THE MIC;HIG DAILY THEMICIGN DIL W UIJUMIMfl ILI~( rN EA~lGRIND~f Veterans Repot to Coach t Farrell as Nucleus for 1929 M~ihigan Teamt BENSONfS CAPTAIN ;h thirty men, about half the. er of candidates usually de- for cross country comnpeti-' it the beginning of the season, z. Steve Farr ell is running the! and Blue barriers- throuaghi workouts in an endeavor to a strong team in this his last at MichiganL sides Captain Benson, ten mnon the squad were mem- of the team. last season. Of Captain Benson, Austin, ow, and Aubrey were the only'l to run in the Conference meet'I will probably form the back-} of the team Coach Farrell -will to develop from this sparce1 vial. ofh wever, Coach F'arrell is olokngj. rds some ofhs sophiomores to sha the desirable quality needed set the lackinq uantity. Both e and F itzgibbons who showed ,y of promise on the freshman, r and outdoor track in the and half mile last year are Ae~d to perform on a par with eterans this fall. Austin and two sophomores are leading ;ther candidates in the imatited etition possible so far. ,vmaster, Hayes, Mueller, Ken- Colby, Dan na, and Feu stel all members of last year's d who should give good "ac- ts of themselves in the coming s. U nsworth, C an e, Chase, sit, Harbison, Crawford, Fv- W\hite, Baldwiin, Lansdale, and a complete the list oaf men who reported to Coach Farrell for BASEBALLERS MAKE 600D (Continued From Page Nine)y Ocean Club that was every bit as good. He also only gave one hit. McAfee's final start of the trip was, against the Tokio Club, and result- e cd in a 4-2 win for the American collegians. An 11-5 victory over Yokaliomia in, which the entire' pitching staff with the exception of Kieg ler worked concluded the trip. Everything was done as in Amer - ica, even as to throwing out the; first ball. This honor fell to Dr. Nt jYokota, president of Meiji Untiver - sity, who was to throw the ball 'to~ Mr. Edwin Neville, charge d'aftairesI of the Amnerican emibassy. That thle presidential pitch; wandered tent fcet from the would be rec'eiver de-! tracted nothing from ther glory of the occasion. 1iEIE HTE CLASSIFEI ADVERTISII4 NOTICE Dentistry, Dorland's Medical Dic-. EJII1~tionary, Dental Pathology and Theropectics and others.: Write W. Bresnahan, 4114 Baker St, _____- Detroit. 1, 2, 31 THR~EE Half State room furnished apartment. block off Packard, near' St, at 812 Mary. 234 stantial; reasonable. Mrs. E. Wood. 725 Haven Ave. 234 LOST LOST-Sigma Tau Beta pin Friday night near Union. Finder please return'to RBox 65 Miihigin TDailv. GARAGE-1 330 Wilmot, for rent. Call 6306. 2 - - - - - - FOR SALE-Scotch Terrier; 14 NOTICE-If -your laundry de--______________ mands that proper home like nmonths;. male; champion puppy care to insure the best wear.I arch Detroit show; house Call 3916. broken;. . inoculated; . splendid MOE LAUNDRY temperament; mascot balltem 204 North Main St. or stud dog. Best blood stream. kC Box No. 101 Michigan Daily. 234 EMMA FISCHER CROSS-Piano and, pipe organ teacher, formerly; FOR RENT of School of Mvusic and extensive study abroad, Studio 610 East FOR RENT-Two suites for mar- Liberty St. Apt, 8. Phone 35661 red couple or for men students. 1, 2, 3 1 308 Thompson. Dial 6116. 1, 2, 3 FOR DINNERS AND TEA PARTIES FOR RENT-One double and one' -Ben Lopez Trio, Classical musicf single room. One half block from that always pleases. Phone 6681. 1 Intramural Bldg.. Rent reason-I 23 . able, Phone 8668, 921 Mary. 1, 2I BUNDLE WASHINGS, Work guar- FOR RiENT-Upperclassman would anteed. Phone 4524. 234 l ike a man to share a large room FOR RENT-Suite for married cou- ple or men students with light 12,3 housekeeping privileges if want- bOST-Golden wheel lighter, ivi- ed. 921 Mary. Phone 8668. 23 tals E. A. C. Lost in Parrot at ROOS--1 dube ad 1sii ,e. 90 Midnight Saturday. Return to per semester. 1230 O)livia. Phone cagn ekGnrlLbay 224.24iReward. 1, 2, 3 -LOST-On campus September 23rd THREE newhad ad chairs. a bowr knot, pin set with vrystals Brown leather e &ihini, sub- and diamonds. Has large senti- mental value. Owner will offer generous reward. Phone 6617. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 LOST-Black grip in front of Unioni Saturady night. Call Chuck~ SWhite. 4418. Reward. 1, 2, LOST-White gold Swiss watch~ with link bracelet. Probably be tween corner of N. U. and State Iand 1332 Geddes. Reward. Phoe I3193. 1, 2, 3 LOST-Cuff link; fiat top; plalin gold; E. A. H. engraved; gift from m other; liberal reward; call cadillac 3464. Detroit. I t t a { J (Continued From Page Nine) on first floor. Very reasonable. ernofte asad h bgFOR SALE Call 425 South Division. 1, 2,3 series ifail from a. new e~- - RRN-agefotro rPAW PAW GRAPES, grape j uice ORRN-agT-Lrefot oo, perience for h-im. and potatoes. R. E. Wagner ort light° and pleasant with extra call 9534 or 22413. 1, 2,3, 4, 5 dressing room and private lava In N the hands of Gordon Coch-' - - --'Itory', double or single, 114 N. In- raepractically rests the outcome FOP SALE-Wood-Wood- Wood. galls. -Phone 7437. 1, 21 of the series. This brilliant: re- R. E. Wagner. Phone 9534 or - - ______---___ ceiver, wonder man of the Atl, - i 22413.' 1, 2, 3,4, 5.6 BRIGHTP WARM ROOM - Either! letics, is far > uperior to anythig- --u___ ________ single or double. Half block from1 the Cub 'have to offer unless it b e F 0 S A L E-Gray's Anatomy, Union; '511 Cheever Court. Dial'. Gabby Hartnett, which is unlikely. i~hrcnTs ol fOeaie 53.24 It ;is a break of baseball the Chica -- go star will be kept on the bench and that the Cubs will be ?orceclto- string along. with Zach Taylor and Mike Gonzales, both old timers, r_ The hurling saf are very HK ' -AVE Us: nearly even, with 'both possess-k1E ing the type of tw ik; calculat- Phone ed to bother the o th er, Grove.'. K is (better than arty other-left- hander i'at ,which the Cubs i 1,have'40 1lIi\ u{ 40 looked, while Fareshaw shouldt prove very effective againkst the me ! T bevy of right handed batters t~a1Ii4 NI\\ that the Cub lineuip offers \t. iui1 11 Quinn, Rommnell and lEhnke, L --______ too, should fool the Cubbs.I On the other hand, the Cubs will S E IL7D Y pit f'our star righthanders against Blkehe aleticushaRootgurng1Cash and Carry{ thke e tMletBusharootguangd en & Sus. that Bush will be easy, just as the D,=Cla . Cubs should like the offerings ofg M6n'8 Overcoats Wleg.The others, however,fo Gete n Men's, Topco ats shold llbe hard to beat. The o Get m nj team- with the breaks will take the $.00O. series, as other factors are prac- tically even, i w___ __________________________ I F I. rk c ' j, O', ca ? '.** 'Ji Iy vl: w \ 4 ;':: apt Uelicldus an dRefreshift IZ~fH U[ $-fI1, 111 aIl yID > :: { :::;, : . i ,R ce, ( FOR SATURDAY'S GAME (Continued From Page Nine) At present these men are being t through hard drills in offense an attemnpt to match the,. fast nning attac k which Mt. Pleasant reputed to have, The Normai ami showed well in their 2'1-6' de- gat of the Detroit Tech outfit last it'urday, and Coach Courtri ht is ixious to defeat them, Coach imi Miller of the 1933 eshmnan squad will bring his pro- =ges over to the "B3" teamnfildc is afternoon in order to give jach Courtrighlt's men a ciiance, btry ouit the plays whic~h they' ),se received. Athougah it wil bel -y the second time that ytari- Lgs have met Coach Miller pre- ' lets that his men W~14 furnish 1ety of trouble for the upper assnien , After lookding his men over- Coach ourtright stated that With a lot bardi work his prospects ort turn- Lg out -a wininig team again this ason look-ed fairly good. *