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December 03, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-03

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VOL. XL, NO. 55.







KNew Gargoyle Issue !RETIRING REGENT
Appears Today With; WILL BE HONORED
NA Opera Caricatures
by R. L. S.!
Getyour three nickels ready to-
day for investing in the big Operar
tunbr of the Gargoyle, which will !
Anouncesl appear on the campus today. Every !
detail of the life of a chorine in ya
neering the "Pony Chorus"is described, and
ram. the caricatures of various Opera
luminaries, done by E. Jerome Elli-
JANUARY son, '30, managing editor, alone
are believed to be worth the pricea
of the magazine. Ea?
erce Lamont Then, there is a page devoted to
Accept explaining just how the Opera
would be directed were Adam Rob-
5peak. ! erts, comedian-dubber, Windy Val-!

Tentative Engi
Society Prog
Sectetary of Comme
Is Expected to
Invitation to S

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 2 - Ar-
ITO 6 H[1 T09 "Hrardold Horween, head coach of the
Harvar Varsity football team since
1926, today agreed to return next
season, which promises to be one '
Late University Professor and of the brightest in the Crimson's
Scholar Will be Honored long gridiron history. It was un-
derstood that William B. Bingham,
This Afternoon. director of Harvard athletics, had
no great difficulty persuading Hor-,
ween again to drop his Chicago
SERVED FOR 46 YEARS business interests for the fall of
1630. During the past three years,
Horween has never accepted Bing-
Ruthven Will be in Charge of ham's reappointment with such
Program and Deliver promptness.


- Remain With Cimson NEW UNION ERA

Application Must be Received
by Dean of Students From
Dec. 10 to 20.



Present Permits Expire Dec. 20;
New Tags Must be on Cars
by January 6.
Applications for renewals of stu-
dent automobile-driving permits,
will be received at the office of the

,enitlie, play seduction, or Earnest
Tentative program for the fif- I tihutes, Mims, to take a hand in itsjFirst Address.
tieth annual meeting of the Michi- direction. This will probably be of I
gan Engineering society which was great interest to devotees of thel Memorial services for the late Dr.-
d yesterday by Prof. F. N. drama. !Victor C. Vaughan, professor of
announced yesedy yPtf .N A two-page center spread pre-! physiological chemistry and dean
Menefee, general chairman, con- sents some of our handsomest girls Victor M. Gore, physioical sha , dean
tains the names of a list of na- who are men) in actual photo- Regent of the University, ineertofte Mclcho
Reget Uiverity inbe conducted at 4 o'clock this after-
tionally known engineers who are graphic studies, and explains the whose honor a dinner will be given noon in the Lydia Mendelssohn
scheduled to speak here Jan. 30 and organization of the "Twenty-fourth by the Regents Friday evening in theatre. Dean Vaughan, who had
31. Annual." "Barely-Go-Round" and the Union. Regent Gore's term ex- been connected with the Univer-
All the men who are expected to "Out of School" take up different pires December 31. sit in both teaching and adminis-
appear on the program are gradu- phases of the production by means r capaticities from 1875 until
ates of the University, and each of the anecdote. his retirement in 1921, died Novem-
will carry out in his speech the The Gargoyle will be on sale on T hi Richmond ,Virginiao
general topic of the conference, the campus and at the desk in Uni- HPrIesi WILLAGilxbe2i ndrgi. e
"The Engineer's Contribution to v ersity hall. Coupons will be good President Alexander G. Ruthven
the, who will have charge of toe pro-
the Art of Living." at cither of these places, or the ra a te ssmly wil irt
GO B [ ,'gramat the assembly, will firt
Registration January 30. price for a single issue will be 15 peak on "Dr. Vaughan and the
According to the. tentative pro- cents. University at Large." He will be fol-
gram, registration will be held Jan. - lowed by Regent Walter H. Sawyer
30, followed by .a luncheon at the Outgoing Member a Board Has of Hillsdale. Regent Sawyer will
Union with Gerald J. Wagner, pres- . make a few "Remarks in Behalf
ident of the Michigan Engineering Held Office Since 1914, of the Board of Regents." "Dr.-
society, presiding. In the afternoon Shorts to Succeed. Vaughan's influence in Medical Ed-
Clarence E. Qroesbeck, executive uctin"wllbe e heisoIa a-
vice-president of the Electric BoniLd ; 19 FUR WILL MEET ON FRIDAY c address by Prof. Frederick G. Novy
and Share Co., of New York, will of bacteriology and director of the
spean o n "The Field of Engineer in As a testimony to Victor M. Gore, hygienic laboratory. Dr. Novy and
Finance," and W. A. Starrett Iee rig nebeW a Dr. Vaughan were intimately coz-
Thompso, of theThompsozn-Star as Fourth Attraction on regent of the University 1sinc1914 Dr.eeaate r in together on-
rett Co., of New York, will discos" i hosetrmexpresDc. 3,a.dn-petdinherwktothrn
Choral Seis /OCC~ ~1L c i m rventitive medicine.
the topic, "The Engineer as Build- ner will be tendered him Friday Prof. Moses Gomberg of orgaflic
er." R. Perry Shorts, president o evening in the Union by the mein- chemistry will speak on "Dr.
the Second National Bank of SagiTA bers of the Board. The dinner is Vaughan's Work in Medical Chem-
naw, and a regent of the Univer- At the fourth of the series of scheduled to take place immediate- stry." Following this ,Guy L. Kie-
cion.ll rbeP ant eetry 1A h orho hesre fshdldt tk lc meit-;fer, state public comissioner, will
Hon . Robert P. Lamont, secretaryi Choral Union concerts, the Lener ly after the regular Deember i 'give a short talk on "Dr. Vaughan's
of commerce, is scheduled to speak Budapest. String Quartet will pre- meeting of the Regents, which con- Contributions to Preventive Medi-
in the evening. His general topic sent a program tonight in Hill vees at 3:30 o'clock Friday after- cine" For more than 30 years, Dr.
will be the "Engineers Contribution Audttis The personnel Jf the T!. bVaughan was a member of the
to the Art of Living." Secretary La-Tqartet isaJa oLenr, leader; Jo.The Friday i eting will be he state board of health. The conclul-
mont is one of the most enthusi- seph Smilovits, second violin; San- last that Regent Gore will attend ing talk will be maide by Prof. Wil-
astic of the University's graduates, dor Roth, viola; and Irme Hart- for he did not seek re-election. He Lam H. Hobbs of the geolog de-
and it is more than probable that j man, cellist. will be succeeded by R. P. Shorts partment whose subject will be
he will accept the invitation to i This quartet has had a wealth of Saginaw. "Our Colleague-Dr. Victor C.
speak. L. W. Wallace, executive sec- of tradition and a record of suc- Mr. Gore was elected to the Vaughan."
retary of the American Engineer- cesses since its formation. During Board in 1913 and took office the Funeral services for Dr. Vaughan
ing Council, will preside at this many tours of the continent, it following year. In his many years were conducted last week in De-
session. visited Paris at the personal invi- of service as a Regenthe has at- troit. Interment awaits the con-
Grace to Speak. tation of Ravel, the composer, and tended the monthly meetings reg- pletion of a family chapel in For-
"The Field of the Engineer in was the first quartet to invade It- ularly in the Regents' room of the est Hills cemetery in Ann Arbor.
Communication" has been the sub- aly with chamber music. Law school. ----
ject assigned to Sergius P. Grace, Its success in London has been Only Regents and a few officials Los Angeles Golfer
associate vice-president of the Bell even more spontaneous than that of the University will attend the Take ed. o nrs
Telephone Laboratory, New York, on the continent. It was the first dinner, it is understood. T esMedal Honors
who will speak during the. iorning quartet to appear in London at the Mr. Gore graduated from the
session, Jan. 31. Howard Coffer Royal Albert Hall, and on each visit Law school in the class of 1882 and (y A"ciat"d Pns)
vice-president of the Hudson Moto' to the city it has given a greater has spent most of his time in Ben- LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 2 ---
Co., of Detroit, will speak on "The number of recitals than any quar- ton Harbor. He was a classmate of Stroking his way to the most
Field of the Engineer in Industry. " tet since the time of Joachim. William L. Clements, o Bay City, brilliant competitive round ever
Dean H. C. Sadler, clean of the en- I Several single admission tickets and Junius E. Beal, of Ann Arbor, hung up for the Hillcrest Country
giubering college, wi preside. as well as a number of season tick- both Regents. Mr. Beal's term ex- Club course, red Morrison. tall Los
Fred W. Green, governor of ets for the remaining numbers on ipires in 1931 and Mrs. Clements, Cles o, Fsed aoris after-
Michigan, is scheduled to speak at the concert series are on sale at the in 1P33. Angles pro, posted a 65 this after-
the luncheon following the morn- School of Music. Single tickets are -noon for a total of 136 to capture
ing session. M. E. Cooley, dean em- prced at $1.50 to 20and season LEAGUE OBTAINS fyig round of the 1929 profession-
eritus of the U.niversity will pre- priced at $.50 to $.50 and season alglesascito hmin
side, U The concert tonight is screduled ENGLISH CINEMA a golers associaton champon-
Frank C. erson, governor of to start at 8:15 o'clock. hp.
Wyoming, has been extended an in Continuing the policy of present-1Off to a steady start inhis ft
vitation to speak during the after- Sunderland Appointed ing an occasiona outstanding pie-w1thath azarn1, Mogrond cutloo
noon on "The Engineer in Govern- M e be of L Body ture to the campus, the Lydia Miin - the afternoon round that chopped
client," and Prof. Charles R. Rich- ve ur ia delssohn theatre is presenting the 'teatroo{onaha hpe
,iBritish film "Widecoibe Fair" each six strokes off perfect figures for
ards, president of Lehigh Univer- Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the night this week and at a matinee the course. Ten birdies and an eagle
sity, is expected to talk on "The Law School has been appointed a on Friday and Saturday after- in the 36 holes brought the Mid-
Engineer as Educator." Gardner S. member of the American Bar as- noons.1wick country Club entrant medal
Williams consulting engineer of I sociation standing committee on The picture was made in England honors over one of the finest fields
Ann Arbor, will preside- during the jurisprudence and law reform. several months ago and after a ever assembled for the big event.
meeting..1 This is the committee wnich has round of successes there, was sent Strictly a local product of thc
The conference will close with a charge of the legislative program for a showing in New York. The game Morrison showed the way to
banquet at the League at which of the American Bar association, film has just been released from "biggest guns" of the professional
Prof. John S. Worley, of the en- Iprepares the bills dealing with the the New York showing, and this is golfing world. His play was flaw-
gineerig' transportation depart- administration of justice which the its first presentation outside of New less all the way, while his tee shots
ment, will preside, association sponsors, and presents York city, according to Miss Amy boomed out for yardage unequalled
and urges these bills before the ap- Loomis, director of the theatre ac- by most of the other 63 sectIonal
McDonald Announces ttpropriate committees of Congress. tivities. entries who teed off in the fiinal
Naval Parley PlansFour strokes behind the leader

ftarvara completed its most s
difficult schedule losing two, to
Dartmouth and Michigan, and ty-
ing the Army.
TT lrrn 1i il B, - 1nvnnoninmi

r.. orwean wai nave enjamin v :';
Ticknor as his team leader next ~dean of students between Dec. 10
season. This brilliant center, whose , { t and Dec. 20, it was announced yes-
play during the past season en- i« w .. ,. terday by W. B. Rea, assistant to
titled him to All-American consid- the dean of students s
eration, was elected Captain this All student driving permits ex-
afternoon when the players who Byron Dalrymple, '32, ire Dec 20 with the holida relax-
participated in the Yale game sat As Mary, heroine of the story in p D
for the official team photograph. "Merrie-Go-Round," the Union ation of the automobile ban and,
Op rawhih wll un t te Mch-since it will be necessary to have
Opera, which will run at the Mich- new permit-tags affixed to student-
igan theatre Dec. 12, 13, and 14.
SThe general sale of seats for all driven cars after the re-opening of
performances of the production school Jan 6, applications for the
starts this afternoon at the desk of renewal of permits must be made
StheUnion, according to Paul L. within the specified period if the
Buckley, treasurer of the Opera. students are to operate car on
ptheir new permits after Jan. 6.
Must Obtain State License.
Academic Discretion Held to beDBefore applying for a renewal or
the Better Part of Valor permit, it is necessary to have rec-
tbySociologist.number assigned to the car. Mr.
ReTOsaidYyesterday. Time is still on
SCHOOLS FACE DILEMMA ULII T 9hand, he pointed out, for Michig m
--- students to get their 1930 state li-
Presenting in effect the thory Tickets for 'Merrie-Go-Round' censes before the deadline for a-
that academic discretion was ,eIMay be Obtained at Union iperi t. Orut-re aate studiversity
better part of academic valor, T- Until Next Tuesday. ; obtain blank renewal applications
Harry Elmer Barnes, professor of at the office of the dea) of su-
historical sociology at Smith col- j PRODUCTION ADVANCES dents, and mail the apications in
,leenmrtdaddsusdthe'---; as soon as they get their slaI-te 1i-
lege, enumerated and discussed t First opportunities will be given censes at home, during the Christ-
major defects as he sees them in to studeits this afternoon to pur- mas vacation, it was announced.
our educational system, in an ad-tA After the new University permit
dress given at Lane hall auditor- ,,rtag has been obtained, it must not
ium last night under the auspices showing of "Merrie-Go-Round," the affixed to 1929 state license, but
of the Round Table club. 1929 production of the Union Op- should be fastened to the 1'930 ii-
Professor Barnes showed that in- era, when the general seat sale is cense, Mr. Rea said. This arrange-
sopened at' 2 o'clock at the Union ment is necessary because every
stitutions of learning, founded for desk. University permit tag is is"+ued for
the purpose of disseminating truth, T a cerfain state license, and if new
are supported and controlled by eskrale illtcontinuecatothepermit tags are affixed to old state
captains of industry, influential from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock to- plates, confusion will result.
politicians, and financial leaders, morrow afternoon, Friday and Sat- Rea Issues Statement.
and p ansandnaciyleaers]h urday afternoons, and Monday and Mr. Rea issued the following
. Tuesday afternoons of next week. statement relative to the matter:
withhold the truth because revela- A say ae of et wk "All student driving permits expire
tory material would constitute eri- Aecil sale d o at for o on Dec. 20. Applications for renew-
ticism directed towards those very men will be conducted at the box als will be received at the oflice of
persons who hired them and pay office of Hill Auditorium Thursday the dean of students from Dec. 10
their salaries. Thus such meth- afternoon. to Dec. 20, and students are urged
' Ticket prices of this year's pro- to observe this arrangement as
ods of teaching would seriously d ,h wii be ' h soon as they have procured 1930
jeopardize their jobs.dMcig c n at the license tags for their cars. It will
Other important deficiencies in Michigan theatre Thursday, Friday, be necessary, however, 'for students
our present system of education and Saturday nights next week, I to consider using their 1929 state
were stated by Dr. Barnes: the ba- and at a Saturday matinee, range I plates until the lifting of the regu-
from 75 cents to $3.00. lation on Dec. 20 for the Christ-
sic psychological mistake of o i- Work started last night at the } mas vacation period."
taining a punitive and penetential Itheatre on itting the second act Enforcement of the automobile
attitude toward education, the so- "f th te ron tgther Tn a ban will be resumed at. 8 o'clock
lc nity complex; the drpanrctofte production together. The Modymrig Jn ,wt h
attention given toheontdent f idance steps of the choruses, the re-opening of school it was fur-
1 work of the cast, and the music by ther announced.
classical syntax at the expense ofithe orchestra was fitted together.
r!c~i'aLd nl U itLltoI L'1_- _ -^ T "ULriA*) jJpU

cassvcai cui urc; Lyhe ianure Lo pro-
vide students with adequate prac-
tical knowledge and at the same
time the failure to provide cultural
orientation; the lack of differentia-
tion among students (in which in-
telligence tests and vocational
' tests were suggested as remedial
methods) the improper relation-
ship now exLsting between high
schools and colleges; and the fail-
, ure to differentiate between those
who go to college and those who
go to college for an education.

The work Sunday night was cen-
tered on the first act at the re-
Rehearsals will be held in the
Mimes theatre each night this
week, according to E. Mortimer
Shuter, director of the production.
and the company will not move to
the stage of the Michigan theatre
until next week.
Scenery for the one large set
and the two other scenes that re-
quire special "drops" have been-h
completed and are in place at the
Mimes theatre pending their re-
moval to the Michigan.


k:y C . . j I-C5
LONDON. Eng., Dec. 2.--Prie
Minister MacDonald today an=
nounced the plans and scope of the
five power naval conference which
will open on January 21 in the
Royal Gallery of the House of
Lords and will then hold its subse-
quent sessions in St. James Palace
on the invitation of King George.
The four chief British delegates
=il be Mr. MacDonald, Arthur Hen-
derson, the foreign secretary; A. V.
Alexander, first lord of the Admir-
alty, and Wedgwood Benn, secre-
tary of state for India.
All of the units of the empire
have been invited to send dele-
gates, but the name of these have
not yet been made public.

LJ.L 1 .S -4AEMENTS1 1\ .5. A.lN.,jV A ..UA TION A A.'


CHICAGO, Dec. 2-As the zero
hour of Iowa's campaign to gain
re-instatement to the Big Ten,'
draws near, comment f ron- Big Ten
authorities has beenthushed to less
than a whisper while the second
guessers and "drug store" coachers3
are whooping it up..
Efforts were made today to gain
expression from Conference author-
ities, but each waived aside the
question with an evasive "I have
nothing to say, or; as Athletic Di-
rector George Huff, of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, countered, "This
is no case to try in the newspapers."
Nothing seemed certain except

firmation from the faculty com-
The most prevalent one was that
three powers in the conference,
Athletic Directors; Amos Alonzo
Stagg, of Chicago, Fielding H. Yost,
of Michigan, and Huff, constituted
an "old guard" which was determ-
med to block Iowa's reinstatement.
Neither Stagg nor Huff would talk
about, the report while Yost was
somewhere in Tennessee amidcould
not be reached. Yost, however, has
refused to talk about the Iowa af-
fair since it came up last May 25.1
Another rumor was that if Iowa1

Using me members of the
upper staff, The Daily has ad-
opted the editorial board sys-
tem for editorial writhing and
the determination of eitoral
policy, according to anm an-
nouncement by Ellis B. Merry.
31L, managing editor.
George Tilley, '30, named edi-
tor last spring, heads the new
board as chairman, and will di-
rect its activities. Other men-
bers of the group are the junior
night editors including Frank
Cooper, William Gentry, Henry
Merry, Robert Sloss, Walter
Wilds, amid Gurney Williams:
n,,rl+the Pv-offitinemhrs. A

"As long as the automobile regu- sion as necessary for the gradua-
lation continues to be a rule of tion of offenders among medical
the University, it should be en- students."
forced up to the hilt," said Dean Dean Cabot pointed out that sus-
llugh Cabot of the Medical School pension of graduate students would
in an interview to The Daily yes- not only result in a handicap to the
terday. "The Medical faculty has student, but*would also mean that
viewed the regulation in the light state funds tied up in the education
of a rule which must either be en- of that particular student would be{
forced or quitted, and this has been partially wasted.
the basis for our treatment of med- With r iardI to his views on ti-
ical students who have been recom- automobile regulation per. se, Dean
mended for punishment as auto Cabot declined to miake any public
ban violators by the dean of stu- statement. He did express the be-
dents' office. lief, however, that with the criteria
"ts ic. .of maturity and the high academic
"T is is not. to he construed," Ia ... ....,..itn..,.. . d ... .,}h

Honorary Medical Fraternity
Will Aid Cripples.
In order that crippled children
in the University Hospital may en-
joy a happy Christmas, Galens,
honorary medical fraternity, will
make a drive for funds Dec. 11 and
12, with $1,500 as a quota which
will include all funds derived from
fraternities and sororities solicited
individually, according to Paul R.
Hildebrand, '30M, general chair-
man of the drive.
Founded in 1914, Galens has held
a similar drive nearly every year,
the proceeds from which have gone
toward equipping manual trainimg,
rooms, hiring part-time instruc-
tors and equipping local play-
grounds. The organization is made
up of two members each from six
medical fraternities and, two inde-
pendents of both the junior and
senior classes, the total member-
ship being limited to 28.
Hildebrand is being assisted by
-William Coventry, and Charles.'E.
Lemen, both of the senior medical


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