/ 'a'r R aDA'fi, D Cf~l T r 1 y THE MI C-,A - TTY ' '" NO&TATA im- t a qo s 3 s a - . p NOTICES 9N 0 'C W N E eta Eta alumn E chapter of OPENED RODI IRINNI1Alpha Delta Pi will sponsor a DAIAAD, SPONSODS WORKSED O VIEW~ T benefit bridge Saturday after- I E U E M PlT1 noon at the chapter house at BA1C IC VI Te N W M S U F PL YUIId 1020 Lincoln avenue. Reserva- O N [ iTh most important collection of tions for tables may be madeb di'wokinA rcawlle MainL edn sDcae]calling 6765. Fifty cents will be1opndtpulcveinPhae- Marin L ReaingIs Dclaedcharged each person. Hazel Cor-. Booth Selling Michigan Articles'Epened tlowpublicevieicanhlael 10JnirPaAuhr bett, '26, its chairman for the af- Is Outstanding Feature 13 uirFa uhr the Mastbaum Rodin Foundation fair.!Msu, ar outo of he Before Meeting. of Annual Affair. Msuarprdcino th There will be a regular meet---odnMseaMuoFrce LLO'YD,, LOOMIS SPEAK ing of the W. A. A. Board at 6 NOVEL ADS DISTRIBUTED ue It is a gift to the city from the late o'loktJulesteFildHus.E. Mastbaum, theatre owner Ever 'cockto ayatthbe F ed tHuse. ;Iand philanthropist. Marian L. Readings '31, was an- Eey onembe presen f In the midst of a gypsy fair, the l The museum, constructed of rounced as the author of the Ju- less excused before the meeting. b ooth sponsored by the Undcrgrad-' white limestone brought. from nior Girl's Play for this year at u sate Campaign committee of the France, stands in a garden in the PAT NES FParkway. Outside are figures "The terday afternoon in the LydiaI U L1 opnhg tomorrow in Barbour gym- of Bronze," and the "Burghers, of Mendelssohn theatre in the League i N r 1iasium, will be outstanding with its Calais," as well as the heroic budlding. Miss Reading's play has I bargain counter of typicnlly Michi- "Gates of Hell," a composite of small commt e frm "' anaftcle. ffigures in which "The Thinker" is bee cosn b te ommtte rom{ IS gaLIrices repeated again, this time in life a number of plays submitted and _____A-m". g the attr<'ct~ons (if tIissieAmnthbrzsadcss will be produced by the junior wo- Twenty-eightPiet Wome boothi will b , 1Michigan playing1 in plaster and terra cotta are ex- men in honor of the senior women! myegtroint mni cards, priced at 50 cents pter pack, am;so ital vr odo duin te ek f arh 7Invited to be Present at mnaize and blue Michigan pillows Rdn The meeting was conducted by Sophomore Affair. at 50 cents each, clever sandwich ________________ Helen Jones, '31, general chairman '___hoards carved to represent pigs at; who told of the work which is now PLNEA O PLTO 25 cents, yellow caps, telephone Women interested in forming to be done by the junior women in LA SN R O PEI 'I book covers, oilcloth hold'eis Mich- the University ofoMichigan unit the production. She introduced Miss -itan smaps, and a special attraction, I of the National Women's Airo- Alice Lloyd, advise'owmnad Patronesses for the Sophomore I"Kako," which is a brand of bak- nautical Association will meet at1 of the Junior Girl's Play, who ex- Cabaret h-ave beezn announced by ljrn powder gdaran teed to aid in I 7:15 Thursday in the League plained questions of scholastic eligi- Katherine Ferrin, assistant llair- making even. amatq'ur attrempts at; building. A notice as to the ex- bility. Miss Lloyd emphasized themn n ccrigt tepasbtking a success. To prove its v.lI act place of meeting wll be fact that no woman who did not ta avteniaethywll~u, samples of cakes in which Ka- postedhaonbthe bulletiny boardi- in ko have sufficiently high scholarship i d e heir attentboi .: among the jk has been used til. be oftereG for the main corridor. to devote the extra time necessary te~siing.- I variotis times the Cabaret is open. ncnncin ihtsbohth - - - _____ to work on the play should not try ![Th~s is being done in order that II oncin ihti oy h out. A pk there will !la o sm o~d Shop from the League build- Miss Ay Loomis; director, spok se pesn.w ioesm n~: n "t'will also be represen~ted. Allhri " a on physical, eligibility. "The play Thr r wet-ih ome f the fancy baking which is sold will take an extra hour a day from onteptoeslswihicueat tie' League will be placed on, Presentsthparnsliwicicud every woman participating, "saidAeade .RtheMsale at the bazaar. Ruth Marshall, JAMES' FOSTER Miss Loomis, "and women who can-JhMrs. Aeffner .E he, Mrs. osph 3.1 is chairman o f the booth for not physically give that hour can- BuseMs;amsB dosn the Undergraduate Campaign com- Ilueo r not participate." Mrs l r.JmsB dosn iitee, assisted by Ruth Ells, ',i1213osSe Stffret "We are especially anxious thisI Mrs. LdwrcH.u, MrsrV. More, who is in charge of decorations. yearEdwardwomenrwhocarssinyranLarge, colored handkerchiefs 'ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN yeare thatr wo mn whyou cntn in B. Jordan, Miss Grace Richards, wt rni g o h m h v enI_ _ close~ hro y tyoti groups Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl F. Bach-ditbte aon th hv'eo _______ continued. She also explained ther, Mrs* Ira Smith, dirs. Fielding '0pus to call attention to the! teH. Yost, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. ~cadpaefrteb~~. IM C IA types of parts which are included JohnnSundwcelfoMrs.heuniuo ,eal,.__ iomtenor soeo the script. Mrs. Maria Crane, Mrs. Walter Miss Margaret Bennett of Pitts- BE U Y HO P opportunities for those women who SautLowo, Mrs. alLine g.Mrs. burgh successfully operates a coal do not card to take cast or chorus nelLcwoMsJaeHM- mine and a large sawmill. parts. The' chairmen of the various Buny Mrs. Walter A. Reichart, -___ -- -R-aeyu emnn Mrs. Ralph Sawyer, lirs. Burton committees are: Ruth Van Tuyl, as- ThemavMssyEthelermormict sistant chairmaneandcinrcharge.of sisantcharma an inchageof ~is Lara . Cmpblland Ms Fur FgCoats 50c a Curl trot;Jnaernfnne MssLuaGjapel n is rr C l i f f o r d , n e , pa r dpf n a n c s;s; DoMa r j o r i ey.RoM ct a R e d ,_ro g r m s ;_at h l e nECl i f o r d , p r o p rM a k e u pjo r iR ee-- -r e dep ,R epa iP E R S O N A L I TYSOA L IB O B SN Clung, music; Lucillle Strauss, modeled--d-Rlin- dancing; Hermine Soukup, make- mrdeeanabRled b uip; Margaret Hapgood, costumes'; I0Pie esnbe b Margaret Eaman, usher, and Helen? Special for one week only. Celt Hats M.MA RC Domine, publicity, made on the Head. E.ML. Greenbaum Antioch College has introduced; McKinsey Hat Shop t 448 Spring Street f Dial 3083 What is believed to be the first col- 227 South State Phone 9625 legiat~e "Leap Week," during which 1.___________________ co-oids do'all the dating. I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______.afiew -w~--- -~-- ill UNIVERSITY BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS OFFERS WOMEN BETTER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SECURING GOOD POSITIONS "Many industries and corpora- tions do not offer opportunities fort lug its functions for this year, in This material affords an opportun-, women to the extent that they do the Registrar's office, room 4 of 'i[; to the bureau Uf getting in. for men; consequently, we are put- University hall. touch with each individual's needs ting forth every effort to establii;h The bureau has gathered a grat-in rder to place t,?iem in sultat'ep j many connections as possiblet deal of occupational inform) ton ! lesitions. with the business institutions wh orTwtheebenes t¢of the staff sfwho 0are looking for permnanent po~i- w ebr ftesafo do employ women," announced T.! tioins when they gnadicite cithcrr in brau will have a desk in the out- ILuther Purdom, the new directo'r Fobruary of in Julie, Certain pri t.er Registrar's office for the puro:;tr of the University Bureau of :p-' ed material asking for infornia4iod ' of answering questiong and ac- pointments and Occupational In- en vocational plans will be distr i- 1q ,uainting those interested with the formation, which is today initial- buted to seniors when classifying,I service offered. 0 "Beauty Service that is Different." "In one of Michigan's Most Beautiful Shops." ,IN 1 I N1 E11 l ilii ll Illlll Do You Want a New Fall Hairdress? L~et uis create for you an original style suited to your personality. Beautif ul Tailored Haircuts facials By Experts Only. Marceling Artistic Finger Waving Scalp Treatments Permanent \Vavirlg-French Cosmetics Powder Blended to your complexions for Day or Night wear. Di~aMatttiaseauty."Salon BEAUTY SERVICE THAT IS'DIFFERENT 38 SOUTH STATE STREET Shop" for Christmas Gifts! Have Lunch in the Coffee Shop! Attend the Sophomore Cabaret! at the Women's League and interchurch B AZAAR Friday, Dec. 6 Saturday, Dc. 7 For Appointment "APIfire Parrot Is Under Us" D) ial. t7 1 t4 r It FGordon ilouiery is I 0 For sheer loveliness, and lovely sheerness ... give her this Gordon Hosiery. T~he Narrow Reel is do-, s r sgned with a tiniyreinforce iiil rthat reflects so subtly the SlUM heel of Fashion. It beautiiesth * natural ankle and gives it the appearance of bein' a sit - direly silken clad. And asfr Gordon V4imbHo- siery ... it is distingushed by pointed shadows on either sdeof ' the ankes where Nature's ova I# _ iKIi . . One to Nine P. M. Nine to Nin~e Thi D R tW'%5rI M rI 'Y It I IIl