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December 05, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-05

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Published every morning eX &pt Monday
&uring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republi'ation of all news dis-'
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Micigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of, postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor'Prese Building, May-
6ad Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........Geor C. Tilley
City Editor..... ...........Pierce Rseneg
News Editor..............Donald JKline
Sports Editor....:..Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor. .E Marjorie Folmer
Teleraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama....... William J. Gorman
Literary Editor ........ Lawrence R. Klein
4ssistant City Editor. .Roert J. Feldman
Editorial Board
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper . Henry J. Merry
Wil m C. Gentry Rohert L. Sloss
Chares R. Raufman Walter W. Wilds
.ourey Willams
Ex-officio Members
Ellis R. Mery A .1Jordan
fertram Askwith Dorothy Magee
Heen Barc Lester May
Maxwell Iauer David M. Nichol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Benjamin I Berentsorlioward 11. Peckham
Allan H. Berkman llugh Pierce
Arthur ,1. Bernsein Victor Rabinowitz
S. Beach Cnger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
John H. Dener Joseph A. Russell
lelen Domine Joeph Rwith
Margaret Ekels William P. Salzarulo
)'atharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprwl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane :payer
Ruth Geddes "" argaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn ' ihard L. Toin
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine
orris Groverman I arld 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin Charles White
Margaret Barris G. Lionel Willens
David e. Hfenpstead loI E Willoughby
S.Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise
cap Levy Barbara Wright
Sassell E. MScCracken Vivian Zimit
Teiephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.............T. 11olliter Mabley
Advertising ............Kasper It. Halverson
Advertising........ ... Sherwood A. Upton
Service ...... ......... ...Ceore A. Spater
Circulation.................I.ernor avis
accounts...................John R. Rose
Publications ................George lamilton
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
iRobert Crawford Thomas Muir
Harry B. Culver Geoge Patterson $
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanfordi
Norman Eliezer L ee Slay to1
aznes Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Roert Wiliamson
Chales Klne Xbrlioi PR Vrhoy
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Laura Codling Aie MrCiiI'
Agnes Davis Svia Miller" j
Bernice Glaser Helen E. Muselwhte
Hortense Gooding fleaor \alkinshaw
D orothea XWaterman
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
Although the charges brought
against Iowa in regard to paying
athletes are of the most serious na-
ture, the threat of expulsion has
already gone far toward accomp-

extraordinarily brazen and vi-
k If. however, in the light of thej
facts as they are best known to
itself, the committee resolves tof
make Iowa's ejection complete and
permanent, we fail to see how it
can under the bright aegis of ama-
teurism fail to prosecute a vigor-
ous investigation of Northwestern,
Wisconsin, Purdue, Indiana, Mm-
nesota, Ohio, and Michigan. In4
the name of justice Iowa's ejection
and such an investigation are in-
separable. Yet we are certain that
here, as on most of the other cam-j


FRESH 'TONIGHT: Stauley Fletcher, Jul-
ROLLS THIS liard pupil of Guy Maiei, appearsE
MORNING I in piano recital in the School of
Lark is really gone. After resign- ! Musib auditorium I e v i n n i n g
ing eight times, quitting on nine- 1 promptly at 8:15.
ty-eight different occasions, and l E. H. Sothern, famwus actor-au-
refusing to write the column on thor, lectures in 1i1 Auditorium on
rainy days days during which "Great Actors and Atirresses."
there was more than 75 per cent At the Mendelssobit Theatre the
sun, and, lately, any day that be- British film success 'Widdecombe
gan with a sunrise and ended with Fair," a Cinema verson of the no -.
a sunset, he at last impressed upon el by Eden Philpotts.

Music And Drama

., # .''"

Class ifeds



See the Classified


puses, nothing incriminating woul!
ld the mind of everybody around here bft h ni__
be found; that the investigation hat he was not going to write Rolls
would be not only a waste of time a me besenot onot KREUTZBERG AND GEORGI AT
but a needless strain on the heal- any more, believe it or not. MENDELSSOMN.

I thV On"CliflA n in iirlhinl-i srrn kn1--

* * *

V~J wAILAUwIU m WIILJI We ucueve
tai orinionin nienwe ~enee ;m wupplementin ),the Dol ey Uf
athletics to be. To The Daily it Well, he's entitled to it. Three hringing some cf the best foreign
seemsthat the present plight of semesters and a summer school films otherwis. unavailabie for Ann
Iowa-that of having to knock at of keeping the public amused Aloor audiences, the Mendelssohn
the door of the Conference for re- is no mean task. "Ask Harold theatre plans to :ring to Ann Ar-
admission - has been warning Lloyd or Reginald Denny," says I hr shortly after Christmas H-arolu
enough to all member universities Lark, looking over our shoul- Kreutzberg and Yvonne Georgi,
that the committee will not toler- der. "They'll tell you-Give me sensational expressionisti dancers
ate, and can, prosecute violations lots of publicity; I love it. And of the modern German school, now
of amateurism. you may quote me." O. K. on their second American tonr.
* * * Many have bemoaned the fact that
SMOOTHING THE VAGARIES OF Anyhow, the department has exponents, good or bad, of the in-
BUSINESS. been thoroughly overhau d and creasingly important and popular
President Hoover's meetings of given a coat of paint and is now art of the dance have never found
.d a mready for business as usual, except their way to Ann Arbor. In d2sper-
. that it will be more usual than us- ation, some have tried to suggest
leaders seems, at superficial glance, ual from now on. that Choral Union replace Ihe for-
to possess sound enough economic ** mal opera in the May Festival
merit. Political economists long Its contents will be composed with a performance of a modern
have urged that one method of ta- of odd sights ,extraordinary allet. But thc I daresay will not
pering off the vagaries of the busi- events, dire calamites,, floating rhaterialize for some years to come.
ness cycle is by manipulation of rumors, bits of dirt, and unusu- So that Miss Loomis's, announce-
governmental building in public al facts found, seen, felt, and ment that she has been able to se-
works so as to cause extensive otherwise gathered on or obout cure Kreutzberg and his partner
building in times of depression, and the campus. Yvonne Georgi should find an ap-
vice versa. In the present case,:* v* proving response from the many
however, the agencies of govern- on the campus who are anxious to
ment are devoted to amassing and According to yesterdays Daily a get a well-rounded view of all the
na Rhodes scholarship candidate must arts of the theatre.
directing the private industrial in- i b rmafml hc eie nat
terests of the nation in the line to-IMichigan he must be a Michigan It is fortunate, too, that the in-
ward artificial stimulus of indivi- Mchgan t beamthan roduction to Ann Arbor of the dance
dual enterprises. collee t, ad he mutave should .be with perhaps the fore-
completed two years of attendance ms rit tpeeti h on
So much for the superficial at a Michigan institution-and not most artists at present i the coun-
phases. Upon deeper penetration, if Eloise either. try. Kreutzberg and Georgi are the
we may make the suggestion with- * * most talented representatives of
out being impugned as overly skep- Some contest rules-and this the German School under Mary
tical, it would appear that the really has no connection with Wigman, which has attempted ihe
jtraly asnoconecio wth founding of an individual style,
recent financial and industrial the above--seem to try to dis- fudn fa niiulsye
conferences were only slightly! cre candidtes as mry s based on a conception of the dance,
more thanagents in the perpetra- sba vaguely linked up with the German
moeta aet ,i h epta possible. We're reminded of a expressionist movement tn the
tion of the "prosperity" bug-a-bear contest held in Ypsilanti once oxpr arts tmbemw t in-
other arts. Kreutzberg was first in-
which is perennially obsessing Re- by a theatre manager named troduced to American audiences by
publicanism. MacIntyre. The oldetten-.A. 3---

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fill 111111 111li##llil #####111#1# #1##1#11j#
P'-rnmildonna soprantto
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TUESDAY, DEC 10 8:15 P. M.
A limited number of season tickets
a vailable at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00
$12.00. Single tickets $1.50, $2.00
sY .af$2.50. -On sale at School of M usic,
tI # 111 Ii# 111 1111 11111111111 aynard1s1reet.
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Max Reinhardt in the spectacular
At any rate, as has been al- dant at a certain movie was to production of "Midsummer Night's
ready pointed out, it would be a get five free passes provided- Dream." Returning to Gerimnany,
mistake if the return to normal = he launched hid career as s'artncm'
conditions after the market crash I' He was accompanied by his to Yvonne Georgi with whom he
and its consequent effect upon parents. 'had become formerly associated in
non-speculative business should * * the Handver and Berlin Operas.
be accelerated in any way by over- AN OBSERVER REPORTS. They worked up more than a huii-
emphasis on coming booms or any Dear Jae. dred routines in readiness for their
other means of whooping it up over Two mighty B. M. . C's are debut in this country last season.
tsperaithNoralcavdepend anu- now battling 'for the vacant stu- They .captivated and electrified
dent council job- and one of them critics and audiences who viewed
the ability of the country and its seems to be having a bit of diffi- their extraordinary art. Jusst last
people to isustai itself and pro- culty due to the fact that he was Sunday they received a brilliant
vide all citizens with a highly pros- recently shown the door for bolt- review from John Martin of the
perous material existence. The eti ngsNew York Times. They stop here on
achievement of this normalcy, the How come? If a Student council ther transcontinental tour Jan. 9
fore-runner of prosperity, depends? and 10 with a proram made u
member learns the good old axiom, and h10 waprora defupm
upon allowing natural economic "Clean Politics during the first t new
tendencies to produce their own re- two or three meetings there the favorites of last year's New
sults, without either interference shouldn't be any need of going York programs.
with individual initiative or over- again. That's all we hear from the
emphasizing the nebulous ear- gaustere body; what else do they do?o
.a fnm ini hatdyou've o that dA PR


fisin is prpse, Nt nl ha MMSUt ropeitytoma ni! Now that, you've thought_ that PLAY PRODUCTION.
the average man's confidence in over, I have something else 'on my Play Production is working hard
Iowa, undertaken a thorough the face of threateming instability. ; t aesmtig leo y Pa rduto swrighr
aftmind. By the new classification on the Sir James Barrie's wistful
hdusecleaning, but other Big Ten D CRTmethod we are told that the "Reg- drama, "A kiss for Cinderella " in
schools (more or less subtly, it F Uistrar Rush" of the past will be-I which play the Michigan League
should be said) have started theI In order to lessen the breach come a thing of the past. From will present them the first four
vacuum cleaner. -which generally occurs between now on it will be a fight betwen days of the week of the sixteenth.
Iowa bases her plea for rein- high school and colleges, principals fellow classmates rather. than in- Play Production is going to receive
statement on the fact that the ath- from more than 30 schools through- terclass rivalry for the post posi- the co-operation of the dancing
letic administration and,organiza- out the state are in Ann Arbor to- tions in line. Instead of intramural, class recently formed under the di-
Ion, against which the charges were day conferring with members of the second semester classification rection of Miss Phyliss Adams of
made last May, are no more; in the freshman class. By this method will be interclassical, or maybe just, the Physical Education department.
their place are a new athletic of seeking information, it is felt classical. That's what it has been. The costumes are also being built
board of control, a new facultyththepicalcnobinmr
that the principals can obtain more If you signed up for all your especially for the occasion; so that
representative on the Conference precise data concerning the needs classes with nothing more than a! the production, in spite of its not
committee, and a new director of of graduates of their schools dur- broken nose as a result, you just being strictly one of Play Produc-
athletics, including men who are ing the first year in college weren't properly classified, that's tion's public appearances, will be
considered responsible and who This plan was originated two all. in elaborateness one of the fea-
will curb any tendencies towards years ago when administrative offi- -TOBY. tures of the year. Thel Michigan
subsidization or other practices not cers of the University found that * * ' League is presenting the play and
strictly on the up and up. most high school graduates were Thank you, Toby. But don't is offering the four performances
These strigent measures are ab- not well enough prepared to meet you know that the Health Ser- gratis to the public.
solutely essential toward construct- the problems which are bound to vice can't get along unless a ---o--
ing any case at all for Iowa when confront them in college. Both stu- man staggers in for treatment PIANO RECITAL.
the matter is thrashed out in the dents and principals greeted the once in a while? Stanley Fletcher,i a talented pi-
faculty committee. plan with enthusiasm: the former, * * * ano student at the School of Music,
The thoroughness of this house- on the ground that it kept them in Speaking of the Health Service, will give a recital tonight at 8:15
cleaning which Iowa has under- i the latter that they could observe what happened to the mumps? o'clock in School of Music Auditor-
taken in order to present a plaus- contact with their high schools and Things were pointing to a swell j ium.
ible case for reinstatement is mark- the results of their secondary epidemic and nothing happened. Mr. Fletcher has apperared on
edly encouraging. It shows ei- training and determine the course And where is thpv,,,im] fl,,flnlilmanocains in the east, in
re~ is * han ii U ~jimaycasnsnthpatna



demcW111G1.S a~a~atuai tu epi-
ccy of the mandates of the com- for future training. demic? Somebody is faling down
mittee in control of Big Ten ath- The chief problem to be faced by on the job.
letics. It demonstrates that they the University with entering fresh- *ka *
very definitely hold the upper hand men is that of effecting as smooth SECOND PRECINCT HEARD
in the matter of athletic profession- a transition as possible from their FROM.
alism, and that they can and will I high school days. In this process of Dear Joe:
move drastically to maintain the orientation the University cannot After three months of getting
amateur status of all Big Ten uni- in reason become more and more acquainted, the Frosh finally got
yersity athletes. high-schoolish. Rather must the together and had their election.
Iowa has by no means been the high schools co-operate in trying to There's nothing like having the
only Conference university whose prepare their graduates for what poor devils know all the ins and
enthusiasm for good teams has they will encounter on college cam- outs of campus political dickering
clouded its scruples in building puses To this end conferences be- before the initial dip.
Such teams. It is rumored that two tween freshmen and their former -Mac.
other schools are at the present high school principals seem a su- . *
time liable to suspension for illegal perbly logical and fruitful way of It has been called to our atten-

3publicway and is recognized as an
- outstanding young artist. He Is an'
English youth who cane to this
country a few years ago, and set-
tied in Springfield, Mass.
Because of his exceptional pian-
istic ability he was called to the at-
tention of Guy Maier of the piano
faculty of the School of Music who
a was so impressed with his musical
resources, that he encouraged him
to continue. Since that.time he has
been a pupil of Mr. Maier's com-
ing to Ann Arbor through the in-
fluence of the Juilliard Musical
Foundation who has provided him


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