THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 SUNDA; iY, DEC MD '.14 I92i I NOTICES University Lecture: Professor Griffith. Taylor, Professor of Geo- graphy at the University of Chicago, will lecture on the subject "With Scott in Antarctic," Wednesday, December 4, at 8:00 p. in., in the Na- tural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be Illustrated with lantern slides. The public is invited. !r m-ills F. Robbiw:. University Lectture: Mr. Charles Tr. 2, , ian, of Queens Colleg, Cambridge University, England, will :;peak onf the subject "Hlistory inj Greek Coins," Monday, D~ecember 9, at 4:15 13. flu, Natural Science Att- ditorium. The public is cordlially invited Frank 1'. Robbins, Choral Union Concert: The Lener Budapest String Quartet 'will give the following program in the Choral Union Series, Tuesday evening, December 3, at 8:15 p. m. The generatl public is requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closecl during, numbers. The program is as follows: Mozart: QEiwrMet in 13 flat Major, KC 458 (Hunt Quartet) ; Debussy: Quiartet in G NMinor, Opuis 10; Schubret: Iber meetin ; of the Literary Faculty will be= held Monday, December 2, 1 M9, at 4:I0 p. tn. i71 Rnoni 2225, Angell Hall. . Departmeent It, School of Education: There will be a Department !meeting of this group on Monday, December 2, at 4:10 o'clock in Room 4009, University High School Building. + Professor Edwin C. Clark, of Oberlin Collegc, will lecture Monday, December 2, at 4:15 in Room 231 Angell hall on -The International Lan- guageEsperanto." Harry Elmer Barnes, distinguished sociologist and lecturer and a member of the faculty of Smith College, Nvill speak on the subject t"'What's Wrong With Our Educational System?" Monday, December 2, at 8:00 p. in., Lane Hall, under the auspices of the Roun.- Table Club. E±veryone invited. Speech ill1: &-c. l will meet Monday evening at 7 p7. in. inst ea~ of 2 1). ini. . ' reshnien Girls who missed Physical Edxucation classes on Monday or TIuesdiay, November 25 and 26, must report at 4 o'clock, Monday, D(,- cember 2, 1929, for makeup. f Physical Education for women-Restricted Group: The hours for Stwhich you are scheduled to report for class will be posted on the door of Office 14, Barbour Gymnasium, Monday, December 2. ' Please note time for wvhich you are scheduled and report to class in Un1i en ti cember 2, 1929, at 4:30 p. m. Tryouts must report at 3 o'clock for mail- ing out the December issue, which will be sold on the campus on Tuesday, December 3, 1929. The Board of Diirctors of the Faculty Woman's Club will mneet at one o'clock Monday, December 2, in the League Building. Student Journalist Club Asks Cooperation of Publishers in Securing Positions. AIMS TO AID EMPLOYERS TIw iuTi ~taP linnmiciileeainn-, Tulesday, flcc'mber 3,iat;1.:5 iii le [N Y iI[ U L on7., Gargoyle Business Staff and Tryouts: Important meeting ot theP TII ire business staff and tryouts at. the Press Builcjine on Moncliv.De- IN [0 gtjII 1JjN0 Pi 'r, Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Womnen's Club will meet :at the Women's League Building at 7:45 on Monday Evening Promotion of an employment ser-° December 2. vice for graduates and alumni of' the department of journalism is the. l1ooksliel' and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Cl0) will meet aimY of the present activity of the at the home of Mrs. 1-1, S. Bull in Ann Arbor 1-ills, on Tuesday, December Student Journalist's club, accord- :1, at 2:45 p. m. Mrs. E. F. Barker is assistant hostess., ing to L. W. Prakken, '30, aluni correspondent for the club. Michigan Dames: Regular meeting will be held Monday, Decent- Letters are being mailed this ber 2, at 81:00 o'clock in the Cave Room of the League Building.j week to all former members of the Initiation Ceremonies will be held at this meeting. Cards will be Idprmn n ulseso h in play for those who will not be initiated at this time. All wives of stu- stdeatekngthndrpubloserstionthe dents are welcome, estaelsing thibraco-op eransi !_________esalihing th selur ofeaasam - Junior Women: Appointments for junior girl's play tryouts may be in faciltatingtheoseflectingofe made at a table in Univcrsity Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- lnenta byr hoseollwig.h day, December 3, 4, andi 5, between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock and newsAperopoe ssioan.ewl b an l and 4_o'clock._ ed through the service, above that SimTet li etn t43 'lcMnaa h rs rendered to the student, inasmuch { iiaDla h:Meiga :0ocok ody ttePesbuilding. Actives only. as publishers may select applicants frpositions through the agency. 4 jCostume. r rr 11l11a It. Rawilings. Quartet In D Minor, Opus p)osthumoust.. Seniors: Chiester H-. Lang, '15, Comptroller of the Budget, General C hatlee A. Sik. Electric Company, Schenectady, will be glad to interview seniors inter- ested in the General Electric Business Training Course at the Michigan Organ Rerital: l'sler Christialn, University organist. will give the !Union on December 2.. If desired, appointments may be made through iuzowixig program iweuInesiuay iata11iuuz, .ii)u LrI. 4t o ci Ix.Ine genera :Lne niieu. i eieptine i~ uversi-l.'.A.laoi. Ln H l o pno public is Invited. L" tie program is ais follows: V .'rt aeF l't pno Rogers: Overture in B minor; Wesley: gavotte; Glack: Lento (0t"-' War Discussion Today' pheus); JFrobergei: M antas~ht; B),si : 1ora. My~ztla; K rg-Eei't: Syin- $ Seal4J r ekiei )iirieers: Mr. Lint;01' the Gener al PElectric Cofn- proluceCtoralhe o"hblssed D m lat:' cilir na d V:r e lgiesse. hlsl~ii,.ay of Sheniectaday, N. Y., will be in Rtoom 21 West lnineerz'ifg ;3 ild Miss Eleanor Brannan assistat Preud te 411,Blsse Y ii:771 1 Ca, in:rr ; i (Tcherfir riAc.5ng on Tuesday and Wednresday, December :3 adi 4, lfor te pur'pose ofsecrtarty of the NtinlCnc interviewing graduating MecThanic'al FEnineerrs who mauy 'he Interestedfoth Prvnin fWrwl Faclty Sdoot01'htuatin: P~wre~lai stff unceonwil beIn employment with this company. All students for %hoiri it is eoii-~ pzkt tdnstdyo I a held Monday, D3ebe , at 12:10 o'clock in the Mch"nLe e vld en lent should talk with Mr. Lang. L'!scBul-trventable; the lecture will be Inag. '(0DarsSrey Engineering Students: All are invited to hear Mr. C. L. velat,; delivered at 4 o'clock in Lane I-all. CC.Dvs ertr. Vice-President of the General Eletric Company, speak on "Huma sBanan, ftrieigare - rois nBinrororaeandtra"ftt:e0p.ineiMnda, eceber2,en Universit.y Womxe's Huse 1"1':ieus: iThe Noivember Sind f Oit Ntural s icience Aatu:0ditoriunm,, ecaiei , ii!fromt speaking at anl Armistice Day dlips are due December 2 to 5. The Electrical E~ngineering Department expects all senior eectricals! churchi assembly in Milwaukee, hals Elizabeth ae Vol, Chairman of the Board ofrRepresentatives, to attend. gonel on a speaking tour, and is Ali Sopkeviore Women interested in working on costumes for the Pr- dilSuet:Thewllbameinofal emdcl touring the entire country The $ophsmnore Cabaret will please call me at 631.6 as noon as possible. 'Work'stuetsedatl5:00 p. n. Teyrecemllbera 3,eingNaturallScrence Adi- church assembly was under the begins Mondsay, December 2. toriiim auspices of the Daughters of the, Sa.lie Ensmringer, Chairman of Costumes. !_______American Revolution and the Am- -JunfiorIt eseach tubii will meet at 7:30 p m. Tuesday Dece'mber 3 tric an Legion. Neither organiation Facalty, Colleges of Entginerring andc Areiteture: 'there will be !in Doom 2082, atural Science Buoildinit,, for initiation of recently elete lugae reasons for objecting to theI ameeting of the Faeulty of these Colleg.fes on Thursday, Decemnber 5, ait 'members. Dr. Millard Smith will speak on "The Mchanism 4,) .li lectre, but merely stated that, ifj 4:15 p. in., in Room 348, West Engineering' luildig. Thes purpose of this Iis," and Dr. AM. . Sen tins on "Sol Formiatio s in Ti li' Tropical All V 'l(1iveredt, their members would not meeting will be for the discussing of the Report or the Committee on In- attend. struction and Teaching Methods and of the Report of the Committee y ° --.- -..--,, The Irna etr eei n on Course in Transportation, :and for general business, +C hi ic~itI al ixkering Semiar. M. Chalels W. Seieinii will I der the auspices of the Interna ion- Lottis A. ipkins, Secretary. the speaker on Monday, December 2, at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 East En- j al Committee of the Student Chris- - _.--"gineerin' Building, on the subject, 'Hnry's Law and the Absorption of tian Association and the Tolstoi 1E 4'1E Vs TODAY Volatile H ydroca r ons." League, and is open to all students. 1 - - - - - - - - -- Ill I R t7 r The' Lydia Mendelssohn tl Theatre 11 Presents Miss L. D. Brannan, Associate Secretary of the National Council for. Prevention of War, will lecture At 4 p. in.. in Lane Hall on "Is War Pre-t ventable?" Discussion will followv and all are welcome. J-Hey C ommtittee Mieeing at the Michija n Uion at 3:15 1). 11. ('LiV: There will t a social meeting at Lan 11)all at 3 Btotanical Semin ar" will meet Wednesday, December 4, at 4:30, Room 11,19 N. S. Bldg. Paper by R. G. Gsfo- AarbcResph'a,ioll Of 11om1ato Ilan