'1UE~D.:i~tS.Y DiiCE.k vlkiBE , i129 % rt E i 1 N , : , ,. THE iviiCi-iiCAN flAiLY / GiRIDIRON PL.AYE RS WINLL~l BADCER nnnnitna __ORMAs I Cl-) l , Il~nnlrnontined fmA.POSage winner in wrestling last year Ls~ 115pounder. Wisconsin CosCutY Squad! Parker won every' duel imeel In -o"IT-% N"['%- AW.T1 AY l ErfT"TR.TTT A 1T- [ "AA A' 7?'Y'-Y - 1 - ^- -- T16 1il r -.. w ...... .. . ... .'.. .r- . - 1. Score Slas Ove IoI which he was enter ed last s- i o n, and Micigan. and after not going to the C o r'.-j Michigan.once meet defeated the wiiu .ci the Big Ten title, ITi tz. of i SEVEN MEN GET AWARDS consin, at thle nation ln(t~Ct, l& '(Secil o a Dily Ithe Wolverine took second iiiUj (Spei Ito T D.ily class, with Otto Kelly and C mtaln MADISON-Cross country run- flewitt, Parker' forms the trio orl ners of the University of Wiscon- veterans upon whom Coach Kcn, sin, who finished second in the dpaces most of his hopes of re-lin- western conference championship ing the Conference championsh)i p rune at Columbus, 0., last Saturday, which the Wolves took last year after winning every dual meet on Auer, Draveling, Sorenson, tit their .1929 schedule and scoring Steinke tare the remaining rnen "slams" against Iowa and, Michi- from the Varsity squad who will gan, received their ofricial recogni-j don w restling togs, all of them try- tion when the athletic council an- ing for positions in the heavier (ii- flounced the awards of major em- visions. Draveling and Steinke havo blems' for the fall season.,'had some experience here, with Harriers who won the coveted Steinke going against Chicago last cross country "W's" include Cap- season and winning hisr' match ain Delmar Fink, John Fallows, while Draveling took Ed George's Vernon 'Goldsworthy, 'arry Cort- place in the Conference meet when Wright, Robert Ocock, John Wohl- the big Wolverine was taken 411. gemuth and Kenneth' Bertrand. Sorenson who won the All-Fresh- Milton Peterson was awarded an man title lash; year and Auer plac- official manager's "W" in cross ing second at the State A. A. U. country. tournament at Flint are both new Lucian Lazarus was promoted men but are counted strong aspir- from junior to senior cross country ants for positions. Should Nfor- manager, Harry Noyes to junior( rison, Varsity fullback add his manager, and Eugene Summerfield, name to the list of contenders for Aaron Sponberg and H. Kuhlman a place on the mat team Coach to sophomore maniagerships. Keen will have 'a ealth or mater-t Freshman cross country numer-1 lal from which to choose his men als' were granted to George Wright, for the unlimited and 175 poundl di- FRESMAN RACK I !visions. Morrison is a wrestler of FhreSHllbemAN tACK.al ability, but is undecided whether, Treherm ienameetingidaofsall to go out for the sport, freshmFe, trackcaWndiaesdat Orville Parker, Brown, and Ricii.- YotFedHue ensa ardson complete the list of foot-E at 4:30 P.: M.. ball players trying out for the SECOND ALL STAR ELEVEN BECAUSE OF TELLA WORK ALL YE AR ADVERTISINGi " (Continued From Page 6) I his brilliant work during the lat- berth. His play was an important stead performer, including a touch-I NOTICE back for a loss, Brunko Nagurski at. ter part of the season, factor in the stone wall character down against Army among his ac- H-. W. CLARK the other tackle post was a bui-I Of the Michigan linemen, 1How- of the low-i line, rno opponent 'be- complishtments. Al Bovard, after a113 Suh Uiestbac wark when used in a weak Minne- lard Poe turned in the most con- !lug able to score more than one slow start, found himself against' office Factory 534 Forest Avenue. csistent performance this fall and touchdown on the H~awkeyes. Al Hatrvard and played first class ball Tio aeSost ot sota line. However, his value as a; well merits his place at guard onj Steinke gets a second team place for the rest of the season. Erickson iTialorae Shoes. to Your00 plun~Lng; fullback caused Coach the first eleven. Poe often broker for his pneritorious work at guard.' of Northwestern is given the edge Riding Boots; Black or Tan Stpears to use him as a ball carrier through to spoil the plays of the An injury late in the Illinois game over Weaver and Magnussen for $11.50 up much of the time. His versatility lopposition, while on offense he was probably kept Steinke off the first the third team pivot post.rn orSo ear hr w~ould make him an important as- instrumental in opening holes for team, as previous to that time he Any coach would be more than Bigu ShoeRerMade.rC set on any eleven. Bud Poorman the Wolverine backs. Roberts of( had been Mlichigan's outstanding satisfied with a backfield composed was given a third team position for Iowa is awarded the other guardI forward.' of such stars as Harmeson, Glass- A HITA SGETO- -- The Illinois sophomore find, Ed- gow, Welch, and Berherr. This Take home a police pup. Finest die Kawal, gets the center position. ~quaret would wreck havoc with' pedigree. Priced right. Arrange- Coach Zuppkz "s protege was a lany opposing defensive. Bill Glass- ( ments can be made to ship for ________________________________________________________ Christmas. William Dickson, _ , - -care of Dr. Miller, 1308 Broadwa. y SPhone 3740. 123 150 TUTORS-ALL SUBJECTS$ A ]'K ew MACK TUTOR7INGc AGENCY 310 S. State St. Phone 7927 " 1 2 3 c 4P 4 AIDNOTICE = ~WE BUY USEDD CLOTHING am I-I. BENJAMIN 215 F. Washington Phone 430 -- -IHowdoes your Overcoat look after six PIN2UNN4Poe6776 1 months' wear? Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- II~Will it retain its shapea eiec,10 otnAe A 1 A nd Cut' to Order ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES. TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THI UNITED STATES Suits s40, S45, $50 Overcoats Will it look tread bear? Will it fall apart? You do not need to take chances if you buy it from this well know store. Mr. Del Prete is equipped with 22 years tailoring ex- perience and unever offers any garment for sale unless it meets is own strict specifications. II BY SPECIAL APPOINTM ENT OUR STORE IS THE I} The. character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter House wil-earn your most Sincere liking. SPECIAL! ~40, and $42.50 OVERCOATS $47 Other $25 to $50 Afine tuxedo $3. The Michigan Model Suit iy the best seller on the camn. I ts. See it before yout Inny. $0 0 tailored. 2 1~13 East Liberty Street $10,000 TO LEND) on first mocrftgag7e at 6", without bonus or servic e charge. Phone 4356. 1350 TYPING efficiently prepared. Unli- versity Typing Service, 718 Mon- roe. Phone 21474. C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates." M. V. Hlartsuff. Dial 9387. C Have You a House? U.se Classified Advertising Office: Dress Bldg. on Maynard St. Phone 2-1214 FOR RENT-Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Rear of the campus Florist. Also single rooms. Phone 7813. 1115 South University. 356123 BEAUTIFUL Woodland Club Rouse, available to rent to Fraternities and Sororities on reasonable terms, only 20 miles from. Ann Arbor. Call or write Mr. Peters, Randolph 4447, 408 Detroit Say- irng Bank Building, Retrofit, Michigan. l ~FORLSALE OWNER of part intercest in va i- able close-in. Washtenaw