PAG 0 FOii . Best of all, this sporting item inI OtheHarvard A. A. News has gone Published every morning except Monda far to dispel a lot of mistaken no- during the Universitvyyear by the Board in:; t iplalt fmsae o THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 Control of Student iublications. -.. - Member of Western Conference Editorial1 Association. , The Associated Press is exclusively entitled1 t, the'use for repubication of all news dis patches credited to it bor not otherwiseecredited it this paper and the local news publishedI herein.1 Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, $4.50. Offices: An Arbor Press Building, May- ard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY itor ............George C. Tilley lity Editor ................Pierce Rosenberg News Editor ............George E. Simons foits Edtor.........Edward I. Warner, Jr. omen's Editor .......... Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Xusic and Drama........ William J. Gorman Literary Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...... Rubert J. Feldman Night Editors 7rank E. Cooper Ilenry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert y. Sloss Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds Surueyy illans' Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester ay Ifelen Bare David Al. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary L. Behymer lloward I. Peckham Benjamin Fl. Berentsor11ugh ierce Allan 14. Berkman Victor Rabiowitz S. Beach Conger Johli. Reizdel Thomas M. Cooley lcainie Roberts John H. DenIer Joseph A . Russell Ieen Donine Joseph 4uxwitch Margaret ckels 'Ailliam P. alzaulo Katharine Ferrin CaleIs 1R. Sprowl Carp S. Frsythre S. (adw elI Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jan me'tiser Ruth Geddes 1\argaret Thonupson Ginevra Gin MchurtL. Toin I ack Goldsmith ~lizaletl, Valetine Morris Groveripan ftlarold . Warren, Jr. Ross Gustn Charles W liie Margaret Parris G. Lionel Willens David B. fIepstecad ohu 1 Willoughby S.Cullen Kennedy Natan'!'4Wik ean Lev' Barbara Wright ussell . L. cCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee BUSINESS STAFF Teiephone 2114 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER I Department Managers AdvertisingT.............T. Ilullister Mabley Advertising .. ,.. .....Nasper IH. IHalverso Advertising ............S hwod A. I ptott service....................cerg A. Seater Circulation..................J. Vernor Davis Accounts ...................John 1. Rose Publications................George namiltou Assistants Byrne M. Badenocht Marvin Klacker ]times E. Cartwright Lnwence Lucey Robert Crawford 'Ihbouias Mu ir Harry B. Culver George Patterson Thomas M. Davis (harles Sanford . Korman Eliezer Lee Sin) toit1 Ames Ilo fer liseh Van Riper ; ' orris Johnson Robert 'illiaison Charles Kline W ilim t. W rboys Business Sectiry-Mary Chase Laura Codling Aice AlIc(Clly Agnes Davis Ar ia Miller errn GleserH H en E. Iwhite Ifortense tcditg Eleanor 'A linshaw orvothea Waterman Night Editor-William C. Gentry THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 HARVARD'S SPORTSMANSHIPI Following Michigan's victory over Harvard several Eastern sportswri- ters took occasion to deprecate th skill and power of the Michigan eleven and attribute the defeat of a better Harvard team to "the breaks of the game." For a mom- ent we had it in mind to wax indig- iant over thi "reach of trood taste tions about Harvard, Harvard men, and Harvard football. It has shown us that Harvard's private reaction to the game was as fine as the brand of football they showed on the field. It makes us proud to have played them. We want to play them frequently in the future, and thereby learn to know them better. i - nn-.. ...o.................. ... .............$.....*.* ..About BoOks..d:4 A NEW NOTE "RED HOT IN JOHN MASEFIELD ROMANTICISM" The Hawbucks, by John Masefield New Worlds To Conquer, The MacMillan Company, New York By Richard HallibuL'ton- City Bobbs Merrill, Indianapolis Price $2.50. Price $5.00. FELT HATS N1;ade oi the 11-rad. ;.. - i Hats j1 madn to C Kinsey Hat 227 South State order. Shop ..,.. .. OUR EXPERIENCED N OPERATORS USE NATURAL RAMN WATER Exclusively for our } E Shampoos Stop in at our shop or phone for appoint-. ment. STODDARD BEAUTY SHOP 707 N. University Dial 2-1212 There is no denying that Sard NO PLACE FOR SNOBS Harker and Multitude And Soli-u Business needs no young snobs, tude each created a stir when pub- N for success is founded on modesty, lished. They were well-construct-o genuine knowledge, and creative ed, quite emotional novels, and they thought, was the opinion voiced by eo William Butterworth, president of 1 sounded deep the note expected to the United States Chamber of Com- be heard from Masefield. The for-a merce, before students of Boston mer followed the struggle of a sar-b university. These words come in donic hero in pursuit of a not hope-e direct opposition to the ideas of less- or useless dream; the latter; prof. Robert E. Rogers, of the Mas- -op 1was the story of a young playwright sachusetts Institute of Technology, w whose final advice to giaduates who "got away from it all" in aP there was "learn to be a snob." constructive, even satisfying fash-e Coming down to cases, the more ion. Each, however, like Masefield'sI prudent counsel by far seems to be epic poems and dramatic tragediesf that of Mr. Butterworth's. The shallow guise of social snobbery is i verse, was awy just on the always transparent and meaning- verge of being great., less, and actually serves no practi- The Hawbucks, being the mostt cal purpose. Beside that, one can un-Masefieldian of any of the au- not blandly announce, "Now I am thor's work and consequently free to become a snob," and thus effect from the tremors of greatness thatt a complete metamorphosis which beset the work previously, is a goodt involves a change in his every char- novel in its own curious way with- acteristic. Personalities are not so out the enervating effect of being easily mutable, and whether a per- almost great and stopping short ont son is to be a snob or not depends the brink of greatness. In other almost entirely on his training and words, it is a good novel because environment. it gratifies an1 fulfills its objec- One of the worst mistakes a tive, and the reader does not1 young man can make, Mr. Butter- mournfully wish for just a little worth believes, is for a young man more. to leave college with a firm con- It might be said of Mr. Masefieldi viction of his social and intellectual that in The Hawbucks he is train- superiority. Up until now, tech- ing his guns on England. Certain-; nical knowledge has been consid- ly he is laughing at much of it andI ered a primary requisite for busi- the laugh extends all through thei ness success, but this new emphasis book. It is a story of pre-war Eng-t on =creative thinking and personal- land, and of that section still fasti E ity marks a distinct advance in the in the bonds of the eighteenth cen-t position of business men 'toward tury, where agriculture has not yetz those just entering the field. In given way to factory and whereG view of the keen competition that men still ride horses hard and forc exists in this dynamic age where pleasure. His pictures of rural life thinking must never lag behind the not only offer in splendid settingj fastest moving machine, it is sur- the English moor, the peasant and1 prising that such an attitude has land-owner, but the sounds and< never before been evidenced. color that accompany and give tonei Success does not depend on social as well, local color tinted to per- prestige, and the sooner students fection. graduating frdzn college.realize this, George Childrey comes back° the sooner they will advance be- home to take charge of his inher- yond their fellows. It is much bet- ited ancestral estate. He falls in ter to free the mind of can't, learn line with the rest of the young to think and act independently, and blades of the country-side for the develop the personality by associa- favors of Carrie Harridew, and with; tions with all types of people than this situation Masefield finds op-! to assume a seat beside the King portuuity ' ,r much beside a story won through hypocritical snobbery. of country gent E:nen playing their; -0 --hand at love. lHe offers type after! type of folk and jests with them SEditorial Comment pleaantly and uses this jest as a Editoial om' m ent fine silken satire which he threadsa through his story. He pokes fun at BETTER BOOK CLUBS I;Mrs. Cothill who, like Horace Wal- pole, wanted to recreate the Gothica Perhaps no finer example of dis- mood into her home. And her criminating American intelligence home, as a, result, is a cheerless has been afforded than that of the Medieval castle, quite romantic and book clubs. Overnight, as it were, unreal. "I never feel," says Car- more than two hundred thousand rie, that Mrs. Cothill is quite real. clever readers used rare judgement,. She is always getting into some fic- 1 Noe rore nersed hey be botered. tion or other to escape from what No more need they be , bothered she thinks is the world, but it is about selecting books to read. Com- she hn iherld, i petent judges would weed the eve probablyonlyherliver." ...,v t~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ',* I~ . -- - ~ ---'-T e i Again creating in his special and unenvied field of romantic egotism, Mr. Halliburton has produced an- other volume of favorable com- ments on his invincible courage in the face of superhuman obstacles, tremendous avidity for the elusive and often dangerous truth, and no- ble perseverance in the self-impos- ed task of recreating the high-spots of tropical American history for a forgetful, mundane, and there ra- ther-to-be-despised body of read- ers. As it stands, the thing is facile enough, and the casual reader is carried along by a certain ade- quacy of voluptuous verbiage; but the self-praise, which seems to be the ncneof Ai -n iirnis j { Furs and Fur Coats Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Prices Reasonable E. L. Greenbaum. PERMANENT WAVE and FINGER WAVING MR. MAURICE of Paris, Rome and Budapest Re-Wave, 50c a curl For Appointment Dial 3083 MICHIGAN BEAUTY SHOPPE 448 Spring Street I- Phone 9621 5: t Ut~ t tC ) ? ~ ~ ) t AMAMONA ~--- ----- - -~.~ Thank iin 6* BEAUTY SHOP Roast Goose and Fried Young Chicken Marcel Efect .00 Dressin, Cranberry Sauce Perman t Wave w ith Ringletof r n Ends.I Bread, Potatoes, and Choice of Drink FgeWaeand Shlzinpoo IO ( l 0ii.r iMarcel and Shamzpoo....$1.00 I11:00I Geta. m. to 7 P. m. Manicure 50 O pen Evenings Call 21475 625 Liberty Street ' _ RICE'S RESTAURANT Upsais oerFlower Shop 120 West Liberty St. - - ~ WANT ADS PAY A LA Carte Service 7a. n. to 7 p. m. ....A.... -..DS - - o--Y -->) t ) tc tc tc-< t t '~tc .c ) tc - -4 Lne essence of Mr. Hialiburton, is insulting to most of us who haven't the outlook of a Princetonian gone sufficiently haywire to jump into 1 sacred death pools and swim through the Panama locks on a. tonnage basis. The puzzling feature of the vol- ume is its seeming seriousness in the face of foolishness. On occa- sions the author raises to heights of ridiculous naivete and whimsical invention which we are forced to like almost as much as he does. There can be no doubt that he has j done a lot of worthless but amus- ing things that are good stuff for yarn-spinning, and that gain much in the skillful telling thereof. But through it all the emotional Mr. Halliburton seems to have hypno- tized himself into believing that he is a hero inspired to recapture for the world its lost romance. He moves outside of himself, scarcely able to comprehend the greatness of his own feats. He makes of him- self an extremely uncomfortable martyr, ostensibly for the sake of his cause, in reality for the sake of publicity. If its red hot flow of romanticism and self-adulation is sprayed with the fire hose of rea- son, Mr. Halliburton's new book looks like a charred flake smeared in a big wet drop. Persoiially we have a Weak ti j for :fetion and rather enjoy a Louch of romance. There is also an im- portant place in the literary schemc for adventure and biography. His- tory is another admirable field for the csholar-writer. Publicity is a, rather less honorable employment for the pen-it smacks more of journalism than authorship-- but in this practcal, prosaic world it serves sonic sore of a useful end, and is not utterly to be. despised. Lastly, tastes in style differ, but most of us in our reading have sen- suous moments when we cats en- joy a little purple turgidity: even a description of Mexican mnoun- tains as "unearthly, imnuaciAte poems of grace and .snowv and vio- let mystery." But it is impossible to be so charitable toward a spec- ious hash of history and fiction and romantic, adventurous autobiogra- phy, shot through with enough ego to reduce it to propaganda, and communicated with all the fervor and bombast of an extemporaneous prayer or a minor poet in alcoholic raptures over a purple cow. Cx, C. 'C. I+ +( 'y : x i I i w I I c F 1 1 i' I i I t t i I( I IM .. . . ._ ®_.._. ....... _..w. _..._ ._., ....., .... . _... ...s. _.., ... ...,. rS '4 1 ANNUAL } A /(D f1 Featuring January Reductions in December Am Arbor womuei and misses may now choose the coat or dress they d'sirc and secure full advantages of Jan- tiary Sale Prices. Whether you have been waiting or have not purchased your winter coat or dress this opportunity is otitstanding. All we ask is that you visit us-then you will realize the tremendous price concessions we are making during this, our Annual December Sale. }I x. \ I Jacbo Caats of Quality We realized, however, that the peo- lasting masterpieces from the trip ideThe r ple who really mattered-the 90,- and altruistically see that each sub- ea re 000 who saw those four periods of scriber received the everlasting i tensely-exciting, cleanly played, +masterpiece each month. Not only liers andt hard-fought football-could not does this save time and relieve cries tha I noEurzl help taking a more sportsmanly mental stress but it permits every- ito attitude toward the outcome. one to discuss the same book at is always This faith has been singularly the same time. One is kept thor- really ha justified by a recent article in the oughly conversant with the books a statcm Harvard Athletic Association News everyone reads; one is never guilty will be 1 which to use represents a very high of examining those stale and ex- cause, of ideal of sportsmanship. We take tinct productions of last year. her effect the liberty of quoting: "Michigan Yet the plan needs some perfec- Despite won that football game fairly and tion. As long as the reader per- field then squarely. It took advantage of its mits other people to select his of old wo opportunities. It outscored Harv- books, why not let them also read a repetit ard 14-12. and that happens to be the books for him? Then, instead Dauber. the yardstick by which football vic- of receiving a book each month, he trospectiv tories, moral or otherwise, are mea- would receive a brief review, thus Fox. Th sured. Harvard wanted to win that permitting him to know just as storm inv football game and gave everything I much as he did before and keep up gests aga it had to win. Head Coach Hor- with the current books without ever prose as ween said, 'We have no alibi. Harv- having to bother with opening or rhythm i ard played the best football it knew even looking at one. . This is so J contrastt how.' logical a solution that surely the 1 tional, se "The Harvard players speak in book-club subscribers will not - be the bulkc the highest praise of the Michigan content until they have attained to In thee players. They praise the fight and this new intellectual goal.-Minne- 'ry Carrie, the drive of the Michigan team. sota Daily. sister ins and speak of the clean football -o ' lapses in Michigan plays. The friendliness -------_-preparatic anl sportsmanlike attitude of the -- p s" the non- Michigan players were apparent Campu OpiniOn that "She through every minute of the hard- Contributos are asked to he brief, married;1 ughtmnng theimiscies it( .) s tlaitn :}oo I fought game. Those Michigan men :orda it possible. Anonymous col.i pain to f who met Harvard on that gridiron munications will be disregarded. The justificati names of communicants will, however, at Yost field have done much to be regarded as confidctti. upon re- ad ute eont h ar qet. Ltters Letespublished should rnut be add further renown to the fair construed as epresing the editorial name of their University." opinion of the Daily. VAN LEC Such a statement should make ' IN LEATI those think twice who see in foot- AT THE IOWA GAME ball nothing but a huge business. To the editor: "PeterI It lends timely weight to the ar- He came down to his seat in Row I ten's best __L _a__.._, ,. r- 41..1- ... .1.. 99 1- -hmit f fi, 424 il ~ r n 10 u r4 idicule of the aesthetic the youthful Ethelberta is currence of The Gondo-1 the young poet and artist t "the instant tea came ope art declined. . . . ArtI prefiguring Nature. What pp Ienis is that Art makes ent to Nature vwhat Beauty tomorrow. Nature, the course, will always follow t." the newness in the Mase- me, there is a recurrence rks. In one place there is ion of the story of The The hunt scenes are re- ve glances at Reynard, The e intense realism of the which the hero is lost sug- ain The Dauber and the ssumes a cadence and more effective for their C with the short, conversa- ldom emotional prose of' of the story. end George does not mar- but her illegitimate half tead, and Masefield here continuity. There is no on for this outcome, only commital, dull statement was the woman whom he but it had cost him some ind her." A rather poor on for tragedy. L. R. K. I *~ * * . HTEN HER LIBRAR V Whiffle," Carl Van Vech- known novel, probably,, is 1] , i, i. Here is an exceptional group of fine Travel and Dress Coats. Beautifully fur trimmed, high grade materials and the best of workmanship and finish. Every gar- ment is from our regular stock and pos- itively cannot be duplicated at the price. All sizes for women and misses. Your choice at ~~5O, Fine Jacobson coats of quality and dis- tinction. Coats that regularly sold up to $149. Lavishly trimmed with the finest and Paris replicas. All sizes for women fur, faul ess workmansliip, smart fabrics depicting the newest Fifth Avenue styles and misses. Your choice at only THOUGHT 011 DECEASED PREMIER Georges Clemenceau, the French war-time premier, who died at his home in Paris during the past week, had published a short time before his death, "In the Evening of My Thoughts," a collection of essays on almost every branch of human thought. The book con- tains discussions on psychology, an- thropology, paleontology, astrono- my, politics, religion, metaphysics. and literature. He had no use whatsoever for religion, especially Christianity, and put all his trust in science. "God," he says in one I of the essays, "is nothing but a word bearing no relation to fact... . ... Experimental truth is establish- ed as the only criterion of truth." In another place, he points out: "Life is the implacable law which requires us to atone for our emo- tional pleasures. . . . nevertheless, there is a tremendous drama in it, and the better we understand it the more enjoyable is the spectacle," A short time before his death, the Tiger, firm in his ideals, said: "I am eighty-six years old and I am nearing the end. I approach the portals of death and I see be- fore me the Angel with his trum- notf He savs to me. HaTire vole na. Other Coats Reduced Proportionally Annual Dress Sale Rivals All Others Our Annual December Dress Sale will be an event of unusual importance as are including regular stock dresses for afternoon, evening and street wear. Velvets, satins, crepes, georgettes, and woolen dresses in practically every size for women and misses are included in these three groups. Group I.-Includes values to $29.75 at $500 0 Group II. Includes values to $35.00 at $24500 Group IIl.-Finest frocks depicting the ;season 'a and ever popular black values to $49.50 at newest colors ImI it, - "r- I.S11