VACTE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 152;? PAGE---G---THE....H...N.DA.LY SAT-RD....NOVEMBER.3.,...2. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pulic~hation itn the Bulletin is coj,, r cet ucinti to all mn mbr of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until :30 p. m. (11:30 a in. 'Saturday) VOL. 1L. SATUR1DAY, NOVEMIERL3, 199 No. 53 NO'flVFS Memorial Servke for Dr. Victor C. Vaugn: This :-erVice is to be hli n the Lydia MendelssolmiiThelatre Tuesday afternoon, Dccinbr '3 at 4:00 o'clock, instead of in 1Hil1 Auditorium as was first annuned in this column. Aexander G. Hutnvn. Faculty, College of Litrature. Sc a and the Arts: The Deent- - ber meeting of the Literary F,,clty will be held Mt1onday, December 2,) 1929, at 4:10 p. m in Room 2225, ange ;il ;Mail.' Jbi1,lfz c Fraternity anid Sorority Prr"idni.F Z' a'r r.ty and1 sorority presi- dents must notify the Of rice of the Dan of Studets in writing, on or before Decemnber 2, of any mnebers who hilivo been dropped since thec beginning of the college tear. 0 riete gi-&6csofAthes e membes will be charged against the fra ternitJ. or ',OrJ3Ty Whn the averages for the scholarship chart are coputed. , Extra-Curricular Ativi'es : Atntien r: js t*XIkecto tre following i rule regarding participation in etra-c ur&:clar : .tirities: "The mana- ger or chairman of every stud'ent activity i reinird t-o submit to the v Chairman of the Committer- on Student Affairs a complete list of all students who expect to partiipate, and to ascertain their eliibility be- fore proceeding further wilth the e: terpritc. *o t~deatn ay tac part in any public activity Unt ii ain o ieialcja1~'r t lca V co his or her el igbiityr has been obtained by tke proper offi cr in charge of Lbat ativity." J. A, Bursley, Chairn Ci um Itcleeon Student A CfLr, Early Clasificaion for Ole Se~inl ,Krieste-cr: On I be re~onnen- dationi of Professor Rich Director of (,,t .ifie tion, thec faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and tWe Arts approved ..nd authorized r early classification for the 'Second semester. Plans are now well tinder way to pernit this wvork to begi. Trhe Supplementary Aiuouicment for the second semester willx probably be off the press before the ffist of 15)eeitubr, and the revis ed1 list of advisers for upprciass students is now ready. ! For the first few dy the worm: o, ( a.' fi< ti on will be limited to !r seniors. Most seniors kew now wha4t thy wsh to take next semester,It and they will be given an opportunity to uiaJc their elections as soon e as the printed material necessary i avalale. Seniors may thus avoid the crows that formerly accompanied the! rush days of general cuasifxcati . Al;) thy will b givn first choice ! of -sections and courses. The exact dlate when seniors moay start to (lasify will be annoucedl in the Daly Official Bulletin sooni. Acodig to present plans, it is 1 hoped that thne work envy bein aboat Wc sa da y, Decemb~r . After the Seniors have lad a 'few dlays to classify, the same oppor-I tunity will be extended to Juniors, probably about December 9. Sopo-;q mnores will begin about December 16. reshmlzen classifications will take place at; the usual time early la January. Seniors-: Chestr J1. lan ,15 im oiptrollr of the Budget, General I Electric Company, Sev~lcenectac ly. w iI be ;ladl to i tevew senitlors inter- 1 ested ithe enral l~ee'riDi:i. s Jraii hog eCourse at t n lic Iieb an Union onl Decemnbr 2. If deiee. ppintlincnt:; mtaay be tade thlrogh the undersigned, Teephone Uui vrs,43. *W, A. 11:41 . All Sophoiorc 'Womeni itrc tcd ii wo~r ig n Ilco; tt)inIVfor the Sophomore Cabaret wil IJIC Pbisifre edo Deebr2rt4 ~ nRo ~lAgelHl n"n nev iulla the wireless laboratories of the gog ~prno"royal air force.t wr lqwl - \ K HOLIDAY COURSE1 ON COAL FORMED Dui ri, the Cliristnas holidays 1, course in bitujuinous mai.terials andl their use s lIIlt ayconstruction ,,.1c( s11ZtiliCiiall('e t 1 beI, of leree TI 1'0" oykwhich will be"in).on Dcen erx ~ 2f 13 1 c lextend througb ~.i~t'y v wll be :in charge of Prol'. l. .P,1'm I( n s, of the high-. wayl- 1!," (fit'o depart!1U' 1t:. The ccUs'is Openl to 'ni1yone interested, howecver, 11o U niversity credit will be gr-ant cd. A Pc' of $10 will be re- cjuifed of, o se ~cwho ac not al-. ready: />c clei'its at, the Univer'sity. T 'he (coLurse will be conpos5ed o." ecturc.5, ll.)ora tory ipractice anId assign'ed readting, . The nature, pro- duction, and use of oils, tars and asph~aiLi will be, covered. Pa'ticu - lar cnmpiass S1;;v" l)be 1)10 (a'd uponu bitt imt ..i,2 5 l)1"' .'f.c', 1ijichiding surt- f'ace ti'eamn uts, mixed-in-place, eons txuction, penetfration mracadl- amx1), bituminous concrete, and sheet; asphalt. ;.v:. z.5s;c::ssrrtrre za,.,r. .4 * i i r . 1 fv _ 4 .. f r: - ' _ - ° THn - -1. N, of Fine Furniture 0Never before was such high quality furniture offered at a discount of . N, A'. K k BU STI zBATHROOM For bathroom lighting, the use. of a 60- Grat bulb in a lighting brackii on both sides of 'thc mirror p rovide die best ararangeiont for convenience and for adequate .illumination. lInimany bath. rooms, however, there is oi ly a single lighting fi tur-and in this "xase a I0, watt bulb is very satisfactory. B 1i 1 . t i i I E f 91 t 4' 20 % I"/ Make your Personl selec- L~~ --a,- ' ; t r ti i.:y' r. c' 1' y, Sr F : '. t } ' l t) r t" r f ' BY JOHN E. KIRKPATRICK and $1.50 )0 0'. NORRIS }i:v., :;a" F_, -Y>:; xe . . x, :- -r. ; . . ;t°:; ; ';: r ', x;: ! ': . ,t, , . t . 33 ;9 .f. notice ho~w i1o( s th e u s e (4 f h e mW A ro S F EDISON - s---COMPANY Ifyou are~ usinga bulb snaller thani lQ-watts try thc. lDO-w~aitize and tion now SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY A fine sturdy e-,nd table in choice of color at Only $1.19.0 CHAS.W UT O A. S. Schmidt, Owner 113 East Wasihingt'n Street Open Every Evening till Nine O'clock R it i 'rim1E [DETROII I r~I_ L BOBCARSON'S ORCHES' IRA Every FriTday and Saturday Night s Tickets at Wahr's and League Desk, $1 lie- in the Spotlight" I1,1 7r7 -7P ~ ~ 'f. ' 'f1a'ff1PIya(. P'~d''.r~ar ~arnn~rr ~~' aa~Ar1 ' 1 J ' ?.,t ' 2 c a _ a N THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE presents Matinee.- 2:30 awk Ar EM JANNINGS rte. All Seats 50c rII MI F