PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 _.. DAILY 0OFFICIAL, BULLETIN Puzblication in the Bulletin is cons-tructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until_3:30 p. n. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) __ VOL. XL. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 No. 55. NOTICES Automobile Regulationi Notice: All student driving permits expire on December 20, 1929. Applicationi for renewals will be received at the Office of the Dean of Students from December 10 to December 20, and Student, are urged to, observe this arrazngemen~zt as soon as they have procured 1930 Alicense tags for their cars. Ut w')l be ne~essary,. however, for students to continue using their 1923 _pl'ztt?, until lifting of the regulation at 12:00 noon on Decemnber 20, for the Clinias vacation period. J. A. Biirslcy, Dea,;n of Students. Freshmuen: All fre, 1vieji. s~u' e)1,s who received the invit-ation to call at the~ Registrar's O3ff iceonl Thlurr day. December 5, to confer with their high school principal1s should return the appoinitment cards today. Ira M. Smitb, Registrar. Notice t+) Senicts irl auniugto do z)4,elled cl~acii: Stifd.ors expect- -(Gargoayh'IEditoria ff:''1 il eancvigo he nJ1 "1 #nsign Randecker, fofnierly of the High at Fighting Squadron of ihe RI "Nr, fp( I ,~l:a ikcl ,5 Ij us hi ; i~ u rn 'xl ' 1:011 iiil.u < vy. w ~i ive a tlk. on h e operations of aU i rrat J& .'ltIU )Lj;i.rtU , ii F 1 "f' P'ortia Literary Society will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. in., bec'ause n nmI Uinivrsity Lectures: December 4, at U:00 p. in., Nalux%-d Science Au-; of the concert on Tuesday evening. Every upperclassman miust give a l111 i~ aiuiu.Prfssor Griffith G rifit T'ylor of the Uive, shy oa.f, Chicago: 'With, two mninute speech on the question: "Resolved that the em ergen c of LB U i.,ia~c.NU IVPI iir '9cct i Anarcic."Lecurewil be llutraedwomen from the home is a regrettable feature of modern life" Prof.;IV ?Scot inAntacti." Lctur wil beillutratd.Jack will speak.I December 6, at 8:00 1. in., Natural Science 'Auditor~i, Processor, Arrangenents were complete yes- ICharles C. Cojroy, of r te Department of iGeogra;:)hv. Univrsity of Chi-? Junior Women: There will be a mneeting of all eligible Junior womien terday for the election of officers cage: "Transplanting EuropeanAgriculture to California." Lecture will; on Wednesday, DNcembler 4, at 4:30, in the Lydia Mendelssohin Theatre,'by the freshmen class of the liter- be illustrated., ary college to be held tomorrow in Adeiphi House of Representatives will meet Wednesday evening, D- AI-Caniptis Form: COn Wedne'~soV,. Dcember 4. Pi-of. S. A. Cuts cemiber 4, instead of Tuesday because of the Choral Union Concert Natural Science auditorium, accord- of the School of Education will lead a ciscussion ol the subljet: "'F~act ; ug to Ernest C. Reif, president of and Fancy in Reiion," in Room 1) of Alumni M mrial Hlall. Prof, F curlty Women's Club, Reception and Dance: Michigan League,'the Student Counil, Thie election Courtis will indicate the changing character of religion and its subse-, Thursday evening, December 5, 8:30 p. il. will be the final class vote to be quentz effecct (-n the individual. - - : -- - --Art Club will meet Thursday evnhg instead or the uWiual tilie ()i i MidCtis 15yar. (.erjnnvn Departinent Dinner: 'occlineday, De cnber 4, at 6:15 p. in, accont of the Choral Union Concert.i Voting for the officers of the firt in the Michigan Union. -' iclass will start at 4 o'clock and con- Hindustani Club: The executive committee will meet Stiday, De. tinue until :45 o'clock and will be Plhysc'iolog3l 3 Make-up Mid-Semester will b^ given Wednesday; De--! u, at 3 p. m. at 'Lane Hall. conducted on the sane general ceniber 4, 1929, at 5:00 o'clock, in room 1121 N,tural Science Building. -- - - Varsity Track Candidates: All candidates who intend to report for plan as the previous literary Co- Klicto;ic 189 (D~rarjna) : The lasis will meet this week on the regular! the Varsity track team report to Yost Field House this week for lockerI lege elections. Nomiinations will be night, Wednesday, 7 :15, 3227 Angelill1. assignments. be made from the floor at 4 o'clock ing to do irected taching :n thei5C 5.^semete Aeur O I to inIter7~v I Dr. Schorlings on Thursday, D(ecgnber 5. ini room 3001, University High, School acrwin-' to the'i