° MICHIGAN - DAILYY' TMRSnAY, NOVEMBER 28, THE MICH GAN.DA...TH-R.....NOVEMBR.28... a~ five drll9!.r( ashi ticket which nv'?.y be purch ased at ihel Treasurer', ARRIVAL 017A E IA W RD A FROM RUSSIAW AEDNEAD 1Amteric:Ln itiatbema2tica~I So('iety: T1he TcifL i:i ~gut~liu' American Mathematical Society will be held at the University of Miclzi _... gan on Friday and Saturday, November 29 and 30. Sesisioiis will be 1ivlld ['Y Associated C iealsrvce wl b hld1 in oo 135AngllHal s fllwsZHW YORK, Nov. 27.-After lying zzrzi~r with chaplains of the -Friday at 10 a. in., Presentation of papers. r 2:00 p. m. Lectures by Professor Tomzilson Fort of lehDii hUaivcr- for 10 years in lonely Siberian; erttins of Foreign Wars officis city on "The gencral theory of factorial series," and by Professor L. M. graves, the bodies of 75 AmericanI Saturday morning, 56 of Graves of the University of Chicago on "Discontinuous ,:olutions in the war dead were approaching their il bodies-20 of them unidentii calculus of variations." homneland today to rec-ive the hon- wl eptaor ~ca 'KILER OFPRIEST iating. jOlahoma Terrorizers Arrested the After Murdering Aged lied-! Preacher. strain : - j: , p, , °* p.ninria.i Mp.ptinp for Dr. Vietar C. Va.imlin: Oil Tuesdav after- late Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, former Dean of the Medical School, will be_ The steamship President Roose- of the men for the 339th infantry. held in Hill Auditorium. All faculty members, students, and members of Sophomore Tromen: More girls are needed to work onl the decora-l vet of the~ United States Lines, Other bodies will be sent to Wash-i the pubic are ordialy invitd to atend..ions for the Sophomore Cabaret. WvorkI begins Friday, November 29.+ bringing the bodies from France t, nWG Alexander G. Rutliven. Please call 21616. o cn the last lap of their journey, is znto, Chicago, New Richmond, WA "__ Ivalta Gascock Chairman of Dcr .rwtans. scheduled to arrive at its Hoboken ! Ws., and other points in the mid-; Two me pier either Thursday night or early west, connet University Library: Tfhan1ksgiving~ Day Open: The Main Reading Csmoapolitani Club will meet Friday. November 29. at 3 p. m in Fiday. The ship has been delayed At~ Detroit the highest military "hard Room and the Periodical Room wvilbe open onl Thanksgiving Day from Lane Hall. The first National Night program of the year will be given i1ygle.loors will be paid Upon arrival bend d 2 to 9 p. m. under the same conditions as obtain on Sundays. by the Chinese Students' Club. All members bnd friends are cordiallyt The Ameicans ad been sent to terroriz W. XW. Bishop, Librarian. invited. the Archangel front as part of an of the special train at Union st- carryin ___ ___allied force to prevent the Germans thon there at 10 a. M. Sunday, the body o1 -Fraternity and Sorority Presiden~ts: Fraternity and Sorority presi-I The Craftsmen Club will meet in Masonic Temple Saturday evening, from seizing the north Russian bodies of the Detroit dead will be ith'ey ha dents must notify the Office of toe Dean of Students in writing, on orlINovember 29, at' 7:30. Everyone is urged to be present' ports for submarine bases after the escorted to the city hall 'by a de- ei before December 2, of any members who have been dropped since the I _-___lRusin revolution. They wr aheto c1tog beginning of the college year. Otherwise the grades of these members Freshmen Girls who missed Physical Education classes on Monday ofte 3thifatymberr ry ros the will be charged against the fraternity or soority when the averages for or Tuesday, November 25 and 26, must report at 4 o'clock, Monday, D- 310th engineers, 337th ambulance and the Michigan National Guard, bullies the scholarship chart are computed. cember 2, 1929, for makeup. company and 337th field hospital.' and the entire membership of theI ficers t J. A. Burley, Dean of Students. !_omfhmnweekildnaHaasciton_ doors S ----' --- Children's Rhythm Classes xill meet as usual on Saturday, Novem- acSome oftheen ofwerenkilld in- Al caleearassociatin . of Jac] Exr-CriclrActivities~: Attention is called to the following F ber 30. At 10 o'clock, children 4 and 5 years old; 1:0ocok cide aacon eothrded.ownds91,1d2is ll tloc at ve trencrsnieiosand to] rerardigprticpationin extra-ct'ricular activities: "The mana- 6 and 7; 11 o'clock, children 8 to 10 years old. 1:0b'lokdcidrn eserdexpoure. t i 1919, 102 oistakelpart in sthcefr eones.ter min rul reaTnhatiiainbdeotwersreurnd toitinSecou- Tebde illei tt o o- Batt ger or chairman of every stident activity is required to submit to the try T e oerson hd lans-in ca- ral days at White chapel, and then men a Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs a complete list of allI Bacteriology 3a: Thle first meeting of the class in Bact. 'a for liter- teervsaog h rn-ie be entombed until next Memorial duh students who expect to participate, and to ascertain their eligibility be-I ary, pharmic and graduate students will be held Monday, December 2, at i lan railroad until recently, when I day, when they will be bured, his dea fore proceeding further with the enterprise. No student may take part 1:00 o'clock, in Laboratory No. 3, East Medical Building. Come prepared they were located and removed W.hs ea in any public activity until an official certificate of his or her eligibility (with notebook, laboratory coat or gown and a $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory (through the efforts of teeVeterans OKLAHOMA UNIVERSITY-Fif-I . dly has'been obtained by the proper officer in charge of that activity."i tickets obtainable at Treasurer's Office. No student will be enrolled ii ?iodieFo reg n arsaElev n g ty-nine students were suspended I tadniyg J. A. Bursley, Chairman Committee on Student Affairs. !this subject without presenting this ticket. bodiesroarelowineFranceawingthsm thbaco ftebarg __________ -- -li-ing--inthis__month__byaction of- thewordanowing,-w --_ow_------__wodfro eaie iigi of regents because they violated' The a Facuty, Colleges of Enginering and Architecture: The md ei nvriyrls FOid-sGEeB CK ISOB AI EDFul ilipryhoor hveb nivrst rle.found ester report on -engineering and architectural students: in your classes' U P O G D U K SO TA N DFulmiiay-oor aeien Sunday whose work is below passing grade will be due on Friday, November 29. BY PARDON DURINGHUNTING TRIP' aranged by the army and the navy' UNIVERSITY OF T E XAS-, These reports should be made on cards which may be obtained in the, ___ -I__ _ for the reception of the dead. The Apple vendors have been banned at j Ero Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building, and the reports; The triumphal return to runn Ar- Prtaeinegvn tteFra' bsdet lRoosevelt wil byte Umiedof the stadium by an edict of Presi-1 known should be filed in the same office. boQModaemonin otE.C. argAttha dnnelgveiattheFa- Abroe-ighshidbithnUnte Lows A. hopkinsondy moSecretary.. Pa- : ett House, Mr. Pardon was sum-States destroyer Kane and escort-det tligrflongacm dikn ____ ~~~~~~~~don, Superintendent of the Build-! manily accused of buying the deer. ed up the bay. Should the ship ar- pan ftebn htsuet rhb Faculty, Collegec of Lierature. S-'ec^, and 1he Arts: Mid-senes- ings and Grounds Department, is Such accusations were Spiked, rivc before sunset nine army planes'were throwing apple cores at them. 21 year ter report cards are now being- dlistribuitc'l through the Campus mes- ifrought with interesting expecta-i however, when one of the guess w:il circle overhead. A national sa- senger service. Instructors are r equested to repot not later than No- ions for Mr. Pardon, who, for the said that he himself had witnessedW _of 21 gusislnsd.l b iedfo MERRILL,L'YNCL vemiber 30, the names o1 all :tuv>ents whose standing is at this time D lattndy hsbe i adeGh'hotn n ha hr a o A terobokisln.e ro a Members or E. These grades should not indicate rmr_ any the mark received on the Ls e ashsbe nade~tesotn n htteewsn:A h ooe iraro a mid-semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards ' runiing trip in Ontonagon County, douzbt as to the genuineness of Mr. ben espewilly iepsaedundere ahmi- New York Stock Exdl ifneecnb ad a.yofc.'Upper Peninsula, brought back 'with ade illei tt idram l- T esecardseshoud ba setny o emry.o hewr ofstudent him a beautiful four-pronged buck.! Pardon's hunting prowess. tary guard of honor. Military fu- Chicago Stock Echan Inoldi hsClee wo years ago, when the head of ii~~IIiIl~IIIlIlIuIIIlJII~Il~lI~I~I Cleveland Stock Exca . 1W. Il. Hinphreys, Assistanrt Dean. th_.ad0 oswso ii Detroit Stock Exchang lr expedition, his marksmanship = DRINK PURE STATER NetkCubMr P; VENS rT~d1A\V(ws rewarded by a two hundred= Uno hrhSrieVTeNTS Oillbea uie evieo l AnAbrIlxonlbuck which was subsequent-= Delivery Service that makes it possible to Accounts Carried on Conserva churches at 10:30 o'clock Thank-; iving day in the Baptist Church. All: ly turned into a venison dinner foi -ejy n ro' ietprs'wtri or2 IT tSN tlB n tudntarcodalinvte oate iIthe several foremen and the officec no n Abrsnetprs wtri ou 0 istN 1B n Student Christian Association. force of the department,oe tro tc tsrrsn o ot Annl Arbor At Association: The Seventh Annual Ann Arbor Artists 1 =_Tlehne870- exhibition will be open Thanaksgiving Day in the afternoon from twol eY n itd ; ARBOR SPRINGS WSATER CO. ttlive. This exhibition closes Friday, November 29, and all exhibits ~iWYr itd416 W. huron must be removed from the galleries Saturday, November 30. SpQ~: R=!;sildWtrSring WaterJ A D n e O$ a Privat___________________________-______ ___--- - ,A an- Ilni IED BODY AROUND By Associated Press) BONER, Oklahoma, Nov. 27-- en are under arrest here in Lion with an attempt by twvo boiled" men of the Hell's listrict of Wagoner county to"- e an entire community by,, ig from door to door the;" fan aged Cherokee preacher ad killed. tents of the district, al-' plainly under the Influence fear the two community intne to inspire, told of- hey were summoned to their -unday to be shown the body k Batt, Cherokee preacher, d that "everybody had bet- id his own business." had filed against the two charge of attack on his ,er, but withdrew it before tth. V. Hadley, father of David who is sought for qugs- in connection with the loll- ais arrested Tuesday nigh't, ged preacher's body was at the elder Hadley's home Tnight. pean dancing is almost un- among the Japanese. while g alcohol and smoking is ited by law to anyone under 'S of age. -1CO. tge Inge et tive Margin - ''hone 4 294. sreakfastr I iraitors, ground loosr gually, IrL iIAAXUL'urall1Lt11C1.111, Cll, 9R~A~~UNCUkk4Jt,_ clay, throughout November. { Exhibition of Posters from England,, F~rance, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy in large exhibition room.. Architectural Building, daily from 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. ToIiighat at .the Lydia Menidelssohn Theatre, Emil Janlning's in, "T1ar- I tu fle," a great portrait of a great character. )Evenigs at 8:30; matinees, t Thursday' at x:30. and Saturday at 2:30. COMING EVENTS - Physiological Chiemistry 102: The second laboratory section willj hiold it first meeting on Friday, November 29, at 1:00 p. m. in Room 319, West Medical Building. Students should provide themselves with with all Markets Securiocs bought or sold un 'J'dM~isiow 2basi -- -~ I uicorported Inve'sttuelit Securitie. Co. Eii'si Floor Anti Arbor Tru~st bldg. Is T WINGu Served in the BalliRoom of the WOMEN'S LEAGUE BUI LDING From One to Three 'clock Phone for accommodations 2-2595 I I TODAY frxomn eleven 'till two o'clock Joe Parker's Cafe' is serving a Thanksgiving Dinner that will add to the reputation of this already famous inn; $ 1.50 a plate. 'Tonight from sirs 'till ten o'clock there will be a supper dance with the usual minimum charge of 75 cents, no cover charge. A ND tomorrow night there will be dancing from nine 'till closing. And . . . after midnight a special Fan-Hellenic breakfast will be served. SO drop in for Thanksgiving dinner 0". . .to dance for an evening to Sidney 'Woolner's orchestra . . . or after a movie . . or just for something different. You'll come back again too! HURON AND FOURTH STREETS C. W. KELS ;X MANAGEMENT I k® I 4 ®.a I } At the MICHIGAN UNION DON LOOMIS and his Orchestra Perfect dance music in a beautiful ballroom 9:00 till 1:000 Saturday 9:00 : till 12 11 11 r i "The alL Of [he mp . ----------------- i . r' :J . ... .. L 1 THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE presbrn ts EMVIL JANNINGS VI All Seats 50c 1.;r I