JAW~O THE MICHIGAN DAIL2Y THURSD Cy T RPRTONFRESSCOPLEESFORMALITIES M PA TRICK SULLIVAN IEII IN PEPAATIO FO HEAY LGISATIV PRGRA VIIIXLMAY OBTAIN SEATIL WILL BE FEATURED LIECOLLECTION; TO IN'D T OT O E1x y1,000 Hand-colored Pictures of D ecem! Prehistoric Conditions a Hill and Baromeo Are Members Y%.r31: Compose Group. of Chicago Company Which jVLAL NANABRJR X.V L A L INA NABIs Now on Tour. ~ IY, DECEMBER 5, I929 APPEAR TODAY Eger Issue Carries Article Operation Certificates by Ford P. Hal!. WAIVER DISCUSSED 'AIDA' TO OPEN SERIES Seven Evening Shows Scheduled# During February Visit si r to Auto City. c 'With two University grad uates' in the cast, the Chicago Civic opera company will come to Detroit dtar- 4 lug the third week in February, it is announced. Seven evening per- formances and a matinee on Wash- It ington s britliday arc planned for;I 'Feb. 17-23. Opening of the first regular session of the seventy-first congress in Washington is pictured above. The:i formalities wvere quickly dispensed with to make ready for the hieavy assortment of legislation facing the i Chase Baroineo, '17. sings the taw makers. ; ?ole of the King of Egypt in "Aidia," - ____ thgt of Prior in "Le Jongleur de _ Notre Dame," and that of Hermann, WhicU F urS hl COLlashMILE Landgrave of Thuringia, in "Tana- ii iI IUL vr tre Barre :Hill, '26, is cast as Lord' nm nT r Henry Ashton in "Lucia." Hill re -H UYIIIL First Honor System iT1 when he played in several of the t-hs st _ecn o sre opra, ncudn "n ndOu;:IProfessor Will Give Services; of five articles which The Daily will WilAdes rdaig Class "Cotton Stockings," Tambourine," and "Tickled to Death." In the lastI in Preparing Display print concerning the honor system.! at West Point on Heavy Worl's Fir.The series has been prepared by the tomnindshows, Hill played for WolsFi.Atlational Students' Federation ofArilyGus the leading parts. America;). To Repeat Dedication Show. PLAN ANATOMY EXHIBIT _ -- Col. Hf. W,. Miller, of the engin-j "Aida," Verdi's festival open?, r Four colleges claim the honor of ' ring drawing department, left has been selected to open the ser- Dr. G. Carl Huber, professor of having been the initiator of the yesterday for New York to attend thie ies, of performances. It was this honorsse.WlimadMr opera with which this company anatomy and director of the ana- rco sstem.Wiliman Mr annual meeting of the Americani coleg claims to have begun the dledicated the new $20,000,000 Chi- tomi'al laboratories in the Medi- use of the system in 1779. South, Society of Mechanical Engineers, cago Civic Opera house. cal School, has been appointed to i Carolina college (now the Universi- and to participate in meetings of Another of Verdi's famous 0130-.j a head committee position on the ty of South Carolina) claims toserabanhsoteEgie- gas "goet, wl igdw executive board of the 1933 Chica- have begun the use of the honor m Stndrd cmiteeonwhc the curtain on this week of music, {! system at its founding in 1801. The la tnad omiteo hc During the intervening six days goWrdsFiitwsanue; University of Virginia claims to he is the representative of the War three old favorites will feature th'e} yesterday. Dr. Huber will give hisj have initiated the system in 1842.! department. program: "Lucia di Lammermoor,"! services toward aiding the ana-i Finally, Washington and Lee uni-> Col. Miller will spend Friday ,Xtf: "La Traviata," and Tannhaeuser" I tomical research demonstrations. ;versity put forth claim to having ;West Point, where he will give a Three works new to Detroit opera Th been the originator of the honor leoture before the graduating class lovers will also be played : "Le Jon- urI Gadwr.~o h system, its claim dating back to the ;oil heavy artillery. ~ler d Nore ame" athre-at committee will be to find means adn~nistration of General Leeas .-r''- miracle play by Massenet; htalo for" graphically representing thej president. Alontmezz's music drama in three great contributions to anatomical, It is impossible to say exactly acts, "L'Amore dei Tre Re," and the research during the past hundred ;which of these colleges is in fact comicopr,"o Paqae"b years. The display, when complet- th ohro h hnrsse..Tweety-fourth An D opieraed ilehusdonoeofteProbably William and Mar y college* TioShp oApa.artificial islands being built in Lake! did have some kind of system pea.tin- Promnen amog te ne .sng-Michigan, especially for the city's which the students were placed up- "Century ofe Progress"ocelebration, on their honor, and under which SPECIAL SAL Tr ith tcheahio ompa anyrise The anatomy exhibits appoint-i an honor system prevailed in spirit. itoShpwoprvdafvrt ments were made by the committee Perhaps the honor of the students,} with Detroit audiences when hesap-chimnPrf . R. Bensley, ofwaapeldtatSuhCrin paredst beforerthea avs anconcert the University of Chicago. Profes- college from the time of it~s incep- ats.MrhrtSaiisaohrsor Beaisley is a member of the Na- tion. But the preponderance of the! new artist .with the company, hay-i tional Research Council's Science eiec em oso htte:,. ajoined its forces, last season. 'Advisory comite.__edcsemt.sowtht h collanterisCluiatueoe University of Virginia was the first. prano, who returns to Detroit afterI an absence of three years. AG4ood uer i Mary Garden, who needs no in- Fortoi Wo troduction to opera lovers, returns t Motel 4FrWo this year I~n two plays: "Le Jong- B #,it t doi4 ftoV Uo'ticoe-1,o all leer de Notre Dame,"' and "L'Ainore o"trit's a1toiph . es vt I dei 'Tre Re." lIlcc- LG atsh e1. Io(u.A On the roster of the Chicago oa-[ the ates ar low. ~i Civic Opera company are numbered - ACE1(1.5 te oy"J"00ItiiiSy *'iiPrce:75c opera stage.. They are Tito Schipa, ricer 7 ceOE 1 Charles Marshall, Charles .Hackett, Roger iMaiiwar'ng.(I'J22I Law) Rene Maison, and Antonio Cori-is. / s'jii~, cr. ee, laa E Approximately 12,000 women be- Cpur(olumubia aL Ijolix t ' ~I~ijihgnT etr lon~g to labor unions in Japan. oe.avIon I ~ iii-~ FRSTUNJIF'~1IWWLAS TIMS iII~Matinee: De Prof. Russell C. Hussey, of the' Appearing today in its second is - geology department, announced sue of the year, the Law Review I fi contains as its leading ar ticle, "Cer- I,,esterday the completion of one of < tificates of Conv enience and Neces- the largest colored collection of' sit,,' by Prof. Folrd P. Hall, of the slides in the world, for illustration J> $ political science depa;rtment of In- of historical geology courses. "Ci diana University. Pr ofessor, Hall dlis- course we shall add slides fro~ai cusses the p~tusecl ree:d for time to time," stated Professor Hus-pulc titest*b in erf- sey, "but the collection numbers rsaeuirm et concrning t he i ' in more than one thousand right now, ' various states. and is better than any other uni-' W. Abraham GoldbtiJ, of he pro- veisity collection I have ever seen.' bation department, rec r ier's court "The purpose of the slides," con- of Detroit, has w ri teni "Wa iver of tinued Professor Hussey, ",is to show ,- Jury in Felony Trials" in which he prehistoric animals and landscapes Associatcd Pr'ess Pho presents data, compiled during an in colors that we think belonged to Patrick 0'uilivaa investigation of the topic consid- them. All our slides are hand col- Republican national commiittee- ered.' ored. Of course colored slides have m ran from Wyoming, who has been! The particular matter which he been used to illustrate popular lee- i mentioned as a possible choice to; presens~ has 'been excerpted for tures, but the formation of our col- fill the senate seat left vacant by !presentation in "the Review" be.- lectionl in this field is a new under-; the death of Francis E. Warren. cause the questioning of permitting taking. We have been forged to i Sullivan has been prominent in ithe defendant to waive his right to use slides more than universities i public life in Wyoming for many! a jury trial is being debated in in the East and West because of years., many states, the editor explained. lack of geology around Ann Arbor." _______________ _ _ 4 Today's 60c Luncheon MARBRUCK TEA SHOP 632 Forest Avenue Mushroom Bisque Hot Veal Sandwich with French Toast Peas or Corned Beef Hash Spinach Pouched Egs Hot Biscuit Head Lettuce Washington Cream Pie Tea or Coffee CHRISTMAS MUSIC YPSI NORMAL CHOIR Frederick Alexander, Conductor 200 Voices; Children's Gaicry Choir .150 Voices 014 Noels from Ronen, Coventry. Provence and an English "Wait" Choral Music from Purcell, Mendelssohn, Grigg, the Russians, and Old FP'ance. Choral Miniatures celebrating Birds Songs, Moonlight, a Poet's Love Song and French coquetry of the 13th Century. Virginal music played by John Challis. Pease Auditorium Ypsilanti, Thursday, Dec. 12. 50 cents; no reserved seats. Doors closed for Prelude 8:00 to 8:30 p. in, 11 p. -q i "nual Production .E OF SEATS low Jo VIW ____I r t 'FOR owRund" mm inmen at I itorium rats to '$3.00 ' The most popular ready-to- eat cereals served in the dining -rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and { frater'nities are made by Kellogg in Tuattle Creek. They include Kellogg's Corni Flakes, Pcep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Wheat f Krubiles and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Bis- cuit. Also KafI'ec Hag Cof- fee -the coffee that lets you sleep. I , LALBRAN AROUND the turn.. . into the stretch.. , four men side by side. ...One of thenm will pull ahead and flash through the tape - a winner! You can bet lie's fit! He looks healthy, and he's healthy inside too. No man can have a system clogged with waste, and do his best. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, a pure, wholesome cereal, is guaranteed to prevent constipation. Two table- spoonfuls a day are enough. ALL- SBRAN is delicious with milk or cream, mixed with other cereals, or. with fruit or honey added. Ask that it be served at your f rater- nity house or favorite campus restaurant. 4 Iecember 12, 13, 14 ecember 14 i ...., i li NOW!I The Flaim ing Successor to '"Our: Dancing Daughters."' She doesn't talk in this picture--But Oh! what a treat for the eyes-There's A reason why this picture has proven to be !I .. ... TODAY AND FRIDAY -Policy- 2a)O, 3:50, 35c, 10c 7:00, 9:00, 50c, 25c HEAR OLSON SIN~ AL GAS 'MONTH' j ONLY H AN SING. '1'. i Holmes NHerbcr Sunny Boy with a new story and all newv A record breaker- .. Qt h i W it b ROD LA ROCQUE DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JRAI A P G'JS H NE D N . JOAN PA 1 4 WYITH SOUND Extra!t 4"HIRED &FIRED" All Talking Fox~ Movietone farce 1 IA Was1MA~ nr m~ Welcome Returi of Jolson and S I 4 ! I ~' A