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November 28, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-28

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Pdn-Hellenic Initiates League as Scene of Comin
Lewis Browne Reconueids Lusting !3ook (Iasketball Season, Wi1ith, Attendant Winter
T UIMN MILIU and Blasts Some Literary RcputtionS ADLPLI [LLOS[E IO'LSports, Schedules First Practice MondayTO 9
Students do tomuch assigned known, btalittle cliqul( f oo 1Pt1 1A1 f a- h opeino h n
[[AIO ii 9 t'iai declared Lewis Browne inpe who really apprEccate lierature ji1 i H LBe coIletimuofatheinteoherlrou. Feuar ywi EcN-
an interview granted yesterday af- r s aying more and more that heI tinue throughout February, with
ternoon. "They ought to be let is ide important American today. tournaments this week, the out- games from 4 to G o'clock, Monday
President Alexander Ruthven loose in the stacks, and the more "First in the list of this year's Registrar Smith Grants Decision door sports season closes, giving and Wednesday afternoons. and Union
and Mrs. Ruthven Head List mistakes they would make the bet- i;ok s," continued Mr. Browne," I in First Several Debates way to basketball and numerous 'uesday nights. O
of Patrons for Affair. j ter. Reading particular paragraphs: would put Mamba's Daughters,' bymiosprsuedynht.O
_Pt _ with no reference to the context is boseleyward,nalso the author of Between Societies. inortspots Interclass basketball practice
'all wrong, for then they have no 'Porgy.' Th' man is undoubtedly an krewill beg next Tuesday nder the
COTTONPICKERS TO PLAY meaning." artist. Then one of the best first Registrar Ira M. Smith, acing Almural basketball practie, wt wilrein nx Tsd udeth el w
znaf~.the tournament opening DecemberdietoofMsEizehHls;Al
Having expressed this opinion novels I have read in a long while as judge, awarded the decision to 9. All organized houses and nd1- and Miss Laurie Campbell. Definite enterin
Tomorrow night the Pan-Hellen- Mr. Browne went on to mention is Aben Kandel's 'Black Sun' pub- the Portia debating team when the pendent groups who wish to organ- schedules of play have not as yetm tt
ic ball, one of the most brilliant of some books which he considers well lshred by Harpers'.M. Portia and Adelphi tams me on ize teams may take advantage of been arrangen. y may ta
teya'patewlbesgeinworth reading. Among these he; Another book mentioned by :ur.,benarngdI
the years parties, will be staged in uggeste e bookso obetNa- Browne is "Precious Bane" by Tuesday night in the Adelphi ri m coaching and instruction to be given If a sufficient number of women in SWi
the Myra Beach Jordan room at the than. "'There is Another Heaven," Mary Webb. She is an English-wo- n Angell hall to decide whether or nsday, and Friday of next week, show interest in fencing, a fencing by the
League building has been available, Mr. Browne said, "is a fan- man who died two or three years not university entrance require- and from 7:15 to 9:30 o'clock Tues- club will be organized and will ment.I
sored by the sorority women of the tasy in English, choice and ago. Stanley Baldwnvwrote an ments should include standards in day night at Barbour gynasium. ;'
campus through the Pan-Hellenic magnificently ceveloped without article about hr in which lhe saidaddition to thoseof schoyarsip. Independent women interested in sp nsor intramural fencing events.
association, headed this year by being overdone, and full of irony that she was the greatest woman adPoria represented by Ela n et ' eresed No previous Practice or instruction! 8:30 o
Jean Wallace, '30. Tomorrow night and pity. Mr. Nathan writes satire, novelist of her time. "I agree with present at the intramural meeting in fencing wi be necessary to ights,
will mark the first time that the fantasy ,and whimsy, but there is a him there," remarked Mr. Browne, Coyle, 31, Jane Robinson, '31, and held Monday at Barbour gymna- those joining the club, but there sired,a
League building has been available good deal behind it. He is a poet "and it's the only thing about Dorothy Cox; '30, upheld the affirm- sum; but any who did not attend will be elective courses as well as of hous
the ball having been held at the who writes in prose. I think he is which I do agree with him. le's a ative, maintaining that because this meeting and still wish to take the regular classes which will be view of
Union in the past P one of the most distinguished w it- JTo.rytan applicant's scholarship did not part may report at any of the prac- continued from last winter. All i to be e
McKinney's Cotton Pickers Victor ers in America. He is not very well a wJurgenis the" e stathe Mr. . . .r .t'ice sessions. This offers independ-h who wish further particulars about'
Recording orchestra, one of the _bell has , written," statedMr.adequatelyindicatehis__de___as yt__its
foremost colored bands in the will be present are Dean Joseph A. Browne. "Most of the interest in his physical fitness, native ability in intramural sports, and usually a ings. She will arrange elective
country, has been secured for the Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Cabell's work is due to his sex-il- and character should also be in- large number report so that sev- classes to suit the convenience of;
occasion. Last year th Cotton John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, lusions. He does write in beautiful vestigated. Adelphi, represented eral independent squads are organ- those who apply to her. Regular Th
Pickers appeared in this locality at Dean Wilbur Humphries, Miss chaste English, but he lacks guts, by Walter Wiers, Grad, William ized, fencing classes will be held at 11 ti ure.
the Graystone ballroom in Detroit Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, and he repeats himself. Butler, '31, and Leonard Kimball, Houses or groups who wish to en- and 2 o'clock Tuesday and Thurs- th E
and at. Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Jordan, "Considering reputations to blast, '33, defended the negative, main- ter teams in the tournament must day. All equipment will be furnish- Wom
Autumn foliage and fail flowers Mrs. Henry Bacher. Dr. MargaretI there is John Erskine's, but he has taining that a student could not file their names at the intramural i ed at Barbour gymnasium . has b
will transform the ballroom into a Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, Mr.|already blasted it himself," ex- attain higher scholarship without office in Barbour gymnasium be- -
rich background for the colorful and Mrs. Ira Smith, Mr. and Mrs.i plained Mr. Browne, "with his last I possessing the additional qualities, fore December 9, so that playing Ohio State University has a Sop
costumes of the women. Harvey Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Homer novel, called 'Sincerity.' It is dull, As this is the first of several de- schedules may be arranged. The Queen of home-coming festivities to he
The grand march will be led by Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H and it was written by a man who bates between the two societies, the teams will play in groups in the every year. A campus election the ci
Katherine Wilcox, 3, chairman of Yost, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot,did not have enough time to spend trophy, a time-worn teapot, may preliminaries of the tournaments. chooses one girl from a group of begin
h ,sontyet be claimed by Adelpni. The team in each group winning twenty-eight, nominated by the willb
the ball, and her escort, Robert D. ;Dead Edward H. Kraus and Mrs.1 -'- '--* "--- ----'- two out of three gaekilte omtresadsrrte nteCott,'
Thompson. '311E. As is the cus- Kraus, Dean Herbert Sadler and' t t winningames will then dormitoris and sororities on the
tom breakfasts are being served at i Mrs. Sadler, Dean Hugh Cabot and meet the winning teams of the campus
most of the sorority houses, for the Mrs. Cabot, Dean James E. Edmon- I~har.
members and their guests who have son e nd Mrs. Edmonson, Mr. and -ll
attended the ball. Mrs. Louis Straus, Mr. and Mrs. ffl (
President Alexander Ruthven Oscar J. Campbell, Mr. John Eaton, II
and Mrs. Ruthven head the list of Mr. Arthur Cross, Mr. Bruce Don-
patrons and patronesses for the af- aldson, Mr. Peter M. Jack, and Mr II
fair. Other faculty members wvho Paul Cuncannon
t, tc rm o th~ fr _q a
onhgnra I N AL
IamIIIcre I d e3r gi 'yflu
i \ ! l1nk

g Ball
Pool Attendants to Have
portunity to Practice
for Meet.
omen on campus who are
g the intramural swimming
o , be held on December 12
ke advantage of instruction
ming and diving provided
Physical Education depart-
Miss Grace Brauninger will
he Union pool from 7:30 to
lock Tuesday and Thursday
to give any instruction de-
and to time representatives
es and dormitories with the
finding those best qualified
ntered in the meet.
appointment for the pic-
which was to be taken of
Board of Directors of the
en's League next Tuesday
een cancelled.
homore women are needed
lp with the decorations for
ophomore circus. Work will
tomorrow and honor points
e given. Call Ivalita Glas-
21616, before Friday.

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