TH,.E. MTCHIGAN AI Lei' THURSDAY, OCTOBERS, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3~ 1 mono LONSDALE IS SELECTED TO HEAU BANK GROUP!' I ' C 1 e o OFFERS NE Third Year Classes I Lectures and More Patient Under 1 "Fast" Comedy Newly Chosen A. B. A, President Indianapolis and its annual Dec-j has lHel I Many National oration Day 500 mile auto classic i Finiance Offices is the latest setting for William Raines' wise-cracking and cavort- ing. Filmed during the actual run- I W BEEN VIh-PRESIDENT ning off of this year's race,.and based on an original story by By- ron Morgan, "Speedway" has a plot (By As c"a~rt Press) with less than the usual amount SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2.- of hokum. But even so, the screen's Election a(' Jcohn iLonsdale ofh oremast smart-aleck romps around St. ILuis to 1bepreseident of the! irresistably from thither to hither,. American Banker association for I and back to thither again, provid- the :rlext year, and an address on ing enough laughs to make the "The Need of a New Banking Pol- film worth seeing. It's at the Mich- icy" by the co;mpti ler of the fed- igan until Saturday. eral currency, John W. Pole of Ultra-snappy titles (it's a silent Washington, D. C, were two out- picture with the sound accompan- standing pieces of business of to- ,iment) accredited to Joe Farnham day's general session of the fifty- are especially good. Witness: sixth annual convention of the as- Haines in a quick lunch to waitress sociation. Polly Moran: "I'll take the 'Sweet The newhebrad of the A. B. A. Mystery of Life'-Hash!" Where- has beenw itvic presidentthe upon Polly hollers back to the -kit- last year. ftie s re 1ident of thechen:- "Corned beef and spuds be- Mereantle - Comerc~k e Bank I hind a beard!" Trust Co., f t. Lous The newi On the stage Henry Santry and" first vice president, Rome C. Ste- his Soldiers of Fortune (Hip! Hip!) pienson, is vice president of St. remain for the rest of the week Joseph County Saving bank; of changing their routine somewhat South Bend, Ind. from that presented the first half. New songs, dance routines, and an Subscribe for The Michigan effective finale mark their current Daily. You may eitier call at the act, which should have .improved Press Buildin or dial 21214-.$4.00 since the Wednesday :matinee per- for 'the school year. formance, WHITNEY - FR. LEVE. OCT. 11l More Comedy Another all-talking attraction- this time a farce on married life, divorces, and what not-is the cur- rent feature at the Majestic. "Di- vorce Made Easy" stars Douglas MacLean and Marie Prevost with Jack Du'ffy and others in lesser roles. On the same bill, which con- tinues today and tomorrow, is a 100 per cent dialogue comedy with all sounds and "defects" together with a Paramount sound newsreel and several short subjects. Don't overlook those merry Marxes in "Cocoanuts" at the Wuerth all week. It's one of the funniest talkies yet produced. WILL LESSEN M EDICINEJACK PLANS EXTENISVE READING PROGRAM FOR RHETORIC COURSES fl For the purpose of closely co-! of novels by Hawthorne, Emily ordinating second-year literature Bronte, and Hardy, two plays by and rhetoric courses, freshman Shakespeare, and Crevecoeur's "Letters from an American Farm- ro Have Fewer courses in rhetoric are being reoi--- er" will be required. Time With ganized this year. As explained by Placement examinations were New Plan Prof. P. M. Jack, head of the rhet- again employed as a result of their oric department, especial attention success last year. Those students PEDAGOGY will be paid during the second se- particularly deficient in composi- mester to the reading of literature tion are to be taken care of in sev- which is intended to act as an in- eral small sections where they will given to The troduction to the types and forms' have individual practice in writing, fternoon, Dr. of literature. and a lesser amount of required of the medical Use will be made of a new text reading. that radical "Ideas and Forms in English and Students who write exceptionally iade this year American Literature," edited by well are given the option of elect- hrd year rcd- Watt and Munn. Readings from ing sophomore rhetoric or litera- hes prina this large volume will include ex- ture courses. The writing in the ses, according amples from the epic, ballad, me- examinations was of a somewhat "fewertformal diaeval narrative, modern narra- higher level than last year, Profes- ige of electives,-tine, and lyrical poems. sor Jack said, notwithstanding the in direct con- tva nt." The time _In addition to these, the reading i increase in registration. lntur ThtmeI Henry Ford Plans Several Changes In New Model Car t H yAssoeiate d Pre'ss NEW YORK, Oct. 2-The Stan- dard Statistics Co. reported Tues- day that its advices from Detroit indicate that the Ford Motor Co. is cleaning up the last produc- tion of present Model A cars and soon will cut down its output rap- idly, practically curtailing produc- tion for 30 days before production of new models gets under way. hI In an interview Daily yesterday a Hugh Cabot, Dean o school, announced changes ar xebeing n in the curricula for t] ical students, T changes in the cour to Dean Cabot, are lectures, a wider ran and more time used I tact with the patieD fnrmpr ln. d ii fnr Forty diles Away ormeriy ureaf orUU .L uring .nbeen cut 25 per cent, while 150 Awaited with much interest in hours of new electives are now the Automobile City is Will Rogers' open to Junior medics 'in making first talking feature, "They Had to up the 1,000 hours required for the See Paris, scheduled to open to- (nior year. morrow at Mr. Fox's palatial play- In explaining the change, Dean house, Along with this French ?Cabot said, "Curricula must always farce comedy, there is a sprightly be changed and improved con- Fanchon and Marco "Idea." on the stantly, or intellectual decay will stage, soon set in. The present change, In the revue line, M-G-M's all has for its purpose lessening off star "Hollywood Revue" seems set pedagogy and bringing the.student for a considerable tenure at- the in more direct con tac with his State. First of the all-talkers patient," without any plot at all, and fea--__ turing such stars as Gilbert, Love, The entering women o1 Depaw Haines, Davies, and a mere 21 University will henceforth be rec- others, it has scored heavily every- ; ognized by green angora tans and where, green sport socks which they re- B. J. A. cently adopted as class garb. II. --.. Y TONIGHT! OPENING J ACK JOHNSTONE'S } Brunswick Recording Orchestra I of Chicago. I -Glide again on that faultless Arabian Room floor. The finest food, of course. '.~ Phone early for your table! PJusta FEW left now. New, direct entrance from Adams Avenue. ARA5IAM ROOM flTL TULL[__ The Outstanding Dranafic Event of the Season Whitney Theatre AN Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday October 7, 8 and 9th Mantell-Hamper Company Presents 1 I STdT 609 E sWILLIAM ST. s #14 106 E. WASH lNGTON ST PjtpO $6p / ' i f And a Suwerb Cast of Players in Three Plays of William Shakespeare's MON., OCT. 7th-"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" TUESDAY, OCT. 8th-"MACBETH" WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9th-"ROMEO AND JULIET" Mail Orders Now-Seat Sale Ovens Thurs., Oct. 3rd Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.50. No Higher ONLY SHAKESPEAREAN ORGANIZATION NOW TOURING II 4 _..- As Played for 63 weeks at theCasino Theatre, New York, and 32 Weeks at the Great Northern Theatre, Chicago. BRILLIANT CAST of 100.@With Superb Touring Orchestra. Same cornoany that olays Boston, Providence, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and 10-week return engagement, Knicker- bocker fheater, N. Y. Orchestra: ji .OO; Balcony: $2.50, $2.00, and $1.50; Gallery: $1.00. No Tax MAIL ORDERS NOW It Want Ads Pay Want Ads Pay - -.---~ -~ wq L, WaIy f14'u " ° / ./ s tir {.., y5. ..M :.4 ''. t= '9';' 't<,~ I '4 4 '. I V WUERTH NOW SHOWING ThE AA A DY BROSiC~91-^7 C ,val. s ,. can't ick Ibal withk I jfi The Sr~''-IVi~ N.,1~, F i v Mwu~ica DANCING! Comedy*'JESTING! Four Shows OSCAR MARY I!Attend Daily S-HAW EATON Matinees a rAziwOwtt TAKING Giwru Come! Laugh with the four fun- niest men in the world! Enjoy their hilarious antics in this audible screen version of their own great Boadway success! ./ . V LW n 'I. x t you can use a Waterman's to help you make the team. Far fetched? Not at all. The easier the studies are mastered the sooner the team is made, and a Waterman's plays a big part in the quick mastery of every student problem. No matter how ambition aims, a Waterman's will help. Waterman's fountain pen is the best fountain pen ever offered to a discerning public. The hard rubber holder is light and stainless. Every holder is scientifically bal- anced. The patented feed controls the flow of ink at all times, and the pen writes as soon as it touches the paper. Waterman's holds a lot of ink and may be filled quickly. , ,.. . . 3 3 7 Y } " :: I s r Y # f ,.,' .; t 1 l" S 1.$ _ J1 " {i - ,. ' ii $ .. ; I\^ T I f-l I I i^,, TODAY AND FRIDAY The Living Screen in the Theater with Perfect Tonal Reproduction. 4 IN THRILLING SOUND drivsq his new lauqh; special- -ON STAGE- Want A Divorce? Here's How To Laugh Yourself Out of it and Have The Best Time Doing it I,",- The finest inkfor atlLwritin~g. Nlad bs a color. .The yellow c'lc.:n iaiifies tie, Ask to see Waterman's No. 7-and use it as a pen point guide. Each kind of pen point is identified by a distinguishing color band on the cap of the pen. You, can pick your pen point by its color where you buy your supplies. Waterman's are priced to match all purses and guaran-. teed forever against all defects, fs . ~ a: Appointments All-Talking Comedy "THE RIGHT BED" J f HENRY SANTRY A Cortoon "Iceman's NVifties 2:00 3,40 35C 54 I i I