E STALISHE 1890 Jr wow 4 aii S MEMBER ASSOCIATED VOL. XL. NO. 57. ANN ARB3OR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS C OUNCIL WILL PrOMOTE MERIT SYSTEM FOR UNION FRESHMEN CHOOSEKIIfARBOOK PRICE 'HOOVRRO !'L0 BE INCREASED 1HH1 J'OHN H. HUBS FOR .Aithough the University officially NIONLB CY.recognizes only two Black Fridays Irin fi CLASS POESDEN duringth school year, the Michi- O ganensian has announced its in-.9r 0 Bl tention o instituting another, to __ Fifteen Vote Margin over Adams be held on Friday, December 13. Prsdn RewsIco This means, according to George F. PeietRnw no Birings Victory to First j Leonard, '30, managing editor, that+ Reduction Plea fc Year Candidate. !every freshman, sophomore, Jun- Present Year. _____~ ior, and senior who finds himself ___ MARY COTE ISELECTED ithtm an 'Ensian subscription at MARYCROT ISthat time will have to pay $1.00' EXPECTS LARGE SUT Imore for his subscription. Jecan Winslow and Louis Holland A campus sale of the 'Ensian will; Amounts Requested Are AreWinersAftr Fnal be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, $145,696,000 Than N r Ar Winer Aftr Fnal and Thursday of next week, which Count Is Taken. will be the last opportunity for ob- During Current Ye. _______taing the year book at the price JhI-.Hswanae es-of $4.00, Leonard said. (Py Asociat,-d Press~) salz H.Hus wa naed res- EAfter next week, the price of the WASHINGTON, D. C., D( dent of the Freshmen class of. the yearbook will 'again be raised, Leon- carry forward the manifol4 literary college yesterday at the 'ard stated. ;iso h oenet final major class election to be con- ;Members'of the staff are solicit- toriesnfhigovrnmeanal ducted this year by the Student' ing iraternitics. sororities, and theHovrihsfrtanu ,.r in. i LI* ~f** nnll JJ'. 1 Grot e mar-~S ~' rooming houses during this week. message today asked Con ESTS OGET! me Tax RPLUS Less byi f eded :ar. ec. 4-To .d activi-;k PresidentY 1 budget Dress tot the next; lared the in soundt plea for1 5 gin over Richard Adams. Mary Grote was elected vice-pres- ident of the first year literary stu- dents. Jean Winslow was chosen ~scretarvand Loui~~is Holnd wa set aside $3,830,445,231 for JO R AN ELEC ED fsaAt the same time, lie deel nation's finances to be I f(1p i wIIIir iI PElT condition and rn ~c'i named treasurer. All four officers UIIUUUI UI ULiIapedrdutoinaxsuen 11929 incomes. He based this re-r were elected by practically the same i - quest on an estimated surplus of margin, Norville Dropped From Body for; more than $225,000,000 for the cur-f A WiEasily. Large Number of Unexcused ;rent fiscal year and past. experience, Hussrecived213vots to193forwhich he said showed each slash in Ilus rceved21 voes o og or Absences From Meetings. tariff levies to have been followed Adams in the presidentiail contest. - by increased revenues. Miss Grote had 215 and Mellissa REASONS NOT ACCEPTED Budget Reduced.i Stearns 193 votes for vice president;1 The aprritosaulyre Miss Winslow won 209 to 199 over; A. James Jordan, '30, business! quested, while $145,698,000 less than for this year, were $272,493,000 less Madeline Cole for the secretariat; manager of The Daily, was last thnetmtd epniue'o and Holland polled a total of 215 night elected over Leo T. Norville,! the year 1930-31, at the end of against 193 for Stan Benjamin, for ='32 L, for the senior position on! which period a surplus of $122,000,- treasurer. The entire membership the Student council which the lat- 000 was anticipated. of the council assisted in the con-crvatdhouhneisdb- A x'200 G00,000 appropriation for ducting of the election and count- ,trvctdtrug nxae b the federal farm board to be sub- ing the ballots. The results were1 sences two weeks ago. Jordan had; mitted later, and a carry-over of confirmed at the council meeting a twro-vote margin over his oppon-' $72,000,000 from this year's appro- last night.it. priation would make up the differ- To ]Limit Committiees. yNrilewrenmdntne.hemsag ad A limitation on the number of Jordon and Norvir.e werenamedkencerthlmessageusaid memerson he ommtte fo th ___________as candidates be-,M.Hpe se o agrsm members on forectheitcouncil byefor nmany important activities of *1930 Freshmen Frolic was made , ; rrJ foe tn omunaingb the government, including the ar-l last~~~~ nigteb thconcl.ahisyeag/my, the navy, flood control, rivers3 the committee will consist of: i comittee:"Nor and harbors, public buildings, for- stdnso h ieayclee~ - ville was nominat- jest protection and Indian affairs. three from the engineering college '3d, the committee Treasury Discussed. and one from the architectural col- stated in making Considerable space was devoted lege. These will be in addition to ,. f> its selections, so in the message to the condition of the chairman, who this year will be as togv;tee-the nation's exchequer, although an engineer. The total membership iecucla p- :th~is was dealt with at somre length{ of the committee will be 11 stud- jnor tunity to judge tinl the President's annual legisla- ents. . if his expulsion tive recommendations submitted to With an engineer leading the was justified. the Congress yesterday. Freshmen dance, all the chairmenI Norville appear- Saying the country was "wisely' for the leading campus social func-' ed b'-fore the coun- ;committed" to a policy which in- tions will this year be students of, Jordan cil prior to th& sures the further progressive re- the engineering college. The Senior; election and stated his reasons for duction of the public debt, Mir. Hoo- Bal, te Jnio Ho, te Spho : ot ttedin th metins. lever said this debt had been de-i Ball th JuiorHop th Soho-notattndig' he eetngs Hecreased from its peak of $26,596,-. more Prom, and lastly the the said'that at the time of the meet- 000,000 in August, 1919, to $16,931,- freshmen dance will .all be lead by engineering students ing two weeks ago, when his seat. 000,000 on June 30, 1929. _____________was declared vacant he was con-, In 1931, he added, will be reach.-- edl for the first time, the period Art Students to Study fin ed to his bed, under supervision; when the actual reduction required ofa health service doctor, and; by law in debt principal will ex- Cit's Building Designs that through his roomi-mate ce eed the annual interest charges. ______ had attempted to be excused for _________ Sightseeing from the point of the abece owa Basketball Star view of decorative design will be On the contrary it was pointed' in order Saturday when students of out that Norville had been present to be Kept From T'eamn the architectural school leave in at only three of the eight meetings. busses for an inspection trip to of the, council this semester,' and (ByAssocialted Pless) Detroit that his scholastic work has hin- IOWA CIT'Y, Ia., Dec. 4.-The: The morning will be taken in! dered his taking part properly in University of Iowa, on the eve of a viewing the Detroit Institute of the routine functions of the coun- most crucial moment in its athletic Arb-, At Pnml'. (Catheral.yucca- cil. histor'v.todayv effected another bit DEBATING SQUAD WINS IN DETROIT (Scilr h atDETROIT, Dec. 4-Three mem- bers of the University debate squad defeated a University Extension de- partment debate team, coached by Prof.: Gail E. Densmore, of the speech department, in a debate held this afternoon in the auditor-- ium of the main branch of the Detroit library. The University team, which de- bated the affirmative side of the proposition: "Resolved, that the1 principle of the chain store system is detrimental to the best inter- ests of the United States public," was composed of J. James Dunn, '31, Thoma~s V. LoCicero, '31, and Garrett B. Wright, '30. Last night, the following mem- bers of the University women's de- bate team represented the Univer- sity at a debate at Western State Normal college at Kalamazoo: Flo- rence N. Clement, '30, Grace L. Darling, '30, and Eva L. Hesling. 31.s The debate was on the chain store topic. The affirmative women's team,j composed of Mabel J. Morris, '31I Ed., Mary L. Brown, '30, and Doro- thy Marsich, Sp., will meet the rneg- ative team from Western State Nor- mal college at 4 o'clock Friday aft-' ernoon in the Alpha Nu room, An- gell hall. COLIRTIS EPAN HRIGIONO0 TDA Education Professor Discusses Values of Following Christian Life. SHOWS SCIENCE'S PART Defining religion as living in ac- cordance with a plan of life one be- lieves will result in the attainment of "super-natural" values. Prof. S. A. Courtis, of the Philosophy de- partment of the School of Educa- tion, addressed the sixth of a series of All-Campus Forums yesterday afternoon in Alumni Memorial hall. Stating that value is the desire to experience a certain type of satis- faction, Professor Courtis pointe1 out that one usually thought of it as material worth, intellectual and emotional worth, or the source of a desire or feling which deter- mines one's standard of value. "In other words a man is happy by at- tainment of his values. Values may be classified as either objective and biological or subjective and 'super- natural.' Under the latter category faith, sympathy, humility, love, fall. each having to be acquired," he said. "The~ goal of religious effort is the stimulation of spiritual growth with religious experience transcending matter, space and time: The reward gained from liv- 1 E. H. Sothern Will Depict Parts Played in Shakespearean Dramas by Him. I t ti II IC is S t ut E { i ' -AS TAKEN MANY ROLES Fourth Oratorical Lecturer Has Written and Produced Several Plays. E. H. Sothern, considered by nany to be America's greatest ac- ,or, will lecture tonight at 8 'oclock n Hill auditorium as one of the )tstmding speakers of this year's )ratorical association lecture series. During the course of his talk Mr. othern will depict several of the hakespearean roles he has enact- mnd on the stage and will tell some- ,hing about the characters as he understands them. Mr. Sothern will also discuss great ictors and actresses and the plays ,n which they appeared; particul- rly the works of Shakespeare, on which he is an authority. For near- iy 20 years Sothern and Marlow, nown to all theatre-goers, toured he world with a Shakespearean roupe that has been considered the he best of its kind, and Sothern layed many different roles w.h ile he company was in existence. Born in New Orleans, La., whi> his mother and fgather were act- ing that city, Sothern thus breath- d the atmosphere of the theatre from the beginning of his life, and in spite of the efforts of his father o divert the boy's interest to paint- ing, Mr. Sothern began a stage ca-i eer which has gained him inter- naational recognition. Success Was Hard Work. H-is success as an actor and pro- ducer was hard won and the first! few years of his career comprised a bitter struggle. His initial debut was a failure due to stage fright and some of his productions were far from financial successes. He acted with Helen Dauvray and with John McCullough, playing Shakes- pearean roles with the latter until le did "Hamlet" as a well estab- lished star. He was seen in leading roles in a dozen plays produced by the Dan- el Froham Lyceum Theatre com- pany in New York over a period of years and gained the reputation of being a romantic comedian, but his ambition was to play Shakespeare and, in 1904, he and Julia Marlowe organized their famous troupe. Also An Author. As an author Mr. Sothern has had considerable success. "The Light That Lies in Woman's Eyes" is con- sidered to be the most successful of this plays, while "The Melan- choly Tale of Me" is an autobio- graphy somewhat different from the ordinary account of an actor's, life. He has contributed many' stories and articles to magazines and his descriptions of his experi- ences while entertaining' the sol- diers at the front attracted consid- erable attention THORPE LAUDS ACTOR IN CLASSICAL ROLES "Of all the actors I have seen play Shakespeare, none seemed to give more individual and more en- thusiastic inerpretation that E. H.' Sothern." said Prof Clarence D. Thorpe, of the rhetoric depart- mnent, yesterday, concerning the recital that Mr. Sothern is to give in Hill auditorium tonight. "In the days before he gave up the stage, I saw him play many times with Julia Marlow," he con- tinued, "and it was always the greatest pleasure .ie lived his Shakespeare, and made his char- acters real people to his audience. He played his Petrochio with what Hazlitt would have called gusto,' and his Shylock with intensity. He was not one of our greatest Ham- lets, but his interpretation was done with understanding and was satisfying" John B. Waite Attends Legal Meeting in East El. H. Sothern Well known actor who will appear in Hill auditorium tonight on his first lecture tour to discuss the the- atre, its players, and Shakespeare's contribution to drama. Mr.% Sother-n is also known as an actor and' producer. Although gen- erally considered to be, one of the most successful of modern show- men, lie has sponsor-ed many. pro- ductions which have been flat. fail- ures. h'e says. Mr. Sother'n is ex- pected to relate some of his remin- iscences of theatre life in his speech tonight.Q Tickets for th'e lecture may be had at Slater's today or at the box office in Hill auditorium betwveen 7 and 8 o'clock tonight for one dollar each. 'HULL W I'LL SPEAK, ONKLOGPC 9CO ~ ~ TSTO SPEAK TONIGHT ON STAGE PLAYERlSII H. S° ER" W ILL INSTIGATE TO BE SPEAKER PLAN AND URGE UNION'S ASSENT President and Secretary to bN Chosen by Board in Control If Idea Is Approved. REIF H-EADS COMMITTEE Petition Signed by 200 Persons Is Necessary to Success of New Project. Adoption of a merit system for the selection of the two highest stu- dent officers of the Union was. ap- proved in principle last night by the Student council and steps were instigated to petition the Board of Directors of the Union to place the proposition, which would require an amendment to the Constitution, be- fore a special meeting of the stu- dent members of the Union. The merit system according to the tentative plans outlined, last night, would provide for the selec- tion each spring of. the presidenit and the recording secretary by ':a special committee consisting of four' alumni or faculty members andct three students, the_ latter to be elected at the annual campus, vote ini the spring. Politics Ousted... This a~ethod of chosing the two officers would replace the present methiod of having them ielected by popular vote. It is the belief of the council that, through su(ch a system. a larger number of candi- r ates and a better type ,of matera~l could be secured for the student mnanagemlent of the Union.' Tie principle .only and, not the cictails of such a plan were ap- proved by the council. To formu.- late a workable plan for the pre- sentation of the plan to the stu- Vw Y !% -^, Y 1" Yr Y 1 Y Makig Teat Moe Efeciveby the council ;president, Ernest C. Makig Teat Mor Efectve!Reif, '30. Members of the commit- to be Problem Developed tee will be Kenneth M. loyd, '30, by Spakerpresident of the Union, chairman; by Spaker ~Elis B. Merry,. '311,, managing edi- tor of The Daily; Donald Kline, 130, IS HARVARD GRADUATE senior councilman, and news editor ___ of The Daily; and Matthew-Had- "Neutrality under the Kellogg don, '31E, junior councilman. Pact" will be the subject of a lee- Thec first step of the committee, ttzr tobe elivredby on'. Morton Lloyd tiinsays, will be to secure a pe- tur tobe eliere bytitiono at least 200 signatures ad- D. Hull at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday aft- dressed to the Board of Directors of ernoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn the Union to have the plan pre- theatre, it is announced by Profes- sented at a special meeting of the student members of the Union. sor Jesse S. Reeves, of the political MeigWudb ald science department. It is necessary to have the pro- Mr. Hull's lecture will center position placed before the students, about various questions concerning since amendments to the Consti- the Kellogg Aniti-War pact. H-ow tution. require their approval by a two-thirds vote at a special meet- this pact can become more effec- m ihaqou f60peet tive will be the chief problem that and. voting. A special meeting can Mr. Hull will (discuss. be called by the presentation of a In commenting on this lecture, petition containing 200 signatures Profsso Revessai, "r. ullhasto tine Directors. Profsso Revessai, "r. ullhas "The present political system of long' been known as a vigorous and selecting mnen for the higher po- independent member of Congress sitions of the Union is too haphaz- who has shown great public spirit. ard," George C. Tilley, '30, editor of in anyway ousie o hi ofi-The Daily and councilman ex of- in mny aysoutide f hs ofi-ficio, said concerning the proposed cial duties. He has maintained, for amendment. a number of years, the Morton D.__- -- Hlull prizes in municipal azdminis- PRINCIPALS ILL, ing a religious life are freedom from1 fear, courage, eternal life, truth, joy, and love, while the program that should be followed for religious developnment is as follows: effort,f :faith, joining of a spiritual organ-c bee's Temple, and the Detroit Pub-; of housecleaning in an effort to i tion experiment, and rHarmony,! lic Library. M ~i.cAfee to Play Ball ; convince the Western Conferencere declared. The group will be served lunch that it is ready to be taken back, { ntaigteevlto frl on the top floor of the new Union } Y1t V idyCt usinto the Conference circle. ;o~PoesrCuri one u Trust building, after which, in the' It ruled Virgil David, captain of teipratpr lydb afternoon, they will inspect that William (Bill) McAfee, '30, pitch- its basketball team. ineligible for ;science. Energy, matter, life, intelli- building.er of Michigan's Big Ten chain- competition due to scholastic de- gence, personality and the spiritual pionship baseball team 'for the last ficiency. The chairman of its eligi- lseenod re sho n tsol th CL S II A I N two years, has signed to play pro- bility committee, Dean C. C. XVil- Lsbsqetieulsinti.eou CLASSFILJA 1L~iN fessional baseball with the Chica- ' ias announced th'at there waston goNational baseball team. Mc-; small possibility that the cage star STARTS TODAY Aeescontract calls for his appear- would be able to straighten out i. SPHINX SOCIETY ____ance at the Cubs' training camp on classroom work, his i'ecord showing Classification for senior and spe Catalina Island soon after the a failure in one subject for last INITIATES N'IEN. cial students will begin at 0 o'clock! present semester closes, semester. this morning, it is announced by p ot- so ol ck rAbilityer' Sphinx, junior honorary society Prof. D. L. Rich, of the depar~tment ;tt~LIJO(' of the literary college, held its an-; of physics and in charge of classi- in Speaking' of Presitlent's Recent M'essage'n lfl ntaunysedy h ficatio 1 following men were taken in: Wil- The following steps to be observ- "Peiet!ovrsmesgloprsnadinhsi am Browne, Norman Daniels, ed by all students in the process I Peiet ovrsmesg oisnyteadihs public George Dusenbery, William Gentry. feecignwcussadlas-Congress gives evidence of that cx- 1 building program." Arthur Highfleld, Henry Merry, , yinsg has beenors outlined by das Profes-i traordinary grasp of governmental Concerning the attitude of theJonRsoep RuelSar sor Rich: affairs and the high statesmanlike' president towards Congress, Pro-' Smith, and Donald Wilson. 1. Visit to the Registrar's office, ability which, the country thought I fessor Pollock stated, "President ____ _____ room 4, University hall, for an elec- Mr. Hoover possessed when they Hoover does not assume a dictator- Iio card, a list of advisers, a sup- elected him presidltint by an unpre- iala attitude towards Congress, but ;. plementary announcement, and the cedented majority," said Prof: = he does give Congress :straight-for-aneaI class cards. James K. Pollock, Jr., of the PO- ward recommendations for pro-' "~ - 2.Cnutto"fa d litical science department, yester- grssv legislation. during his regular office hours, for day. "ti ob oedta h eae __ planning of elections, and securing "The President also take a cou-; will follow his adice by consenting .:,bi.nni~wr of.,..,,~Y,1} n w-)(Yrs nQ d in the~mtter of law to adherence to the Court of Inl- tration, competed for in many American cclleges and umnversities. He has for a long time been a keen ob:server of world affairs, and has ' avelled extensively. A fresh and vigorous treatment of a highly im- portant topic may be expected." Mr. Hull was graduatd from liar-E yard university and received his law degree there. He practiced for a short time in. Chicago and then entered politics as a member of the, Illinois House of Representatives., He was elected to the Senate and was also sent as a delegate to the Republican National convention in 1916. At present, Mr. Hull is the representative from Illinois to th~e Sixty-eighth and Seventieth Con- gresses, where he is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. Sale of Opera Tickets Moved to Auditorium Changing the locale of the sale for a day, a special distribution. of tickets for .:Merrie-Go-Round,," MEET FRESHMEN Principals of more than 30 state high schools will meet the fresh- men in the University who gradu- ated from their schools at confer- ences to be held today in the Regis- trar's office from 9 until 12 o'clo,.2k this morning and during the early lart of the afternoon. These inter- views form a feature of the general program of co-operation between the University and state high schools. Inaugurated two years ago, the plan has attained a large degree, of success and has been greeted with enth usiasm by both students and principals, Registlar Ira Smith said yesterday. Letters have been sent out to all first-year students from Michigan schools, and more than 500 freshmen are expected to con- fer with their principals. A few of the school heads who are unable to -attend today have expressed their intention of coming to the Univer- sity for similar conferences before