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December 01, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-01

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i Probable Successor Tremble and StilesPO
to Diplomatic Post . . . Screen Reflections - - -' to Appear in Opera
tsnmitnAi nminnc na PPn P

BER 1. 1929



IYIIbIIIbIII hIf lUUL Good-bye, Vaudev ile. ary society in a North Carolina
A' ...With the opening of a new all- college was moved to send a letter
balkie policy of the Michigan (o the editor of the New York
hete n he d mie o lcl imues complaining that all college
}1a professors were not eccentric or
Haudeville, the old, old question of bewhiskered, that most football
Thirty Hih$chool Execuatives he talking film versus the silent, games were not won in the last
to Meet With First rchestra versus recorded music, minute of play, that sudents Some-
Y r dn.nd the living actor versus his tines studied.
Year Students. talking screen shadow is bouid to However, why go to the movies
arise once again. to see as is? "Sweetie" is no more
PLAN IS WEL RECEIVED Without attempting to either ap- realistic than the mtisical comedy
prove the newest Anon Arbor de- hit "Good News," but both provide
Purpose I' to Allow Exchange velopment, one fact seems certain- 'humorous entertainment. The only;
that the silent picture is already trouble with "Sweetie" is that an
of Views of Students 1enerally regarded as antiquated utterly ridiculous plot was taken;
and Principals. entertainment, and its reappear- somewhat seriously by Director
I ' nce will be limited to those rare Frank Tuttle. But that's no reason
Principals representing more cases where the story is totally un- for an audience doing so.
than thirty Michigan High schools l adapted to Movietone production. Jack Oakie, funny as ever, fea-
tha tity Michgarrn HighTholsdyLikewise, at the risk of being tuxes the cast. Helen Kane, voted
Dec. vitoconferoThumbrsday, jsued by the musicians' union we their favorite actress by EasternJ
Dec. 5, to confer with members of fail to see the superiority of the collegians, sings several numbers
the freshman class as a feature of ordinary theatre band over the in her best manner, while one
the general program of co-opera- recorded music of picked symph- Nancy Carroll is sadly miscast. For
tion between the university and Associe9) d Pr esPhoto any orchestras with special scores 'a 4perfect characterization of a
state high schools. The meeting Evan E. Young by such men as William Axt and minor role, note Stuart Erwin as
will be in the Registrar's office, American Minister to Santa Do- David \fendoza. a dumb, lethargic Swedish tackle.
i ee s office Aeiicwnh Mnisxpetetos d On the other hand, you may pre- Several good tunes are included,
where graduates of state schools mingo, who is expected to succeed fer living flesh and blood over the especially "Alma \Hammy," sung by
are expected to talk over theyr David E. Kautman, recently re- footlights. From the standpoint of Oakie. Not taken seriously, "Sweet-
work thus far in college. ! signed, as United States minister to the vaudeville actor and the cat- lie" is good comedy.
The plan, originated two years Bolivia. calls, whistles, etc. prevalent in this -B. J. A.
Thepla, oignatd to reas ______________fair town, he may be better Of-
ago, has been greeted with enthu- 0a's nhey
ia C by both students and prin- Chicago Mart to Have but that's another question. I1 Jolson. Jolson, and Jolson.
However-G If you like Al Jolson, there is no
cipals. Letters have been sent out Greatest Restaurant That is neither hither nor thither doubt that you will think "Say It
to all first-year students from! regarding today's cntertainment With Songs," at the Majestic, is
Michigan schools, and between five I Announcement was made today facilities. To inaugurate "Joy the very best singing picture War-
and.-six hundred are expected to see that the world's largest restaurant Month" and the "Entire Show on ner Brothers have produced in a
their former principals this month- ta mt hthe Living Screen" policy,. t e long time. Al presents a number
A few school heads have notified teh Michigan offers "Sweetie," revie - of popular numbers to the movie
the university that they will be un- Merchandise Mart, the world's I ed immediately below, while the audience in his original fashion,
able to attend on Thursday, but will largest building, which will be op-Majestic presents Al Jolson in amOng which are "I'm Crazy Over
Sable to see their students some ne to the pub the early part Sy It With Songs," considered You," "Used to You,' and "I'm in
time before the Christmas holidays. i n farther below. The Wuerth shows Seventh Heaven." Again,if you lik-
the borentes Christa oiday. uI This restaurant will have four Pauline Frederick's "On Trial,' to ed him in "The Jazz Singer," the
The conferences will "continue up units on the ground floor and will Ib eiwdi usa' al, nme Ltl a"wl pelt
to that time. lu y, be reviewed in Tuesday's Daily. number "Little Pal" will appeal to
The purpose of the consultations ocuy a floor space of 30,000 ;. 3..JA. you as a sequel to "Sonny Boy."
is enabp~st mtea d c square feet. It is estimated that .JA. yusasqelt"onyB.
is to. enable students and principals fe.I setmtdta Mr. Jolson can re<-:i sing~sns
to exchange views on college work , pay be fed daily, th Oakie, Kane, and Carroll. There is no doubt about that.
and to enable both university and seating capacity permitting 1,400 Followi-g the appearance of However, his acting in tragic sit-
tod to enable atbote niversityranceto be~
high schools to make changes in served at one time. Service "Sweetie"some conscientious liter- uations is somewhcJt drawn out
their programs to ease the difficult will require the employment of , om ss
transition between the secondary 500 men- and women. -__
schools and college. Midsemester One of the more novel features of
report blanks and questionnaires this restaurant is the way in which FIRST STARTS
have been prepared to give the I the various dining rooms and grill JOY MONTH 1EjTB TODAY
school heads all the necessary in- rooms are grouped about a central SPECIAL
fscmation.ol hkitchen, which will be enclosed in
The plan was first put into ef- glass. This will enable all custom-
feet in 1927, when only Detroit ers to watch the preparation of the Pauline Bert Lois
ptincipals visited the university, food, yet the rooms are so designed Wil
The idea proved successful, and was that the glass enclosed kitchen will F eL
extended to include other schools be in the background. 1
last year. This year one or two The Mart itself will have a total
representatives from the Chicago floor area of 4,000,000 square feet or
district are expected to attend. about 100 acres, and a display
space on each floor of 250,000 "WHO IS THE GUILTY ONE?"
The New Zealand government is square feet. Each of the 18 display
actively campaigning against, the floors of the 24-story structure will i Who killed Gerald Trask? Was it the women he
operation of radio sets which cause have sales corridors 650 feet long, loved? The woman who r ed him? TIhe riend he
interference with the reception of Along these great corridors will be betrayed? Don't miss the thrill o a lifetim e in this great
owners receiving sets. This is part hundreds of lines of merchandiseyshof
of the government's policy of in- exhibited through stores having six picture!
suring radio listeners the best serv- and one-half miles of window dis- ______
ice possible. play.
1i .

mnd is apt to be tiresome. He isau
very ably supported by the rest of
the cast, especially Marion Nixon '£White Will Preside at Meeting
md Davy Lee. Miss Nixon is rele- of American Institute of
;ated to third place through theC}
opular appeal which Master Lee hemical Engineers.
oalds for all kinds of audiences,
but both put in an excellent per- . BROWN GOES TO CHICAGO
The plot concerns a popular ra- rrProf. Alfred H. White, of the
dio singer. His employer is interest- chemical engineering department,
ed in the singer's wife, who refuses .eft yesterday for Asheville, N. C..
to have anything to do with him. le y e for Ashe N.u..
The singer is an irresponsible. ab-w ril the n
sentminded fellow with a hot ter- neeting of the American Institte
per. The old, old line of "if you of Chemical Engineers. Professor
don't treat me nicely, your hus- White is president of the organiza-
band will lose his job." fails to tion, and will take an active part
work, the wife tells her husband < in the proceedings.
about the manager's advances, and From Asheville Professor White
an a fight the singer kills him. HeFes
is sent to prison and then the fun will go to New York to attend a
begins. When another former Above are shown George T. meeting of the advisory committee
sweetheart of the wife wants to Tremble, Jr., '30, (right), of Kan- of the Chicago Centennial of Pro-
marry her, the love for chlid andsstress. He is scientific advisor of
wife move the man to renounce - Citywho has one of the prin- grts. Heissithecommittee n
both. As in "The Singing Fool," cipal parts ] this years Michiga Prof. Clair Upthegrove of the
the Child is again the main ele- Union opera, "Merrie-Go-Round,"mPrcl. ptgreost
ment. The final stages of the story which opens in Ann Arbor at the metallurgical department, goes to
are however quite illogicaland are Michigan Theatre on December 12. meeting of the research committee
left unexplained to the audience. Emerson J. Stiles, '30, of Fenton, of the American Society of Mechan-
"An excellent.song picture" sums Michigan, is a member of the wo-. ical Engineers and the American
it up. -S. B. C., Jr. men's chorus. Society for Testing Materials. Pro-
- ------------ fessor Upthegrove is chairman of a
Statistics compiled recently by Bursley Will Attend sub-committee in the correlation
the vice squad of the Dallas, Texas of data on long time and short
police department show that wo- Confer nCe of Deans time tests of materials at high tem-
men are in every criminal field now. - peratures.
In fact, the number of fairer sex J. A. Bursley, dean of students, Prof. G. G. Brown, of the chem-
arrested in connection wit h the left yesterday for New York city, ical engineering department, will
manufacture and sale of intoxicat- where he will represent the Uni-I attend a meeting of the American
ing liquors is three times greater versity at a meeting of deans of Petroleum Institute in Chicago next
than that of men. United States colleges. week.

Those Unde

TS ON 1 YOrpheu5i
cr 16 with Parents Shows: 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:35Adults





Beginning the new Policy at the Michigan
The Entire Show on the Living Screen
The Opening Show is here for an Entire Week-
Come Early!

' ,

And the famous
Sunny Boy again
a maiiiel of child.
ish naturalness.




Keep your eye on the
Majestic. We have a
full pack of great shows
before Xmas.

Helen Kanc-the baby-
voiced singer of Victor
record fame, "Boop-
boopadoop" girl, curling
her cuddling cadenzas

Pkv~ ifttr LL1M

fIll "O.-A I

r-r-3A-iticv A6.anlittincr Aalno .written l iv

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