L/ . ,h ij PAGE P WO Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Wesern Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republPation of all news dis- ptches credited to it or not otherwise credited inthis paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, $4.50. Offices:An ArborPress Building, May- iard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tilley City editor................. Pierce Rosenberg News Editor ................Donald J. Kne Sports Editor......... Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor ..........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. 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Musselwbite Hortense Gooding Elanor W alkinshaw Doothea Waterman Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 THE MICAHICAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 should be delayed until an angry student opinion forces action, or until the ban becomes extinct by the slow process of evolution. Further, it seems to us that the opinions of Dean Bates and Dean Cabot should be honored with re- spect to their own schools. The danger is that a flood of objections raised by others-the difficulty of enforcement, the waste of time, the temptation to immorality, the un- democracy, and the other time- honored and thread-bare objec- tions-will cause the deans con- cerned not to push a change which may seem trifling in their eyes but which looms large in the eyes of the students. 0-- WHAT VALUE VACATION? The Senate, with a week's rest since the special session, convened yesterday for the regular session. Before it lies the badly muffed tar- iff bill, a huge tax-reduction pro- posal, the always bothersome ap- propriation bill, besides the unfin- ished business of the last regular session and numerous routine mat- ters. In view of the extent of its legis- lative duties during the next six or eight months, it is hoped that the Senate, by its week's vacation has regained sufficient dignity and ner- vous balance to conduct itself henceforth in a manner fitting to the august position it holds in the national government. If it expects to retain the proper respect of the citizenry of the na- tion the Senate must drop the mud-slinging, the dallying into ex- tra-legislative investigations and the other practices of political van- ity it assumed in the extra session and confine its ambition and inge- nuity to the effecting of construc- tive legislation. DANCE TICKETS The traditional rivalry between the Sophomores and Juniors has crept into class functions other than the Fall and Spring games with the result that the lack of co- operation between the classes is re- sulting in confusion regarding this business of dance tickets for the Sophomore prom and the J-Hop. Tickets for both functions go on sale today in spite of the fact that there is several weeks' difference in time between the parties- the parties, in fact, being divided by the Christmas holidays. The com- petition may not be intentional but whether it is or not, there should' be some regulation of ticket sales that would give each class a break" and eliminate the bad ef- feet of two simultaneous ticket sales to two somewhat similar func- tions. The Sophomores-not to under- rate their excellent prom-have a little roughei sledding than the Juniors because of the compara- tively modest way in which they present their party and the early sale of J-Hop tickets seems a bit unfair. The situation offers an oppor- tunity for the student council to exercise a bit of judicial regulation that would clear u a situation which is confusing, if not vicious. o0 PARASITIC PASSENGERS In Connecticut there is a statute that protects automobile owners and liability insurance companies from damage suits brought on by hitch hikers and guest passengers, and in ever increasing numbers the other States are passing laws that make hitch-hiking a crime. Thus is a danger and a nuisance to au- toists being materially lessened. Well meaning hitch hikers--not- ably college students with depleted bank accounts-would suffer by a complete shutting down of this sort of free transportation, but those who have forced legal measures to be brought against the practice are 'getting just what they deserve. It is unfortunate that these parasitic passengers with their warped sense of gratitude should make an issue out of what otherwise would be a harmless and convenient means of transportation, but the harm has been done and more or less drastic action is necessary for the protec- tion of the unwary motorist. Motor trucks in nearly every State have long carried a wind- I eldcard bearing thecurt phrase "No Riders" in order to protect the truck owners from any possible damage suits arising from picking up passengers, but motorists as a whole cannot always as unsympa- thetically ignore the silent plea of a lone hitch hiker standing at a cold crossroad. Hitch hiking is not to be wholly condemned provided the passenger shows appreciation for the favor byj [ SAbout Books A pK - of-~--- Music And Drama " "------, - 0 Nt DREISER FIGURES W'IDEC't3 E t: R" IN VOLUME OF SHORT STORIES. A Review, by Lawrenc R. KIdne A Gallery of Women is Theodore If" Widecombe Fair" can be tak- G en as a fair example of what the Dreiser's latest work. It is a col- British cinema industry is capable lection of short stories in which the of producing, and critics have author's curiosity about the femi- claimed that it can, it remains that nine sex is the chief concern. The certain features of English motion theme of the book is an answer pictures are definitely quite super- to the question why many modern ior to their counterpart in the women substitute a single standard American movie. There are elc- for the so-called double standard menu that enter into the making on which the elder generation re- of the British film thta results in lied. We are told that all the a nearer approach to an art form. wretched craftsmanship for which mThe mo in tirpictlr mking ao the naturalist is so famous is con- tained in this new publishing. If exemplified by the production at the barbarism of previous work i the League theatre this week is the still present here, we can expect intelligent handling of continuity. sThe tensdenchein, we cAmerican the two armed camps of War-on- The tendency in the American Dreiser days to be u and flour- movie is to effect what might be ishing again in the reviews termed a too continuous continuity: throughout the country. A Gal- that is, the flash-backs and scenes lery of Women is in two volumes irrelevat to the plot except inR boxed, and is being circulated to the book stores this week. are too few, and as a resul the plot drags, and this is doubly so * * * when the transparency and ob-I It has long been the suggestion viousness of the majority of movie of critics that Emil Ludwig, the plots are considered. Of course, German who writes a book every I the Phillpots novel from. which the month or so, should stop writing- picture was taken is especially biography. The writer has, we do adaptable to side incidents to aug- not know if it is compliance to ment the creation of local color. popular critical opinion, turned his But even so, the cutting of the hand to the trade of the novelist. main thread and the splicing in of, Diana, A Modern Romance is his vivid bits of non-essential charac- recent creation; it was published ter presentations are done with yesterday, and is now on its way to careful forethought so that they l circulation. It is the story of a wo- occur at a moment when whatI man who worshipped freedom, and might be termed the dullness oft who led her lovers on an everlast- Phillpots (who only unsuccessfully ing chase through the capitals and imitated Hardy as a novelist) caus- social haunts of Europe. The hope es a lapse in interest. has been expressed that "the most Another remarkable touch the popular biographer of the day" will English film has offered is the use not repeat the stunts he performed of natural scenery. It is easy to in the presentation of the lives of believe that there was not a paint- Napoleon, Beethoven, and Bis- ed set used in the making of marck. Another whisper from the "Widecombe Fair." Instead the literary center of Fifth Avenue ex- beautiful landscape and quaint life presses the hope that the translat-' of Devonshire talong with local I ors Eden and Cedar Paul will by idiom used in subtitles) are utilized some hook-or-crook transform the to the fullest advantage. There is original if it is as sterile as the an appreciable lack of the hard ar- biographies. tificiality of TIollywoode-pd4 inted sets. 1 .M. ipes P IPES and pants are nascu- line prerogatives that defend themselves and us. Where else could men find sanctuary? Pipes, stout pipes, and packings of good old Edgeworth-what per- fect expression of man's inviolable right of refuge with other men behind barriers of redolent smokel Tobacco with the whiskers on, that's what man wants-good old seasoned pipe-tobacco, the best of the leaf, all blended and fla- vored and mellowed . . . Edge- worth, in short. You don't know Edgeworth? Then no time must be lost. Buy Edgeworth or borrow it, or let us send you some. There below is even a coupon, a free ticket for your first few pipefuls of the genuine.. Subscribe To The Daily . I ristmack's Gifts iSee Eberack's Gifts of PERFUMES, KODAKS TOILET SETS STATIONERY CANDIES ESTABLISHED 1843 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. ! ,d' t FRATERN ITI ES SORORITIES H~T .1L~ DO4 Send us the coupon and we'll send you the Edgeworth.. Edgeworth ig a careful blend of good tobaccos --selected especially for pipe-smoking. Its quality andlflavor never ch ao~e. Buy Edgeworth any- where-"~Ready Pub- bed" and "Plug Slice-- 15 pocket package to pound humidor tin. 1017 Oakland Ave. FOR SALE! We are pleased to offer for sale (or possibly exchange) the former Gamma Eta Gamma fraternity property at 1017 Oakland Ave. The present owner has completely recondi- tioned house-it has been enlarged, completely equipped and re-decorated, has new roof and exterior has been paint- ed. 3 complete baths (new). Lot has 134 feet on Oakland Ave. and depth of 167 feet House has chapter room, and porter's room in base- ment. Possession at once. We will be pleased to show this property by appoint- Inent. A AUTOMOBILES AND GRADUATE STUDENTS The attitude of the Law and Medical schools toward the auto * ban, as revealed in statements by Dean Bates and Dean Cabot, should be and is one of cooperation with the auto-bail department of the deans' office. A break with the University's administrative policy on this matter would be productive of an unfortunate row-especially at this time when the new admin- istration is trying to steer the Uni- versity away from the reefs on which the last administration foundered. But in what might be called "obiter dicta" the deans of our most important graduate schools have expressed the opinion that the automobile regulation might well be waived in favor of graduate students as men of ma- turer interests and more serious in- tent. This has long been the con- tention of The Daily, and it is gratifying to see it thus honored in private acceptance if not as yet} in actual reform. To avoid internal dissension at a time when the University is striving to find her feet, the graduate deans have not broken with the dean of men's office to the extent' of re- fusing to penalize violators. Rather have they devised a penalty less biting than the suspension provided in the literary college; but withal a penalty rigorous enough to make a would-be driver think twice. It seems likely, also, that sec''d vio- lators will receive no mercy. But behind this alternative system of penalties we cannot help feeling that the private reaction of the deans is one of havinig to enforce the regulation since it exists, but of wishing such a petty annoyance and irritation be gone.I The reticence of the deans to de- mand a change in the regulation r 'Theodore Roosevelt and the well-j known "white house kids," come to print in the recent book of Earle Looker, The White House Gang.- This book should prove interesting to the majority of Americans, for it has long been felt by most of us that the Roosevelt episode in the White House is a kind of national! epic. Regardless of what our po- litical opinions may be, we look at Teddy as the great heart, and as the ideal of companionship between father and son. Speaking of the book, Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, wi- dow of the deceased president, says: "It has given me great plea- sure. The two that have gone re- turn in these pages-and the mer- ry White House days for a back- ground." It has received the ap- plaud of several important maga- zine editors. ** * There has always been much con-' jecturing about the identity of the novelist who wrote the . Glorious} Apollo. There have been many j (not always flattering) suggestions as to why she calls herself L. Adams Beck, alias E. Barrington, alias Louis Moresby. This writer has published another book, The Gar- den of Vision, in which she describ- es the emotional and spiritual ex- periences of a modern English girl in contact with the ancient wisdom of Buddhist Japan. We suspect that this volume is the outcome of the Story of Oriental Philosophy which was written by Mrs. Beck shortly over a year ago, a book in which she discussed in Will Durant fashion the philosophies of the East. Mrs. Beck in her biographi- cal writings-if such distinction dare be placed upon her Glorious Apollo and Divine Lady-did much to provoke scholars in biographical criticism. Above all, the story of Lord Byron, was deemed the most unfair, for in this book critics de- clared she not only did injustice to the hero but to many other lit- erary personages of the time as well. Leigh Hunt and Percy Bysshe Shelley figured among the misre- presented. She placed herself in I the ranks of the fiction-biograph- ers with these works, a 'sin whvich can hardly be forgiven. Copies of the -new book have been sent to shops already. The Memoirs of Casanova, that scandalous and singularly unreti- cent old adventurer, have just been condensed into a one volume edi- tion in the Modern Library series. These memoirs were originally pub- In the direction too. e;pecially in the part wherei humor is in tro- duced, there is a deft ness and sub- tley that would be a novelty on the i American screen. I refer particu- larly to the long-shot of the five I skeleton's riding of the bony re- mains of the inn-keeper's mare. The humor sifts into the run of scene unobtrusively and with no sudden bang, so characceristic of our own. It would be interesting, indeed, to witness the result of the filming of Hardy, now that Phillpots hias been "done so successfully. There are certain of his works that could be splendidly arranged for the screen. "Egdon Heath" and "Far! From the Maddening Crowd" in particular, for they, too, portray in scene Hardy's bit of England just as "Widecombe Fair" does. AN EINSTEIN FANTASY Berkeley Square; A Play in Three Acts by John Balderston; :MacMil- lan Co., New York-9Z9-(Rieview Copy by courtesy of the Print and Book Shop) The success of "Wings Over Eur-i ope" which flattered the ecrebra I vanities of so many people without minds by the grand aum of miheta- physics, physics, and imnortality- - speculation it managed to spread' around a good mn)elodrama, may possibly have stinulated John Bal- derston, the London correspondent to the New York World, to tease the empty-headed with a little Ein- stein. Balderston, taking a hint from Henry James' fragment, The Sense of the Past, abolished the{ sense of Time, calling it merely "an idea in the mind of God" (which smacks of atheism and may preventG the play's production in Boston. Peter Standish, a twentieth-centu- ry melancholiac obsessed with vi- sions of eighteenth century, sud- denly findsl himself transported{ there. The rather disconcerting fact that lie has retained his mnod- ern consciousness and his know- ledge of the two centuries ahead produces some amusihg complica- tions that give the middle portion of the play a decided comedy of manners tinge. 'These bits of sa- tire, resulting fromn theek cnipera= mnerit of Standish which has rang- ed all over Time at will. are Keen and interestiuiv Peter atandish finds his tender twentieth century nostrils bitterly assailed by the scent of Doctor Johnson whom lhe advises to bathe more frequently. And to his surprise, he finds that. the great Dictator uttered only the feeblest of platitudes. He amazes the audience by quoting some :tigewo ith i100 S. 22d St., Vichn-wr, Va.# # ]'!1 try your E kgeworth., And I'lT try 1 a it:it a good pipe.I ; I 1 Punic......______________________ 1 t 1 p ,.reet ---.____-- 1 I Tow andA't' let the Edlgxnvo; th covue.' V I Brooks-m INC. REALTORS BROOKS BUILDING Telephone 22571 Evenings 6125, 4631, 5917 U. E "Much i k l ', - aUS cartas de hoy son muchas el tra bajo de'm~asiado para el burro!" exclaimed the Mexican postman as he dumped a bulging mail-sack from his pack sacdkdi. The Mexican was grouchy. ... the Amer- ican engineer curious. Thel he remem- bered that he had written an article for a McGraw=-Hill Publication. Thousands of engineers had read it; hundreds had wuTtten their comment so promptly that their letters reached the author in the same weekly mail that brought his copy of the printed story. mail today, N. e w*ton much wrk x r # my burro '9 This is only one example of the prompt ness with which McGraw-Hill Publica- tions are read. But more than that, it ilnus- trates how the industrial and engieerIn press closely knits together widely-sca - tered groups of professionalien. 'To the next generation's leaders of e - ginecring and industry, the McGraw41 iii Publications offer a way to get a tuninwg start on their first jobs. 1re's how. Spend a few minutes each w eek reading the outstandin publication in tihe field where you intend to make your Juark. Learn what is being dom: by the rrese1'. leaders in your chosen profession. Get the "feel" of industry before you enter it. Copies of practically every McGraw-Hill Publication are-or should be-in the college librry, .I 1 0 Mc GRA-J-ILL PUBLICATIONS