ESTABLISHED 1890 ICY U, 4ia I a14 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL, NO. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS TO Bl For Rejection 0fft O AI R u A~I Q(, uartet Will Present ? Wolverine Is Chco SOJIIERN ITOSPa of Young Plan Fails 'UTlSdFull flILI l'TA UU I lLL LBL Forth Program o'i emhRihtgCoa n onis for A11"--Conf i A n Germah Reichstag lrlg'm nnrn Choral Union Seres ON GREATOACNationalists Defeated in Attempt U LASUI ING UUS L T U NIN flVULHI Iembers Are Noted as Soloists; EEtoT[clock PlaE; Will be JrflIPH rnliiiE Are Graduates of Famed TBVRSDAY EVENING put to Referendum, DIUIflCOHb ICl.fl fWING CONGRESS Budapest Academy. !us ekne 'COMEBACK OF 1929 ELEVEN IS PRAISED . 'AT GRIDIRON BUST BERLIN, GEANYNOV30 On its initial tour of America, the Well Known Actor Will Lecture! Revised List of Advisers for Tariff Bill and Vare Case Are Lener Budapest String Quartet will IFour 1 The German Reichstag today over- in Hill Auditorium on . Upperclass Students Will Left From Last Session. play Tuesday night at Hill auditor- T Swhemmngly voted down the Nation- ium on the fourth of the series of 'yr ratorica eries. alist bill for rejection of the Young be Announced Soon. Must be Decided. this seasons Choral Union concerts. TALKS ON SHAKESPEARE Plan, which had been brought be- The quartet is made up of JenoIKIPKI TAKEfore the Reichstag affer a plebi- EFFICIENCY IS DESIRED I PRESIDENT WILL SPEAK Lener, Joseph Smilovits, Sandor Roth, and Irme Hartman. Each Was Associate of Julia Marlowe scite had given it only a little more Seniors to Classify Durin First Government Clerks Will Read member is a product of the Buda- (Com p in Famed Thtil an the ecessary tenth of the !pest Academy, renowned for its in- N electorate. Period; Other Classes to Annual Budget Message strumental training, and each man N Company. The bill will now be put before Follow in Order. From White House. is under thirty-five years of age.f the country in a referendum, in Lener, the leader of the quartet. E. H. Sothern, considered by e Early classificatiort of uerclass (By Associated Press Smilovits, second violin, and Roth, many as America's greatest actor, lih airmat otes This is- students foir second semester; WASHINGTON, D. C., NOV. 30.- viola, are all pupils of the Austrian, eReal will appear in Hill auditorium De- couvses wl-.Preparing for the opening of the Hubey. Hartman, cellist, is a pupil reigned generally conceded to be impos- urses will begin some time this regular session of Congress in the of Popper. Lener was, at the age night "Great Actors and Actresses,"as sible, as the final defeat of the Na- week, it is announced by Prof. Dan- Hoover administration, Republican of eleven, one of the first violins inoftheI "iel L. Rich, of the department of leaders on Capitol Hill today as- the Budapest Grand Opera and was: Alan Bovard. 'gan Al the fourth speaker on the Oratori- Itionalist efforts to block the Young physics and director of classifica- signed tax reduction as the first job the child prodigy of Huby's "master Regular Wolverine center for the Grid B cal association program. In th Plan is expected on December 22, tion. Plans for early classification, for the House but found an un- class." Smilovits won the Remenyi past three years, who was given back u lecture Mr Sothern will discuss'when the referendum is held. Isettled tariff bill and the Vare case prize while a student at the Buda- the pivot position on Walter Ecker- Blue v Shakespeare and his lays and will The Reichstag, after digesting by th aculty of the colegeoapf Liter-confusing to the Senate's program. pelt Academy, and Roth, prior to sail's mythical all - Conference With the eloquent speech of foreign mA- ature, Science, and the Ads on the A move was started to defer again his affiliation with the quartet, was eleven.gseated; tell of his 20 years of association ter C u n favor of te Yong remmenation oh Pr so Rh. the consideration of the right of a member of the faculty of the In commenting on his choice of room p with Julia Marlowe who co-starred Paealut u a heavy blo toun r evsendlist of adersfor i Senator-elect William S. Vare, of Academy and often gave concets Bovard, Eckersall said: "Bovard of songs,' with him In playing Shakespearean r ton- uprelassstets is now ead Pennsylvania, to a Senate seat, but there. Hartman won the Popper Michigan is given the center berth. Parson, Hugenberg and the other Nation- all randspplementrysanouncementsSenator Norris, of Nebraska; assert- prize, 200 gold crowns annually for Although not a flashy player, the and ch roles. alist leaders. They failed to rally and supplementary announcements e he would demand a vote next n e years. All of the quartet are Wolverine was doing something all quet, a Mx. othern's imtimate knowledge reven the whole strength of the j eexpected to come of f the press week on his resolution denying as well known as soloists as for the time. His passing on Michi- as pres of the theatre, its plays and its party that supportedthe plebiscite. tomorrow. Vare admittance, their ensemble work. gan's intricate formations was ac- sounde people has gained him the reputa- The first of the four principal Tentative dates for the beginning Tariff Claims Consideration.- curate. He made his passes good congrat tion of being a most. entertaining sections of the bill was defeated by of , classification for the various Whether the Vare case is set before he paid any attention to his coachi and infoimative lecturer. In his 318 to 82 votes with four absentions. classes have been set as follows: aside temporarily or is decided next rtl p iu r opponent. He played a roving p- port f h :The second was voted down by ac- Seniors, Dec. 4; Juniors, Dec. 9; week-it comes automatically on i isition on defense and covered a lot though lecture Thursday night he will not clamatlon. And the notorious Sophomores, Dec. 16; Freshmen, Tuesday by previous agreement- of ground." its ma only discuss the inner workings of "prison clause" got only sixty votes. Jan. 10. the Senate will plunge once more ITiiI Ilm; Bovard has been a bulwark of season the theatre but he will tell of his This clause exposed ministers who Seniors to Classify First. into the tariff dispute hanging over I }the Michigan defense for three gradua experiences in playing scores of signed the Young Plan to prosecu- The limitation of classification to irom the special session, shortly ;years, and played particularly well ;Wolver famous roles and how he prepared tion for high treason. ewdt the opening formalities have iin the Harvard, Minnesota, and gan ou for each one. eniors fohe first few dsTseniors been concluded. Seats for Local Presentation Iowa tilts of the 1929 season. comeba Had Disastrous Start. know already just what studies' Te Norris resolution will deny to be Sold at, Union Desk I-as stro Mr. Sothern's first appearance at rifGTE they wish to take next semester, Vare a seat because of expenditures During Next Week. which an early age was a disastrous one. UProfssor Rich said, and they will of more than $U,000,000 by his tic-Sdownf He was given the part of a cabman accordingly be given an oppoutun ket m the 1926 primary campaign.t WILL OPEN HERE DEC. 12 In his father's "Sam" company in Ntyto1la s aida sona henc ke tHoe expemacts o ie lthieL doead New York but when he was about U 5 f C H sary printed material becomes $160,000,000 tax reduction resolu- - 1upon i to speak his first line on any stage available, stated thu avoid the the first week and leaders of both Go-Round," the 1929 production of wassforced to make a hasty exit. Balloting to Begin Wednesday crowds that formerly accompanied parties in the Senate are prepared te Union Opera will start at 2 eow, Broed Lovell Give Talks sota ga His next experience in - Boston at 4 o'Clbck in Natural the rush days of general classifica- to lay aside their other worries o'clocks Tuesday afternoon, at the ion o'clck Tesdy, aternonat te ;session shortly after was no more of a suc- Science Auditorium. tion, Professor Rich pointed out, sometime, before Christmas to per- Unio desk, Paul L. Buckley, the on Program Broadcast by which cess, but after playing small parts and they. will also be given first mit a vote there.Li att es hPal.nounkeyJs.t; in association with fielen Dauvray choie of courses and sections. ast Night. thede and John McCullough he establish- iS LAST CLASS ELECTION The exact dates for beginning of Thus tax reduction, the Vare case yesterday. The seat sale will con- against ed a reputation for himself and in: classifications for the various and the tariff appeared tonight as tinue at the desk of the Union each MADDY DISCUSSES CRIME demons 1808 he played the leading part in Freshmen of the literary college classes will be printed from time to likely to command all attention be- eafternoon from 2 o'clock to 5 0'- Bluei "The Highest Bidder." will elect their class officers Wed- time in the Daily Official Bulletin, fore the Christmas recess. aoo f 2i Prof. William C. Trow of the d Salvti After several years of successes nesday afternoon in Natural Sci- Professor Rich said. Brief and perfunctory. sessions ckTudea dne ay, Friday7ational psychology department of dwn b Mr. Sothern became known in the ence auditorium. Arrangements I Junior Period to Follow. are in prospect on Monday. After Saturday and next week, Monday.,the School of Education opened Capt pblc's eye essentially as a roman- for the vote, which will be the last As soon as classification of se- going through the formalities of and Tuesday. Thursday a special last night's campus radio program closed tic comedian, but he had ambitions class election of the school year, Inior students is completed, juniors opening the Senate will adjourn as sale will be conducted at the box with a talk on "Scientific Tests of short s to play classic roles and in 1904 he were announced yesterday by Er- will be allowed to make their elec- a mark of respect to the late Sena- office at Hill Auditorium for wo- Character" in which he described one by and Julia Marlowe organized a nest C. Reif, president of the Stu- ! tions, and when they are through, tor Warren of Wyoming. men. Prices of seats this year range some of the tests which have been stresse company that for a score of years dent council, which conducts all the bars will be lifted for sopho- .On Tuesday, President Hoover'$ evolved within the past year for body o was the leading acting organiza- elections. , mores. will transmit to Congress his first from 75 cents to $300. discovering the peculiarities of in- small tion in the American theatre. So- Balloting for the four officers to ! Classification for freshmen will message on "the state of the Union" The production this year will be 1 dividuals. the fo there and Marlowe produced nine be 'selected will begin at 4 o'clock i begin at a somewhat delayed dates, -a 12,000-word paper - and then given December 12, 13, and 14, and "Tests for emotional stability, so- to win Shakespearean dramas during this and continue until 5:45 o'clock on it is announced, because first year both branches will get to work, at a matinee on December 14. atictability, fairmindedness and hon- whole- period, as well as many other plays. Wednesday afternoon, according to students are often unable to tellI The next day the annual budget the Michigan theatre. Because of I esty are but samples of the ener- tire or Has Written Plays. the council's plans. The counting until late in the semester whether message will be transmitted from 'the size of the new theatre, only getic work now going forward in Of 1' Mr. Sothern has written many will be done by the councilmen fol- it is best to continue with other the White House. It will be read four performances of the produc- various psychological laboratories," have v plays. After his unsuccessful de- lowing dinner Wednesday, as was courses in the same department, or by clerks and referred to the House tion will be given instead of the said Professor Trow. "During the nine w but in his father's company he the procedure for the other literary to shift to different subjects. appropriations committee which usual week's run. ; east four years 691 studies have night A wrote a farce called "Whose Are , college elections this fall. The project of early classification for some days has been at work on Wednesday, December 11, the seat been reported, and many of them 'Stekete They?" which played two weeks in Special efforts to make the vote for the second semester has been the group of bills to provide funds, sale will be removed to the box I have helped enormously in get- Ernie Baltimore under the auspices of a fair one will be taken by the tried before in the past few years for governmental departments and office of the Michigan theatre, ting individuals on the right track." Pomm the police department, the backers council, the president stated. Elec- with various modifications, in an+ agencies during the next fiscal where it will remain throughout the Dr. Charles L. Brown professor and Jo of the show. Sothern then brought tioneering will be prohibited In the effort to find an efficient way of year. showing the following Saturday of internal medicine in the Medi- in the the production to New York under iiauditorium, and freshmen alone completing classification of the en- night. cal School discussed "High Blod John the title of "Domestic Earthquakes" will be admitted to the room. tire student body in the shortest! SOPH PROM BIDS The entire first act of the pro- Pressure." According to Professor' was su w .ere it played a week. Another The ballots to be used for this: time possible, according to Profes- duction has been fitted together, Brown, many individuals with high of the week in Brooklyn as "Crushed" fin- vote will be of a different color sor Rich. PLACED ON SALE, according to E. Mortimer Shuter, blood pressure are of the ambi- yell an ihed the run. she chief result of than those for the preceding elec- director, and rehearsals of the tious driving type and should see en ent thseteur e c h rn precaution against possible stuff- Ambassador to MexicoInvitationsAvailable in Angell dancing and singing choruses, the that a regulated amount of mental Minnes was a considerable deficit and ' Hall-;ccast, and the orchestra are being and physical relaxation is ' obtain- morist, long period of indebtedness. He re- ing of the ballot boxes. The baots A pointed as Senator '!and Union Tomorrow. held together so that the produc-~I ed. "We should bear in he was calls how every two weeks he would will be issued from a list of eligi- ition asa unit may be formulated ever," he said "that the blood pres- lines a I ble freshmen. The list will be made Tickets for the Sophomore prom, More than 100 men will take the ueve si nthathlodi'es I mores call on the printer who had let him by the Recorder's office, and any rr ,\sociaterewhich will be held Friday evening, or th ma sure, even in noriindividuals, to pra have his bills and circulars onAT NICIYN .,ovW.j tour with the company during the f is extremely variable under chang-; hre and informed himcthat tn student believing himself eligible to ATLANTIC CITY, N. Y., Nov. December 13, in the ballroom of the Christmas vacation. Four Pullmanplayed redit and informed him that theIvote, but whose name is not on the !,Announcement that Dwight W. UnIn,,in e llrod of te Chritms acation. Four thm ing physiological circumstances, games bill would be paid in a short time. list, may vote by securing a slip Morrow, American ambassador to sale in, wiAngeal be plobby beginninga castchesv erestra, and com- and a slight rise on blood pressure Minnes it was years, however, before the from the Recorder's office testify- Mexico, will be named as the United ! sale in Tney will be available mittees, and the scenery and cos- as determined by a single obserfa- i Espe account was finally settled. ing to his eligibility. States Senator from New Jersey, from 9 o'clock until 5. The booth b umes, ill be transported with the ion may be of no significance eventc "Stranger Than Fiction" was So- Candidates for office must also 'immediately after he returns from at the main desk of the U hon will other age. The show opens its ew tever.Lo thern's next effort which was pro- present a scholastic eligibility slip. the London naval disarmament stille maintained. road touDeceber 20 in Chicagohd on the one hour program mous duced on tour but was never seen Nominations will be received from parley, was made by Governor lans are swiftly approaching and from there moves east as far as broadcast from the Morris hall stu- elega in New York, although the same the floor after the class convenes at Morgan F. Larson here tonight. The maturation according to Fred Buffalo, then back eto Ohio cities, dio wcs Prof. Alfred . Lovell of to the theme later served another drama- four o'clock. Balloting will beginGovernor came here to attend a Buchan, '32E, general chairman of' closing January 4. the electrical engineering depart- Nine V tist for the writing of a prosperous immediately following the nomin- testimonial dinner to Walter E. the affair. Decorations will be in --ment, who dscussed the modern 'form n comedy. ating. Edge, Ambassador to France. green and silver, and the design Blizzard Grips North Idevelopments in the field of elec~ Dahler rplan will be disclosed later. A nov- .i an N LLitPof Joseph E. Maddy of t Howar dola eanaccding ltor's nry OperaIsu o Gale t Appear Tuesday; ___lott favors has been promisedN ine Lost Steink dollar each; according to Henry r ssue of ~argoye to. e'tin fher details are awaiting the; School of Music, talked on "Edu- Don W Mosr o th spec deartent I L.( flyAsociated Prss cation for Leisure." R-e discussed' eted ri Moser of the speech department, Newest Number to Include Varied Features approval of the Student council. business manager of the Oratorical, Jhny Hamp's orchestra will' SAULT STE. MAReE., Mich., the question of crime, saying that oroatnyn 'eNov.s'orc-hesguraewilU :A , q'acrm icoedPn Hundred Honor Coaches, eam, Pledge Support for 1930 Season. E, TRUSKOWSKI TALK oser of Varsity' Presents ne M' Rings; Huston Congratulates Team. By Joe Russell old-time Michigan spirit I at the Hotel Statler last as the four hundred guests Detroit Association of Michi- umni gathered at the annual ust to praise the great come- which the 1929 Maize and arsity displayed this' season. the Michigan Varsity band at one end of the main ball laying the familiar campus "Red" Glasgow and Roy M. s kept the crowd singing eering throughout the ban- fter which Irvin Cy Huston iding officer of the Bust d the keynote of the affair, tulations for the team and ig staff and a pledge of sup- or the '1930 season. Even Michigan did not win all of jor games during the past Mr. Huston stated that the tes were content that the ine squad was a real Michi- tfit as shown by its fighting ck to win over aggregations ng if not stronger than those caused the Maize and Blue .ll earlier in the season. Brown Jug Appears. Coach Harry Kipke, called rst by the presiding officer, the opinion that the Wolves d their height in the Minne- me when they regained' pos- of the "Little Brown Jug" was a conspicuous part of corations of the speakers' In this game Michigan, up a supposedly superior tenm strated that the Maize and n the words of the famous on Army slogan "may be ut never out." ain Truskowsi otficially the 1929 grid season with a peech which was followed by r Captain-elect Simrall who d the fact that the student f a University is only a very part of the following which otball team enlists. and that a team must have the hearted support of the en- ganization. 6 All-American players who worn the blue of Michigan ere present at the Bust last ith Willie Heston, Sr., Frank e, Pat Smith, Almendinger, Vick, Harry Kipke, Otto rening, Bennie Oosterbaan, Eck Blott all taking their turn spotlight. Scott, '16, from Minneapolis mnmoned as the main speaker evening by a real Swedish d retaliated by a speech giv- irely in the native dialect of ota. Mr. Scott, a noted hu- complained chiefly because forced to sit behind the goal t the Harvard game, but in a serious moment found time ise the fighting spirit dis- by the 1929 team -in the last of the season in upsetting ota and Harvard. cially fitting was the last of the evening when J. Fred n, composer of Michigan's fa- pep song, the "Varsity" Was - ted to present the "M" rings graduating letter-winners. olverines will not be in uni- uext year, with Al Bovard, Al n, Joe Gembis, Ray Parker, d Poe, Edwin Poorman, Al e, Captain Truskowski, and ilson being awarded the cov- ngs by the Detroit Club. association, or at the box office in.B obo.illuminating remarks appended, is' - urn aditoium Tursdy nigt be ByBbo. provide some novelties between the sr poieliueSlauioimThurday ight be- smnoetsbtwnthaincluded.- are missng ar the Pahquemenon; and advocating musical educationj tor th letur whch s shedled Opening with a striking cover' nldd dances it was learned yesterday. aemsigo h aqele~ n doaigmscleuain~ i oe the lectuye whiLheserheduled pk r An "Out of School" story pre- His ha beeell-known for river in a launch, 91 vessels, carry- as having a far-reaching effect in 1 fonr 8y 'clock. sents Garan1interestings bcollectionwn oo g e ists'clockedesigndr nG - sents an interesting collection of .its popular skits. ing 1,800 men, are held up in shelt- the reduction of crime. - goyle will present its Opera num- facts and incdents from peviou Tickets will be sold at $5, and in Bred places, and an undetermined Tick Fraternity Drop Lists ber to the campus on Tuesday operas, revealing the spicy life of addition to the places named number of people representing the class morin. he "PrYCou"kcsIamliecorin.the lsoatouhit above, they may also be had from passengers of 33 stranded automo-± day, D Are Required by Dean1 onig!Te"on hou" kics eamle c hie.leItsaltouhs onlsar ndagrfrmsara urwearlerlvan nio - right off the page, and gives the is- is more difficult to keep track of any of the members of the general tion and exposure as a result of a sale e final day sue a good sendoff. . their activities, committee. sinaexposre asmaed oy salece for fraternity andsorority presi- Another of the "Gulliver's Tra- "Campus Talk" has drawn nu- sub-zero temperatures which is' 7'5odays,d dentsetonotify the office of the vels" series of cartoons picturing merous items of interest to the GRID ianiRESULTSnoldi"gthe ts "ri"p".a "aysue, dean of students of any members the evils of life in this part of campus in general and the editoi GI.R STSMichigan te sgr p.enisul o who have been dropped since the Michigan is done by E. Jerome Eli has been lenient with his blue pen- Thguide, Joe B and eight $om. ,nlntmanaeine editor. this be- il he claims. The opera music has, , unidentified hunters, who set out Dur off J-Hop Tickets till Open Tuesday .ets for the J-Hop of the f 1931 will go on sale Tues- ec. 3, at the side desk of the .and will continue to be on yery afternoon from 3 until ck until the Christmas holi- according to Albert F. Dono- '31, chairman of the ticket Ittee. Tickets are priced at ing the first two weeks, tick- g s. : 4 f eft Y,:: :... $ + ;