d Semester Classification,Scholcofm E.dUntil further A. otice Open to all students except those who have represented the University known works are "Some Aspects of
tisok ill be limitedyto Senors nd specialb stdents. Thnotice in public speaking events. Sign up for this on the bulletin board Contemporary Greek Thought."
thi wok wll e lmitd t Seior an spcia st~ets.Thepro outside room 3211, Angell hall.
cedure to be followed is as follows: ______2__g___'"Ideas of the Old Testament," and
1. Call at the Recorder's office, room 105 Tappan hall, for K. 0. ,T. C. Uniforms: Those students requiring further uniform I"The Jewish Antecedents of the
b. Class cardsi alterations should meet the ,tailor at the R. O. T. C. office, from 10:00 Christian Sacrement."
b. Clas carls.fa. in. to 3:00 p. ni., Friday, December 6.-
2. Consult an adviser representing the School of Education, . m. :_:mD
preferably during his regular office hours. Plan with him li Lambda Theta Initiation and Banquet, Friday, December 6, at Sunderland to Leave
your elections, and secure his signature of approval on your 5:00 o'clock at the Alumnae Mhga L bl ng
election card.r0 'cokatteAlma oom,Micigan C uni etn
3. Return election card and Mlass cards, completely filled out,
to room 4. U. IL Befo' lunding them in, look at the ,ma .ama Lpiom will rot hold their regulir I iS Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the
bulletin board in that room. to make sure that all sectionss weekl. Law school will leave Ann Arbor
Lydia Mentlelssohn
"Clean, Fresh, and Typically British"
Saturday, December7
"A deftness and subtley that is a nov-
elty on the American screen."-The
Michigan Daily.
Note -This hi the first showing of
this film outside New York City.
you are clecting are still open.
B. Seniors electing practice teaching will do well to plan this part of
their schedule first with Professor Schorlirg, at hours to be announced
by him. The times at which practice tcaching may be done are strictly
limited, and the remainder of the student's course must be fitted around
these available hours.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary of the School of Education
Seniors: The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Informa-
tion will maintain a temporary office in the Registrar's office Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday of this week for the purpose of rendering service
to those seniors who want assistance in locating a permanent position
when they graduate.
T. Luther Pardoni
Attention, Seniors inEducatnio: The laboratory period for Section
I, C1 (Educational Psychology), SEcond Semester, will meet on Monday
1 to 3, instead of on Thursday 3 to 5, as published in the School
of Education Bulletin.
Katharine B. Greene, Instructor
University Men and Women: A beginning intermediate class in
social dancing will be conducted by the Physical Education Class at the
Women's Athletic building on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from
7:30 to 8:30. Class begins December 5. Six lessons for $3.00. Students
sign up in Women's Athletic building or office 15, Barbour gymnasium.
All Seniors: Because of an extension in the Senior Section of the
Michiganensian, Seniors may continue purchasing picture receipts this
week at the Michiganensian office in the Press building. This is your
last chance to get in the year book.
George Leonard, Managing Editor
Chi Omega Prize in Sociology. consisting of the sum of twenty-five
dollars, will he awarded to the best undergraduate thesis submitted in
Sociology 51 for the first semester 1929-30.
Resident Members of Phi Kappa Phi desiring to attend the initiation
banquet on the evening of Friday, December 13, notify the Secretary,'
j R. S. Swinton, 302 Engineering Annex.
Calvin College Alumni: The Phi Alpha Kappa fraternity will hold
a party Friday, December 6, at 8:00 p. m. All alumni of Calvin College
now on the campus are cordially invited to attend.
While the selection is good put in yoi
Bring in your order for ENGRAVIN
today to attend a meeting of the
State Judicial council at Lansing.
With the close of the Dos Estrel-
las silver mines at Talpujahua,
Mexico, recently, 3,000 miners were
thrown out of work.
Evenings at 8:3Q
Matinees: Friday and Saturday at 2:30
All Seats 5o
On Sale at Box Office
a. !2
Exhibition: A small collection of lithographs and etchings by Jean
Louis Forain is now on display in the ground floor gallery, Architectural
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: There will be
a meeting of the Faculty of these Colleges at 4:15 p. m., in room 343,
West Engineering building.
Faculty, Group F, School of Education: All faculty members con-
cerned with Group F, School Health, Physical Education and Athletics,
School of Education, are requested to attencd a meeting, at the Michigan
League, at 12:15 p. m. Luncheon.
John Sundwall
English 293 (Bibliography): Professor R. G. Adams will meet this
class at 1:00 p. m., in the William Clements library.
Philosophy 139, Aesthetics: The class will meet today and there-
after until further notice in Alumni Memorial hall, room D.
English 300: The Seminary will meet tonight, at 408 Library. Pro-
fessor Griggs will have charge of the meeting.
Education A102: Prof. C. O. Davis will not meet this class today.
C olloquium in Applied Mechanics meets at 8 p. m., in room 445,
West Eng. bldg., for Periodical Review. Prof. H. R. Lloyd will review a
paper on Boiler Dead Stresses. Mr. W. O. Freyberg will review a
paper on "Full Scale and Beggs" Deformeter Investigations of a Re-
inforced Concrete Arch Bridge.
Geological Journal Club: There will be a meeting in room 4054 N. S.,
at 7 o'clock. Program: Seminar in Economic Geology. Mr. Dickey
and Mr. Staples will review papers on metals, Mr. Sohlberg and Mr.
Way on petroleum. Please note that the hour set for the meeting does
not conflict with the lecture sponsored by the Oratorical association.
Chemical Engineers: The regular meeting of the student branch of
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers meets at 8:00 o'clock
in the Seminar room, 2028 East Engineering building. There will be a
film shown entitled, "The Romance of Rubber."
The Department of Political Science Journal Club meets at 3:00
p. m., in room 2035 Angell hall.
At the
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