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November 28, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-28

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Illinois Professor of Pediatrics'
Leads Discussion at Meeting
J Backed by*Couzens Fund.

Coast Guard Cutter
Returns From Arctic
Crew Saves Many Lives During,
Visit to Northern3
(By Associated Press)
The coast guard cutter Northland,
displaying a log filled with ac-
counts of various adventures duringI
her six-month cruise of Arctic wa-
ters, was back in winter anchorage

FORMER SENATOR Farm Board Approves'
ENTERS CONTEST Western Cooperation
Merger Is Expected to Handle
Two Hundred Million
Bushels of Wheat.
(By Associated Press)
FARGO, N. D., Nov. 27 - The
.Northwest Grain Co-operative, an
organization of all of the farmers'
; ' elevator association pools and co-




First of Series of Conferences
to Demonstrate Advances


in Child Betterment.
Addressing a conference held at
the University hospital Tuesday
morning, Dr. Julius H. Hess, profes-
sor of pediatrics in the University
of 11-nois Medical school, spoke on
the diseases of- infancy and child-
hood. The conference was conduct-
ed under the auspices of the Cou-;
zens Children fund of Michigan andP
directed by the University Medicalf
school, in conjunction with the
Michigan State Medical society.
Doctor Hess spoke on "Diseases
of the Alimentary Tract of Infancy
and Childhood." He presented a,
workable classification of conditions
commonly seen with practical me-
thods of treatment. A round table
discussion was held after the talk.
Should Talk To Child.
Miss Frances Floore, of the diet-
etic department of the University
hospital addressed the gathering on
the- subject of "The Teaching of
Diet to Children." Miss Floore de-
monstrated the beneficial results
accruing from explaining to the
child 'suffering from a particular
disease many of the details of his
condition together with the rea-
sons for treatment. "In order to
obtain the greatest possible co-op-
eration of the child in effecting a
cure," Miss Floore said, "he must
know about his disease and know
what foods to eat and from what
foods to abstain."
After luncheon, talks were given
by .Dr. David M. Cowie, professor
of pediatrics and infectious dis-
eases; Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of
dermatology and syphilology; Dr.
Moses Cooperstock, instructor in
pediatrics and infectious diseases;
and Guy L. Kiefer.
Have Worked For Year.
The conference was the first of
a series of demonstrations request-
ed by the Couzens Fund committee
for the purpose of bringing the best
methods of and latest developmf'nts
in the care and the problems of the
child to the cognizance of the medi-
cal profession. For the past year,
the University Medical school has
been united with the State Medical
Society in developing extra-mural
post graduate education and the
conference held Tuesday was a
manifestation of the work being
done by these bodies along the line
of child care and development.
' The Couzens fund, sponsor of the
'clinics, was established last year by
Senator Couzens for the express
purpose of bettering the conditions
of infancy and childhood. Senator
Couzens endowed ten million dol-
lars with the stipulation that it be,
used up within twenty-five years,
or at an expenditure of $700,000 a
Green dinks, the traditional in-
,signia of the freshmen at the uni-
versity, and the green flowers worn
by; the freshmen women have been
replaced by green and white but-
tons bearing the slogan "Help us
help you."

here today. She returned Tuesday
from her seasonal trip to the Arc-
tic which required 14,000 miles of
sailing. Among the achievements I
of the vessel's crew, outside of regu- [
lar duties were: '
Rescue of 15 shipwrecked sailors
from the Norwegian ship Elisif.
They were stranded on the Siberian
Rescue of two soldiers of the
Russian White Army, starving on a!
bleak 'island in the Bering sea.
Rescue of the disabled walrus
hunting schooner Dorothy, which!
was towed 100 miles to port for re-
Rescue of Trader Jim Allen and'
30 Eskimos starving at Wainwright.
They were taken to walrus fields
where the Eskimos launched skin
boats and shot walrusses for food..
Rescue of Pilot Bennet - of an
Alaskan commercial airplane ser-
vice, forced down on an island.
, When, asked what his men did
for diversion during the northern
cruise Commander Edward D.
Jones said they read magazines to !
get thrills.
Clements Library Has
New Bible Collection
Three Bibles, the first to be
printed in America in a foreign
language, are now in the possession
of the William L. Clements library.
They were printed in German by
Christopher Saur of Germantown,
Pa., the first in 1743, the second in
1763, and the last in 1776. Because
the Oxford Press had a monopoly
on Bibles edited in English, the first
American printers had to issue
them in foreign languages for a
time, or not at all.
Curiously enough, the third edi-
tion of tloe Saur Bible is the rarest.,
The unbound sheets were stored in
his Germantown office when the
British troops entered. In need of
gun waddingathe soldiersusedumost
of these leaves, and consequently
not many are bound.
The library also owns the first
American Bible, edited by John
Unfortunately, it was printed in the
Eliot in 1663 at Cambridge, Mass.
In ian language and can be read
y only a few scholars today.
Portia Literary Society won an!
inter-society debate with the Adel-
phi House of Representatives Tues-
I day night in the Adelphi room, on
the topic: "Resolved: that univer-
sity entrance requirements include
standards in addition to those of
scholarship." Registrar Ira E. Smith
was judge of the debate.
The enrollment at Northwestern
(University this year is larger than
ever before. It has increased to
11,000 students.

operatives in the spring wheat area,
with the exception of the Farmers'I
Union Terminal association and the
North Dakota - Montana Wheat!
Pool, was set up early today under
plans of the federal farm board.
It is the amalgamated co-opera-
tive which, will deal directly with
the Farmers' National Grain cor-
poration and the farm board in be-
half of the farmers in this sec-
The unit of membership will be
the local elevators and warehouses
in the farming districts, each being
entitled to one share of stock for
every 1,000 bushels of wheat han-
If the articles and by-laws are
approved by the government agen-
cies and the Farmers' National
Grain corporation, the Northwest
Grain Co-operative becomes the

TO DISCUq I. sS PLANS Another in the series of exhbitionIC
in the architectural school, this one,
Development of Mathematical in the form of a display of advertis Three Main Structures Erected
Science to be Considered toters b th h d nd fw iex at Biological Station,
. at Meeting Here. hibition room of the architectural Says La Rue.
SESSIONS OPEN FRIDAY! These posters, about 50 in num- NEW FLOORS ARE LAID
Plans will be discussed pertaining ber, were secured by Dr. F. S. On- Work on the University Biological
to an exposition of the develop- derdonk and Prof. Ernest Wilby, of Station at Douglas Lake, Cheboy-
I + [the architectural faculty, while
men t of mathematical science dur- yigan county, closed November 14,
ing the past hundred years at the travelling in Europe this summer. with the construction program vir-
two hundred seventy-third meet- Seven o the 50 are examples of tually completed. "Last year," said
inE fteAeicnMteaia English posters of 1904. These were' aycmltd Ls er"si
ing of the American Mathematic loaned for the exhibition by Dr. w. Prof. G. R. LaRue, director of the
Society which will be held in Ann B. Hinsdale, of the University Mu- camp, "ended the pioneer perior of
Arbor tomorrow and Saturday. seum. In addition there are several 21 years. Beginning this next sum-
,mer we will have a really adequate
The exposition will be held in American-made posters. staion with accommoati for
connection with the World's Fair in The posters obtained by Professor 'more students and visiting investi-
Chicago, in 1933, according to Prof. Wilby are from England and Hol-
Gibet nieri-land, while those which were! gators."
Gilbert Ames Bliss of the Universi- brought back bysDr.wOnderdonk The three new main buildings,
ty of Chicago. Professor Bliss has represent the type of advertising dining hall, botany laboratory, and
beer appointed by trustees of the posters used in France, Switzerland, zoology laboratory, are finished.
Fair to have charge of this work, Austria, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia, All of the 99 buildings which the
and he has written to members of and Germany. 'tprogram necessitated moving are
the Mathematical Society asking Most of the posters are in color, in their new locations, and concrete
that they consider the matter at and are reproductions of etchings
the meeting here this week. and photographs. They portray residence buildings. The other im-
"A number of suggestions have al- buildings of historical and architec- provements consist of the complet-
ready been gathered from casual tural interest and also particularly ed street grading, a new water tank
interviews and discussions," accord-I inviting spots of the landscape. and the laying of several hundred
ing to Professor Bliss. Some of the These advertising posters are feet of water mains, and the ex-
subjects which are being consid- ! circulated by the various travel tension of the sanitary system by
- - ..1. - - V--- the addition of a new se tic tank

Joseph S. Frelinghuysen
Former United States senator,,
who has announced his entrance'
into the -race for the Republican
senatorial nomination of New Jer-
Pre-medical Students
Must File Applications
Dean John R. Effinger, of the lit-
erary college announces the receipt
of a letter from New York univer-
sity, requesting that all literary
students of the University who' in-
tend to study medicine at New
York school next year file applica-
tions for admission there before
March 1, 1930.
Dean Effinger cites the request,
which is made to give the New Yofk
university medical school time for
a careful selection of students, as
an example of the over-crowded
conditions which are the general
case at medicine schools over the
country, as well as at the Univer-
Students who intend to study
medicine at New York next year
are expected to communicate with
Edgar S. Tilton, chairman of thes
committee of admissilon there, for
information regarding the admis-
sion requirements.
Five Big Forest Fires
Take Additional Men
(By Associated Press)
GRANT'S PASS, Oregon, Nov. 27
-All available men attached to the
forest department in this district,
most of whom were released two
weeks ago, probably will be called
back into service today to com-
bat five incendiary fires which were
reported to have been started in
Siskiyou National forest Tuesday
The fire situation in the Siski-
you forest was said to be worse
than at any time previously this
Incendiary fires were reported by
ranger's still at their stations in the
forest and word that incendiarism
had been added to physical fire
hazards came at a time when offi-
cials of the United States forest
service here believed the situation
much improved.
- - s




unit of membership in the National. ered for the exposition are: Mathe-
If it becomes a going concern, matics in Navigation, Electrical
as representatives predicted., it ; Communication, Computing Ma-
would mean the elimination of chines, Mathematical Models, The
state elevator associations, terminal Adler Planetariu, Statistical. The-
associations and pools, the mem- ories, and others.
bership' being concentrated entirely Professor Bliss suggested that the
in farmers' local elevators. combined summer meetings of the #
Those who agreed to the merger American Mathematical Society{
declared the new co-operative and the Mathematical Association
woujld handle at least 200,000,000 of America be held in Chicago in
bushels of hard spring wheat in 1933.
the northwest. This would mean i The program has been completed
the greater part of the spring wheat for the two day meeting of the
area production, the crop ranging Mathematical Society. Friday aft-
around 280,000,000 bushels yearly. ernoon Prof. Tomlinson Fort of Le-
A temporary board of directors high University will discuss "The,
was chosen, but the personnel was General Theory of Factorial Series,"
not announced. and Prof. L. M. Graves of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will talk on "Dis-
Odd Requests Received continuous Solutions in the Calcu-
for Special Bulletins lus of Variations."
Many of the faculty members of
Requests for special bulletins the mathematics department are
Rqu ssd for Rseal bullet- members of the society, and since
published by the Research depart- this is the, first meeting to be held
ment of the enginering college are here in the last ten years excep-
received . from aLl corners of the tional interest is being taken in the
earth. Some time ago a request program. Members of the Univer-
came from the French Bombing sity faculty who will take part 'in
Squadron inhIraz, Messopotamia the program are: Prof. C. J. Coe,
for the bulletin, "Flight Test Pro- N. C. Fisk, J. R. Abernethy, W. D.
cedure," and more recently a sword Barter, Prof. George Y. Rainich,
manufacturing company in this and V. C. Poor.
country requested a bulletin relat-
ing to chromium plating. UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA-Not
These bulletins are sent out un- to be outdone by stubble faced men
der the direction of Donal H. I of the campus, two sororities on the
Haines of the journalism depart- campus headed a movement to show
ment. Throughout the year a num- their confidence that Indiana would
ber of professors of the engineer- beat Ohio State in their annual
ing college direct research work for football game. Members of one of{
manufacturing concerns, and upon the sororities founded a no-cos-

agencies of these various countries
in an effort to encourage travel.
Modern reproducing processes have1
made it possible to print posters of
this type very clearly and in a mul-
titude of gay, attractive colors:
hence they are extensively used for
advertising purposes.
Miss Eleanor Brannan
to Speak Here Sunday,
Lecturing on the subject "Is War
Preventable?" Miss Eleanor Bran-
nan, assistant secretary of the No-
tional Council for the Prevention of
War, will appear. at 4:00 o'clock,
Sunday, December 1, in Lane Hall.
Miss Brannan has been touring
the country on a series of similar
lectures, and was recently barred
from speaking at a church assem-
bly of Armistice Day in Milwaukee
at the request of the D. A .R. and
the American Legion. These organ-
izations did not give their reason
for objecting to the lecture, it is1
stated, merely announcing that
their members would not attend.
The talk is sponsored here joint-
ly by the International Committee
of the Student Christian Associa-
tion and the Tolstoi league.
It is said that former pickpock-
ets and safe crackers will lecture
at the University of Chicago's
school of police administration.
This is an attempt to attack the
problems of the criminals against
which it is directed.,

and more sewer lines. What little
work yet needs to be done will be
finished next spring before the
opening of the station.
The cottage of the late Professor
Merrick, a staff member of the old
Camp Davis for engineers which is
the present site of the biological
station since the removal of the en-
gineers to Wyoming, will not be
disturbed, according to Dr. LaRue.
A bronze tablet was placed on the
stone fireplace, which he himself
built, by engineering students a few
years ago.
Dutch Rubber Planter
Makes New Discoveries
(By Associated Press)
BATAVIA, Java, Nov. 27-A for-
mer Dutch rubber planter of Java,
Jules Bosch, claims that after 12
years' experimentation he has dis-
covered rubber cultivation methods
greatly increasing production and
lowering costs.
I-is discoveriesfinclude a new
tapping knife which does not injure
the trees, a new tapping method
resulting in higher latex volume
with maintenance of the trees'
health, 'and a new system of tap-
ping for three days, and three days
of rest. A few experimental trees
have shown 100 per cent increased
Blue grass is so called from its
bluish green stem,. It is famous in

completion of the work a bulletin
is prepared by the research publi-
city department concerning the
findings. These bulletins are sent
to exchange librar es, !pofessors,
and individuals who make applica-
tion for them.
The 25,000,000 candle - power
light at the ligthouse in York bay
may be seen 50 miles.

metic club, its purpose being to re-
frain from the use of all cosmetics
until Indiana wins. Another group
lent their support to the No-Shave
club by refusing dates with the
beardless campus sheiks.
The first East-West football game
was played in 1899 when the Car-
lisle Indians journeyed to San
Francisco to defeat California 2-0.

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