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November 28, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-28

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'iHii'SD z, iOvvE-IMUER21s; Th21




Inramural tems+
(Continued From Page 6)
during thepast two seasors, and
that in the Iowa game of 1928. He
[" ! .is only 19 years of age.

Fr idyseeas un
Friday's schedule

.c otai r oin.ts__core_ _ _ _ _I
(Building closed Thanksgiving
Theta Chi upset the dope by Day).
winniing their volley ball much Tennis.
2:15-Phelps-Cole vs. Lhevinne-
from Alpha Delta Phi, two games Penn.
to one. The Alpha Delt's looked (Finals of all-campus doubles).-j
like possible finalists, but this de- 7:30-Sherman vs. Fleer.
feat at th6 nanas of the Theta Chi's Basketball
has changed fhe outlook. Tlhe win- 7:30-Practice sessions for teams.
ner of this match is now in the
semi-finals. They ar also in the Tuesday's Results
quarter-finals of the swimming andI


water polo tournaments and are
still going strong in handball. They
are well on their way toward win-
ning the highest total 1number of
points in the fall schedule.
Eight Teams Enter
Volley Ball League
Intra-class voiley ball is sched-I
tiled to start next Wednesday right.1
Eight teams are entered and are
paired 'off as follows:
Senior Lits. (Kinsman) vs. Jr.
Dents. (Collins).
Frosh Lits. '(Schutz) vs. Soph.
Lits. (Klivans).I
Senior Dents. (Moss) vs. Soph.
Lits. (Steinbery).
Junior Engrs. (Zanoff) vs. Soph.
-Lits. (May).
Class teams can be formed in any
sport. Many of the teams are en-
tered for the all-year trophy. ,

Delta Sigma Delta defeated Phi
Sigma Delta, 23-18.
Chi Psi defeated Sigma Chi, 24-
Beta Theta Pi defeated Delta Sig-
ma Phi, 27-13.
Water Polo
Phi Sigma Delta defeated Delta1
Sigma Delta, 1-0.
Triangle defeated Chi Psi, 2-0.
Delta Sigma Phi defeated Beta
Theta Pi, 2-0.
Alpha Omega defeated Alpha
Kappa Lambda, 3-0.
Psi Upsilon defeated Phi Kappa
Psi, 2-1.
Delta Phi defeated Phi Delta
Theta, (defaulted).
Volley Ball.
Acacia defeated Phi Chi, 2.0.
Delta Alpha Epsilon defeated
Kappa Delta Rho, 2-0.
Theta Chi defeated Alpha Delta
Phi, 2-1..

Simrall absorbed a great deal of
punishment during the recent foot-
ball campaign. He held the post of
safety man during the entire year,
and with very little interference to
aid him was usually hit by three
of four of the opposi Ion simultan, '
eously when attempting to returnl
punts. Nevertheless, not once dur-
ing the entire year did he stay
down when hit.
For two years he has handled the
punting burden of the Wolverine
team, ranking as one of the best
kickers in the Conference. In many
instances his failure to make better
yardage on his kicks was due to!
the weak blocking of the forward
wall, which allowed opposing line-
men to filter through soon enough
to hurry "Ducky's" kicks.
IhAs a tackler he ranks os one of
the best of western safety men.
Time and again opposing backs
have eluded Michigan's secondary
defense only to be stopped by the
blond Kentuckyan. In the Purdue
battle especially he was respon-
sible for saving the Wolverines
from several touchdowns by dump-
ing Welch and Harmeson when
they apparently were headed for
Michigan's goal line.
Huston's H olds Round
Robin Billiard Games
Two matches will be played to-
night in the round robin three
cushion billiard tournament being
held at Huston's. The match(,
that will be played tonight are
Ryan vs. Wilson at 7:00 and Luck
vs. Carbing at 8:00.
Three matches have already been
played in the tournament, McCrow
defeating Foley 15-10 in the first
game. This match went for 51 in-
nings, with McCrow's run of three
being' high for the game. In the
second game Pursell defeated Dick-
ens 15-13 in 21 innings. Both con-
testants had high runs of three for
the match. In the other match
played to date Wilson defeated
Formworth 15-7 in 35 innings.

ANN ~mwAR B'Ol
* N1BK


-.-.-..-.- . 1

For F ootball or Frat House

There's a Walk-Over shoe for the
occasion. A burly, husky Scotch
Grain for the game, a soft calfskin,
either black or tan, for indoor wear,
and a pair of diull leather dance
Three pairs of the new Walk-
Overs will give you a good start for a
shoe wardrobe.

., ' . ,
, ,
} t

(Continued From Page 6)) battle at Lexington will see a great
world. ' exhibition of football with the su-
Other rivalries along the eastern premacy of the Bluegrass at stake.
front which will play a prominent -Age old rivals will meet when the
factor in the digestion of Turkey North Carolina, Tarheels play host
Day will be the Catholic U.-George- to the men of Virginia- at Chapel
town game, the Bucknell-Dickin-H
son battle, and annual Pittsburgh- Along the Pacific Coast there will
Penn, State tussle at Pittsburgh. be a scarcity of important games al-
The crushing Pitt attack will prob- though the St. Marys-Oregon game
ably rip the State opposition asun- should bring out a great exhibition.
der and this game will be chiefly The Saints boast an unbeaten re-
of interest in watching for the All- cord and have yet to be scored upon
American qualifications of the two over the entire season. Oregon has
Pitt stars, Uansa and Donchess. flashed phenomenal football and
With the Big Ten football cur- should be in top form whegt these
tamn already rung down, interest in two teams clash at San Francisco.
the Middle West will center around Other Coast, and Rocky Mountain
the activities in the Missouri Valley teams to meet are Colorado Mines
Conference. Here the headliners and Colorado' College, U. of Cali-
are the Nebraska-Iowa State and fornia (S.B.) -Montana, Utah-Utah
the Missouri-Oklahoma games. Su- Aggies, and Arizona-Whittier. The
premacy of the mound city district Colorado Mines game will sound the
will hang in the balance when St. requien to the gridiron career of
Louis University takes on the highlyt Dutch Clark, the great C.C. back-
rated Washington University grid- field star, one of the most versatile
ders. of gridiron performers of all time.
In the South a host of good games Only a few outstanding gridiron
are on the card. The traditional offerings are on the books after
Vanderbilt-Sewanee game, the fea- this afternoon, so this probably
ture of the southern football, card, marks the eve of one of the most
will see these mighty grid machines successful and prosperous years for
battle at Nashville. Despite the fact football. Most outstanding of these
that Dan McGugin's Vanderbilt "post season" games are the Army-
team will be a topheavy favorite Nlotre Dame classic, the U. of D.-
much interest will follow this game. Georgetown, and the perennial Rose
The Crimson Tide of Alabama Bowl feature, which will see the
and Wallace Wade will meet a proudest array of football talent
mighty Georgia team at Birming- from out of the east oppose the
ham. The Kentucky-Tenessee best of the West Coast.



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.. ..

II ,


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