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October 03, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-03

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4 ai1






Union Opera Aspirants
To Meet Today
at Mimes
Music Practically in
Final Form; Lyrics
Being Composed
Men interested in cast positions
in the 1929 Union Opera are asked
to meet E. Mortimer Shuter, direc-
tor of the production, and Robert
Manss, '30, general chairman, at 4
o'clock this afternoon in the Mimes
theatre. No members of the cast
have been chosen thus far, but the
formulating of the cast and chor-
uses will begin as soon as the ver-
satility of the material has been
fully exploited. A number of im-
portant parts in the cast and
choruses, both singing and danc-
ing, are open to men who will apply
this afternoon and prove them-
selves capable of the parts.
To Make Voice Tests
Voice tests for all try-outs will be
held from 4 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock
this afternoon and tomorrow after-
hoon, and from 7 o'clock to 9
o'clock tonight and tomorrow night.
The tests are being held in room
306 of the Union building, and are
being conducted by Roy Langham
who has charge of the training of
the men's singing chorus. All men
must have the voice test, whether
they are interested in the singing
parts, the dancing chorus, or a
speciality number.
Music Almost Complete
Practically all of the music for
the opera has been put into its
final form, and the lyrics are being
composed for the show. The usual
dirf 'liiys ry, 'nowever, suironds
the author or authors of the book,
and even the character of the plot
or the story is not ready to be di-
vulged by the directors of the
Opera activities. It has been pre-
dicted, however, by certain privi-
leged characters who have been al-
lowed to enter the precincts of the
hall in which the music is being
worked over, that the tunes will
create a sensation when they are
presented to the theatre-going
public. All that has been divulged
is that the music this year will in
po way resemble the music from
past productions, or from current
musical comedies. Definite infor-
mation along these lines is expected
to be forthcoming in the near fu-

Freshmen Find OEAI OOS
Tricks of Trade
I Aready, within the short space of
nine days members of the class ofTf
1933 ae losing a part of the ver- IV SINGS
dure in which they blossomed forth
Ion the campus last week, and arefl
beginning to travel the long path r
toward sophistication-the path IL
which within a year will lead them
to the theoretically glorious estate --
of the college sophomore. Martinelli Is Artist Of
gie nce that freshmen arebe- W ide Activity,
giningto geton"are to be found
both on the campus and off. Experience
Lecture sections in freshmen --
courses already present a very ce- j TEN COSNERTS PLANNED
populated appearance, as first year ;___
students are coming to learn that
seats are not assigned, nor attend- Metropolitan Member
ance taken, during the first two Has Created Many
or three weeks of any lecturee - R
course. Rhetoric (1) instructors s
no longer can keep classes waiting-
until ten minutes after the hour, as Giovanni Martinelli, tenor of the
they did the first two days of Metropolitan Opera company, will
classes. Empty class rooms greet appear in recital October 15 as the
the instructors who appear more first offering of the University Mu-
than seven minutes and one sec- sical society, which each year
ond late. sponsors the Choral Union series.
Fraternity pledges have learned An array of singers. instrumental
the art of wearing a derby over a soloists, and ensemble groups will
pot when they step out on mid- appear in a series of ten concerts
week dates, and are becoming pro- in Hill -auditorium, and will mark
ficient in the gentle art of con- the inauguration of the first sea-
cealing their derbies under top- son of the second half-century of
coats when they are approached b musical activity on the part of the
fraternity brothers. University Musical society, under
Freshmen are learning that- no whose auspices the Choral Union
books are needed during the first and May Festival concerts are pi o-
week of classes, and are still in no vided.
undue hurry to make their initial A sketch of the life of Martinelli,
contribution to Wahr's and Slater's, who is a native of Mantagnana,
which are the two places in Ann Italy, shows him to be a man of
Arbor where checks are cashed wide activity and variedi experi-
willingly, because the book dealers ence.
feel no one would pass a bad check Was Member of Large Family
for so trivial an article as text- Young Giovanni was one of a
books I dozen children. His father was a
books._cabinet maker and unable to give
him a musical education. As a
T child he sang in the village choir,
but at that time his voice attract-
ed no particular attention. He had
learned to play the clarinet, and
when the time came for him to
serve in the Italian army, he joined
the regimental band. But the Cap-
tain was attracted by his voice,
and summoned him by a special
Chief Justice To Meet messenger. Instead of punishment
.for something that he had done
Ten Federal Circuit wrong, as young Martinelli feared,
Judges the Captain complimented him and
arranged for him to go to Milan
(By Associated Press) and cultivate his voice.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 3.- There he studied under Professor
Chief Justice Taft will begin to- Mandolini and a few years later
morrow a series of conferences with made his debut in Rossini's "Sabat
judges representing the ten federal Mater." A fortnight later he was
circuits throughout the country to 'heard in "Ernani." The next year
ascertain the condition of business he was cast in "The Girl of the
in the federal courts. Golden West" and successful ap-
He also will seek to develop reme- pearances followed in Genoa, Mi-
dies for removing any congestion lan, Naples, Monte Carlo, Budapest,
found. and Brussels. In 1912 he was heard
Attorney General Mitchell will at Covent Garden, London, and a
report to the conference the view year later he became a member of
of the administration, pointing the Metropolitan Opera Company.
out where the government is ex- Has Varied Repertoire
periencing delays in the handling He has created numerous leading
of cases. Particular attention will roles, and has a repertoire which
be given by the conference to the includes principal parts in many
condition of criminal dockets, it operas.
being the opinion of Chief Justice In accordance with the policy of
Taft and others assisting in bring- the University Musical society, the
ing the work of the federal courts schedule of prices for season tickets
more approximately down to date, for the ten concerts will remain the
that prompt justice is an important same as last year. Prices of seats
element in successful law enforce- will be $6, $8, $10, and $12. Each
ment. , season ticket will include a coupon
The conference will examine which will be redeemable for $3 in
minutely into the detailed report to exchange for a season ticket for
be submitted by the federal judges the May Festival concerts later in
and will adopt any recommenda- the season. All mail order appli-
tions believed necessary. cations will be filed in sequence.

rrNGIrurvvRIIPVV FreshmannClans Will Gather
UUIIIIL~~ VUW ITonight For Union Blowout,




Showdown at Meeting
Indicates Strength
of Democrats
Congress Given Final
Stand on Proposed
([l4 Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 3 -
The Senate today adopted the
'Democratic proposal to restore to
Congress the powers now lodged
in the President to change tariff
duties after investigation by the
tariff commission. The ,vote was
The decision, the first major test
vote of the tariff in the Senate, was
against the wishe, of President1
Hoover, who had urged retention in
the pending bill of the flexible
principle. Under the minority pro-
posal, the flexible provision, con-I
tinuing in effect the 7-year oldI
policy of preventing the President
to raise or lower rate to the ex-
tent of 501A would be changed to
give Congress the final say on re-
ports on suggested changes. The
Democrats won 13 Republican votes
for their proposal while 4 Demo-
crats voted with the regular Re-
publicans against it.
Democrats Accept Amendment
Before the vote, the Democrats
had accepted an amendment to
their plan, offered by Senator Nor-
ris, Republican, Nebraska, design-
ed to meet objections that Con-'
gress couldn't act on individual
emergency rates without opening
the doors to a general revision that
would limit Congress in its con-
sideration of tariff commission re-
ports to the rates contained in
such reports.
Before the vote was taken, the
Senate rej-ected 47 to 42, an amend-
ment to the Democratic flexible
proposal designed to allow the
President to put into effect tariff
changes reported by the tariff
commission in event Congress
should fail to act on the reports
within three months.
When the Senate convened to-
day, Senator Johnson, Republican,I
California, opened the debate, ex-
posing the Democratic proposal. He
said he still was opposed to the
flexible provision of the tariff law
and that it would be criminal to
1 continue to take away the taxing
power of Congress.
Referring to what he termed "the
power of concentrated wealth in
the East," he said that Californ-
ians desirous of continuing the
flexible tariff provision should have
a care lest they adopt a policy that
would prove injurious to their in-
Johnson Objects
Johnson said "the executive may
!be from our locality and in sym-
pathy with our needs, but tomor-
row the commission may belong to
someone else with a different pol-

Fu n for all has been guaranteed! speaker of the evening.
to every freshman ana flrsi year Just to keep the freshmen from
man on the campus who attends forgetting the yells they learned
I the annual Union -Frosh smoker, to last week, Stanton W. Todd, '30,
be given tonight at the Union. The ;vriyceredr ilptte
excitement is scheduled to take through the paces, and may even
place in the ballroom and every ab- show them how they used to do it
sent freshman will iniss his big back in '26. Following this the
chance to fill up on free cider and captains of all sports will be idi-
doughnuts, and perhaps pocket vidually introduced,as follows: Joe
some smokes. i Truskowski, '30, football; Bob
The captains of all major and Chapman, '30, basketball; Bud
minor sports will be on hand to Poorman, '30,3track; Clarence Bry-
keep the party ( ant, '30, hockey; Garnet Ault, '30,
going, besides sev- swimming; Bud Hewitt, '30, wres-
eral men in cam- tling; Eddie Hammer, '30, tennis;
pus organizations. Kenneth Stolpman, '30, fencing;
The freshmen will and Red Benson, '30, cross country.
be given the op- Harvey G. Straub, '30, who is cap-
portunity to meet
f..r.these men and Lain of baseball
talk over the will be unable to
coming season, or attend the meet-
comin seasn, oring as he has not
perhaps 1 e a r n e returned from
which sport mostC
needs the partic- China, wherebthe
ular talent to be am hs bee
found in the class ;- ayiN -thi
Simons of 1933. me N ct
From 7 until 7:15 o'clock the Var- has been selected
sity band will consume the time of or the golf team
the hard working freshmen by of- as yet.
fering a few of Michigan's better After the intro-
known tunes for the approval of Reif duction of these
the gathering. Then Kenneth M.1 men Ormand J. Drake, '30 Ed,
Lloyd, '30, president of the Union president of the Oratorical associa-
will tell everyone just why they are tion, and John E. Webster, '30P,
present and introduce George E. president of the Student Christian
Simons, '30, news editor of The association, will be presented.
Daily. The formal meeting will then be
Simons will probably speak until I brought to a close and will con-
the audience is asleep, at which tinue as an informal mixer . . . if
time he will present Ernest C. Reif, the freshmen can be persuaded to
'30, president of the student coun- say a few words to any of the big
cil. Harry G. Kipke, coach of the men there. The smoker will be ad-
football team and former Michigan fjourned at 8 o'clock. Do not forget
'captain, will be the principal the cider and doughtnuts!
Shakespearean Troupe Spartans Fall Before
To Present Three 1 Scoring Attack
]Plays Of Yearlings
Miss Genevieve Hamper, Shakes- (By Associated Press)!

Richard Cole Is Named
Senior Councilman
Over Farrell
McBride Is Chosen Vice
President owry
Election of Richard Cole, '30, as a
senior councilman last night fea-
tured the first meeting of the 1939-
30 Student council. Selection of of-
ficers and a pep-meeting chairman
were other important acts at the
meeting which dealt largely with
organization matters.
Jennings MacBride, '30, was
chosen vice-president of the coun-
cil for the coming year. Willard Low-
ry, 30, was picked as treasurer, and
Bruce Palmer, '31, secretary. Stan-
ley Cochran, '30E, was named to
handle pep-meetings prior to the
major football games this fall.
Cole won the position, on vote
of the councilmen, in a contest with
William Farrell, '30. The victor,
nominated by Councilman Mac-
Bride received seven votes against
Farrell's five. The latter was nom-
inated3by Councilman Leo Nor-
ville, '30.
The election of a councilman was
necessitated by the occurence last
spring of a vacancy when Council-
man Ernest C. Rief, '30, was elect-
ed president at the all-campus
vote. President Reif had been
chosen the previous year for one of
the two-year positions on the coun-
cil and his promotion left the post
open. Cole will serve the remainder
of this term, which closes June,
Councilman MacBride was made
vice-president in a vote of the
council over Councilman Norville.
Councilman Lowry, retiring secre-
tary, was chosen treasurer without
opposition following a suggestion by
Councilman MacBride that an ex-
perienced man hold this position.
The secretariat, traditionally
given to one of the .junior council-
men was contested for by Council-
men Palmer and Matthew Had-
don, '31.
Decision to have three pep-meet-



pearean actress and noted prin-
cipally for her co-starring engage-
ments with the late Robert Man-
tell, will appear with a company of
Shakespearean actors Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday nights at
the Whitney theatre.
The company, which will present
the Stratford bard's famous works,
has been recruited from the Soth-
ern and Marlow, Walter Hampden,
the late Robert Mantell, and Fritz
Leiber companies. Miss Hamper is
the only woman Shakerpearean
actress now appearing before the
public and she will be supported by
! the leading players from the com-
panies which present this sort of1
John Alexander will be seen in
the leading male roles.
In the present repertoire he will
be seen in the roles of Orlando,
Macbeth, Shylock, Hamlet, Marc!
Anthony, and Mercutio.
As previously announced, the
program for the three nights will
be as follows: Monday night, Octo-
ber 7th, "The Merchant of Venice;"
Tuesday night, October 8th, "Mac-
beth;" and "Romeo and Juliet" has
been added to the presentation for
Wednesday night, October 9th.

EAST LANSING, Oct. 3.-Defense
definitely became a problem for
Coach Crowley today as a freshman
team, trotted out like the pro-
verbial sheep for a defensive drill
with the Spartans, swept the Var-
sity squad of the Michigan State
college before them in a maze of
forward passes, line bucks, and end
runs. It was the same freshman
team which before the attack of the
Spartans yielded more than 20
touchdowns in the afternoon
To borrow a picture from my-
thology, suggested by the name
Spartans, State's lack of defense
was surely the fox in Crowley's
bosom. The driving yearlings were
stopped; that is, Coach Crowley
called off the practice and sent his
charges to the showers with never
a word as was the example set long
ago by the Spartan youth who was
the first to carry a fox in the bosom
of his blouse.
The feat of the freshmen -was
an unexpected crescendo to an aft-
ernoon of otherwise commendable
work on the part of the Varsity.

Committees To Be Chosen
Committees for the technical
work of the production are being
chosen by the chairmen who were
appointed last Spring. Each group
of men will have charge of one part
of the production, and be respon-1
sible for its condition.
The latest announcement of the
personnel of a committee was made
last night by William C. Gentry,
'31, publicity director of the show.
Henry Merry, '31, assistant chair-
man, John Reindel, '32, Harold
Warren, '31, Beach Conger. '32, and
Carl Forsythe, '32, will constitute
the publicity department of the
Interest In Regents
Meeting Proves Wide
Official action on the problem of'
naming a permanent president for
the University is expected to be
taken at the meeting of the Board
of -Regents at 7:30 o'clock Friday
evening. While no official word was
given that the body planned to
take such action, campus authori-
ties voiced the opinion that such
a proceedure was more than prob-
Notices have been sent to each
Regent, including Mrs. L. V. Cram
of Flint, newly appointed by Gov-
ernor Fred Green to take the place
made vacant by the resignation of
Benjamin S. Hanchett of Grar(d
Rapids. The notices stated defi-
nitely the Friday date. The meet-
ing was scheduled for September
27 and postponed for one week.

ings during the current football
season was made by the council.
They will take place at 7 o'clock
the Friday evening preceeding the
Ohio State, Harvard, and Iowa,
games. Councilman: Cochran was
placed in charge of these meetings
by President Reif.
An informal announcement that
seats in the cheering sections for
the major home games have prac-
tically all been taken was made by
the president. Ex-councilman Rich-
Spindle, '29, who has been solely
in charge of filling the sections was
commended by the council' for his
Members of the council, all of
which were presented at the open-
ing meeting, also include Donald J.
Kline, '30, LaVerne Taylor, '30, Ken-
neth M. Lloyd, George C. Tilley,
'30, and Jerrold Curry, '31. Three of
the members hold ex-officio posi-

icy of tariff."
Replying to arguments that the
President would only promulgate

tariff changes recommnaeLCII UU bI _ _ j I Practice opened with a trial of the I n ea l l

tariff com m ission, the California n- - - - - - -o n. They are i y, e o . e
tar____commission, the Calorman . . i new formation which Coach Crow- Michigan Daily; Taylor senior
Eligibility Troubles Minnesota's was sent to the hospital. Steinman, said that that was "nonsense. Prohibition Agency le handed out yesterday. Before student member'of the Board in
Hopes as Committee Meets to regarded as a starting end, ran into "A President, of course, will keep the Spartans, the freshmen fell by Control of Athletics, and Lloyd,
Wield Scholastic Axe. a goal post and suffered severe in his hands every commission and Pledges Active Aid the way as Breen, Danziger, and president o the Union
-bruies. lumbert probably will bureau," he declared. "If an ex Crall dashed for touchdown after
start at full, with Useman teaming cutive is worth his salt, he will To Country behind interfer-
CHICAGO, Ill., Oct. 3.-Certain with Wolgast at the ends. seek to carry out his pa. Et tochdown the fect g Education Seniors
that his team will be at full The work of Ohio State's regu- a weak executive will merely prom- (BY Associated Press) the plays of the U. of M., State's m
strength for the invasion of Notre lars in a short scrimmage against ulgate WASHINGTONfi, D. C., Oct. 3.- opponents next Saturday at Ann Plan Social Event
Dame Saturday, Coach Pat Page of the reserves caused Sam Williams And I have no criticism of a An active, unified effort for the en- Arbor, were told to do their stuff.
eeuie who advocates that A Ceuiidefotfrth n ohCrwe tldtoedohirstuff.s
Indiana, today changed the order to send the whole squad through which he sincerely believes. I forcement and defense of prohibi- Coach Crowley started his reserves Seniors in the school of educa-
of drill from defensive preparation a long blocking and tackling drill. only have criticism for the "super- tion was forecast today by the for- against the first year team and the tion are to act as hosts to the in-
to working on an offense for use Twelve Iowa candidates spent serviceable lackeys who cluster motion here of a new central frosh" scored almost at will. coming junior class at 8 o'clock
against the Ramblers. No injuries their third day of anxiety over eli- about a President and seek to de- agency to co-ordinate the activities I-Saturday, October 5, in the Univer-
of a serious nature have appeared gibility while Bert Ingwerson sent; stroy any who dare differ with his of the countrys many prohibition n- sity High school gymnasium in a
in the Hoosier ranks and Page put his availables through another of- sty an wagencies. Rmsayonm get together party. The purpose of
the squad through a hard workout,fensivesession Quotes Hoover Address The new organization, formed at . the gathering is to acquaint the
with three sets of backs fighting The eligibility boardagains post~CJohnson quoted from an address ! a conference of a score of prohibi-Tp k"djuniors, many of whom are enter-
for the starting honor. poned decision on the uncertain Iby Herbert Hoover in the last c__--tin leaders, will be known as theing their first year at the Univer-
While the eligbility board con- candidates indicating that they will paign in which he said the Con- Co-operative Committee for Prohi- sity, with the faculty and members
sulted the cases of several promi- not be available for Saturday's con- gress of the United States "is the bition Enforcement. It expects to (By Associated Pre of their own class
nent candidates today, Coach Clar- test with Mommouth college. only commission" through which have the support of all the leading WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 3 -
ence W. Spears sent the Minnesota Wisconsin received its first work- the people should entrust their prohibition agencies, including the A radio broadcast by Prime Min-
squad through a drill on defense out against Colgate plays today, the law-making. The speech was in Anti-Saloon League. Its headquar- ister MacDonald to be transmitted lves-the 4
against forward passes. Bronko freshmen using the Eastern stuff reference to a proposal to give the ters will be in Washington and its to Great Britain and rebroadcast
Nagurski was at fullback. under direction of Coach Guy Low- tariff commission greater authori- chairman is Patrick H. Callahan, there will feature the British Pre-
Purdue's regulars put on a for- man, who scouted Saturday's op-'ty the Louisville, Ky., business man mier's trip after leaving Washing-/
ward passing exhibition against!ponent last week. Robert Buck Hal- "I stand by the views expressed j who has long been prominent na- ton for Canada.
the freshmen and made an impres- perin, husky fullback candidate by Herbert Hoover in 1928," Sena- tionally as an official of the Asso- The address will be made at a
sive showing. who was expected to share the for Johnson said. ciation of Catholics Favoring Pro- dinner in his honor by the council
The arial game is likely to he duties at that nost with Gnabah {Ansering inoanr Johnonn Sen- hibition. As outlined by those who of forin rlatinn Otnh r 1 t .at

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