4 aihi
UNDER NEW RULES9lntefw r withetheloMch]laiN OF IO
IL I K TO0 YIDesigned to reduce the number IU
of changes in elections which are
the the atDeyanuetsi John1 ci' It
AT CAVePS FORUMmrule ac sest teonsinj AT LAST M.EMA m iner, ofte Fiiefrarycollege AT I F NAL LE TION INFIRST MESSAI
rumeeting of the faculty of the C--_eit was announced yesterday. The -__
- mseetn iterhe, Science, and the President Ruthven Gives Eulogywiining candidate vlbbesselectd Balloting to Follow Nominating Senate Sidetracks Uncompleted Many
'Fact and Fancy in Reliion' t lgoo iertr. ce cdteo rsdn lhvnGvsElg;b-h jde ntebsso h
Y&Arts, held yesterday: j nofte n
be Discussed at Meeting "Resolved, that beginning with on Medical Man's Learning personal interviews, and the name at 4 O'clock; Continues Tariff Measure Until na
This Afternoon. the academic1 year in the fall of and Academic Success. of the person to receive the award Until 5:45. Next Week. S
TiAfeno.will eranontoceive The avlyntl545 et ek
1930, a student may not take up w--be announced in The Daily
a new subject after the end of the HOBBS, GOMBERG SPEAK Tuesday morning. COUNCIL TO SUPERVISE CONSIDER VARE CASE REA
IS ACTIVE IN RESEARCH; third full week of school, except in___ Three of the 15 candidates are
- very unusual circumstances, and WtUniversity students, but theiroh(y D. Harold Oliver A.Y. Sta T
Will Distribute Questionnaires at the discreion of the assistant Chemistry andnames have been withheld by Dean Electioneering to be Prohibitedr . To S
tAidute Questionn sdean." Medicine Are Told at Lydia i Effinger at their request. The other: Within Neighborhood of WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 3-
g More than 2,000 changes in elec- Mendelssohn Services. 12 candidates qualify for the Michi- Auditorium. Caught in a jam with the Vire case
of Speaker. tions were made during the pres- gan Rhodes competition by virtue controversy, the tariff bill left
.tphi_- en emester by studes ithe Town and gown united yesterday of the following m theeneegiility Freshmen of the literary college uncomplete in the special session
prof. S. A. Courts of the philoso- literary college, says Professor D.,Ipoiin:(l noleti ilcoeteroer hsatr lost a desperate bid for the unfi- ' E
hy department of the School of L. Rich, of the department of phys- afternoon in the Lydia Mendels- Michigan college; (2) two years will chose their officers this after- dte f h nA
p ics and director of classification. sohn treatre to pay tribute to the past attendance at a Michigan col- noon in Natural Science 'auditori- ished business space on the Sen- dis
Education will lead in the discus- Ipays el d byatfaMicsighncth- um at the last class election to be ate calander today, and was side-
Edaion wiledi the sbet"a ndisacus Itiublievased byl reasta the mnemory of Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, I ege or (at famiLy's ega1 residence conducted this year by the Student tracked until next week. a $16
sion of the subject "Fact id Fancy ruling passed will reduce the num- professor and dean of the he state council. The balloting will begin Preceding the vote which de- tion,
in Religion, at the sixth of a bge of such han~s Medical School, emeritus, who died immediately following the nominat- feated a move to defer the Vare case forcen
series of All-Campus Forums at 4 November 21 in Richmond, Virginia. A D Eing at 4 o'clock and will continue until Monday, President Hoover
o'lock this afternoon in Raom D,_ President Alexander G. Ruthven, 7t.f until 5:45 o'clock, under strict ob-l nual Congr essional message to com- em
Alumni Memorial Hall. vL who presided at the meeting said, servance of the council members. urged the legislature in his first an- and
s C ,dThe high ideals of scholarship, the !NStudents in the literary college plete action on the tariff measure to Co
rofessor Courtis, who holds one'r CiT research ability, and the co-opera- having 23 or less hours credit will at an early date, especially since in his
of the highest positions in the De- NUtive spirit'which were his are all ll L ICi U I L TtLbe eligible to vote, according to the "business and agriculture are both statec
troit Public School system, being ULL L 1attributes of the sucbessful profes- council ruling. Students having 24 co-operating to minimize future
the educational consultant for the: sor. In addition to these, however, or more hours were entitled to vote uncertainties." The
Detroit Board of Education, will be James Jordan and Leo Norville Dr. Vaughan had, to an enviable Speech Professor Is Speaker at the elections of the higher class- "It is just that they should know was r
.t.tu fdegree, the characteristics which of Evening at Alpha NuI es. what the rates are to be," the Presi- gress
able to approach this subject from Are Named; Council Will made him an administrator who Wil Attempt Unaffected Election dent said, adding that no condition the P
the scientific as well as the religious Vote on Technicality. could not only lead his school ac- nitiation Banquet. Special efforts to conduct an un- had arisen since his original tariff. ene t
side, having done research along cording to the best contemporary affected election will be taken by recommendation to the special ses-
biological lines for the past 16 years. ELECTION WILL FOLLOW standards, but who could also anti- I TELLS SPEECH METHODS the council, its president, Ernest C. (Continued on Page 2. Col. 4 ate "a
At cipate future conditions and aca- --Reif, stated yesterday. Election- __venien
demic requirements in his chosen In speaking at the initiation ban- ering will be prohibited within the the
working on a formula that concerns A. James Jordan, '30, busess field-all without failing to observe fluet of Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi i auditorium, and only students eli-[hopes'
all biological growth. manager of The Daily, and Leo-T. the proper perspective of his unit Sigma, national forensic society, gible to vote will be permitted with- Idon
Well Qualified to Speak. Norville, '32L, were nominated yes- to the parent institution . . In lone room.
Ile is also interested in religion terday for the senior position on Dr. Vaughan's life we will have be- Mostrihf the UnonaHenry Distributing of printed lates of it-Inn
and is qualified to lead in the dis- the Student council which the lat- fore us always a standard of merit Moser, of the speech department, candidates will be prohibited with- dsf
cussfons of this subject which is one ter vacated two weeks ago accord- for the appraisement of oursvalue srg that all prsons develop thir in eauitorium ad, r s Exc4
orgns f vcalzaton o pproxi-I possible, in the neighborhood of
of the great issues in life. The forum to the institution which we serve."wase
Is Expected to clarify to some extent ing to a constitutional provision BeaSpeaks For Sayernate perfection in their speech. the voting place. The council has Faculty Members to Study Plea vas
the different opions existing in concerning unB pedasbF , Sawye. '"Some of the most sensitive or- issued an appeal to upperclassmt dealin
ih expected topifos exten unexcuse absences President Ruthven was followed gans in the body arc used in ar- not to electioneer in the build' for Reinstatement at the st
the minds of most of the under= They were named as candidates by by Regent Junius Beal of Ann Ar- ticulation," he said. "The speech while the voting is in progress. g y
grates. the nominating committee of the bor, who delivered the speech pre- department of the University is Ballots for the election will be __ govern
In addition to the questionnaire council and one will be elected to pared by Regent Walter H. Sawyer conducting experiments to develop issued from a list of eligible fresh- YOeST NOT TO E stabli
that was passed out at last week's the seat this evening at the coun- of Hillsdale, now ill in the Univer- ; some degree of perfection in speech men prepared especially by the Re- t INTERFERE trsts
Forum in order to facilitate ques- ci meeting. sity hospital. Regent Sawyer's in persons with defective speech corder's office. Students not listed ~insist
tioning on the points to be dis- o speech related how Dr. Vaughan organs." but believing themselves qualified It;hand, I
cussed today, one will be distributed Norville was nominated uncon- had become, during his tenure at "In illustrating the possibility of'to vote may, if they secure indi- CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 3--The Iowa- wIheth
to the audience at the close of the testedly by the committee because the University, an invaluable col- ;uccess in this line, Moser describ- vidual eligibility slips from that of- i Big Ten situation took on an air Toc
meeting with a stamped enveloped it felt that the entire council league, never seeking in his rela- ;d how one man, suffering with lice, take part in the election. The of watchful waiting today. I ment
to be returned to-Lane Hall, in an should decide whether or not his tions with the Regents an unfair: 3ancer of the larynx, whose trachea ballots-'to be used are of a different Assured of no interference from recomn
effort to determine how the dis- absences were "just reason for his amount of attention for his unit of had been removed, necessitating,; color paper from the preceding lit- any of the Conference athletic di.jenfor
cussion was received by those pres- expulsion. The constitution makes instruction. breathing through a tube in the erary elections to eliminate stuffing i rectors, notabl A. A. Ste a of Chi- Part
n g mandatory on the president to This talk was followed by a Ahest, had developed a manner of of ballot boxes. - Ygg te
Courtis will incorporate into his declare a position vacant when it speech by Prof. Frederick G. Novy ; :,pech in which he swallowed air. Will Announce Results Tonight. cago, George Huff of Illinois, and s
dcusion, lloingarhorat into- hldear has threeunexcused en- sof bacteriology on Dr. Vaughan's' filling the food tube, or gullet. He The entire council will take part Fielding H. Yost of Michigan, Iowa g p
discussion, following a short intro- holder has three unexcused absen- influence in medical education. Iwould then breathe the air out. in the supervision of the election, :made its long plea for reinstate- codific
ductory presentation of the sub- es and the committee thought it Prof. Moses Gomberg of organic making the walls of the esophagus, and in counting the ballots. The ment to good graces ready for pre- to ma
f, t:"hae uli untifitednte cem istry in speaking' of Dr. vibrat, and by the formation of his results of the vote will be confirmed sentation to the faculty committee zable.
life?o among the major issues of ,- pr n suin accord in t E-mVaughan's work in medical chem- ips was able to effect articulation. and announced at the council and was outwardly confident of suc-
life? Hew do you define religion,- present situdion, according to Er said the saving of more hu- In this way, he used only his stom- meeting this evening. esssaid
oe thereosupernatural'aspctsto s, prie. r , aiv d e a tbutd o Dr. ach and esophagus, being without The freshman election today will The faculty committee composed law e
it? What are the rewards of BothJordan and Norvi r nu.his'normal speech organs. be the final class vote to be con- of one representative from each Ec'
adopting a religious life? and what named unanimously by the cor- Vaughan than to any other person. The speech department is at- ducted by the council. Since the school in the Conference, is ex-
Is your program for religious de- mittee, and without fnrther corn- Achievements Lauded.temptingto determine the amount beginning of the semester it has pected to study the reinstatement The
velopment?'m."nms eD. y Kof air which can be swallowed and supervised nearly two score elec- petition at its meeting here Friday suresI
Interesting Questions Asked. ported to the council this evening commissioner, in recounting the the way in which the swallowing of tions in the various schools and ight. Whether definite action will gener
In the questionnaire that the stu-'and the one to fill the vacancy will achievements of Dr. Vaughan's zit forms a stomach bubble" which colleges of the University. be announced by the committee be vig
dent Christian association is ask- be determined by the entire mem- work with the state board of health' is utilized in this type of vocalizm-s-toa-l wthen or before the end of the con- conit
ing the audience to return, many bership of the council. said "Dr. Vaughan's name has be- i tion. Articulation obtained in this -F R IN Rference coaches' meeting, is prob- Congr
ing te ueton rer an Norville was elected to the coun- come synonymous with progress in manner has proved quite satisfac- lematical although some dispositiontariff
interesting questions are asked, 'cif fora one yerleeaticaosialthoughannsomes disposition'stitarcff
among which "Do you think that cil for a one year senior position at preventive medicine." ory, and the person in the case FACTORY WAGES ill have to be made of the case most
religious problems should be inves- the annual campus vote last spring< Prof. William Herbert Hobbs of ;iFed is able to make public ad- one way or the other if basketball since
tigated by scientific method? and polling the largest number of votes the geology department concluded resses in which he is perfectly (By David J. Wilkie, A.. and football schedules for next bothc
did the presentation of the speakers for any council candidate. Nor- the short program with a narrative ,understood, Moser said. Correspondent) season are to be adopted.-j ture u
ideas stimulate Independent think- yule maintains that his absences of Dr. Vaughan and his achieve- i Lyle E. Eiserman, '28L, national DETROIT, MICH., DEC. 3.- Iowa hopes to show the commit- Rep
ing in you?" are outstanding. are xcusabe, and theathcouncld ents on the campus, reating ho president of Kappa Phi Sigma, and Henry Ford's proposed increase in tee i takeg de ible raph
Because of the fact that the sub- the deceased dean had o ote ughcbi lumnus of this chapter, was pres-- to remedy the condition MhatCleadmrom
jet of religion is one of the ma- Accoig t the constitution ofCharm and intense humanitydac- ant at the banquet. Raymond R. ployees "as a stimulus to industry up to the investigation by the Con- Sessio
Acodigt tecnsiuch f i darminsi xtnig rd as'1wl epeetApaference and subequent expulsion K
jor questions of the present day the council "a member who has quired a riendip ex g Bridges, '31, will repesent Alpha and general business," will result in last May. She has reorganized the no c
and because this subject is of a dif- been absent from any three meet- throughout the world and among: Nu at the national meeting at an increase wage distribution of body governing athletics changing view
ferent nature than any discussed ings of the Student council during divers kinds of service. Monmouth college the latter part of more than $19,400,000 in the plants it fHo an ordinary advisory con- He as
at preceeding forums, considerable one semester without beforehand - this weel. Charles C. Boswell. '30. throughout the United States annu- cil to a board of control which is agricu
interest is expected to be shown at being excused by the president of Members of Adelphi president of the chapter, was the ally- controlled by faculty members. C. chang
have vacated his seat." It states, o nvene o g t ments by Edsel D. Ford, president Pelzer, as Iowa's representative on retent
TAYLOR TO GIVE further, that in such case the pres- Adelphi House of Representatives U. S. Receives News of the Ford Motor Company here, the Conference faculty committee. which
ident "shall declare the seat of the: : ,. . .9+i.,.i. . . *.. and by Wallace R. Campbell, presi- while it is understood that George raise
ge ra d.
Domestic and Inter-
tional Recommendations
ubmitted by President.
ubmit Adherence to World
Court to Senate in
Near Future.
(0Y As ciatedi Prss
SHINGTON, Dec. 3.-Prompt
aal of the tariff controversy,
0,000,000 income tax reduc-
more effective prohibition en-
nent and a host of other
mendations, both domestic
nternational, were submitted
ngress by President Hoover
first annual message on "the
of the Union."
12,000 word document Vhich
ead in both branches of Con-
by clerks, made known that
resident would submit dher-
o the World Court to the Sen-
t some time when at his con-
ce to deal with it" and said
administration held "high
for the success of the Lo-
naval limitation. conferenct
ring in January.
sists Upon Swift Justice.
eptionally forceful language
mployed by Mr. Hoover n
g with law enforcement, for
udy of which he has alread
nted a commission. What the
iment needs to do is. "to re-
ish faith that the highest i-
of our country are servedby
nice upon swift and even-
d justice for all offenders
er they be rich or poor."
obtain more effective enforce-
of prohibition, the President
mended a concentration, of
ement agencies in the De-
ent of Justice, relief for con-
court calendars by simplify-
roceedure in petty cases and
ation of the prohibition laws
ke prosecution more ogani-
He specifically mentioned
istirict of Columbia which he
should be the model of city
nforcement in the' nation."
onomic Measures Must be
President asserted that miea-
taken recently to benefit th
al economic situation "must
'orously pursued until normal
ions are restored." He told'
ess that adjudication of the
controversy now "would, le
helpful." More especially
"business and agriculture are
co-operating to minimize fu-
eating the four salient par'
s of his opinion on the tariff
his message to the Speci
n last April,, M.r. Hoover said
ondition has arisen in my
to change these principles.'°
ked for an effective tariff oi
tltural products, li min1t e d
'es on industrial schedules
business has been lagging, and
ion of the flexible provision
enabled the executive to
or lower rates by a maximum
SPEEC, H TON GHTmember concerned vacated and i wi7i ow ts euarmeuz L
SPEECrTON GHTlmembr cocernehvactedtnde A mel hi of Soviet Hostili ty dent of the Ford Motor Company of ; renshan, who was charged by the o 50
said seat shall be filled in accord- romowtefurhg or fA el__ Canada, Limited, telling of new faculty committee with fostering ions
menc- wihteodnr;eho fwg cls roselyting of athletes at Iowa, has.
Tar. Griffith Taylor, professor of+ filling vacancies." hall. There will be no openmet i ,nc' The minimum wae of $6 per day been iremoved as dir ctor of inter-RI
geography at the University of Chi-! Norville did niot have three of his. ing this week, but anyone whoj WASHINGTON. D. C., Dec. 3 __i- nrae-nbt nie tts;olgaeatltc n o a I
cago, will give an illustrated lec-' absences excused previous to the; wishes to deliver a tryout speech ; dvices from Moscow that the Soy- rn aainpat o$ e ay hreo oastakta'
ure on the subject With Scott inI respective meetings, Reif stated in before the House is welcome. (yet government could not consider anandapat _t_7pe _y.cageoow__raktam
the Antarctic" in the Natural Sci- declaring the seat vacant. He has Revision of the society constitu- the American note to China and
ene auitoiumat 8 o'clock to-'in all five absences, two of which tion will be considered in the cos-Russia towards settlement o1' their JENO LENER DESCRIBES AMERICAN
night, were excused, according to the ed meeting. All members are asked differences as a friendly act. aus- Ca
Doctor Taylor was the geologist: president. to be present.' ed astonishment tonight at the AUDIENCES AS BEING S YMPA THE TIC "cial s
_.u ~i- 4nTlnvrhmnt hntCanrfnr ';orn
per cent after recommenda
of the tariff commission..
ssification for senior and spe-
tudents will begin to morrow
ing in the Registrar's officeio
- I'- ti
of the last Scott polar expedition, _tate_ s Lepl LCne tAo uc ber Lar
which reached the pole one month imo declined to comment.
after the -late Captain Amundsen, E. H. SOTHERN, FAMOUS DRAMA TIST, Associated Press dispatches tell-
and on which Scott and his party ing of the Soviet attitude toard
died after attaining their goal. Doc- DESCRIBES. PREPARA TION OF ROLES the move by the Secretary of State
tor Taylor stayed three years at:;- --- cmuiae for transm'issign
Scott's base, leading independent E. H. Sothern, the famous actor- d s _o pacify the Ma nchurian situation
epdtosout onto the icy sur- 'tho h wltppa could be spared from the play tc ottoPeintHvradM.
expeditions author who wHillibring it within three hours' acting both to President Hoover and r.
faces to study geological condi- auditorium tomorrow night to lee- 'time. Wen the acting version was timson The Scret arythe White
tions. ture on "Great Actors and Actres- completed they prepared in detail
Doctor Taylor is an Australian. ses," spent twenty years of his life all the business of the play which oasicialhcommn
and was formerly a professor of co-starring with Julia Marlow in was carefully set down in the situation was forthcoming.
geography at the University of Syd- Shakespearean plays and develop- prompt book, ready for the first
ney in New South Wales, Australia. ed perhaps the- most well-known rehearsal.
He is the 'author of a technical Shakespearean company ever seen Then came one of the most i- r a
book on the physiography of the on the road. portant features of their study.
Antarctic and of a- popular book owMr.Sother prepared his Line by line the verse was studied!
d"With Scott, the Silver Li- roles -will be of interest to those for its meaning and its rhythm.
who recall the performance of this Each line was marked, to show,
great actor. When a decision was where the rhythm fell and which}
1 Tiinv qT'Fr, i n!made to produce a certain Shakes- were, the major words to bring out.
By Helen Barc. I1bond which we feel in our breasts University hall, it is announced by
"Notas ducted s i th - tt,.~ iProf. D. L. Rich, of the physics de-
"Not as educated as is the Ger- as we play for you on the stage," he partment and in charge of rlassifi-
man public, but very sympathetic, concluded. cation.
were the New York audiences," said Jeno Lener has studied for the Mtailed announcement of the
Jeno Lener, first violinist and leader most part in the Musical Academy plan by which classification for
of the Lener Quartet, which played , tBdps nertefmu a semester courses will proceed is
n ta coner Qereat, nih ter Hubay, and also under the cel I printed in today's Daily Official
in a concert here last night. list Popper. Lener was the child, Bulletin, on page 8 of The Daily.
"The response, it was excellent," prodigy of Hubay's "master class. Classification for junior and' so-
he continued. "Americans have At 11 years of age ,he was one of phomore students will follow in two
more vitality, more readiness, less the first violins in the Budapest successive periods before school
reserve. ;Grand Opera. closes for the holidays, says Profes-
"Jazz? I would say it was to be All the members of the Lener sor Rich. Freshmen will be permit-
judged like any other music-what- quartet are members of the Phil- ted to register their second semnes-
ever is good, no matter what you harmonic Orchestra of Budapest. ter elections in the early part of
call it, jazz or anything else, "he Ensemble players, they are also well January, according to the present
said. known as soloists. When commun- mentative schedule.
"The Beethoven quartets which ism broke out in Huhgary, the quar-
we are so fond of, they were played tet retired to a remote village and
in Washington two years ago at the devoted two years in studying SOPIOMORtE PROM